Clinton Wins By Losing Again?

WVcoalUSA Today: “Following his win in Indiana a week ago, today’s contest in West Virginia is part of a pocket of states voting this month, such as Oregon, where Bernie Sanders is expected to do well — even after Clinton carried a number of Eastern states in April that put her on a path to clinch the nomination. … West Virginia is representative of Clinton’s strategic challenge in the general election. … She spent much of her West Virginia tour last week apologizing for earlier comments suggesting she wanted to put the coal industry out of business.”

Clinton beat Obama in WV 67% to 26% in 2008.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

jack, i agree with you about the stink coming from that mucky pig sty with the big fake gold letters atop: “After all Trump is doing it because he is losing and needs to distract the press from that story.”   he indeed wants a distraction for the media from the ryan et al snubs and from having to answer anything of substance requiring a complete sentence.

warren is doing a great job of hitting him first which is the way to fight him at his own game.  neither hill nor bill should fall for his taunts, but  need a humorous way to turn the media attention to drumpf’s disrespect for and blatant playing of the press.  maybe even employ his favorite tactic of quoting others (his goper colleagues) with regard to donald being dangerous.  get surrogates to throw fresh meat of tasty tidbits about his past for media to tear into and ask him questions about.

8 years ago

more stuff like this to get under lil Donnie’s skin

8 years ago

and more stories like this one from wapo:

From playboy to president? Trump’s past crude sex talk collides with his White House bid.

Over 15 years, radio shock jock Howard Stern and his buddy Donald Trump periodically carried on like towel-snapping “bros” in a locker room, rating women’s tops and bottoms, debating whether oral sex is “important,” and egging each other on about whether they would like to go to bed with a number of people, from Cindy Crawford to Diane Sawyer.

“You could’ve gotten her, right?” Stern asked Trump on-air shortly after Princess Diana’s death in 1997. “You could’ve nailed her.”

“I think I could have,” Trump said.


He wrote in his best-selling books that a parade of famous women wanted to date him. In his 1997 “Art of the Comeback,” he wrote, “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller (which it will be anyway!).” He also wrote in that book about being “linked to dozens of other women. . . . It was incredible, being intimately associated with women I had never heard of. Women themselves — some very famous — were linking themselves to me. I guess they wanted some of the publicity. They were calling. Their agents were calling. It was a circus! It was sick!”


The man-baby doth protest too much, methinks. quintessential case of insecurity and self-doubt of his own manhood.

8 years ago

sam does a great dump on drumpf in the first few minutes… don’t miss it, but the good-bye to ted is sorta anti-climatic.

8 years ago

“Clinton beat Obama in WV 67% to 26% in 2008.”

White Candidate vs Black Candidate, 2008

White Man Candidate vs Woman Candidate, 2016

Wondering if these observations mean anything, other than it is what it is.


8 years ago

I think that Trump is best dealt with by pointing out the absurd. Clinton needs to have some ‘little dog Fala’ moments on her own and leave the nastiness to surrogates.

8 years ago

How many delegates are up for grabs in WV?

8 years ago

Local Congressman Chris Collins (first Congressman to endorse Mr Trump) emphasizing at every talk how voters are anti establishment this year; invoking Senator Sanders as the equivalent to Mr Trump on “the other side.” / The Trump acolytes have been very nice to the Sanders followers in this area, which is a smart move. Appeal to the outsider mode. How much this sucking-up will accomplish has yet to be seen, but they are taking the initiative & making the first move. Hey, every vote counts. Go for it.

8 years ago

The real reason Bernie Sanders will enthusiastically back Hillary Clinton in November

by Matthew Yglesias


Jesse Jackson in 88 had much the same reasons to back  Dukakis But he chose to whine and moan about respect.

Look where he is now.

The left tends to do that.



8 years ago

Read an article on WAPO last night about Clinton fundraisers reaching out to Bush backers To creat a Republicans for Hillary super pac.

HRC isn’t looking to just win , she is looking for 25 years of payback on these idiots. She would love to take all 50 states.



