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8 years ago

Waking up to Mark Twain and Toby, ready for play time, is a good day to me.

8 years ago

Poor Toby nobody gives her toys that she can destroy, our dog, Brewster has ample toys some he destroys the first day and others he keeps forever. . He learned to play with soccer from a friends dog so some of his favorite toys are balls he kicks around the house.



Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Mark and Kurt…brothers of a different Mother…word twins.   B-lo ad I noticed trump is talking dog food…must have noticed that Clinton bragged about spending time with her dogs while recouping.  He is the king of ‘one-upsmanship.’

I hate being scared that trump may win…the sanders crowd was the first to chant ‘Lock her up!’  sanders is on tv talking trump defeat…no clinton elevation.  He still is the trojan horse of the nationalists…trump is also a nationalist…I noticed in a few recent speeches that trump has been labeling Clinton as a ‘globalist.’  There is the fight…world billionaires using us as pawns in their Risk game.   In all honestly, most humans do not know the difference between a uni-lateral or a bi-lateral trade agreement…or even understand a regional trade agreement.  We also have friends in these agreements…Australia comes to mind for the TPP.  The US of AA has a huge western coastline that is perfect for receiving and sending goods to Asia.  It seems the east coast of the US of AA wants some of that container change…building bigger ships for the eastern port that usually get European trade.  Billionaires wanting more and they are not going to share.   They need to build the middle class again so they can get them to pay for everything.

8 years ago

Nice thing about Kong toys: flexible enough to chew but indestructible. Whsky, dog soccer should be an Olympic event.

8 years ago

patd…  great Mark Twain quote…  and oh so true.

Craig…  so glad to know that you and your dad are enjoying Toby so much.  My niece recently told me of a company called Chewy for my pet needs.  They are awesome!

8 years ago

Sue has a pit bull/black lab. Despite being recently spayed, her favorite snack is dried bull testicles.

On a less OMG note, happy anniversary to those who are so blessed. And with that, I am off to Cleveland for the weekend with the photo glued to the real c-note. He will enjoy it.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Buy some pupperoni treats…industrial bag available at wholesale clubs.  B-lo has learned many tricks with the treats as she can shake all four legs.  She used to go to the assisted living facility and do her circus tricks for the residents.  Everyone can benefit from pets — whatever the pet…cats, dogs, pigs, birds, lizards.  Animals teach us how to love.  Animals also show us the abusers for whom we must always be vigilant.

Thanks, patd…love the O-mann, used to be my fav pet commentator.

8 years ago

Have a good and safe trip Flatus. Beware those deplorables out there.

8 years ago

I had to try a bunch of different toys to kep my dog from chewing up my old socks, until I realized old socks are cheaper than new dog toys. Now, she’s happy, and my feet are always looking fly.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

thanks, patd…I get it, bern, but no mention of Clinton in the first comment link…I just edited this to let you know I read the second comment, patd…thx.

As for the media dialog here in the US of AA?  Look to the brexit vote and murdoch and company, the Sun.  Brits living in the past believing from the olden days that ‘The Sun never sets on the British Empire’, the sun appeared to be owned by them.  Now the sun has set on the british isles of the almost, let’s make Britain, Great Britain again.  Shore-up the shoreline and isolate into nationalism.  The Sun had endorsed the brexit and although I haven’t seen a copy in years, I remember kr murdoch always had photos of buxom beauties woven into tabloid news stories — a trend beginning  in 1969.  Today the concept continues with faux news beauties in short skirts with surgically altered lips to look like talking va-jay-jays.  My BIL always believes news that comes out of those type of lips!  The new media…in depth reporting takes on a new meaning.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

bink…a recycled plastic water bottle inside of a sock makes a great toy.  Crunchy and chewy.

8 years ago

Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm.  Mud bug omelette and grits and STRONG coffee with chicory for breakfast. Life is good.

8 years ago

“a recycled plastic water bottle inside of a sock makes a great toy.  Crunchy and chewy.”


-she considers that an extraction speed challenge.  7 secs.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

bink…keep the sock monkeys away from your dog!

8 years ago

I was forced to be in a room with Fucks’ News playing, yesterday.  It was like being held in Guantanamo.  O’Reilly is shilling some shit book he is pretending he wrote about Harry Truman or some shit.  We’re doomed.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

pogo…relocated yankee on the border had to google ‘mud bug.’  I get it, but also ran into the urban dictionary definition.

8 years ago

Good to see we’re all dog people, here.  Because, cats??

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

pogo…I remember reading about soldiers from the south that were stationed at the trinity site during WWII here in New Mexico.  When they saw scorpions?  They thought they were crawdads!  Now that would be an omelet with a sting!

