The Little Engine Who Could

By SJWNY, a Trail Mix Contributor

“Throughout my career, I’ve never been afraid to stand up for ordinary citizens whose voices are drowned out by special interests, big corporations, and powerful insiders,” Zephyr Teachout said in a statement. “I’m running for Congress to give people their voices back so together we can address the real concerns facing our communities.” – Times Union (Albany, NY) January 25, 2016.

Zephyr TeachoutZephyr Teachout is running for Congress in the 19th District of New York, which encompasses part of the Hudson Valley. On Tuesday she won her Democratic Primary race. She is a Fordham Law Professor, an activist for social & economic change, a supporter of Occupy Wall Street. She ran in the 2014 NY Democratic Gubernatorial Primary, receiving a remarkable 34% of the vote against Andrew Cuomo. Her approach to issues is commonsense: for example, gun violence should be researched & addressed as a public health issue. She is fearless, intelligent, a person who looks at things and asks not why, but why not.

One August Sunday morning I read a tweet of hers mentioning she was riding a train to a meeting during her 2014 Primary run. “The Little Engine Who Could” I thought, going up against the thoroughly rotten Albany Machine. Teachout wasn’t afraid to take on anyone then & is exactly the type of public servant we need in government now. Good Luck, Ms. Teachout, on November 8th. Help make the Legislative Branch work again. For us.

More Posts by SJWNY

Note from Craig to Trail Mixers: I welcome your posts like this about key races we should be following and supporting. If Hillary is to win this thing, as it looks like she will, House and Senate campaigns like this are vital to her success as president.

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8 years ago

sjwny, good thread topic. but what’s with all these law profs running for office lately?  tired of tormenting and terrorizing oneLs and ready to take on critterville?

craig, you note “If Hillary is to win this thing, as it looks like she will, House and Senate campaigns like this are vital to her success as president.” godforbid she doesn’t win, they are even more vital. 

jack, big fat stew hens, not roosters, make the best dumpling dish.  btw for those who are into the backyard chicken rage or like to laugh at those who are, I wholeheartedly recommend
Product Details

Locally Laid: How We Built a Plucky, Industry-changing Egg Farm – from Scratch
Mar 1, 2016
by Lucie B. Amundsen

very funny in part, very serious and a good take on coping with mid-life changing crises in other parts.


8 years ago

joe biden sent out an e-mail on behalf of hillary yesterday. here’s part:

I’m proud to endorse Hillary,….. President Obama and I are going to be hitting the campaign trail hard to help out as much as we can —

I’ve known Hillary for a long time — from the time she was First Lady, Senator from New York, and our Secretary of State. She is a force of nature. She’s tough, she’s brilliant, and she genuinely loves serving this country. Hillary is the kind of person who, at the end of the day, wants to help people and make their lives better. That’s who you want as your president.

That’s especially true when your other option is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump’s politics of fear and intolerance have no place in America. He won’t solve our problems — he’ll make them worse. Because let me tell you denigrating our allies isn’t a foreign policy. Telling the world the United States can’t be counted on to pay our debts isn’t an economic policy. And attacking the ethnicity of a federal judge violates everything we stand for — and believe — as Americans.

I’ve always believed this nation succeeds best when we come together as one America. But everything about Donald Trump’s campaign is determined to divide and pull us apart.

There’s no one I trust more than Hillary to lead the fight against Trump, and I’m hoping you’ll come through as part of her team again and again. She needs you. We all do.

8 years ago

Sturgeone says:
June 30, 2016 at 7:10 am

I must say reading Ms BiD lately reminds me of reading Gordo.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that……..


sturge, who knows ole gordo might still be amongst us,  maybe trans-d to gordette.  any case, I miss him and others in our rainbow of ranters.

8 years ago

well, there goes brits’ version of the drumpf

from the scotsman:
The battle for the Conservative leadership has been dramatically transformed after Boris Johnson announced that he will not stand in the race to succeed David Cameron.
The former London mayor’s decision not to join the battle leaves Home Secretary Theresa May as hot favourite to be the next Prime Minister.