8 years ago

SJ & Poobah, White woman v. black man and white woman v. white man makes all the difference in WV, especially in the southern part of the state.  I don’t see so much open racism in the north central part of the state, but I’m told by friends in the panhandles that it is present in each of them.  And it isn’t seen just in the pugn party – otherwise the HRC-Obama spread wouldn’t have been what it was.  People here loved Hillary in 2008 when she & Bill were doing fundraisers in people’s houses even here in our podunk town.


Poobah, I like the idea of Carville or Davis politically castrating Donald – too bad Clinton let Carville get away.


Well, I went and did my civic duty.  Hopefully my vote will save me from practicing in front of a new family court judge who has ZERO family court experience.

8 years ago


If I were Hillary and thought I had enough money, I’d play in every state like they were winnable. Who knows she might pick off a few.

8 years ago


Racism, sexism, every type of -ism exists everywhere. To some voters Secretary Clinton will be judged first by her gender.


Fifty states, all the territories, all Americans living abroad. Every vote counts. ✔

8 years ago

Jack, the differences between Jackson and Bernie are two obvious ones.  In ’88 Jesse was still relatively young and had his political future ahead of him – the same cannot be said for Bernie.  The second is that Bernie is a sitting Senator and will return to his job in December. Politically, Jackson had everything to lose but acted as if he had nothing to lose by not supporting Dukakis.

Eugene Robinson points out that a Clinton campaign strategy could be to let trump refute himself as he has been doing.

How do you nail a blob of mercury to the wall? That’s a problem the Democratic nominee — likely Hillary Clinton — will have to solve in running against Donald Trump, most of whose positions on major issues are, shall we say, elusive.

I say “most” because Trump has been steadfast on three of his most nonsensical promises: banning Muslims from entering the country, forcing Mexico to pay for a border wall and deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. Many of his supporters surely know he could not possibly do any of those things if elected president. But some don’t — and would feel betrayed if Trump suddenly dropped the whole xenophobia thing.

On other issues, however, trying to pin Trump down on what he believes or intends has been an exercise in futility. This is a problem not only for Clinton but also for Republicans who would like to support Trump for the sake of unity but want some idea of where the party is being led.

Gene has a way at distilling what shouldbe obvious down so that it is.

8 years ago


Some interesting electoral scenarios here. Worth a look.

8 years ago

Ya know it is one thing to look above the fray,

But when you opponent is down it not the time to back off and let him get up.

Take the boots to him and keep him down.

HRC really does need a brawler or two, Or to use a hockey phrase, she needs the enforcer. The person who will make the dirty hit that she can then put in the penalty box for misbehavior.



8 years ago


Jackson still pisses me off. At the time he was making his run I told several AA friends that he was setting himself  as a major power within the  Democratic party. He would have had all the respect in the world, all he had to do was deliver the vote.

lol, idiot


8 years ago


On the robinson article

When your opponent  is all over the map you pick the most unfavorable stands and make them the campaign, When he starts walking them back you scream “flip flop”


8 years ago


Keith Olbermann could be that enforcer.

Think about it.

8 years ago

It would help if news channels would explain the actual coal issues:  Close down of in ground mining, mountain top removal with no need for miners, switch to renewables, move to western states, expense of suits to pay for health consequences etc etc etc.  And then actually related Hillary’s stance of support, healthcare, retraining, transition to retirement whatever needed to soften the blow of what can’t be changed.


8 years ago

“The Trump acolytes have been very nice to the Sanders followers…”

sjwny, no doubt even some drumpfsters are bernie bros.  bullies are fungible.  they go wherever the action is.  bet a good amount of the bern’s money comes out of the same deep pockets — just spread out in $27 amounts to look like movement masses but mostly to avoid disclosure.

8 years ago

“It would help if news channels would explain the actual coal issues”

Jamie, it would help if they merely reported them let alone explain. they should address issues rather than constantly replay schoolyard taunts trying to start fights.  but too much work, too boring and no fun for the boys on the bus.


