Message to Congress

“You can’t go back home to your family, back home to your childhood … back home to a young man’s dreams of glory and of fame … back home to places in the country, back home to the old forms and systems of things which once seemed everlasting but which are changing all the time – back home to the escapes of Time and Memory.” [from “You Can’t Go Home Again” Thomas Wolfe]

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Also because only 18% of the people approve of how you’ve done your job
(Gallup). 78% disapprove of the way you are taking their hard-earned money for barely showing up to work and for doing so very little when you do. That leaves 4% who don’t seem to know any more than you do about your responsibilities.

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Blonde Wino
8 years ago

great posts…comments….hope all is well Craig…class reunion!   Stay safe mixers…I am being hounded via email because I did not sign bernie’s birthday card!  bernie who?

trump continues to be an insulting and thoughtless man…assange continues to be putie’s pawn….trumps’s ragged campaign’s axis of evil drags Amerika through fake russian caviar.  Oh the smell.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

as an independent, registered voter?  I received my first survey from DJtrump….and hubby and I filled it out together….we checked the boxes for Hillary and wrote all over the survey…plus blocked out the computer code, so the form would be rejected and hopefully read by a human.  Funny stuff.  When I used to run direct mail campaigns with return postage envelopes?  We would get some large packages of gross things….sometimes rocks to increase the cost of postage.  I did not do that to trump or curse on my comments.  A professional response.

Our arroyo is running for days….hurricane Newton has replenished our water table.  We are ahead on rain this year…woo-hoo.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

show us your taxes…dem women need to get the t-shirt!   a publicity stunt worthy of an empty-headed trump…he is beauty contestant smart.  And women across America should start a hairstyle with bangs…to show solidarity for Hillary and the tough decisions in Benghazi.

frozen face gone from Faux News, KGC.   She climbed to fame with her reporting on OJ and I remember her biting interview with Mrs. herman ‘999’ cain about measuring drapes for the oval office.  seriously…Faux news crumbling under the weight of ailes’ chin.  Jon Stewart used to call out gretchen Carlson for reporting on Faux News…she was accomplished, a beauty queen and musician…all sullied before the great ailes chin.  Look, Jon, she really cleaned-up on the money…an exacting revenge for the chin.

8 years ago

Great response to “Who Is The Hillary Voter?”

8 years ago

patd…  great posting!

Because of my book club running a bit late, I missed most of Hillary’s spot last night.  But I did catch drumpf’s.  I strongly believe in everyone’s right to choose their preferred candidate.  But… after watching that performance last night…  I’m with KGC…  one has to be a moron to vote for Mr. Orangutan.  Either that or they’re willfully blind.

On a better note….   football season begins tonight…..   YES!

8 years ago

Hello all from Renfro Valley KY. Here is view from our cousin’s lake house, generously provided for our week stay. Have been watching eagles dive for their breakfast this morning. (Lake Linville)

8 years ago

Not a bad view there, Poobah.  Beats looking out over a parking lot.

8 years ago


They weren’t communicating.

Powell was living in the 300/1200-bps dial-up modem world and was flummoxed by the rules and regulations surrounding all the newer crap that was infiltrating ‘his’ workspace and world.

I see the cautions in Powell’s email. And I can see it through Hillary’s eyes where she is looking for ratification of a proactive solution in the face of challenging technology and an obtuse bureaucracy.

8 years ago

And many thanks to Jamie and PatD for keeping our threads going.

8 years ago

Patd & Flatus

I hate to bring it up but there is the matter of age and comfort with technology.  My son teases me that I blog, tweet, google, send emails, link TV and computer blah blah blah but I need his help to program my phone.  So Hillary requested and got the equipment she knew how to use and depended on assistants to help her with the bells & whistles of technology.