It came after the shock announcement by fellow Brexit campaigner Michael Gove – who had widely been expected to be Mr Johnson’s running mate – that he was putting himself forward for the leadership.

In a dramatic press conference just moments before the deadline for nominations passed, Mr Johnson said that the next Tory leader would have to unify his party and ensure that Britain stood tall in the world.
And he said: “Having consulted colleagues and in view of the circumstances in Parliament, I have concluded that person cannot be me.”

8 years ago

NY Daily News Trolls Donald Trump Over Plunging Poll Numbers Among African-Americans
GOP presidential candidate reportedly has the support of just 1 percent of black voters.
Ed Mazza


8 years ago

– gordo believed what he did- and didn’t cast insults at those who didn’t- he in fact tried to lure them with his secrets – asking the reader to guess. quirky to say the least.

8 years ago

SJ, I really know nothing about Zephyr Rain Teachout beyond knowing her name (and what’s at Wiki).  Based on her birthdate, her parents were of that generation who periodically if not completely eschewed meat, protested Vietnam, lived in or wished to live in a commune, were not opposed to the occasional use of illegal substances that put a different focus on the world and named their kids after things they found beautiful, or they may have been sailors with a sense of humor.  From the nautical dictionary “Sailing: A Sailor’s Dictionary” by Henry N. Beard & Roy McKie: “Zephyr – Warm, pleasant breeze.  Named after the mythical Greek god of wishful thinking, false hopes, and unreliable forecasts.”  She seems like an attractive candidate, but she does have one strike against her – she’s a lawyer. 😉

8 years ago


Yes, true. The mysterious Gordo was quirky yet left you wondering, trying to read between the lines..

What i find so appalling is the over the top Hillary hate of some who claim to be Bernie supporters.. I mean it in some cases borders on the loons in the GOP.. Same talking points and never with any proof to support their accusations.. Its, i feel it so it’s true..

Trump is a huge threat. They can’t have missed that yet in their minds Hillary is a greater threat?? It’s just delusional..

8 years ago

If you haven’t read Dana Milbank’s piece about the Benghazi conspiracy theories, you must.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

based on her name alone she should be elected.

Mr C has a child named Heron hippies everywhere

8 years ago

Tom Toles nails it. And BTW, I want the $7M back.  It was wasted (but that does help Hillary, now doesn’t it?)

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Trying to categorize supporters or followers of politicians such trmp or Bernie is difficult.  The biggest questions I have of them is who did they support before?  Who did they vote for before?  Have they ever registered to vote?  What do they expect to get if their chosen candidate does win office?  Ask the far right religious or one issue voters what they have ever won?

The current Bernie supporters who have not moved to support Clinton, they can support both, but realize HRC is the candidate and needs all the votes to win.  There are no miracles in politics. Look how the Supremes elected the VI, that was no miracle.  Bernie is not going to ever fulfill what they want.  He is going back to the Senate, although I would not be surprised if he decided to go on tour and make a lot of money giving his stump speech.  Supporters of Bernie need to realize he is on the back nine of the course a half hour after sundown and the pins are pulled and the course closed.

8 years ago

SJ, you would know about Teachout, and of course I defer to your judgment.  She does seem like a good candidate, and seems to have a strong base of support – getting 34% of the vote against Cuomo is no mean feat. And being a lawyer, I have to take a shot at every lawyer.  There aren’t a lot of Abraham Lincolns in the ocean in which I swim.

BB, you’ve hit the nail on the proverbial head.  E.J. Dionne has a very good piece on the Sanders Energizer Bunny issue at Wapo today.  Excerpts:

Now that he has lost to Hillary Clinton, Sanders’s task is to maximize his side’s influence down the road. Given the threat posed by Donald Trump to so many of his own values, Sanders also has a moral obligation to help Clinton win this election.

So far, Sanders has been effective in influencing the writing of the Democrats’ 2016 platform, and Clinton’s forces, by past standards in these matters, have been remarkably accommodating to his wishes.

