User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
New Trump Ad..
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
Little Marco was correct…look at those trump hands…like a man who is 5’2″ according to LM. A man with hands like that cannot be prez no matter how many phony optics he produces.
Remember those days when the best the republicans could come up with against Obama was “he talks like a professor”? I only heard six second sound bites of what Obama said yesterday, but, I enjoyed it with a great relish.
the turdnado that former breitbart shapiro bitterly predicted is in full swing…I have been cleaning-up after watching the morning feed on cable news…I have moved to the weather channel where the first tropical storm has formed over Florida…how is that climate change working out for the southeast US of AA? And out of Tass (so much like that familiar russian paper instead of the foxy RT news) a story out of the show Zoo — polar bears takeover weather station. How is that climate change working out at the ruskie weather station?
OK I’ve figured it out. Clinton is giving a speech and it is interlaced with reactions from the cheering crowd. It is as if the crowd is cheering the speech.
By the time we get to the nasty 3 second attack at the end you have had 25 seconds of Clinton feel good and have tuned it out as a political commercial. The real message never gets heard.
cbsnews:Colin Powell rips Clinton, Trump in leaked emails
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is suddenly at the center of the presidential campaign because of a batch of stolen emails from his Gmail account, that show he has issues with both major presidential candidates. CBS News has confirmed the emails are from his account.
The emails were posted by an anonymously run website called DCLeaks, that may have ties to Russian intelligence.
The Republican retired general told a former aide that Donald Trump is a “national disgrace and an international pariah.” He also wrote that the “birther movement was racist,” — referring to Trump questioning if President Obama was born in the U.S. And when sent a transcript of one of Trump’s pitches to African American voters, Powell wrote:
“There is nothing he can say that will sway black VOTERS…He takes us for idiots. He can never overcome what he tried to do to Obama with his search for the birth certificate…the whole birther movement was racist…And for him to say yesterday that within four years he would have 95% of blacks voting for him is schizo fantasy.”
But the leaked emails also show Powell sharply criticizing Hillary Clinton and her campaign for using him to justify her use of a private email server at the State Department.
The hacked emails reveal deep tensions between Powell and the Clinton campaign. In them, Powell says me met with Clinton’s advisers in August to discuss “burying the email flap.”
In one of the emails, Powell writes:
“Sad thing IS that HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it. I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s party to get their attention.”
less focus on the anti-Hillary comments in this one:
nbc news: Colin Powell Calls Trump a ‘National Disgrace’ in Hacked Emails
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell blasted Donald Trump as a “national disgrace” and “international pariah” in a personal email exchange that was leaked online by hackers.
Powell, a retired 4-star general and a Republican, confirmed the authenticity of the emails to NBC News.
“The hackers have a lot more,” he added.
The contents of the emails were first reported by Buzzfeed News. It said the messages had been obtained by the website which MSNBC reported is rumored to have ties to Russian intelligence services.
“business insider” site quotes one of his emails chastising media for fueling the drumpf’s rise… but every time I try to copy it for you my computer freezes. strange.
We have been asking for that IRS letter here for months. Fearless Leader should check the archives to find out when it first came up. Who had the idea first before Lawrence sprains something patting himself on the back.
You’d think after Watergate some [expletive deleted] lessons would have been learned: don’t leave a trail. Technology may have evolved but the outcome remains the same. If you leave a record, it can be found.
The World Anti-Doping Agency said that hackers were able to access passwords to its Rio Olympic database via spear-phishing, the practice by which computers are infected after a user opens an email that is thought to be from a trusted source.
Was that Gerber Baby that just got free publicity on the Republicans-Care-At-Least-For-A-Photo-Op Conga line? Interesting to see if that image remains or gets magically replaced.
I started reading the Newsweek article on Trump before my computer basically crashed looks like his ties in the Middle East and in the Southern Crescent of Asia are kind of deep. The article is a great read, and I suggest that all of you just Google Newsweek Trump and it’ll drop you rght into it.
Now not releasing any Med Exam numbers. Guess that fat belly and flushed face showed up in the report. So no Med and no IRS letter. Let’s see is Kellyanne Conway can scratch enough sand over this set of turds to make them disappear.
