Hugging the Pander Bear

By PatD, A Trail Mix Contributor

Not on the endangered species list is the pander bear, the political pet of all potential potentates. So bear with me and prepare to bear out the season and hunt the critter where ere he/she be. Mixers, let’s see how many we can run up a tree.

Panda-bear1For example, take last night when “BET Explores #BlackLivesMatter With Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders
Are the candidates pandering, promising, predicting, preparing, portraying phony selfies and/or all the above?

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8 years ago

Other than his early visitation to an event in WA 50 years ago, Bernie doesn’t have much to show on Civil Rights front either in activism or laws.  Hillary did good work with the Children’s Defense Fund and has remained friends with many from that era, but they weren’t happy with her backing of the Welfare Reform Bill It doesn’t help Bernie that one of his spokespersons accuses the current President of “niggerizing” The White House while Hillary’s supporters tend to be from an older generation that might not appeal to the  Black Lives Matter activists. All in all, I… Read more »

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Everyone have a good day!

8 years ago

Good article covering Hillary’s career

Accomplished People Get Paid For Speeches

8 years ago

From last thread, posted in the nether period,

8 years ago

Bernie’s huge problem is that true or not, the perception is that HRC, of all the people running for president, is perceived as having been more involved in supporting the black community than any of the rest and Bernie is perceived as having no real record of promoting black interests.

8 years ago

A little afternoon levity from the Onion.

8 years ago

This subject is good timing.  I weave scarves using hand painted rayon yarns.  I name the scarves whatever the person who dyed the rayon called her work.  What am I weaving today is a yarn painted with white, black, and soft grey colors entitled Panda Bear.

All candidates pander to their voters.  If not… IMO, they are lousy campaigners.  Those of you who are screaming at Hillary for practicing this time honored tactic…   suck it!  🙂



8 years ago

LOL, Renee.  Politicians pander?  I’M SHOCKED!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Bernie has one issue but he believes solving that one issue and getting money out of politics will solve the other problems

8 years ago

With these guys for leading candidates, you could almost feel sorry for the Republicans … Almost



8 years ago

Jamie, I’m trying really hard.  Nope, can’t get there.

8 years ago

Jamie….  sorry?…  hell, not at all.  That is exactly what the Republicans have courted.  Too bad…   so sad…   a divorce is not forthcoming.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Hitler had micropenis, historians claim


Comparisons to Trump keep pilng up

8 years ago

Dallas election news:

Brawl between two contestants in a local race who were debating…on a gospel radio station.

Oh, John Wiley Price.  You never cease to amaze me.

8 years ago

Sanders Struggles To Widen Appeal As South Carolina Primary Looms
The rush of March contests in big, diverse states could leave Sanders grasping for political life.
John Whiteside

8 years ago

Crackers – Bernie has more than one issue including my favorite, energy.   That’s actually the one issue that, if handled correctly, would fix so many other problems; energy independence, jobs, healthier environment.

I wish the candidates would pander to Mother Nature…well, actually I wish it was more than that, of course.

8 years ago

Romney had binders full of women.  Kasich has women coming out of the kitchen. Ha!

8 years ago

Claire McCaskill Announces She Has Breast Cancer
She expects a full recovery.
Jennifer Bendery

8 years ago

Pat, A very nice post.  But there is no pandering in baseball (crying)… is all just a show, a dance of sorts that the two party system uses as an illusion for keeping us from really knowing that we are nothing more than little chess pieces to move around. There are only two kinds of people in this her world….always was, always will be One kind is those that take what ever they want…not matter what………the other kind, are the ones that let them take what ever they want….simple no? Tha Rs and the Ds are one and the same……just… Read more »

8 years ago

…..dont like Hillarys answer to the insurance question…..after thinking about it….she won’t build on obama care at all.  Where would she start…it is so confusing and intricate on purpose. Friend of mine did all the right things…so he thought…..went to the hospital that his ins co approved….even checked to see that the doctor was approved by his ins co………………….he thought that he had thouroly researched everything that there was to………..then he got a big bill a cpl wks after his operation…….turns out the Anesthesiologist that they used was not approved by his ins corp……… If she is just going to… Read more »

8 years ago

But he is not cheap with other peoples money…….we need someone with a different kind of approach to it all………….we need some one to promise….pinkey promise…is the best….we need him/her to run on three things…..legalize M J,  legalize prostitution….legalize off track betting……keep these taxes away from the military complex, pharms….and any other  welfare sucking large corp………

8 years ago

How are we going to find any solutions……if all we do is elect the very same people that are responsible for leading us into the middle of a sea of quick sand……… ok im done……..never mind….ill do it for you…..GO HILLARY…….

8 years ago

Purple, Hope that helps you out a little…..some great links that you provided….im not going to get too involved…i dropped out for a while to chase some other interest that demanded all of my attention….returned cos i wanted to share some of these new things…..that would eliminate doctors and ins corps a great deal…… Our politicians are not up to mind/body/vibrations and a cpl of other things that would harm their bottom line…..bad timing …..will wait for the right time…….later Anon Paranoid…….would be one example….a very nice man….that can be helped by many alternative methods….even cured i dare to say….but… Read more »

8 years ago

Solar, too obtuse for me.  You aren’t voting for HRC because you don’t think she can fix Ocare and not for Bern because he can’t win and that leaves Trump, or am I missing something? Was that go Hillary bit real or not? It posted while I was drafting this.

8 years ago


i wont vote for any of these people…..will figure it all out when the time comes….but as in the past…i have never regretted voting for the best person that i have felt to cure what is wrong with our country….in the past….the person that i was convinced that would do this…without one iota of a doubt…was John Haglein of the natural law party…..

8 years ago

Solar – Yes, alternative medicine is helpful without the bad side effects.  My insurance used to allow me to get physical therapy and acupuncture…until Obamacare jacked with the whole system and premiums skyrocketed.  My employer went for a crappy plan (one that was originally created because of the ACA) and now PT & acupuncture are buried behind the deductible.  Basically, you pay premiums plus the deductible before you get to the benefits (which still cost a co-pay and are limited in number). Hillary  will be four more years of Obama’s policies.  She has nothing to offer. At least Trump wants… Read more »

8 years ago

And then if we didn’t import China didn’t produce carcinogenic, laminate flooring (as reported on “60 Minutes” a long time ago, as well as many other things  (remember the toxic pet food ?), maybe the need for medical services would decrease.

8 years ago

Blue, Yes and that is only a small part of what we can do…..there is so much more…..that is FREE.!!  We in our brain hold the largest, bestes pharmacy store that there is…..mother nature saw to this……what we need to do is learn how to summon up the chemicals that we need…..have a headache….learning how to go into your cabeza to cure it is the best and natural way to do this…….I havent seen a doctor now for 2 years….will talk about  that a little later on Will give you a miracle cure for many thing right not…..drink hydrogenated water….for… Read more »

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Allowing insurance companies to cross state lines at will would:

1. Result in less competition

2. Destroy state regulation of insurance carriers in enlightened states like Oregon

3. Give the Koch brothers and their massive United Health Care the mechanism to absorb or destroy regional and state carriers

That is why conservative Republicans always push this horrible idea as their health policy.




Blue Bronc
8 years ago

patd – Ifor one feel sorry for those few moderate to progressive gopers that are left. they must really really feel depressed.  it was a grand old party there for awhile back when …. whenever that was.

These are the people forming the right of center Dems, or indies who vote Dem.  They vote D but may keep their R.  Some of my best support came from them.

8 years ago

Hi Pat

Come on over to the new thread