8 years ago

sjwny…  the problem with Olbermann is who wants to hire him.  He came out about a month ago saying he’d like to get back into the game…   and so far…   no one has bitten.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

the woman who is covering Trump for MSNBC is a Trump supporter now  must be some kind of odd Stockholm syndrome

8 years ago

raw story:  Rachel Maddow: Trump is so unpopular voters like him less than lice — by nearly 30 points

Never mind Hillary Clinton; as MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reported on Monday, Donald Trump is viewed more negatively than lice — by 26 points. And it got worse.

“Not to nitpick, but this new national polling also finds that Mr. Trump is viewed less favorably than not just lice, but also traffic jams; used car salesmen; hipsters; the DMV; jury duty; the band Nickelback; and also root canals,” she said.


“Women voters actually prefer both cockroaches and hemorrhoids to Donald Trump,” she noted. “Weird. Turns out there’s a gender split on those particular issues.”

8 years ago

Republican conservatives need to cut the B.S. and call themselves what they really are – Christian fundamentalist libertarians that believe in a free market economy.  I am not sure how free market economy is related to Christian fundamentalist libertarians except for their large political campaign donors.  The free market economy and conservatives came up on The Last Word last night by a ‘Nevertrump’ person.

Republican conservatives are true televangelists’ believers.

There have been two classic views about Christians and wealth:

(a) That wealth is a sign of God’s favour and blessing and that Christians should pray for it and pursue it. Christians should be prosperous and “the head and not the tail”. This is espoused by many televangelists.

(b) That simplicity of lifestyle is preferable for Christians and Christians should be world-renouncing, joyous and free. This is espoused by St Francis, Mother Teresa et. al.

I liked the part where it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle…

8 years ago


I’m aware that during the Post War period up through the 70s, many, many folks from Appalachia migrated to Northern Ohio taking advantage of the job markets in heavy industry and construction. Sometimes families would accompany the workers, other times they would wait back home until things were sorted in Cleveland, Akron, Lorain or wherever.

In Cleveland, the primary area in which these people lived wasn’t ‘home’. I can quite imagine why they hated it in comparison with beautiful WBG.

8 years ago

Rebellious Renee,

Who said anything about a network hiring Mr Olbermann? 😉 One fact that is true about the gentleman is that he has a keen sense of Right & Wrong & is fearless in defending that which he believes in. He also has a phenomenal gift for communication. For all we know, he could be helping Democracy behind the scenes, out of public view. He is deep, deep, deep, both in sharing his advice & putting his money where his mouth is. Keith Olbermann is a good citizen. I have complete confidence in his judgment where our future is involved.

8 years ago


The Trump folks are reaching out to the Sanders folks here. Will any bite? Who knows…. but at least the offer is made. You dance with the one who brung ya come November. Maybe.

8 years ago

Truthfully I always thought Mr Olbermann would be perfect for a “Letter From America” type show on the BBC. He was born for something like that.

8 years ago


Maybe she is like these women, hoping to be the next Ann Coulter, a lot of money in that gig and you never have to admit when you are wrong.

Pundits achieve cable-news stardom after converting into Donald Trump supporters



8 years ago

The actual coal issues are pretty detailed and multifaceted – not the sweet spot for the news channels.  They talk about fracking, they talk about the decline in coal production, but they seldom tie the two together.  Add to that the economics of deep mining and environmental costs of surface and mountain top mining, then throw in the Western coal (cleaner)/eastern coal (dirtier) angle, and you’re 45 minutes into a 30 minute newscast, and the viewers aren’t making much sense of it anyway.

8 years ago

My initial reaction to Mr Obama going to Hiroshima is negative–but I haven’t heard his remarks. Of this I am absolutely sure: The bomb on that city combined with the one on Nagasaki stopped the war in Japan instantly. In gross numbers (including nuclear casualties) I believe the losses, Japanese, American, Soviet, Commonwealth, Chinese and Korean, are far less because of the bombs than they would have been had we been forced to invade Japan’s home islands.

