Trail Mixers,
I almost forgot. This month marks 11 years since we launched our little corner of the Internets. So many iterations over the years I’ve lost track which one this is, but we’re still here and so many of you have been here since the beginning.
What to say? For starters, I’m amazed. Even after I took a year off to play politics, when our previous installment was shut down by despicable unknown unfriendlies, you all came back and picked up right where we left off.
Like I never have had, no idea what makes this work, but I do know it’s all about you.
but, boss, we can’t spell “us” without “u”
good line on impact of 1st woman nominee
pbs newshour:
MARK SHIELDS: No, Golda Meir is my guide on this. The only woman prime minister of Israel said, “that women are better than men, I cannot say, but what I can say is they certainly are not worse.”
and same link on trump:
JUDY WOODRUFF: David, how much damage has been done? Is he going to be able to pick himself up and keep going? What do you see?
DAVID BROOKS: Well, he will be able to pick up. There will be ebbs and flows.
But we have — he’s had so many bad weeks with no effect in the polls, but, this week, there was an effect in the polls. So, he was dropped, I don’t know, six, 10 points. There was a chunk down.
And then the flaking way of the Republicans, the Ryans and even the Mitch McConnells are beginning to grow wobbly, Scott Walker. The whole party is, like, oh, no, what are we going to do?
And I understand why Ryan is trying to hang in there. He wants unity. His theory is that, if we get unified, we will — that’s the only way we can win as a party. And his theory is, I have got a policy agenda. If I hug Donald Trump, maybe he will take part of it, but if I push him away, he will never embrace my agenda, and I care most about my agenda.
But I think that is unworkable and frankly not morally sound, that policy. It’s unworkable because you can’t share a stage with Donald Trump. He’s not a sharing guy. He’s a sole figure who doesn’t do collaboration. He doesn’t do reciprocity. He doesn’t do teamwork. And you can’t have unity with a guy like that.
I wrote in my column today it’s like trying to hug a tornado. It’s just not going to work, because you will get what we just saw. And it’s immoral, or amoral, at least, because you can’t embrace somebody who says racist things because he happens to agree with your defense budget.
The character is foundational. And Ryan is trying to paper over a moral chasm with policy. And it’s just not — it’s not the right thing to do, in my view.
We have an anniversary and due to politics, I totally fell down on my job as the Blog Bookie. Today is the Belmont Stakes. So for the aficionados, here are your choices:
Click to Enlarge. Due to all the excitement in the election swirl, I’m going with very long shot Sudden Breaking News
And a special anniversary quote for Fearless Leader & this special place from another lady who would have been kickin’ up her Texas heels over the nomination of Hillary Clinton: Molly Ivins
“So keep fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.”
Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality
Michelangelo Signorile
Contrary to those in the media and elsewhere who claimed he was “far more accepting” on LGBT issues than other GOP candidates, Donald Trump is proving that he very much will be a force against LGBT equality if elected president. And he’s doing it in a more insidious, under-the-radar way than any previous GOP presidential nominee.
Though he rarely raises his positions against LGBT rights on the campaign trail, Trump is making pacts with anti-LGBT forces. Today, Trump spoke at the Road to the Majority summit in Washington, an event attended by Christian right activists and sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition and Concerned Women for America, both of which fight against LGBT rights. “I’m with you 100 percent,” he said, and, knowing the event was televised live on the cable networks, he spoke with a dog whistle on LGBT rights, alluding to attacks on “marriage and family” and championing “religious freedom,” which of course has been the term used by evangelicals to deny LGBT people of rights. The crowd roared with approval.
re ali funeral services, most memorable speakers were the firebrand deliveries of rabbi michael lerner and rev. kevin cosby.
but billy crystal was a close runner up. would love to know what bill clinton and billy crystal were saying and laughing over when the rabbi made a pointed reference to the next president being a “she”.
the very ecumenical-ness of it all – especially the native american speakers and the chanting buddhists – was awesome.