One of Sanders’s key voices on the platform committee, Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.), supported a draft that took major steps toward Sanders’s views. It backed a $15 minimum wage in principle, a more moderate approach to his desire to break up large banks and a new version of the Glass-Steagall law that had separated commercial from investment banking. The draft would also put the party on record opposing the death penalty.

Sanders did not get everything he wanted. There was no call for a ban on fracking, no endorsement of a Medicare-for-all health-care system, no backing for a carbon tax. The drafters also declined to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but their silence represented deference to President Obama, whose administration negotiated the trade deal.

Clinton, a friend of hers said, has a history of going out of her way on behalf of those who stand with her. Warren has joined this magic circle.

Sanders is staying on its outskirts, maintaining the Debs-style pressure. The risk is that he will lose his moment because some Clinton partisans already see a more centrist campaign as the best way to win over millions of middle-of-the-road voters who find Trump abhorrent. Sanders has to decide if accelerating his plans to endorse Clinton is now the best way to maximize progressive influence.

8 years ago

SJ…  good post on Ms. Zephyr…  if I live in NY, she’d have my vote.

Pogo…  thanks for the quote from E.J. Dionne.  IMO, he’s nailed it.  I’m still glad that Sanders was in the race…  but at this point, he does risk losing much by going too far.

If I went to a blog that had mostly Trump supporters and wrote a post stating…  With each day, I become more disgusted with Trump.  I can’t believe he still has some people snowed….    I’d expect to get more than a little push back.  And I think I’d damn well deserve it too.

8 years ago

BTW… this morning my niece gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Lily.  Both mother and baby are doing fine…  but my niece had to have a C-section so has asked us all to wait until tomorrow to come to the hospital to see them.  Her husband is posting pictures on FB…  but I can’t wait to see her little face in person.  Her mother and mother-in-law will help her out over the next several weeks.  But after that…  I’m the closet female relative.  I already feel like a grandmother…

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

It was one of those “oh what the hell, let’s do it” moments I occasionally get.  I did it so you do not have to.  I just took a tour of RedState and Free Republic.  RS is almost 100% anti-Trump and FReep looks like a swim in a swamp, and doing it lost.  Those people are in a bad funk.  There is no “RAH, RAH, RAH” for Trump.  I did not see anyone with the guidon out front leading the troops. And, minimal HRC bashing.  A little noise about the Bill and Lynch meetup, but nothing seething.  I did not expect to see them this dejected.  Hopefully it will last until Thanksgiving Day.


8 years ago

It’s time for repubs to begin leaping from penthouse windows.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

So the first real sign that a crafty guy like Mannafort (sp?) is in charge – a move to cut off any votes at the convention –

they should be able to win that unless he tanks a lot more in the polls….make that right wing polls

8 years ago

pogo, well another good guitarist bit the dust this week.

Scotty Moore, the pioneering rock guitarist whose sharp, graceful style helped Elvis Presley shape his revolutionary sound and inspired a generation of musicians that included Keith Richards, Jimmy Page and Bruce Springsteen, died Tuesday. He was 84.

Moore died at his home in Nashville, said biographer and friend James L. Dickerson, who confirmed the death through a family friend.

“As a musician, I consider him one of the co-founders of rock ‘n’ roll because of the guitar licks that he invented,” Dickerson said, calling Moore an icon.

Presley’s ex-wife Priscilla Presley echoed that sentiment in a statement Tuesday night: “Elvis loved Scotty dearly and treasured those amazing years together, both in the studio and on the road. Scotty was an amazing musician and a legend in his own right. The incredible music that Scotty and Elvis made together will live forever and influence generations to come.”


