Making History

hillaryObamaAll credit to the Democratic Party for another milestone, the nation’s first major party female nominee just after nominating and twice electing our first black president.

No matter one’s view of their politics or policy, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have earned their place in history. After all it wasn’t so long ago their ancestors could not even vote.

1000509261001_1088609394001_Bio-Biography-John-and-Abigail-Adams-LF1Abigail Adams, letter to John (March 31, 1776):

“I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

And let’s not forget that other milestone in the making: the first ever husband and wife presidencies!

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

65 thoughts on “Making History”


    craig, could you please, so as not to give the wrong impression, change the sad lincoln cartoon to a happy celebratory lincoln?

  2. grannymumantoog, welcome aboard. any twitter friend of jamie’s is a trail friend of ours. bonus here you’re not limited to 140 characters.

  3. hope the voter turnout today is not hampered by “why take the trouble when it’s already decided” syndrome due to the media’s ejaculato praecox problem.

  4. Sanders Fans, I Get Your Pain. But Let’s Unite Against Trump.
    Jay Carson

    Recalling all those op-ed articles I discarded, I finally wrote one toned-down enough that I thought someone might publish it. I showed it to the one person whose blessing, if not praise, I needed: Hillary Clinton. Her response was clear and unequivocal. Do not send this to anyone. The race is over, she said. We fought our best fight, but we lost.
    I know how difficult those lessons about losing can be to impart — and even more so to accept. But it is of the utmost importance that we all look beyond this intraparty contest to the one coming in November. I understand the anger about losing, and I know you may not love her (or even like her) yet. But Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee of the Democratic Party. She is the only thing standing between us and President Trump. That should be enough motivation for all of us to put our differences behind us and focus on helping her win.

  5. alexandra petri: Who can judge Donald Trump?
    Have we considered the possibility that the entire Trump campaign is just an attempt to offend as many categories of people as possible so that every judge on the Trump University case will have to recuse himself?


  6. So I put TM rss on my browser home page so I won’t miss anything 🙂

    The only thing good about waking up at 6am (arggg) is knowing Hillary is officially the nominee and seeing all the nice welcome comments from you all! <3

    Abigail Adams must be dancing in her grave today! Go Hillary!!!! Kick Trump’s ass all the way back to the rock he crawled out from under!


  7. ASSOCIATED PRESS makes it media official:

    History already in hand, Hillary Clinton will celebrate becoming the first woman to lead a major American political party Tuesday following votes in California, New Jersey and four other states. Clinton reached the 2,383 delegates needed to become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee on the eve of Tuesday’s voting, according to an Associated Press tally. Her total is comprised of pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, as well as superdelegates.


  8. GrannyMumantoog, a hearty welcome to you. Any friend of Jamie’s is bound to be a natural born Trail Mixer. Let me know if ever the mood strikes to write a thread post for us, can set you up.

    Your reference to RSS feed reminded me to include those links in Contraptions on the sidebar. Thanks.

  9. Welcome to this here blog,GrannyM!

    rick and I will be boarding the ferry to MV shortly.  We have something to celebrate with OSH!    YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaw!

  10. Great Post, Mr Crawford, & comments from everyone. When the AP news came out last night, my first thought was about Shirley Chisholm. She really didn’t have a snow ball’s chance in hell, but even as a kid I admired her & “got” what she was about. Remember the ladies? You bet.

  11. HOUSEKEEPING: Temporary glitch in posting comments fixed. Our comment editing plugin was acting up after an upgrade. Any having trouble please let me know at

  12. Granny

    Several on the trail write their own blogs at somewhat inconsistent levels, but you can find them on the right hand side of the page under “Blogroll”.  Several also give the Trail Master, Craig Crawford, by contributing posts to the pages here.  You can find some past ones under “Trail Boss Posts”.

    Rules are sort of no rules except that you observe something close to civilized behavior and like really good music of all types and politics.

    Welcome to the Trail.