Jamie, please put me down again for exaggerator.
solar, really really think you’d like most of what this guy, the rabbi lerner, had to say. here’s a little sample:
I came here as a representative Of american jews so — and to Say that american jews played An important role with African-american struggles in This country and that we today Stand in solidarity with the Islamic community in country and All around the world. [applause]
We will not tolerate politicians Or anyone else putting down Muslims and blaming muslims for A few people — [applause]
We know what it’s like to be Demeend. We know what it’s like to have a Few people who act against the Highest visions of our tradition To then be identified as the Value to have entire tradition And one of the reasons that we At tokun magazine, a magazine of Progressive jews but also an Interfaith magazine have called Upon the united states Government to stand up to the Palestinian government that he Has jews is to understand that God haas created everyone in Gold’s image and that everyone Is equally precious and that Means the palestinian people as Well as all other people on the Planet.
So I want to say how do we honor Muhammad ali? And the answer is the way to Honor muhammad ali is to be Muhammad ali today. [applause]
That means us, everyone here and Everyone listening. It’s up to us to continue that Ability to speak truth to power. We must speak out, refuse to Follow a path of conformity to The rules of the game in life. We must refuse to follow the Path of conformity. Tell the 1% who own 80% of the Wealth of this country that it’s Time to share that wealth. Tell the politicians who use Violence worldwide and then Preach nonviolence to the Oppressed that it’s time for Them to end their drone warfare And every other kind of warfare, To close our military bases Around the world, to bring the Troops home. Tell those who invented mass Incarceration that it’s time to Create an — a living income for Everyone in our c.E.O. Tell judges to let out of prison The many african-americans swept Up by racist police and Imprisoned by racist judges.
Many of them in prison today for Offenses like possessing Marijuana that white people get Away with all the time. [applause]
Tell our elected officials to Imprison those who authorize Torture and those who tran big Banks and investment companies That caused the economic Collapse of 2008. Tell the leaders of turkey to Stop killing the kurds. Tell israeli prime minister Netanyahu that the way to get Security for israel is to stop The occupation of the west bank And help create a palestinian State. Tell the next president of the United states that she — [cheers]
Tell the next president of the United states that she should Pass a congress institutional Amendment to make all Legislation funneled by congress And the slate legislatures or All other sours of many — money Be banned, all other money, make It all public funding. Tell her that the way to achieve Homeland security is not for us To try new ways of domination. The strategy of domination of The world of the other to get Security has been tried for the Last 10,000 years and it doesn’t Work. The way to get security is for The united states to become Known as the most generous and Caring country in the world, not The most powerful. [applause].
some of the above is transcribed wrong. guess the person posting it was doing so phonetically. hope you got the gist tho’
Craig… stop reminding me of how much older I’ve gotten… 🙂
I’m home. If you want your cat(s) to be all over you like a dog… just go on vacation. Nice to see a game on our big HD tv last night. Good game… but I feel bad for Cleveland too.
Jamie… guess I’ll take Brody’s Cause again.
Hillary and the Horizontals
Paul Krugman
Tony….yep, that’s about the size of it……..
according to this chart converting dog/human years and depending on whether we’re small medium or large, the trail equates to 60 or 65 or 72 years old.
well, with age comes wisdom which reminds me of the line from teahouse of the august moon: “Pain make man think, thought make man wise, wisdom make life endurable.”
I remember the family and dog coming home after a week away somewhere in the days before modern flea prevention and you’d find thousands of fleas attached to your pant legs……it was ghastly.
11years in the fish camp…….not bad.
11? Doesn’t look a day over 9 1/2.
I’m going to go with the beautiful sound of Stradivari.
I saw that a group called Latinas for Trump has arisen. I suspect that is a small group.
Sturg, yeah, the good old days of vermin.
Patd, if only I felt as wise as I feel old…
You bet. The GOP has stoked the racist hate monster and now their getting return on their investments.. Trump is their creation..