8 years ago

O’Reilly is like a 21st century Rob Popiel, but instead of taking advantage of old and dumb peolple by selling them something that’s actually useful, like a rotisserie oven, he is clogging landfills of the future with shitty fake history books.


Ok, bow wow wow, yippie-yo, yippie-yay, bink-dog in the house saying, “have a good day”.

8 years ago

A  Happy Anniversary to both Mr. & Mrs. Pogo…  and both Mr. & Mrs. Jack!

Bink…  I’ve had both cats and dogs…  love them both.  But now that we are retired and a bit more free with our time, I prefer cats.  They don’t tie one down anywhere near as much as dogs do.

8 years ago

Pogo, sounds goooood, gotta get me some chicory. Here at Southern Command I had dad’s always perfectly poached eggs on English muffin with a side of Kentucky hickory smoked bacon we keep in stock from broadbenthams.com.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Many cat people here, bird people…wild animal people, too.  I have the luxury of an open bird aviary in my backyard…I watch the membrane of the wild and the domesticated animals fluctuate every day, month, year between my yard and the arroyo.   I have seen feral cats, fox and rock squirrel gangs gain the upper hand only to die-off some years.  The birds are stunning…the roadrunner and hummingbirds are favorites.  In my area, there are 17 types of hummingbirds that pass through this area.  This year I had to put two feeders up.  Roadrunners never fail to intrigue me and they are runners…not great fliers (more like gliders).  They are very curious, too.  I have had both hummingbirds and roadrunners look in my house windows — much to the displeasure of my late indoor cats.  At my house, we screened-in a portion of the patio so the cats could be outside without the dangers of the arroyo.  I enjoy the wildlife.

8 years ago

I knew we had some interlopurrs.


…couldn’t resist.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

the elder Crawford make ‘perfectly poached eggs.’  What is his method, Craig?

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

you are not as familiar with the pet hiss-tory here, bink!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Our Kong story –Matan the wonder welsh terrier chewed off the top and swallowed it.  Surgery was required.

Donald Trump is not going to reverse himself on the birth certificate issue he is going to claim victory he forced the president to reveal something but he will go to say who really knows

The media and the rest of us has been suckered

Bob Shrum really! he should be considered a gooper

8 years ago

KGC, sorry to hear that. I had read about such horror stories and did my best to avoid any that are prone to that. Also keep close watch for any breaches. They say throw them out at the first sign of torn rubber.

8 years ago

Blonde, he just boils water with a touch of vinegar, turns down the heat, dumps the eggs in and after a few minutes scoops them out with a slotted spoon.  Looks so easy when he does it but I have not gotten it quite right yet.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

vinegar is the key and a good stir…I hoped it would be in your DNA, Craig.

Mr Love goes to ‘gitmo!’   Hacker from ‘Make Britain, Great Britain Again’is being extradited to US of AA for cyber shaming our systems.  Just kidding about gitmo, but it might be a great place for hacker cybercriminals.

8 years ago

By the way at the VA yesterday we celebrated with the oncologist and her staff — Two years after radiation he’s still cancer free! We gave them a chocolate pie from Perkins.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

congrats to your Dad, Craig…good news.

giant trump press release now running on cable…deplorables with medals.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

congrats to Dad and his team — continued good reports


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The media — also known as the Trump handmaidens

covering a lot of bullshit and pretending there is a story in there

how embarrassing for people who think of themselves as journalists and now are nothing but used up tissue

8 years ago

Yep Blonde, KGC, how can you beat a free cancer cure for only the cost of a chocolate pie? If that’s socialized medicine I’ll take it.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

yep, puzzled and used journalists promoting the empty suit.  Media deplorables.  No amount of redemption can save us from these fools.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Deplorables with medals comparing trump to first president, George ‘I cannot tell a lie’ Washington — his whole campaign is a lie…so sad we are media abused with this publicity craft of trump.  This offensive man who owes apologies to women, humans of color, etc., won’t happen.  Rape?  Feeling used?  And the deplorables compare him to the first president.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

just this summer…sheriff joe revives birther supporters during trump visit.

8 years ago

So is the story “Racists are awarded medals too”?

Sad fact there  is enough information out there that nobody has an excuse.

If you want to call yourself a deplorable and hang with the racists, then that means you probably are one too.

Its why I closed my family facebook account over 3 years ago. Things were getting that crazy


8 years ago

Supporting Trump is code between paranoid whites that they are unapologetic racists.  We all get it.