That was on the leading edge when all of those possible switches from simple phone & secretary screeners plus maybe a desk top computer with dial up to all of the gadgets that over connect us to a high speed world where there is little time for reflection.  To turn this into a crime of treasonous dimensions is just plain stupid.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


Greta Von Cess Pool leaving Fox..where can she go — The Blaze!   No other network should touch her after her phony claim she knew nothing about the climate of harassment at Fox…..pretty lame for a “journalist”

I find her conservative naivete to be disingenuous at best and probably just an act.  She is disgusting and if any other outlet hires her — they will be touched by her special brand of shit

I for one would watch nothing on any network that would hire her. I never watch Fox or the Blaze and if she turns up on something else I’m sure I wouldn’t mind giving it up.

She pretends that facts that would prove her various idiot ideals are not in evidence. So she is either incredibly stupid or just Liz Trotta jr with a slightly better face lift. What a big fat phony.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Both candidates were asked to talk about their specific plans, attempting to avoid attacking their opponent — yet the vast majority of Trump’s answers were nothing more than the usual attacks against President Obama and Clinton rather than offering any substantive answers to any of the questions he was asked. One of the most embarrassing moments for Trump came when Lauer asked him if he really believed he knew more about ISIS than “the generals” (something he claimed earlier in his campaign), and he essentially talked down about our current military leaders, clearly implying he knew more than they did. Another absurd couple of moments for Trump came when he not only tried to claim he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning (he didn’t) and he said that Clinton’s decision to go into Libya was a disaster — even though he’s on video saying we needed to remove Gaddafi. Read more at:

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

how Republican

8 years ago

Having a late breakfast at Derby City Truck Stop, Renfro Valley, KY

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Gary Johnson should say “Stoned not Stupid”

8 years ago

Hey, them old folks have their hearing aids and obviously last night no body was feeding Trump any answers. It was him in his stupid glory.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

 no body was feeding Trump any answers. It was him in his stupid glory.


Hmmmm Jack does have a point.

8 years ago

I had no idea what the “CiC Forum” was, heard nothing about it, didn’t know how to find it, saw you people discussing it, tried to find it on NPR and some other net channels…


So, it was some fake pseudo-debate on NBC, exclusively, hosted by dumb former carpentry-hack turned hack-infotainment-journalist Matt Lauer?


I’d ask if we’re doomed, but…

8 years ago

Argument settled: the men make the times.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I have questions for trump

so far what Hedge Fund guy hates you and isn’t your top staff associated and frequently paid for by a hedge fund guy


So if you will say something nice about anyone who says nice things about you.  Are you really that needy

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Here is my prediction.  The end of the Trump “surge” is here.  There will be some lingering hangover but not much and not for long.

Now that the media (sic) is sort of doing its job (only for the purpose of being self congratulatory)  Trump is being exposed for the loser he is

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Government is not business, they share in common that they should both be well run but the definition of what is well run is very different for government than for business.   Even if you are good at business which Trump is not — that doesn’t mean you will be good at government

The recent experiments in running government services by private enterprise have been disastrous and in the case of ambulance services people died.   Of course, some would say that is just the cost of doing business

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump truly desperate claims he would have caught Bin Laden before 9/11

8 years ago

50 years ago today, the first episode of Star Trek was aired.

Probably didn’t want to think about that did you.




Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Hey Colin Powell  stfu  she never said your advice was why she did it

in the end you are such a gooper – and now rump is saying you failed to stop Bin Laden something he and “his generals” would have done.


Do you think he was planning on resurrecting Patton?

8 years ago

What Powell finds uncomfortable is that the email hints that Powell avoided archiving his emails just like the rest of the Bush administration.

There was rampant avoiding the law in that administration.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

He said it he broke it he owns it

8 years ago

BTW this releasing of emails that contain discussions and advice really limits the ability of future SOS to get information out side the State department bubble.


8 years ago

Trump wouldn’t have went after Bin Laden any more than Bush did, because as all Republicans knew at the time Bin Laden was just a fantasy Clinton concocted to distract Republicans from their real job, impeaching Clinton.