  13. One of the most difficult things about being involved in political campaigns is having your heart broken when your candidate does not win.

    The worst election for me was 1968.  Hubert Humphrey lost to Richard Nixon and Senator Wayne Morse lost his re-election race. Robert Kennedy campaigned at my high school just days before he was murdered…a terrible year…

    My unsolicited advice is to keep fighting the good fight, win or lose.

  14. Granny, add me to the list of well-wishers; Jamie has such nice friends 🙂


  15. Time for a Rules Committee declaration of Trump as a persona non grata.

    Delegates pledged to Mr Trump shall be released from that obligation and be allowed to nominate and vote as they please in what will be an open convention. Past candidates in the current cycle are encouraged to declare their willingness to accept the nomination if they so please.

  16. “My unsolicited advice is to keep fighting the good fight, win or lose.”

    Excellent words, Oregon Democrat.

    If we remember these words, there really are no losers.

  17. 1968 was the year Shirley Chisholm was elected to Congress the first black woman.  The one bright spot in the whole year.


    Yay Hillary booo Bernie   I guess he has elected the blow it up scenario  – and he and Jane will be tiny footnotes to history and very unpopular in DC

  18. Was just thinking same thing, Flatus. Wonder what the legalities would be, because the sentiment is rising. Can the convention rules committee free delegates, or is that a state by state matter? Could be a task for TM Chief Counsel Pogo …

  19. Flatus on the right track  Bloomberg article on dumping Trump

    or everyone could refuse to go to the convention and the donald would be there by himself ok Chris Christie would be there Christie spent time this morning saying it was ok to critize the judge oh boy our next ag

  20. I love seeing history unfold when you can actually tell it’s history unfolding.


    Listening to bernie’s supporters last night and this morning I only have this to say – at some point you have to admit that water does not flow up hill.

  21. Boy goopers are stupid  doing nothing is not a good idea  things with Rump with only get worse

  22. cbs morning:

    Sen. Lindsey Graham is calling on Republicans who have endorsed Donald Trump for president to rescind their support.

    Graham told The New York Times he’s doing that because of the presumptive nominee’s comments on Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge overseeing one of the Trump University fraud cases, and because Trump said that a Muslim judge might also be unable to remain neutral in the same lawsuit.

    “This is the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy,” Graham told the Times.

    “If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it,” he added. “There’ll come a time when the love of country will trump hatred of Hillary.”


    reposting for emphasis: “There’ll come a time when the love of country will trump hatred of Hillary.”

    from lindsey’s mouth to the ears of god, gaia, allah, krishna, buddha and whomever else may be listening… Bernie perchance

  23. As primary season draws to a close, we take a walk down memory lane, climb memory bridge, and throw ourselves into the memory ocean.

  24. Flatus,

    Ain’t that the truth?  Jerry Jeff Walker did a sing about that.

    “Pissin’ in the win,
    but it’s blowin’ on all your friends
    makin’ the same mistakes we swear we’ll never make again…”

    That’s the problem isn’t it?

  25. Obama…..first minority………………thats all that should be said…..nothing else…what a dissapointment to this minority.!!!

    Hillary…..first women……goint to hope for the best…she is going to kick Trumps ass..she is getting what she wants…will she share (trickle down) a little with us…..or just pee on our legs and pretend that its raining……hoping for just two things…..universal health care….and stop Netenyahoooo madness.


    SJW……..Hillary could n ot play Hillary….don’t think that she knows herself anymore…so im thinking the perfect person to play her on the big screen would be  Dustin Hoffman……he did a great Totsie no?……later