From the WaPo article on the drumpf charity gifts in today’s paper:
Then, Trump’s staffers said, the foundation’s accounting firm made another mistake: It told the IRS that the $25,000 had gone to a third charity, based in Kansas, called Justice for All. In reality, the Kansas group got no money.
“That was just a complete mess-up on names. Anything that could go wrong did go wrong,” Jeffrey McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, told The Post last week. After The Post pointed out these errors in the spring, Trump paid a $2,500 penalty tax.
From the charity of the man who would be the chief executive officer of the US. I can see it now – North Korea, South Korea – anyone could make that mistake.
Jamie, thanks for the news. here’s usatoday explaining (more like excusing/ignoring his lie):
Donald Trump discussed health matters with television doctor Mehmet Oz on Wednesday, but will save his actual medical records for a later date.
Trump’s talk with Dr. Oz — taped Wednesday for broadcast on Thursday — would be general in nature, aides said, adding that the Republican nominee will be releasing results from a recent physical “soon,” perhaps this week.
Noting that Trump would take questions from Oz’s audience, campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told Fox News on Wednesday that “if he is asked a question about his health or his stamina, I’m sure he’ll be happy to answer it. He’s always happy to answer.”
Trump had a physical late last week, before the news of Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia, Conway said, and “he will release it this week — in other words, when he get the results from his doctor.”
While Oz told Fox News he wanted to ask Trump “pointed questions about his health,” he also said he wouldn’t press his guest on the issue.
“It’s his decision,” Oz told FOX News Radio’s Kilmeade & Friends. “The metaphor for me is, this is a doctor’s office, the studio. So, I’m not going to ask him questions he doesn’t want to have answered.”
Blaming the media for the rise of Trump “You guys are playing his game, you are his oxygen,” he wrote to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in December 2015, per BuzzFeed.
Powell suggested in another email that even critical coverage of Trump didn’t really work: “To go on and call him an idiot just emboldens him.”
I have a better feeling about #realtalk HRC than tactful to a fault HRC, FWIW. A lot of perceived negatives bemoaned by nervous partisans from the last week, e.g. working through illness and antagonistic statements, may be perceived as positives by undecideds, all 3 of them.
raw story:‘What Trump does is contagious’: Morning Joe explains how Trump’s racism is an infectious virus
Politico co-founder Jim VandeHei then chimed in to say that Pence’s reluctance to call Duke deplorable was just another example of how Trump’s embrace of racist rhetoric has infect everyone around him — even people who should know better.
“I bet when he was governor and he was asked this question, or when he was head of the Republican Study Committee, he would have said, ‘Of course he’s deplorable!’” VandeHei said. “It just shows that part of what Trump does is contagious.”
The panel then referenced a New York Times report about Pence getting an earful from Congressional Republicans during a meeting on Tuesday, including from one GOP lawmaker whose young daughter came home and told him, “Daddy, Donald Trump hates women.”
“They are hearing it at home, from their wives, their children, their daughters, their sons, from everybody,” Scarborough said about Republicans dealing with assorted Trump controversies.
The reason Obama works so well as he talks about working with Clinton during her time as his secretary of state, Fallon said, it that “all the attributes that for us credential her in a contest against a reckless temperament, unfit Donald Trump, he is uniquely qualified to speak to.”
He’s also better than anyone the Democrats have at taking the machete to Trump with a combination of jokes and jabs and an obviously informed sense of what actually being president entails.
“He’s spent most of his life trying to stay as far away from working people as he could,” Obama said on Tuesday. “He wasn’t going to let you on his golf course. He wasn’t going to let you buy in his condo. And now suddenly this guy’s going to be your champion?”
Trump went on Russian state-sponsored television to “curry favor” with his “role model,” Vladimir Putin, Obama said, just the latest departure of how he sees the country from how Republicans always have.
The Clinton Foundation, Obama said, has helped people around the world. The Trump Foundation, Obama said, referring to the latest in a series of Washington Post reports, took other people’s money to buy gifts for himself, including a 6-foot-tall portrait that can’t be located.