8 years ago

Now that we’ve covered chew toys, let’s talk dog food. Are fancy brands like Nature’s Variety ($55 for a 25lb bag) really worth it, compared to name brands like Purina One Smart Blend for half the price?

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

In 2012 Trump promised to give $5,000,000 to charity if it was proven that President Obama was born in the United States.  I assume he will be writing checks today.

8 years ago

Bink, in  answer to your Q, I thought the WMD truck in the pics Powell showed looked suspiciously like a grocery or ice cream truck. However, I knew that saddam possessed poison gas and used it against the Iranians and Kurds. War criminal jim baker acted as saddam’s goebbels, by swearing up and down that ‘our friend’ saddam never used gas. I knew that baker never talked into a mic unless he had a lie so whopping big to tell that he couldn’t trust cap weinberger or john connolly to do the job. I also knew that the BBC and Janes attributed the sudden mass deaths to saddam. I knew that many US service people who fought in Gulf Fiasco I came down with a disease that acted like gas poisoning. So, I reasonably figured that saddam still had poison gas in his arsenal.

Against this, I figured that the inspectors should be allowed to finish their search for evidence of a nuclear arms program. I didn’t see the need to rush. The rush seemed fishy (in hind sight, was it about the expiration of an oil/dollar straddle, one which put the bush crime family in danger of losing vast fortunes ?) The yellow cake story looked preposterous to me. It probably did to Powell also. con rice might have been able to tell him the truth, but she didn’t work for him. She worked for the arch criminal cheney.

If the use of poison gas wasn’t sufficient reason to invade Iran, I thought we should sit in Kuwait and wait for the nuclear inspectors. Even with an embargo on Iranian oil, the world spot price fell to $13/bbl. Obviously, the bush/cheney junta needed that war and carnage to save the Texas oil barons and themselves.

In short, I trusted Powell, but still didn’t see an immediate NATIONAL need to re-invade Iraq.

8 years ago

Congratulations to Mr Crawford on remaining cancer-free. I got the same report about my esophagus yesterday.


Non sequitur : how do ‘intelligent design’ propagandists explain cancer ?

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Any decent American will condemn Donald Trump!!!

8 years ago

I’m an all animals people.  If it were possible to have a pet giraffe, I would.  In the meantime, I have cats.  Easy to care for and when you get tired of them, you just file them away.

8 years ago

Bink…  🙂

Good on Mr. Crawford…   good on you too Xrep!

Craig…  I can’t speak about dog food.  Last time I bought it, I bought cheap because that was all we could afford on a librarian’s salary.  I now buy premium cat food…  Wellness.  When Rick started to make high tech money and I switched from cheap to premium food…  I noticed a huge difference in the softness of my cats’ coats.  I know if you ask a vet they will tell you that cheap food is garbage.  So it would be a good idea to ask Toby’s vet.

8 years ago

Congrats to all you cancer survivors.

I seeTrump has remained the same lying asshole he’s been throughout the campaign. How in the name of God is he almost even with Clinton nationally? I would ask whether people are stupid but that answers itself. The question really is how stupid can people be? Trumpf’s candidacy is answering that question.

8 years ago

patd….   I buy Wellness because my cats LOVE it.  When I asked my vet, she told me to buy whatever premium food they like best.  I now have only 2 cats.  One is 17 yrs. old and still thriving.  The other is 12 yrs old and acts like a kitten.  BTW…  I feed them both wet and dry.  My vet told me that was alright too.

8 years ago

Unwinding a Lie: Donald Trump and ‘Birtherism’
Michael Barbaro

Much has been made of Mr. Trump’s casual elasticity with the truth; he has exhausted an army of fact-checkers with his mischaracterizations, exaggerations and fabrications. But this lie was different from the start, an insidious, calculated calumny that sought to undo the embrace of an African-American president by the 69 million voters who elected him in 2008.
In the end, it seemed, Mr. Trump’s plot to diminish Mr. Obama did not succeed. On Friday, the president of the United States seemed much bigger.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Pogo – mmmm yum.  If I had deployed to LA there would have been an issue with me eating those instead of MRE’s.

Craig – I have been trying to make “decent” or “acceptable”  poached egg since the mid-sixties.  Even trying the recipes and methods of the most wonderful person I know of, Julia Child even with her method I end up with a discombobulated white and blob egg.

At what point does the media give up on being pawns?  A few of them may have reached it with today’s drumpf hotel advertisement.  I am still waiting for the media to stop covering the bloater.

I hope HRC takes care of herself.  Even though she feels good part of the time, if she does too much she will go backward/downhill.