The GOP and its almost human creation:
“Ryan explained the difficult political situation he was in, as the leader of House Republicans. While spending a couple of weeks last month deliberating about an endorsement, many of his members increased pressure on him to back Trump. Many of them represent districts where Republican voters are strongly supportive of Trump, Ryan explained.”
See above for the definition of pathetic. When Paul Ryan had to weigh the welfare of the country against a few house members with tough races, he didn’t hesitate. Country? Not so much. Don’t tell me that we didn’t dodge a bullet in 2012.
I suppose that some credit should go to Mitt for standing firm against Trump. I hope his description of ‘trickle down racism’ gets hung around the neck of Trump and every politician that endorses him. What Mitt and most republicans don’t seem to realize and refuse to admit is that trickle down racism has been has been republican bread and butter for more than 30 years. During that time it was known as trickle down economics. It’s failure almost always fell most heavily on minorities and the poor. At least republicans can now feel free to describe it properly rather than cloak it in economic jargon. Thanks Mitt.
Wish I had been here from the beginning, but I’m sure glad I got here when I did. Thanks.
David Letterman calling out Rump for being a racist in 2012 why we love Letterman
Happy Anniversary to you Craig Crawford we wouldn’t be us without you. I came along later and I’m sure glad I did.
I’ll go with Creator
Last night, I actually dreamed we were all in the parking lot of my eye doc’s clinic and I was walking down the line congratulating everyone.
Happy 11th to all & thanks to Craig for setting up camp after camp after camp. We may not agree this time around, but I always enjoy the posts.
Just bought a book titled, The Year of Living Danishly – Uncovering the Secrets of the World’s Happiest Country.
Based upon chapter 10’s title, it looks to be about their healthcare system. Since I rarely needed to use my health insurance until about 5 years ago, and as I’ve watched rates go through the roof and benefits dwindle and also be moved out of reach until the full deductible has been reached, I’ve definitely moved further left.
Happy Anniversary! Everyone have a cupcake or a beer at 11am, DC-time.
The son has come up with a new way to say a pox on both your houses.
Craig… I think you misconstrue why some are questioning a 2-woman ticket on the Democratic side. Of course I would vote for it… as I’m sure most here would too. I don’t care if the Democratic candidates are women, gay, or purple… I’m voting that way regardless. But foremost, I want the Democrats to have the best shot at winning the WH and down ticket seats. I’m concerned whether a 2-woman ticket is the best way to achieve those goals. Of course, I’d be tickled pink if my concerns were groundless.
Jamie, I’ll ride Stradivarius behind Pogo and Velasquez. I’m also putting cyber-side bets on Destin to place and Gettysburg to show. As a co-jockey am I allowed to do that ?
Congratulation to Craig & Company from your newest addition…
Bouncing Baby Granny 🙂
Happy older but wiser day, everyone !
Bouncing Baby Granny – Granny M
U R Funny, Granny !
In congratulations on our anniversary, I would also like to thank Jamie who has stepped in to provide a safe haven when things have gone awry. She has also brought interesting and fun people to the blog like Granny.
Put my bet on Governor Malibu
Mr. Cracker has three grandchildren in their late 20’s early 30’s
they live in LA and are Bernie deadenders. Now they going back to the Clinton as a racist theme. I’m thinking of banning them
They are insuffrable especially the woman – she thinks she is a better feminist – she may die young
It’s a Republican concept that elections in the US are stolen through fraud. This is the basis of the current Republican moves that have resulted in thousands of people removed from the voter rolls or denied the right to vote because of the lack of ID.
The fact is there is very little election fraud in the US. If there are problems it is usually the result of not enough funding of local boards of elections.
Promoting conspiracy theories of massive election fraud is a waste of everyone’s time and does no good. It is simply not true. One conspiracy theorist in the race is enough.
Amen, KGC, re: Jamie — our Den Mother from day one
RR I get that, would be laughable to think you’d have a sexist motive. But while I initially thought an all-female ticket politically unwise, don’t think that attitude measures up in the analysis, I now see more benefits than costs
Mitt Romney says Donald Trump will change America with ‘trickle-down racism’
Whatever his reasons Romney deserves thanks for his continued criticism of Trump.