“He had the taste not to go for the 10-foot version,” Obama conceded.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called out Donald Trump for his full-figured physique and love of fast food Tuesday while criticizing what he sees as a double standard in the media’s coverage of the presidential candidates’ health.
“You folks have magnified the problem,” Reid told reporters regarding Hillary Clinton’s recent bout with pneumonia. “She’s off the campaign trail for a few days. She probably needed the rest anyway.”
Hillary’s pneumonia went viral — in an Internet sense — after she had to leave a 9/11 memorial ceremony early and had to be helped into a van before departing. The incident fed pre-existing theories, based on rumor and conjecture, that the former secretary of State was battling an undisclosed illness. Reid pointed out pneumonia is curable and wondered why the media wasn’t asking more questions about Trump’s medical records.
“Take a look at this character that’s running for president,” Reid said of Trump. “He complains about her health? What does he do? He’s 70-years-old. He’s not slim and trim. He brags about eating fast food every day. Look at his health a little bit.”
Reid said Trump’s medical records are “non-existent.” Trump did release a letter — which the Clinton team has mocked — from his personal physician last December. Dr. Harold Bornstein wrote, “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” He has since admitted to NBC that he wouldn’t normally use such broad language to describe a patient’s health.
“You have all been unfair to Hillary,” Reid continued. “She submitted a multiple-page report from a doctor — a good doctor — talking about what medicine she’s on.”
never imagined a time agreeing with sen. cronyn but yesterday on the senate floor he did say something I hope all will agree with and practice. am sure fearless leader does.
The Texas senator then quoted from Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”: “I always remember the excerpt from ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ where the speaker said, ‘Do as adversaries do in law, strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends.’ So I think that kind of civility is an important admonition for all of us, one that maybe we don’t always live up to but one that I think we should continue to strive to emulate.”
garrison Keillor: I saw Hillary Clinton once working a rope line for more than an hour, a Secret Service man holding her firmly by the hips as she leaned over the rope and reached into the mass of arms and hands reaching out to her. She had learned the art of encountering the crowd and making it look personal. It was not glamorous work, more like picking fruit, and it took the sort of discipline your mother instills in you: Those people waited to see you, so by gosh you can treat them right. So it’s no surprise she pushed herself to the point of collapse the other day. What’s odd is the perspective, expressed in several articles, that her determination to keep going reveals a “lack of transparency” — that she should have announced she had pneumonia and gone home and crawled into bed.
What some people see as a relentless quest for power strikes me as the good habits of a serious Methodist. Be steady. Don’t give up. It’s not about you. Work for the night is coming.
Someday, historians will get this right and look back at the steady pitter-pat of scandals that turned out to be nothing, nada, zero and ixnay and will conclude that, almost a century after women’s suffrage, almost 45 years after Richard Nixon signed Title IX into law, a woman was required to run for office wearing concrete shoes. Check back 45 years from now and if I’m wrong, go ahead and dance on my grave.
the problem as I see it was the Clinton campaigns apologising as if they were in the wrong.
So suddenly it is all her fault.
Say something straight talking like this:
The simple answer is she went to the 911 event because it was important to her that she keep her commitments and honor the memory of those who died on that day.
We did not inform the press earlier because it was not affecting the campaign. The press and the public do not have a right to know about every little detail the moment it happens When her pneumonia caused problems we informed the nation and have given details.
As the most transparent campaign we wish all candidates were held to our standards.
But they didn’t they apologised and accepted fault, they did that twice last week. It may hurt them.
raw story:Hillary Clinton hammers Trump over bombshell Newsweek report: How can Americans trust you?
Have you read the bombshell Newsweek report detailing Donald Trump’s shady foreign entanglements? Hillary Clinton has, and she’s got a lot of questions for her Republican rival.
Reporter Kurt Eichenwald painstakingly detailed how the Trump Organization would put American national security at risk if voters choose the real estate developer and former reality TV star as president.
The Clinton Foundation — a charitable organization set up by the Democratic presidential nominee, her former president husband and their daughter — has attracted scrutiny and the attention of Russian hackers and WikiLeaks, but Eichenwald’s report offers some insight into what Trump’s unreleased tax returns might reveal.