8 years ago

My dog is on Wellness, also.  She deserves the good stuff.  If you’re portioning properly, it works out to less than $1 a day.  Money well spent.

I’ve heard a lot of negatives about the brand you mentioned, by the way, and despite that that price seems high. Get the loyalty cards and watch for the recurring discounts.

Oh, veggies are ideal snacks, if your dog likes them. A treat should be thumb-sized not hand-sized. It’s silly to buy premium food and garbage-quality treats, obviously. You can confirm that with your vet, I’m not one.

…and ANOTHER thing! Feeding is a bonding and training opportunity, so i recommend forming a ritual around it. You’ll notice that people who just dump food in a bowl and walk away rarely have good control of their dogs, and for a reason.

Pardon me.


8 years ago

I’ll take that as a “no”, xr… 😛


“Any decent American will condemn Donald Trump!!!” -OD



8 years ago

I’m a decent American.

America can’t afford to have an illegal alien become the first lady.

8 years ago

She wants to take your 2nd Amendment rights away. Lying.

Bodyguards. Disarm. Idiot.  Same secret service protection he has. A$$hole.

8 years ago

I’ve had dogs and cats seems like forever……Daughter gave us a cat. And a dog…….the cat is mine…..

But the dog is a yorkie poo.

8 years ago

The cat thinks I am Zeus.

8 years ago

Stupid cat………of course I’m Zeus.

8 years ago

Zois, eh ? Well, I’m The Spaghetti Monster.

8 years ago

Just look at the sauce on my shirt.

8 years ago

Trump: We should take guns away from Clinton’s bodyguards and ‘see what happens to her’

David Nir
She’s very much against the Second Amendment. She wants to destroy your Second Amendment. Guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is—she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before. I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right? Right? I think they should disarm—immediately. What do you think? Yes? Yes. Yeah. Take their guns away! She doesn’t want guns. Take their—let’s see what happens to her.
This kind of eliminationist rhetoric is at once terrifying and destructive. It’s the same kind of call to stochastic terrorism that’s inspired killers to murder abortion providersand drove Yigal Amir to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin—all the while allowing those blowing on that whistle to disclaim all responsibility.
But make no mistake about it: Trump is calling for violence to be perpetrated against his political opponent. This kind of talk is beyond unacceptable, and Trump should be drummed out of public life altogether. That won’t happen, though, and the Republican Party will have to live with this shameful stain forever.
And god forbid something should happen, that’ll be 100 percent on Donald Trump.
You can find video below.

8 years ago

No guns for SecServ ? Kaine gets elected 3-1. Federal background checks, gun registration, and gun owner registration would follow. trumpolino would have to go into hiding. Maybe in Sicily.

8 years ago

Hey – been off the Trail Mix grid for a few days – busy as hell at school educating our future ;o)

Geez – I just want to slip away in a cryo tank until this is all over.  It never ends.  Always the “razor tight race – tune in for full coverage” from the media.  I see the RCP polls and the 538 stuff – simply want to throw up.

I guess the first thing to do is to question to overall validity and predictability of the polls.  Are they reaching the right people?  Cell phones?  Cell phones owned by younger voters?  Are they asking the right questions, or questions designed to produce enough wiggle room to pull the race tighter?

Perhaps the debates will spiral things into a closing mode for this, this, well I can’t even describe what this election is.

8 years ago

This is the kind of stuff being posted by the alt.right.  This was posted by the guy who was my best friend through high school.  I was the best man at this wedding.  Words have no description.

8 years ago

OK – so maybe there’s a lighter side to be utilized here?

8 years ago

DV, amazing ain’t it?  I guess we take different roads…and some of them (hopefully ) are dead ends.

8 years ago

Pogo – yea it is.  I keep trying to reach out to my friend.  I think 30 years in a major metro police department really screwed up his perspective.  He REALLY believes Obama is a Muslim, born in Kenya, trying to get Islamic law into the US, etc . . .  He thinks Trump is the real deal answer to America’s problems.  Maybe he’s right – but I don’t think so.  I have a fancy University education – perhaps I would be a lot more comfortable and happy believing the way he does – but I don’t think so – and I just cannot ever get there with logic and reason.  Maybe I’m a Hippy at heart.  And maybe we’ve had this level of divisiveness over our history.  I know what intense opposition did to Andy Jackson’s wife.  Sometimes I feel so sad knowing how my friend and his friends feel – but that’s the human condition I guess.

8 years ago

Finally got around to writing a new blog article I’m Sorry I Was Wrong  The very big upside is that it gave me an excuse to post a wonderful Billy Eckstine song.