Donald Trump claims he is not a racist because Don King endorsed him. King denies endorsement
Trump continues to claim King endorsed him. Delusional, pathological, and so typically Republican no concept of the truth
ny times:
RICHMOND, Va. — Donald J. Trump has some ideas for how to jazz up the Republican National Convention, and he previewed one at a rally here on Friday evening: a “winner’s evening” of sports celebrities and champions addressing the convention rather than politicians.
“We’re going to do it a little different, if it’s O.K.,” he told the crowd. “I’m thinking about getting some of the great sports people who like me a lot.”
After regaling the crowd with the long story of how he successfully courted the endorsement of Bobby Knight, the former Indiana University basketball coach, Mr. Trump rattled off a list of other names of sports figures who he said have supported him. According to the candidate, he also has the support of the star quarterbacks Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger; Brian France, the chief executive of Nascar; and Dana White, the president of Ultimate Fighting Championship.“Dana White, you know Dana White?” Mr. Trump asked the crowd. “U.F.C. Guy’s a champion. These are champions.”
He said he wanted to have them all address the convention, to be held next month in Cleveland, as examples of “winners,” rather than “these people, these politicians who are going to get up and speak and speak and speak.”
so drumpf plans to turn the goper convention into a superbowl show. wonder who he lines up to sing the national anthem and do the half-time.
cnn and msnbc drooling over exclusive broadcast rights. foresee a lot of hobby lobby and chic-fi-lay ads.
Will there be a dress suggestion for the women speakers at the Republican convention? Is there a no fat chicks policy. Only ‘attractive people’ will be allowed in the front rows. No speech over 14 minutes
Condiliar Rice as a suggested vp mmmif Bush i esponsbile for 9/11 Isn’t Condi too?
I think both the Greens and Libertarians should be allowed in the debate Also if Trump starts name calling the others should walk off
I think Paul Ryan might be sick during the gooper convention
Okay This is what I have. Race coverage starts at 2:00 PM Pacific
Jamie – Suddenly Breaking News
Renee – Brody’s Cause
PatD – Exagerator
KGC – Governor Malibu
XR Pogo – Stradivarius
The ladies are always being issued instructions on proper behavior. Since we could soon have a Madam President and possible Madam VP, the least the men could do is follow George Washington
Rules of Civility
Jamie, I bet earlier on Creator
very cleverly done
the following in honor of tomorrow’s tony awards extravaganza
crackers – I would love to see Stein & Johnson in the debates, however, if Trump starts name calling (he would), and they walk off, he gets exactly what he wants.
I’m still not convinced something else won’t transpire to cause a Kasich/Haley ticket…or Ryan…or Huntsman.
Craig I have your entry. Hour & a Half to post time.
Watched a few minutes of Trump before rapidly clicking. Call me a total snob, but for the life of me I can’t believe anyone could swallow that as someone to even vaguely consider for the Presidency.
He called her Pocahontas one too many times.
Belmont on NBC, horses heading to the post now
Congratulations Craig
Congats, Craig! Good ride…
Wow, for my first time I think I won a race, Creator
Thanks RR, Jamie, gotta believe this was a good omen for our blog birthday
High-Profile GOP Donor Meg Whitman Indicates She Is Likely to Support Hillary Clinton, Say Sources
Lol, thought Creator was a nick name Craig preferred! Congrats all around and much thanks to all for the friendships of a different sort previous to internet- but not less valued. Happy TM Birthday Craig!
Whitman probably isn’t the first and surely won’t be the last. They may not admit it publicly, but the GOP will know who they are. Their votes may not matter but their money does. Would love to see Donald and the GOP have to resort to bake sales.
Craig, I am with Renee: getting older and writing less. Thx for TM as it is a constant reminder of political civility. Congratulations on creating and maintaining “our” site.
Although I am a little late, did a few hours in D.C. visiting friends before the D.C. Pride Parade, I would like to put a win on Creator (I hope it is not too late).
