By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
After this week nothing seems quite appropriate. May this bring you a few moments of peace and tranquility. Bless you all.
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User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
After this week nothing seems quite appropriate. May this bring you a few moments of peace and tranquility. Bless you all.
More Posts by Jace
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
[matt 5:4]
Blessed are they who post beautiful music for heathens to hear for they bring wonder to those who yearn for wonder.
jace & pogo, yes beautiful way to start the day. had to smile tho’ when clicked on there was an ad just below j.c. saying “we buy new and used instruments”
May there be Peace in the Mass. Jace, thank you for making such a thoughtful choice–a virtually impossible task when LGBT folks still fear for their existence.
Trump in the Dumps
Maureen Dowd
Dowdy writes a good one today and still finds time for a Hillary jab!
The Republicans’ Big Hot Mess
Frank Bruni
Hillary Clinton’s path to victory
If the blue wall holds, she needs only one swing state to win the White House.
By Shane Goldmacher and Annie Karni
Her Dowdiness has become like “Where’s Waldo” … Hunt through the column to find the latest jealous, woman scorned slam at one or both Clintons.
Happy, happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads on this blog!
When Monty Python wrote the line of “Blessed are the Cheese makers” in Life of Brian it has turned out to be somewhat prophetic… as it applies to drumpf and his followers.
You bet. I always scroll down first to find the Hillary or Bill snark and it never fails.. No matter how far off topic she is she gets it in her piece..
Beautiful set of photos from the night of the CA primary by Barbara Kinney the Clinton campaign official photographer
ack ack ack the trump plan for winning brought to us by Roger Stone the only person more disgusting than Trump…well there is also Dick Morris
Trump thinks the media is protecting Clinton…he would know they protected him all through the primaries
Fareed Zakaria: Republicans Cannot Remain Silent On Trump
The CNN host called on both elected officials and former cabinet members or advisers to mobilize against Trump.
Marina Fang
from wapo:
Although Hillary Clinton has clinched the party’s nomination, Sanders retains one of the trappings of a top-notch candidate. A team of agents still guards him at his home, where they’ve constructed a small watch station on the property. They travel with him on commercial and charter flights and use a motorcade to whisk him through cities he visits. And they recently marched alongside him during a gay-pride event here in his home town after the Orlando shootings.
Such round-the-clock protection can cost taxpayers more than $38,000 a day. And with the potential for the Secret Service to be watching over Sanders through the Democratic convention in Philadelphia five weeks from now, the taxpayers may get stuck with a big security bill long after his campaign receded from the daily cable-news cycle.
Even with an expansive 2016 presidential field — mostly on the Republican side — Sanders was one of only four candidates to receive protection from the Secret Service during the primaries this year.
As the spouse of a former president, Clinton was already covered for life. And at various points, the service started providing coverage for Sanders and two Republicans: Donald Trump, the real estate mogul and now the GOP’s presumptive nominee, and Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who dropped out in March after disappointing showings in the first nominating contests.
By law, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security has the authority to grant protection to “major” presidential candidates who request it, after consultation with an advisory committee of congressional leaders. Often, the candidate will have received threats or has reason to believe that an additional risk exists.
There is no formal trigger for ending a candidate’s protection, but that typically happens once a candidate “suspends” his campaign or otherwise makes clear he is dropping out. A candidate is also free to relieve the agents of their services at any time.
hey bern, those taxpayers who’re paying 38 grand per day for your security are the 99% you say you’re so concerned about… the 1% hardly ever pay taxes (just ask donald and mitt)
Donald Trump: U.S. must “start thinking about” racial profiling
Emily Schultheis
Let me guess, white straight men like himself are exempt…
Well having a dad’s day with LP. Painting the athroom in his new apartment listening to SNL reruns. Not bad all told
Funniest nickname I’ve heard for trump is Cheeto Jesus.
Have had a very pleasant Fathers’ Day. Sue treated me and her hubby to a very pleasant breakfast at a local establishment. It was a beautiful morning–crisp and clear with temp in the 50s. Now they’re in a top-down drive to Charlotte. Now I’m sitting here keeping track of Pogo’s and my two Cleveland teams. Nice.
pogo, how ’bout a 30 ft tall inflatable drumpf dressed as kkk?
lizzie giving ’em hell again. from mediaite: Elizabeth Warren Destroys Scott Brown and Trump: ‘Celebrity Apprentice Meets The Biggest Loser’
Massachusetts Senator and Democratic Party superstar Elizabeth Warren has made it her mission in life to roast presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump like a 200-lb chuck shoulder, and on Saturday, Warren served him up with a side order of former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown. In her speech at the New Hampshire Democratic Convention, Warren sounded the now-familiar notes about Donald Trump as a “thin-skinned money-grubber,” but found fresh inspiration in former opponent Scott Brown, whom Trump once floated as a possible running mate.
After “apologizing” to the crowd for defeating Brown, thus sending him off to an unsuccessful senatorial bid in New Hampshire, Warren mocked the possibility of a Donald Trump-Scott Brown ticket with a series of crack one-liners that referenced the controversy over her Native American heritage, Trump’s and Brown’s shared weirdness about their daughters, and one particularly Hillary Clinton-centric barb: Let’s face it, nobody knows more about losing to a girl than Scott Brown.
Indians sweep White Sox. 3 to 2 in the 10th. Good start for the day.
patd – I prefer to think of the loon as carny trump.
Donald thinks arming drunks is a good idea
It’s always a great day when someone beats the former St Paul Saints (now doing business as the Chicago white sox). comiskey was also a loud-mouthed deadbeat.
When you mention vanished teams it makes me think of the St Louis Browns and the Washington Senators. For sure, there are others as well. It’s all the damned selfish dollar. Bastards. And now everyone wants new stadiums paid for by the folks here.
Bill and Hillary with the new grandchild.
Thanks to all for your comments on today’s post.
Feel sort of like I’ve been in a cave. Packing and bundling and getting ready to move. All is where it should be except for my nerves.
If all goes according to plan we will arrive in Gig Harbor WA. next Sunday. Talk about serendipitous!
Another fitting tune Jace, thanks.
Father’s Day festvities here in Orlando: Had dinner tonight at one of Dad’s favorites, LongHorn Steakhouse. Tomorrow, all day at VA hospital for xrays and checkups. Tuesday, Father and Son trimmings at Supercuts. Swimming in the pool between thunderstorms, breakfasts on the porch watching birds and other critters play in the natural Florida habitat we (and Mom) spent 45 years nurturing — and plenty of naps.
All that sounds great! Let’s hear it for naps!
Speaking of profiling, it appears as though Bill & Hillary might fit the profile of doting grandparents.
Congratulations to the Cavs – especially LeBron James