Although her crew members have passed on, the Enola Gay deserves her place in the Smithsonian.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

#$%#@^&&*(*&^%$###$$  Ack Trump ahead  in Ohio no wonder it is such a f’d up place

People voting for him do not have an idea of the role of government in their own lives. They think it doesn’t matter who is president and there might as well be someone who screws everyone instead of just the poor and middle class

8 years ago

trevor noah last fall pointed out trump is presidential, just running on wrong continent.  indeed lil donnie sounds just like idi amin.


folks, this is how the rest of the world is laughing at us along with the 3,037,766 who viewed the above.

8 years ago

craigcrawfordsays:May 9, 2016 at 9:11 pmJace, I’m unsure about the effectiveness of attacking Trump’s business history, bankruptcies or whatever — plays into his hands, especially when coming from politicians with no business experience, as so many of his GOP rivals discovered.
This not a debate. Spear the dragon in his heart : investors didn’t lose a buck; they each lost years & opportunities as donald tied up their money in Federal Court. The moral is, don’t give deadbeat donald a loan.
for press release/twit : Deadbeat Donald

8 years ago

Use It or Lose. Make Deadbeat try to explain all the DELAYS.
No debates; just jab jab jab. Take the offensive. Make Deadbeat the issue.

8 years ago

Make America Happy Again !

8 years ago

alexandra petri: Playboy president Donald Trump and the double standard

The Post recently studied the sexual history of Donald Trump and concluded that he could go “from playboy to president” (which was, I think, the cover story of every magazine in the 1950s, generally with a man with Bryl-creamed hair on the cover who resembled Don Draper.)


We’ve come a long way, but in this area especially, the double standard persists. He gets to be a stud. She gets to be a slut.

You would not see an article along the lines of, “A Woman Slept With Lots Of People And It Was Terrific And Good For Her Business Brand, But Now We Wonder If People Might Use It Against Her?” But we live at the tipping point where Trump, 69, can still have and eat his cake simultaneously.


and this week’s example the double standard is alive and well in America: a man of multiple mistresses, infidelities and marriages castigates and gets away with denigrating a woman who keeps her vows thru a marriage of many years sticks to her promises.  no questions asked of him, no aspersions cast on his past, nope nothing…. but her? she’s labeled untrustworthy.

8 years ago


the man-baby

8 years ago

KC, Ohio is a reddish purple state now.  Guv & Lt. Guv and one senator are Rs.  3/4 of US Reps are Rs.  Its economy has done fairly well under Kasich. Tough state for Clinton to crack, although Bill and Obama each did that twice.  Since ’72 OH has voted for the winning pres. candidate.

8 years ago


esquire [noting only the “man-baby” jibe making the headlines instead of the rest of jon stewart’s interview]:

But all the insult-based hype has really only served to reinforce one of Stewart’s main lines of reasoning through the discussion: That media malpractice—specifically an obsession with conflict and shiny objects—is failing citizens and undermining our politics.

The problem, Stewart explained, is one of incentives. The media has the same ones as a “crack dealer,” in that as long as the product keeps selling, they’re not bothered about the consequences. Stewart rightly cited the network executives who have called the Trump narrative “good for business,” and the 1.4 million Trump interviews where he’s asked a question, goes post-reality, and then the discussion moves on without a word.
There are so many fascinating things to take away from this discussion. Stewart seems at odds with himself, for instance, about another part of Trump’s rise—the inefficacy of government. At one point, he blamed Democrats and their fecklessness: “The door is open to an asshole like Donald Trump because the Democrats haven’t done enough to show people that government, that can be effective for people, can be efficient for people. And if you can’t do that, then you’ve lost the right to make that change and someone’s going to come in and demagogue you.” 
But at another, he called attention to the Republican business model so frequently cited by Esquire’s Charles Pierce: Tell people government doesn’t work, then go to Washington and prove it. It’s a “tautology,” Stewart said, and a searingly effective one that has convinced enough people that the only way to change the system is to blow it up. That has produced the populism of Bernie Sanders, but it has also fueled Trump’s rise.

8 years ago

Where’re Deadbeat’s tax returns for any year in the past decade??

8 years ago

flatus, media can’t or won’t even make st. bern turn over all his taxes. you think they’ll confront lil Donnie to show his?