For the now-legendary Sun sessions they covered a wide range of songs, from “That’s All Right” to “Mystery Train.” After “That’s All Right” began drawing attention, Presley, Moore and Black took to the road playing any gig they could find, large or small, adding drummer D.J. Fontana and trying their best to be heard over thousands of screaming fans.

that’s alright, scotty moore, rip

8 years ago

Winfield Scott “Scotty” Moore III (December 27, 1931 – June 28, 2016) was an American guitarist and recording engineer. He is best known for his backing of Elvis Presley in the first part of his career, between 1954 and the beginning of Elvis’s Hollywood years. He was ranked 29th in Rolling Stone magazine’s list of 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time in 2011.[1] He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000 and the Memphis Music Hall of Fame in 2015.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

The Dept of Defense just ended the ban on trans people serving in the military.  A few decades too late for me and many other trans veterans.  USAF 72-76

8 years ago

from vanity fair: 
Elizabeth Warren Just Proved Why She’d Make a Terrible Running Mate
Attacking the same donors that Clinton is courting is a recipe for disaster.

One day after Hillary Clinton wooed deep-pocketed Bay Area donors by unveiling a new policy platform that was a veritable love letter to Silicon Valley—complete with student loan giveaways to start-up founders and easier access to foreign work visas—Elizabeth Warren railed against the same tech giants as cold-hearted monopolists, calling into question whether the Massachusetts senator’s name makes sense atop Clinton’s V.P. shortlist.

“Anyone who loves markets knows that for markets to work, there has to be competition,“ Warren said in the keynote speech for New America’s Open Markets event on Wednesday. “But today, in America, competition is dying.” The popular Democratic senator’s criticism wasn’t limited to Wall Street, either. Warning that “big guys can lock out smaller guys and newer guys,” Warren called out the technology sector specifically for this offense. “Google, Apple, and Amazon provide platforms that lots of other companies depend on for survival. But Google, Apple, and Amazon also, in many cases, compete with those same small companies, so that the platform can become a tool to snuff out competition.”

By singling out these three companies in particular, Warren took a simultaneous swing at some of Clinton’s most powerful allies in tech. [….]

Since endorsing Clinton, Warren has proven to be an effective attack dog and risen to the top of the pile of potential V.P. picks for the former secretary of state. But a good attack dog needs a good leash, and the senator has shown few signs she’s willing to set her deeply-held beliefs aside. In conjunction with Virginia Senator Tim Kaine facing scrutiny over his questionable finances, Clinton’s shortlist is suddenly looking a little weak. Castro for vice president?



8 years ago


As Scty Carter was making his announcement I had you firmly in my mind. That you were unable to spend an entire career in our Air Force was clearly our Nation’s loss. Your presence here enriches us all.


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Flatus – thank you, your thoughtfulness means a lot to me right now.  I have been crying for the last hour.  Tears of happiness for so many on active duty and reserves now, and for so many veterans like me.  Tears of sadness for all the trans people killed in the line of duty, most people would be shocked at how many special forces and Seals are gay or trans.  And tears of sadness for those who killed themselves for not being able to take the world against them.

And tears of joy at being able to have my DD214 changed.  No longer will I need to show a court order for a name change to prove that the person on the DD214 is me.

8 years ago

And tears of joy at being able to have my DD214 changed.  No longer will I need to show a court order for a name change to prove that the person on the DD214 is me.

BlueB…  that is great news!  I’m so happy that you’re so happy.

8 years ago

patd, I saw that Scotty died.  I used to love the old Elvis Sun sessions.  Being a kid I had no idea who was playing guitar on them until much later in life, but I always liked Scotty’s guitar work on those songs.

BB, congratulations on the DoD move.

8 years ago

bb, what good news!  how will the VA be affected by the new policy and how long do you think it will take the bureaucracy to work things out… nitty gritty stuff like getting your new DD214?

8 years ago

Still remember my very first boyfriend giving me the very first Elvis RCA album and then finding Mystery train on the B side of I Forgot To Remember To Forget (anyone still remember what a B side was?).  We were so terribly hip California kids catching up to what Sun and Tennessee had known about for over a year. 🙂


8 years ago

Congrats to BB.  Great decision that will save many lives and finally reward the service that was always there.