Those foreign investments and entanglements raise serious national security concerns and could potentially threaten international alliances if Trump is elected — and Clinton listed 20 questions she wants the GOP nominee to answer.
the article then shows some of her questions put to him via twitter
jack, I think that was what garrison Keillor was hinting at.
to some, playing thru the hurt is a virtue (stupid, but virtuously so like when “Tiger Woods won the 2008 US Open on a broken leg and torn ACL. He had to fight through 91 holes in total after it went to a playoff”)
Like I said, you can see it coming. .. “North Korea, South Korea, anyone could have made that mistake. But I won’t apologize for dropping a nuke on the wrong country. It was an honest mistake. “
In a very rare happening, I totally agreed with Mika Brezinsky this morning. “She needs to learn to brag about herself and so do her surrogates”. It’s time for a whole lot of push back. Firmly, quietly, just demanding the respect to which she is totally entitled.
Not the first time a lying Trump surrogate, in this case, Hucksterbee’s daughter and Trump employee said Clinton was responsible for the birther movement. She was challenged and said she could present evidence. I guess we won’t hold our breath.
Another Trump lie. When they start in with this crap I think their mikes should be cut off and they should not be invited back. They lie and say they have proof but it never appears. At a minimum, they should be completely shut down.
Troll and daughter made fools of themselves over the child care issue and where was the media coverage – if the press has such great access why didn’t they ask him about that since his claims about the history of the issue are totally bogus pretty much everything both of them said was a total lie
Little Marco was correct…look at those trump hands…like a man who is 5’2″ according to LM. A man with hands like that cannot be prez no matter how many phony optics he produces.
Remember those days when the best the republicans could come up with against Obama was “he talks like a professor”? I only heard six second sound bites of what Obama said yesterday, but, I enjoyed it with a great relish.
the turdnado that former breitbart shapiro bitterly predicted is in full swing…I have been cleaning-up after watching the morning feed on cable news…I have moved to the weather channel where the first tropical storm has formed over Florida…how is that climate change working out for the southeast US of AA? And out of Tass (so much like that familiar russian paper instead of the foxy RT news) a story out of the show Zoo — polar bears takeover weather station. How is that climate change working out at the ruskie weather station?
That makes a good Clinton ad. Trumps biggest problem is the rank amateurism of his people.
OK I’ve figured it out. Clinton is giving a speech and it is interlaced with reactions from the cheering crowd. It is as if the crowd is cheering the speech.
By the time we get to the nasty 3 second attack at the end you have had 25 seconds of Clinton feel good and have tuned it out as a political commercial. The real message never gets heard.
cbsnews: Colin Powell rips Clinton, Trump in leaked emails
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is suddenly at the center of the presidential campaign because of a batch of stolen emails from his Gmail account, that show he has issues with both major presidential candidates. CBS News has confirmed the emails are from his account.
The emails were posted by an anonymously run website called DCLeaks, that may have ties to Russian intelligence.
The Republican retired general told a former aide that Donald Trump is a “national disgrace and an international pariah.” He also wrote that the “birther movement was racist,” — referring to Trump questioning if President Obama was born in the U.S. And when sent a transcript of one of Trump’s pitches to African American voters, Powell wrote:
less focus on the anti-Hillary comments in this one:
nbc news: Colin Powell Calls Trump a ‘National Disgrace’ in Hacked Emails
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell blasted Donald Trump as a “national disgrace” and “international pariah” in a personal email exchange that was leaked online by hackers.
Powell, a retired 4-star general and a Republican, confirmed the authenticity of the emails to NBC News.
“The hackers have a lot more,” he added.
The contents of the emails were first reported by Buzzfeed News. It said the messages had been obtained by the website which MSNBC reported is rumored to have ties to Russian intelligence services.
Why the hell was her staff negotiating with General Powell? Some things need to be one-on-one, especially if recollections are unclear.
“business insider” site quotes one of his emails chastising media for fueling the drumpf’s rise… but every time I try to copy it for you my computer freezes. strange.