One of the fun things for me, besides seeing friends in D.C. is enjoying how many people love the parade. Four, five and in places, six deep. The one difference between D.C. and say, Denver, is here we have countries (embassies) with floats. The Brits had a bag pipe band. This is the first time I have seen part of the parade. I have always been in the parades. What a treat, and a blast (from the music).
It was fun seeing so many couples, couples with children and so many wearing wedding bands. So very different from just a few years ago. Which helps explain why the Dykes on Bikes wear tops now.
Good to know you’re still in the hood.
Question. If Trump can’t win a twitter battle with Liz Warren, how does he expect to win a face to face encounter with any head of state?
Liz Warren understands the ‘art of the deal’ and the deal is, she’s kicking Trump’s ass.
“Mr. Trump is the very embodiment of the culture of narcissism and decadence that moral traditionalism exists to counteract. Republicans used to argue that character mattered in our political leaders. But apparently that applied only to Democrats like Bill Clinton. Today, we’re told such considerations are irrelevant, inapposite, quaint. We’re electing a president rather than a pope, after all, so there’s no problem wrapping Republican arms around a moral wreck. At least he’s our moral wreck.”
“Mr. Trump is what he is — a malicious, malignant figure on the American political landscape. But Republican primary voters, in selecting him to represent their party, and Republican leaders now rallying to his side, have made his moral offenses their own.”
A couple of take aways from a very well written article. Sorry folks but I can’t help it, I get a certain perverse pleasure from watching republicans shit themselves over Trump. They have been stoking the embers of racism and economic exclusion for thirty years or more.
The only things slimier than Trump are the Ryans and McConnels of the world who try to rationalize their support.
The chickens are coming home to roost and they are really big chickens!
“There will be a fearsome price for Republicans to pay for their embrace of Donald Trump. Especially after the attacks on Judge Curiel, Mr. Ryan and Mr. McConnell, decent men who have already criticized Mr. Trump harshly, should rescind their endorsement of him — as Mr. McConnell just hinted that he might. Mr. Trump’s bigotry should earn him their enmity, not their loyalty.”
Seen in Ohio. Hope it’s a trend
Wow … eProf. Remembering how much I enjoyed reading your words when I first joined. Please write more when you feel like it.
Thank You to Mr Crawford for giving us a place to feel comfortable & accepted. Thank You to all who share their thoughts.
(To this day every time I see a butterfly I think of CBob.)
Any day Eprof shows up is a happy day for me.
I would have been an original Mixer but there was some glitch going on the day I tried to sign on and then I waited a couple more months before I came aboard. This place gave me a format to blast the 2nd incursion into Iraq,even two years after, from Shock and Awe to the white elephant billion dollar Baghdad US embassy fiasco, from the Green Zone to the battles , the drone attacks and the airplanes full of US currency cash that was conveniently “disappeared” upon landing and unloading in Iraq. Sometimes it got rocky here, with trolls, spammers, hackers, and a few posting people who liked to insult and cajole a bit too much…but from Muppets and muffins to this sleek latest platform, and through people taking long breaks away, it’s been a blast. A few folks shared email accounts years ago and I still communicate with a few to this day. Montreal’s Nurse Tylenol for one…she posts memes and zingers that leave me howling, plus we both love hockey and we trade barbs when Montreal plays Detroit.
I miss all the oldtimers who have passed on as well, dear Patsi, Lee Carmichael (Texas Church Photo Project), Lard Ass Liberal (Sean Holton)…we all bantered back and forth here on The Trail.
A friend told me Friday, “It would have been so much better if HRC would have won in 2008 and then Obama would have had a lot more Senate experience and been a more dynamic president.”
But…honestly, as intense as I was in following the past four presidential elections, this one has left me feeling like I am tired of the whole thing already. The orange haired Trump needs to be taken seriously but I just cannot, and Hillary, as much as I wish I could champion her ascent into nominee status…well, I have issues with her record.
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