  26. Congratulations Hillary…I have waited almost nine years to see this happen.  The winos are celebrating (clink).

  27. msnmc: trump does not have a campaign
    Donald Trump is a candidate without a campaign – and it’s becoming a serious problem. 
    Republicans working to elect Trump describe a bare-bones effort debilitated by infighting, a lack of staff to carry out basic functions, minimal coordination with allies and a message that’s prisoner to Trump’s momentary whims. 
    “Bottom line, you can hire all the top people in the world, but to what end? Trump does what he wants,” a source close to the campaign said. 
    In the meantime, the Trump campaign is leaning on the RNC for help to an unusual degree – it sent the first fundraising emails to small donors last week on their behalf – but it can only provide so much support. A source close to the campaign told NBC News that Rick Wiley, the GOP operative let go by Trump last month, was largely responsible for coordination with the RNC. The newly hired Murphy is set to replace Wiley as national political director, according to the Times. 
     “I don’t think [Trump] fully appreciates what the campaign is going to be like,” the source told NBC News.
    The good news for Trump is that it can only get better from here. 


    nope, it can also get worse. loose cannons have a tendency to slide off ships and into deep dark waters.  this one just might explode on its way down.

  28. Granny, welcome to the trail…….


    ME168 CONGRATULATIONS Kiddo……….U 2 Gramps….ncie job!!

  29. Hillary still faces being indicted.  Congratulation on YOUR choice of a Dem nominee.  She will lose the general IF she is the nominee.

    Bernie is still the future of this party, in both the short and long-term.

  30. Speaking of pissing in the wind… the LA Times reports that

    A top House Republican on Tuesday unveiled a sweeping plan to replace the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, which has been fiercely criticized as overly burdensome by GOP lawmakers, Wall Street executives and industry officials.

    Rep.Jeb Hensarling(R-Texas), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, called the 2010 law “a grave mistake foisted upon the American people” as he laid out the alternative that Republicans could seek if they win the White House in November.
    The complex new legislation has virtually no chance of passing Congress this year. And President Obama would almost certainly veto any bill rolling back Dodd-Frank, which is one of his signature accomplishments.


  31. And Bill tries to unite the party by referring to Bernie’s supporters as “toast.” Nice.

  32. blueid, here’s a candidate for you to consider other than drumpf if your Bernie doesn’t get nominated and you still hate Hillary too much to vote for her

    Published on Jun 6, 2016

    With the general election likely to feature party nominees of unprecedented unpopularity, third-party contenders such as Libertarian candidate and former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson are looking to reap big gains with a dissatisfied electorate. Johnson joins Judy Woodruff to discuss his platform, how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump fall short and what he hopes to achieve in the election.

  33. Endorsements.  From the LA Times:

    Here are The Times’ picks in selected races in the June 7 primary:

    Democratic nomination: Hillary Clinton. In the Hillary Clinton vs.Bernie Sanders race, The Times supports Clinton for the reasons set forth here.

    Republican nomination: No endorsement. Donald Trump doesn’t need California’s votes to secure his spot on the November ballot, and Californians shouldn’t give them to this astoundingly unqualified candidate.

    I really like that second one.  Kinda sums up my feelings exactly.

  34. blueid, he didn’t call the hecklers toast. he said “they know they will be toast” and that’s why they’re screaming.

    Sanders backers heckled Clinton as he campaigned for his spouse in East Los Angeles. The aspiring first husband taunted back: “If I were them, I’d be screaming too, because they know they will be toast by Election Day.” [newsday]

    not hard to imagine the rude names and adjectives those hecklers were calling him and disrupting the crowd’s right to hear his speech.

  35. The Judge Trump is picking on is a Republican appointed by one of the Bushes and Schwartzennegger

  36. Solar,

    Interesting casting choice for our movie …. I’ll leave it at that 😉


    The die is cast. Secretary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for President. I can’t see into the future so will have to wait for the election results come November. You may be right, you may be wrong. However this election is about much more than fearing the specter of another Clinton in the White House: Donald J. Trump could be Leader of the Free World. This is what the election is about now.

    I’m not a Democrat but the choice between their future for America & the Republicans’ is clear as day. I consider myself part of the Coalition of the Sane. With apologies to our Southern Friends, every Sane person should join forces & “General Sherman” the Republican nominee & those who support him. March them into the proverbial sea. Not by violence but through Voting. No scorched earth, just a scorched slate.