From the previous thread:
We have been asking for that IRS letter here for months. Fearless Leader should check the archives to find out when it first came up. Who had the idea first before Lawrence sprains something patting himself on the back.
You’d think after Watergate some [expletive deleted] lessons would have been learned: don’t leave a trail. Technology may have evolved but the outcome remains the same. If you leave a record, it can be found.
Was that Gerber Baby that just got free publicity on the Republicans-Care-At-Least-For-A-Photo-Op Conga line? Interesting to see if that image remains or gets magically replaced.
I started reading the Newsweek article on Trump before my computer basically crashed looks like his ties in the Middle East and in the Southern Crescent of Asia are kind of deep. The article is a great read, and I suggest that all of you just Google Newsweek Trump and it’ll drop you rght into it.
Clinton’s team uses Trumps words against him…. Trump’s team uses Clinton’s words against her… what’s new? Next!
Now not releasing any Med Exam numbers. Guess that fat belly and flushed face showed up in the report. So no Med and no IRS letter. Let’s see is Kellyanne Conway can scratch enough sand over this set of turds to make them disappear.
From the WaPo article on the drumpf charity gifts in today’s paper:
From the charity of the man who would be the chief executive officer of the US. I can see it now – North Korea, South Korea – anyone could make that mistake.
Apparently, the GOP nom misunderstands the purpose of a political ad, which is fine by me.
His whole campaign seems to be an embezzlement scheme. Does he not realize the whole world is watching? What a doofus.
“Does he not realize the whole world is watching?”
bink, he not only realizes it, he gets off on it. he wallows like a pig in it.
.. as the good gen. said in the purloined email about the media attention: “he feeds on it. it’s his oxygen”
I love that finally an email damaging to drumpf has surfaced. It’s about time someone other than Hillary sustains damage from an email.
pogo, like this from gen. powell: drumpf is a “national disgrace and an international pariah.” ?
sure hope this becomes the new go-to sound bite. will make good poster and or message on red ball caps
Jamie, thanks for the news. here’s usatoday explaining (more like excusing/ignoring his lie):
Donald Trump discussed health matters with television doctor Mehmet Oz on Wednesday, but will save his actual medical records for a later date.
Trump’s talk with Dr. Oz — taped Wednesday for broadcast on Thursday — would be general in nature, aides said, adding that the Republican nominee will be releasing results from a recent physical “soon,” perhaps this week.
Noting that Trump would take questions from Oz’s audience, campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told Fox News on Wednesday that “if he is asked a question about his health or his stamina, I’m sure he’ll be happy to answer it. He’s always happy to answer.”
Trump had a physical late last week, before the news of Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia, Conway said, and “he will release it this week — in other words, when he get the results from his doctor.”
While Oz told Fox News he wanted to ask Trump “pointed questions about his health,” he also said he wouldn’t press his guest on the issue.
“It’s his decision,” Oz told FOX News Radio’s Kilmeade & Friends. “The metaphor for me is, this is a doctor’s office, the studio. So, I’m not going to ask him questions he doesn’t want to have answered.”
finally found that powell quote in toto. wapo:
Blaming the media for the rise of Trump
“You guys are playing his game, you are his oxygen,” he wrote to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in December 2015, per BuzzFeed.
Powell suggested in another email that even critical coverage of Trump didn’t really work: “To go on and call him an idiot just emboldens him.”
I have a better feeling about #realtalk HRC than tactful to a fault HRC, FWIW. A lot of perceived negatives bemoaned by nervous partisans from the last week, e.g. working through illness and antagonistic statements, may be perceived as positives by undecideds, all 3 of them.
“So, I’m not going to ask him questions he doesn’t want to have answered.” -Oz
Lol – the Donald is doctor shopping.
raw story: ‘What Trump does is contagious’: Morning Joe explains how Trump’s racism is an infectious virus
Politico co-founder Jim VandeHei then chimed in to say that Pence’s reluctance to call Duke deplorable was just another example of how Trump’s embrace of racist rhetoric has infect everyone around him — even people who should know better.