8 years ago

Jack, for you…

8 years ago


love it!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

If I were a Republican I think this is the point at which I would say enough is enough
If we continue on the Trump Train there won’t even be ashes left.
The media has turned on Trump and that was all he had that and his lying team of
Character assasins.   Republicans have to tell Trump to stay out of the gutter.   Once the
first Bossie ads are released there will be no turning back and the Republican Party will
left a waste land and you won’t be coming back.   Separate yourselves now or be
explaining your support from now until the 12th of never.

Let’s start with – do you believe the current generals in charge are incompetent?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

He is also quoted as saying he wasn’t the reason – implying she had said he was

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Or Gary Johnson could say I was so confused I thought he was talking about pepper

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

More recently, Powell told People magazine in August that Clinton’s team has been trying to “pin” Clinton’s use of a private email server and the controversy on him. In that interview Powell said Clinton had already been using a private email address for a year before he mentioned it to her.
Powell said in an email Wednesday night that he had no comment on the email exchange.

8 years ago

Donald Trump and grading on the curve


And we arrive at the way in which Trump, consciously or not, may be graded on a curve. The assumption in mainstream media coverage of a general-election campaign is that, in the 21st century, neither major party would nominate someone for president who espoused racist views or welcomed foreign espionage or demonstrated breathtaking ignorance on important policy questions. When Trump says egregious things, the media reports it in a perfectly straightforward manner. But there’s a default setting that there’s no way Trump actually believes the racist stuff, or that he’ll bone up on the policy stuff.


Grading Trump on a curve means it is assumed that as the GOP nominee, he will be up to the task of being president whether or not that is actually true. As a close Trump watcher for more than a year, I see no evidence that this is true. But when you read about Trump “maturing” as a candidate, or see news anchors discuss his myriad “pivots,” you see the curve at work. Because if there’s one thing the mainstream media cannot say explicitly, it is that the Republican Party willingly chose an ignorant bigot as its nominee.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

 Because if there’s one thing the mainstream media cannot say explicitly, it is that the Republican Party willingly chose an ignorant bigot as its nominee.  Jack


And willing to stay on the Trump Train to disaster

8 years ago

patd…  Miss Piggy is fine…  but I like this one better…

8 years ago

It just occurred to me that I hadn’t seen Luke Russert in quite a while so went looking for the reason.

Why Luke Russert Decided to Leave NBC

Article sounds a bit like really needing the time to make decisions about his life with probably a touch of what many of us are feeling that the takeover management changes have not been an improvement.

8 years ago

Then again it is political season and we are all going hunting

8 years ago

For those who get BBC America, every episode of Star Trek begins airing tonight at 8:30 PM with a marathon

The Top Five Star Trek:  The Original Episodes


8 years ago

Why does “BBC America” even exist?!  Just give us the BBC!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

They don’t think we can handle a full English. (laughs like Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple)

8 years ago


For all of those lovely British series (UK Scotland & Australia)  that neither BBC or PBS carry, there is a $5 a month source on your computer either straight from them or through Amazon:  Acorn TV

I’ve been binge watching Midsomer Murders having discovered that the original Barnaby left the series in year 11 and his cousin Barnaby took over and now up to year 18.  They now have mobile phones and everything … lol


8 years ago

Fear of a Female President
Hillary Clinton’s candidacy has provoked a wave of misogyny—one that may roil American life for years to come.
Peter Beinart

At the Republican National Convention, this fervent hostility was hard to miss. Inside the hall, delegates repeatedly broke into chants of “Lock her up.” Outside the hall, vendors sold campaign paraphernalia. As I walked around, I recorded the merchandise on display. Here’s a sampling:
Black pin reading don’t be a pussy. vote for trump in 2016. Black-and-red pin reading trump 2016: finally someone with balls. White T-shirt reading trump that bitch. White T‑shirt reading hillary sucks but not like monica. Red pin readinglife’s a bitch: don’t vote for one. White pin depicting a boy urinating on the wordHillary. Black T-shirt depicting Trump as a biker and Clinton falling off the motorcycle’s back alongside the words if you can read this, the bitch fell off. Black T-shirt depicting Trump as a boxer having just knocked Clinton to the floor of the ring, where she lies faceup in a clingy tank top. White pin advertising kfc hillary special. 2 fat thighs. 2 small breasts … left wing.
Standard commentary about Clinton’s candidacy—which focuses on her email server, the Benghazi attack, her oratorical deficiencies, her struggles with “authenticity”—doesn’t explain the intensity of this opposition. But the academic literature about how men respond to women who assume traditionally male roles does. And it is highly disturbing.