8 years ago

(a) That wealth is a sign of God’s favour and blessing and that Christians should pray for it and pursue it. …. This is espoused by many televangelists. – P. I. Tampa
Also, my poverty is proof of Satan on earth, while your poverty is proof of your total depravity.

8 years ago

trump is a tax cheat. Pass it on.

8 years ago

Did you see the F-16s from Shaw?

8 years ago

Ach! Now the Lt. Gov. is holding a presser about potty politics.  He has no idea what he’s even talking about; it was voted on and has been in place for a decade.  The parents did know; they just didn’t pay any attention until now.  There have been three Superintendents in Ft. Worth ISD since it was voted on.

Dan Patrick is just looking for cheap political points for wingnuts.   Some of the parents think they might want to homeschool their kids because of transgender bathroom policies. Idiots!

8 years ago

Sometimes you just get a nice gift in the day.  One of my all time favorite movies turned up in the middle of the day at 3:00 PM with one of the all time great theme songs.


8 years ago

Blue, let them.  Idiots are everywhere.

8 years ago

Whaa??? Heidi Cruz comparing untrusTED’s  campaign to the abolition movement.

8 years ago

Pogo – Yep, that’s what their kids need; to be homeschooled by morons.  They’ll be as isolated from the truth as North Koreans.

8 years ago

Believe it or not, Abolition was not about earth having w/4 corners, or about the care and management of slaves, or paying taxes to the Pontif(ex Maximus & Optimus). 

8 years ago

As screwed up as the polling has been in the primaries, I’m not about to put too much stock in polls tracking an election that occurs in November.

8 years ago

Hell as i see it, the coverage is very annoying. They’re projecting a Sanders win in West Virginia without any percentages assigned. Of course I predicted the Sanders win in West Virginia weeks ago, but I was basing it primarily upon what I know about West Virginians.

8 years ago


This bathroom obsession seems to be spreading .. I think it’s a backlash from the gay marriage ruling and transgender people are easy targets for the right wing nuts abuse.. I’m so glad the federal government is suing NC.. Shame on them and what a waste of taxpayer dollars when the conservatives say they care about frivolous spending..

8 years ago


You speak truth.

8 years ago

I see that the donkeysare taking the votes 8 to the counting centers and Bernie is winning.  (I called it).  Bernie needs 67%.  He’s at 50.  Math (and time) ain’t on his side. Apologies to the Rolling Stones.

8 years ago

So Sanders wins WV. What are the chances that Dems. will carry it in November?

8 years ago

Just an fyi.  The insurgent blog appears to have collapsed.

8 years ago


Yep, it is the republicans beating the same dead horse, A hard rear guard action to get religious conservatives to vote Trump especially religios conservative women.

It might work if Trump would walk down the isle and be saved. once you are saved all is forgiven. Trump is the perfect candidate for it. He has no moral center so what does he care.



8 years ago

I see that conservatives are again playing the victim card.  This time facebook is persecuting them.

Ya know remembering when it was church night at royals stadium. Jeez talk about  some tight ass tippers.

Ya know loosen up the wallet and facebook will love you

Just sayin’



8 years ago

Can anyone tell me why MSNBC is running results from Nebraska in the Democratic race? Bernie won that weeks ago.

8 years ago

OKC takes a 3 game lead.  Durant and Westbrook put the team on their backs and take it home.

8 years ago

Oh yes, Jack

They always have to get their wedge issue voters out there, raging and hating.. Worked in Ohio for Bush via Karl Rove but will it work for the non -saved Trump, lol these conservatives, oh my..

8 years ago

How Donald Trump Is Already Surrounding Himself With Fervent Homophobes
By Michael Angelo Signorelli

  Trump is himself opposed to marriage equality and told religious conservatives during a Christian Broadcasting Network interview to “trust me” to overturn what he called the “shocking” Obergefell ruling from the Supreme Court on marriage equality. While it would be quite difficult to overturn Obergefell, it’s safe to say, looking at who Donald Trump is turning to now, that it’s not likely there will be any progress on LGBT rights — and quite likely there could be great harm to them — under a Trump presidency.

8 years ago

new thread