“I bet when he was governor and he was asked this question, or when he was head of the Republican Study Committee, he would have said, ‘Of course he’s deplorable!’” VandeHei said. “It just shows that part of what Trump does is contagious.”
The panel then referenced a New York Times report about Pence getting an earful from Congressional Republicans during a meeting on Tuesday, including from one GOP lawmaker whose young daughter came home and told him, “Daddy, Donald Trump hates women.”
“They are hearing it at home, from their wives, their children, their daughters, their sons, from everybody,” Scarborough said about Republicans dealing with assorted Trump controversies.
horsey in la times Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ comment is not entirely wrong
The reason Obama works so well as he talks about working with Clinton during her time as his secretary of state, Fallon said, it that “all the attributes that for us credential her in a contest against a reckless temperament, unfit Donald Trump, he is uniquely qualified to speak to.”
He’s also better than anyone the Democrats have at taking the machete to Trump with a combination of jokes and jabs and an obviously informed sense of what actually being president entails.
“He’s spent most of his life trying to stay as far away from working people as he could,” Obama said on Tuesday. “He wasn’t going to let you on his golf course. He wasn’t going to let you buy in his condo. And now suddenly this guy’s going to be your champion?”
Trump went on Russian state-sponsored television to “curry favor” with his “role model,” Vladimir Putin, Obama said, just the latest departure of how he sees the country from how Republicans always have.
The Clinton Foundation, Obama said, has helped people around the world. The Trump Foundation, Obama said, referring to the latest in a series of Washington Post reports, took other people’s money to buy gifts for himself, including a 6-foot-tall portrait that can’t be located.
“He had the taste not to go for the 10-foot version,” Obama conceded.
Clinton is not having polling trouble and she is winning
Donald Trump is losing and not showing any signs of changing that picture
Trump does not want to release his medical record because it shows he has erectile dysfunction
Think about that Hallie Jackson when you are dreaming about him at night. Your crush is showing
harry gives ’em hell
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called out Donald Trump for his full-figured physique and love of fast food Tuesday while criticizing what he sees as a double standard in the media’s coverage of the presidential candidates’ health.
“You folks have magnified the problem,” Reid told reporters regarding Hillary Clinton’s recent bout with pneumonia. “She’s off the campaign trail for a few days. She probably needed the rest anyway.”
Hillary’s pneumonia went viral — in an Internet sense — after she had to leave a 9/11 memorial ceremony early and had to be helped into a van before departing. The incident fed pre-existing theories, based on rumor and conjecture, that the former secretary of State was battling an undisclosed illness. Reid pointed out pneumonia is curable and wondered why the media wasn’t asking more questions about Trump’s medical records.
“Take a look at this character that’s running for president,” Reid said of Trump. “He complains about her health? What does he do? He’s 70-years-old. He’s not slim and trim. He brags about eating fast food every day. Look at his health a little bit.”
Reid said Trump’s medical records are “non-existent.” Trump did release a letter — which the Clinton team has mocked — from his personal physician last December. Dr. Harold Bornstein wrote, “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” He has since admitted to NBC that he wouldn’t normally use such broad language to describe a patient’s health.
“You have all been unfair to Hillary,” Reid continued. “She submitted a multiple-page report from a doctor — a good doctor — talking about what medicine she’s on.”
never imagined a time agreeing with sen. cronyn but yesterday on the senate floor he did say something I hope all will agree with and practice. am sure fearless leader does.
raw story:
The Texas senator then quoted from Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”: “I always remember the excerpt from ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ where the speaker said, ‘Do as adversaries do in law, strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends.’ So I think that kind of civility is an important admonition for all of us, one that maybe we don’t always live up to but one that I think we should continue to strive to emulate.”
Let’s fact check Hallie Jackson in Ohio
North Canton is not the home of the Football Hall of Fame or William McKinley that is Canton Ohio
North Canton is home to an empty Hoover Plant
garrison Keillor:
I saw Hillary Clinton once working a rope line for more than an hour, a Secret Service man holding her firmly by the hips as she leaned over the rope and reached into the mass of arms and hands reaching out to her. She had learned the art of encountering the crowd and making it look personal. It was not glamorous work, more like picking fruit, and it took the sort of discipline your mother instills in you: Those people waited to see you, so by gosh you can treat them right.