    Not happy with Secretary Clinton? Not everyone is, was or will be. I intend to support Congressional Candidates who closely mirror my beliefs. Also, don’t forget supporting State elected Officials. Many Congressional & Senate members use State Offices as stepping stones to Washington. Ways to influence our Government exist. All for the better.

  37. ahh, the good old dis- and un- organized democratic party
    “Protesters” get confused and beat each other up, then realize they are all actually Bernie fans and begin chanting “bernie, bernie, bernie”.

  38. Pat


    I hope not, send them to some third party until they grow up.

    BTW the video proved what I’ve always suspected about the bernie bros, they have three brain cells and they share them. Pass them around everybody gets a turn.


  39. GOP Senator Mark Kirk Pulls Support for Donald Trump

    “While I oppose the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump’s latest statements, in context with past attacks on Hispanics, women and the disabled like me, make it certain that I cannot and will not support my party’s nominee for president regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican party,” Mr. Kirk said in a statement.


    “It is absolutely essential that we are guided by a commander-in-chief with a responsible and proper temperament, discretion and judgment,” Mr. Kirk said. “Our President must be fit to command the most powerful military the world has ever seen, including an arsenal of thousands of nuclear weapons. After much consideration, I have concluded that Donald Trump has not demonstrated the temperament necessary to assume the greatest office in the world.”

  40. jack,

    “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” – Will Rogers

  41. MADDOW: Do you think that Mr. Trump is a racist? Do you think he’s running an overtly racist campaign for president?

    CLINTON: Well, I don’t know what’s in his heart, but I know what he’s saying with respect to the judge, that’s a racist attack. With the attacks on so many other people, he is calling them out for their ethnic background, their race, their religion, their gender. I don’t know what else you could call these attacks other than racist, other than prejudice, other than bigoted. It’s just plain wrong, and certainly wrong coming from someone who is vying to become President of the United States.

    MADDOW: Secretary Clinton, I know you time is tight, I have one last question for you, and it’s just about the fact that this is a historic moment we are about to have as a country if, and when, you clench that number tomorrow night, you will become the first woman ever nominated for President in this country. Why do you think it took us 240 years to get there?

    CLINTON: (LAUGHING) Oh, Rachel, I think that it will be a great moment. I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I want everybody who can, to vote tomorrow in all of the states that are holding primaries, but it is historic, and I’m aware of that. I take that responsibility seriously. I’ll have more to say about it, but I think it’s going to be a very positive development, not just to little girls and women, but for little boys and men because I’m running to be president for every single American.

  42. Just got back from Martha’s Vineyard.  We had a great time with OSH and Finn.  We smashed some wine glasses… And we smashed them good.  Did a conference call with Tony during lunch in Edgartown.  Love you, Tony!  Love you,OSH!

  43. Another day, another 4 Pinocchio award for Donald. This one is on teh Trump U case and whether Curiel should have granted summary judgment.  Hell, on the issue of whether Trump misled students into registering to take a course teaching his secrets by instructors hand picked by him, on the basis of what little I’ve seen reported there was enough to survive a summary judgment motion.

  44. Look forward to the evidence of Rebellious and OldSea shattering glass at 8pm ET right here on Trail Mix.

  45. drumpf claims his comments about Judge Curiel have been misconstrued (yeah, right).

    Sen. Jeff Sessions, the first sitting senator to endorse Trump earlier this year, refused to defend Trump’s remarks and Sen. Bob Corker, who has met with Trump several times, called Trump’s comments “wrong” and told CNN Tuesday that the Republican nominee has two to three weeks “to redirect their efforts in a positive way.”

    My take – his lawyers have been screaming at him.  And if Jeff Sessions won’t defend his comments they are REALLY beyond the pale.

  46. xrepublican,

    If I could share a bottle of my favorite Spanish Cava with you I would because I love the pure joy in your Post.

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