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

I have a request into the VA right now.  Hopefully I will get answers on how to change my records.  I do not expect it to be easy.  Most of those working on things like this are very dedicated people.  As a Fed employee I know how understaffed division are and understand why something simple seems so hard.  I do expect the staff at the VA and DoD will work hard to help update records.

8 years ago

Straight out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Elon Musk has issued tickets to the grand opening of his Gigafactory to a set of lucky Model 3 buyers.

According to Elektrek, which first reported the news of the contest, all of the entries were automatically created on the first day of Model 3 pre-orders, and everyone who ordered that day was automatically entered. The total package includes complete coverage for economy class airfare, accommodations, as well as transportation to and from the event. A Tesla spokesperson confirmed that the contest was real, so somewhere out there, twelve people (and twelve more guests, one each) are headed to Nevada next month.

What’s set to be revealed or previewed at the event remains under wraps for now. The structure is primarily being built as a resource for creating lithium batteries, and Elon Musk has already made the ambitious promise to outproduce all battery manufacturers combined by 2020.

8 years ago

ny times: big dawg says “hi” to atty gen lynch and gopers start crying “foul”


only thing I can see that might have bearing on all the pooh-poohing is this from… and even this wasn’t violated imo

american bar standards for prosecutorial investigations:

2.2    (f) The prosecutor should avoid being the sole interviewer of a witness, being alone with a witness, or otherwise becoming an essential witness to any aspect of the investigation.

8 years ago

For what it’s worth department:

a guest on the imus Show this morning was one Gary Byrne, ex-Secret Service agent, who has written a gossipy tell-all book about the Clintons during their White House years….but supposedly the story of Byrne’s life in the Secret Service.

I-man sliced, diced, and shredded him……chopped him off at the knees and sent him away.

“It’s only a flesh wound,” Byrne managed to utter before he faded to black with egg on his face.

8 years ago

Bernie was on All In with Chris Hayes.  Chris tried to get him to declare one way or the other whether he would endorse Hillary.  He waffled and weaseled and generally said, “If I get what I want, we’ll see”.  A poll went up on Twitter and got 500 votes very rapidly
Hillary won the Dem Primaries by 4 mill more votes than Bernie. Does BS get to dictate rules 2 the Democratic Party?

91% NO

 9%  YES

8 years ago

jamie- thank goddess- cooler heads prevail.

heart felt congrats to both renee and bb!


8 years ago

Only one broadcast covering that “conspiratorial Meeting” mentioned a small bit of info with a former member of the Secret Service.  Both people travel with Secret Service details.  Those details are pro forma expected to touch base with each other whenever two or more are in the same vicinity.  As a result it is a courtesy for the senior office holder to extend an invitation to the junior office holder.  This was done for a half hour.

How will be able to hold up under the outrageous scandal of it all?


8 years ago

Another Secret Service man has made it clear that there are two classes of SS, suited and uniformed.  Uniformed are OUTSIDE the doors.  Byrne simply could not have been in the locations where he says he was in order to be privy to the things he said he saw ….

8 years ago


One respondent did tweet:  “Where’s the “HELL NO!” option?

8 years ago

Well clinton is spending a little money in Missouri. Just saw a positive Clinton add by Clinton not a super pack.



Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

It is a beautiful day in Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast.  I am having fish & chips at Moe’s looking at the ocean…

8 years ago

Great reading here today.. Pogo thanks for the EJ and other links..

Congrats to you Renee and your niece as well..

BB, wonderful news for you today… SO happy for you..

8 years ago

jamie- lol, and wanted you to know that your comments have been fabulous, much enjoying them.

8 years ago

Ms Bronc, I was deeply moved by your reaction to the news. Being born and raised different and main-stream-ish as
I was, it just never occurred to me how important this sign of acceptance, this legitimation, would be to someone else. I suddenly feel so damn lucky and proud to be an American, that I’m wide awake.

8 years ago

They’re replaying the Imus interview with Gary Byrne over at WABC…..

8 years ago

They will be playing it that is…..