So it’s no surprise she pushed herself to the point of collapse the other day. What’s odd is the perspective, expressed in several articles, that her determination to keep going reveals a “lack of transparency” — that she should have announced she had pneumonia and gone home and crawled into bed.
What some people see as a relentless quest for power strikes me as the good habits of a serious Methodist. Be steady. Don’t give up. It’s not about you. Work for the night is coming.
Someday, historians will get this right and look back at the steady pitter-pat of scandals that turned out to be nothing, nada, zero and ixnay and will conclude that, almost a century after women’s suffrage, almost 45 years after Richard Nixon signed Title IX into law, a woman was required to run for office wearing concrete shoes. Check back 45 years from now and if I’m wrong, go ahead and dance on my grave.
the problem as I see it was the Clinton campaigns apologising as if they were in the wrong.
So suddenly it is all her fault.
Say something straight talking like this:
But they didn’t they apologised and accepted fault, they did that twice last week. It may hurt them.
On nuking North Canton, Ohio, President trump said, North Canton, north Korea. Honest mistake, believe me.
I’m sure an apology to the wonderful people of North Canton (whatever’s left) is forth coming
AZ TM Report: McCain leads by 19 points in latest NBC/Marist Poll. No blue in sight here. No flipping either.
I hope one of the Dem super pacs is making an ad with Colin Powell’s quotes about Trump
abc finding the relationship between Clinton, trump and harry potter
raw story: Hillary Clinton hammers Trump over bombshell Newsweek report: How can Americans trust you?
Have you read the bombshell Newsweek report detailing Donald Trump’s shady foreign entanglements? Hillary Clinton has, and she’s got a lot of questions for her Republican rival.
Reporter Kurt Eichenwald painstakingly detailed how the Trump Organization would put American national security at risk if voters choose the real estate developer and former reality TV star as president.
The Clinton Foundation — a charitable organization set up by the Democratic presidential nominee, her former president husband and their daughter — has attracted scrutiny and the attention of Russian hackers and WikiLeaks, but Eichenwald’s report offers some insight into what Trump’s unreleased tax returns might reveal.
Those foreign investments and entanglements raise serious national security concerns and could potentially threaten international alliances if Trump is elected — and Clinton listed 20 questions she wants the GOP nominee to answer.
the article then shows some of her questions put to him via twitter
jack, I think that was what garrison Keillor was hinting at.
to some, playing thru the hurt is a virtue (stupid, but virtuously so like when “Tiger Woods won the 2008 US Open on a broken leg and torn ACL. He had to fight through 91 holes in total after it went to a playoff”)
or a “message to Garcia” sort of thing.
Like I said, you can see it coming. .. “North Korea, South Korea, anyone could have made that mistake. But I won’t apologize for dropping a nuke on the wrong country. It was an honest mistake. “
In a very rare happening, I totally agreed with Mika Brezinsky this morning. “She needs to learn to brag about herself and so do her surrogates”. It’s time for a whole lot of push back. Firmly, quietly, just demanding the respect to which she is totally entitled.
Not the first time a lying Trump surrogate, in this case, Hucksterbee’s daughter and Trump employee said Clinton was responsible for the birther movement. She was challenged and said she could present evidence. I guess we won’t hold our breath.
Another Trump lie. When they start in with this crap I think their mikes should be cut off and they should not be invited back. They lie and say they have proof but it never appears. At a minimum, they should be completely shut down.
It Does Not Count If You Are Trump
Someone should make a tape reading Powell’s email’s outloud
I especially like his comments are Dick and Liz Cheney….a spent force
Troll and daughter made fools of themselves over the child care issue and where was the media coverage – if the press has such great access why didn’t they ask him about that since his claims about the history of the issue are totally bogus pretty much everything both of them said was a total lie
tweet from cher
shows we aren’t watching Brian Williams interviewing Chris Christie ack ack ack
christ christie must be desperate to chat with burnt williams.
Goodnight, Survivor !