8 years ago

So Trump is praising an old KGB communist and trashing the Military……….

time for RR jokes


California has a new power source, they hooked Reagans casket to a generator


8 years ago

FCC moves forward with plan to crack down on set-top boxes

by Seth Fiegerman
The days of renting pricey cable boxes to watch your favorite TV shows could be coming to an end.
Tom Wheeler, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, put forward a final set of proposed rules on Thursday that would require large cable and satellite TV companies to make their content available in apps on competing devices.
Instead of paying to rent a box, a Comcast subscriber would have the option to stream shows through a Comcast (CCV) app on a number of devices.
“If you want to watch Comcast’s content through your Apple TV or Roku, you can. If you want to watch DirectTV’s offerings through your Xbox, you can,” Wheeler wrote in an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times on Thursday, announcing the rules. “And if you want to watch your current pay-TV package on your current set-top box, you can do that, too. The choice is yours.”

8 years ago

Clinton: I can’t blame people for thinking I’m ‘cold’

By Hanna Trudo

Clinton opened by recounting a jarring experience from her law school career. “I was taking a law school admissions test in a big classroom at Harvard. My friend and I were some of the only women in the room. I was feeling nervous. I was a senior in college. I wasn’t sure how well I’d do. And while we’re waiting for the exam to start, a group of men began to yell things like: ‘You don’t need to be here.’ And ‘There’s plenty else you can do.’ It turned into a real ‘pile on,’” she wrote.
“One of them even said: ‘If you take my spot, I’ll get drafted, and I’ll go to Vietnam, and I’ll die.’ And they weren’t kidding around. It was intense. It got very personal. But I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t afford to get distracted because I didn’t want to mess up the test. So I just kept looking down, hoping that the proctor would walk in the room.”
Clinton, who currently holds a 54.8 percent “unfavorable” rating on the latest Real Clear Politics polling average, suggested that her coolness was a protection mechanism.
“I know that I can be perceived as aloof or cold or unemotional. But I had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions. And that’s a hard path to walk. Because you need to protect yourself, you need to keep steady, but at the same time you don’t want to seem ‘walled off,” she wrote.
“And sometimes I think I come across more in the ‘walled off’ arena. And if I create that perception, then I take responsibility. I don’t view myself as cold or unemotional. And neither do my friends. And neither does my family. But if that sometimes is the perception I create, then I can’t blame people for thinking that.”


8 years ago


X-Finity (Comcast) is already doing it.  I can access everything from the box on TV, on my computer, and on my Kindle.  I assume when my new phone comes in, I’ll be able to watch there as well.  As a result, I plan to turn it all off this weekend and read a book.


8 years ago


That’s great. Saves all them rental fees and taxes.. I haven’t had cable in years. I have my PC hooked up in the entertainment system and to the Samsung 65 4 K. I use a wireless keyboard and mouse.. Also use Roku. The apps i use are Sling TV which gets me some of the cable stations as well as ON demand. Hulu and Netflix with an over the air antenna for all local channels in HD.. More TV than i can possibly ever watch :0)… I have a few clients that have Acorn Tv and they love it..

Good idea turning it all off for a weekend for a good book…

8 years ago

Very cool, Jamie, thanks.

8 years ago

I’d kill my television, but it has so many nice little British people living in it.

Or, in the case of Midsomer, dying in it.

8 years ago