It should read: put the blame on the meme boys. The mainstream media have let us down or have led us down a very scary path on the way to electing our next president.
Playing the blame game, who do you think is responsible for the mess we’re in?
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
actually, we the insatiate consumer of the sensational scandalous insanity of today’s news are really the ones to blame. we are more than the enablers of bad journalism.
p.s. craig, the word “wary” in intro should read “way” … but think of it as a freudian slip
Term limits for talking heads. I liked them better when they were just reporters sprinkled-in with journalists. Even the sign language humans opine sign! No one is neutral.
Happy Presidents Day, or as a few us grew up with, Happy Georgie’s Birthday.
There are so many reasons to vote, none so long lived as voting for president and senator because the two branches must work to place a person on the third branch. And, that person has a guaranteed life long job. It is my greatest disappointment that we have so few voters who understand this and go to the polls.
We now live with the idiocy of voters who put The Mitch in the hallowed chamber of the Senate.
from geebeebee at dailykos speaking of memes:
In the recent CBS South Carolina poll, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of people 18-29 thought that Bernie Sanders was honest and trustworthy. (page 66 in poll above)
Hillary for 18-29 year olds? 43%. Yikes.
Yes, Fox and Republicans have pushed this “not honest and trustworthy” shit forever.. It’s more than disheartening to see some of the Bernie supporters push that meme when their candidate doesn’t.. Bernie is a typical politician. I used to say that about then Saint Obama, well…..
Got a mirror
This politics by protest and personal destruction seems to be the boomers favorite way to go. Best modern example is all the grey hairs in the tea party.
a critique of all those dancing on Scalias grave from the left.
Another personal experience from a Democrat
patd… your comment is right along the lines of Pogo… no not our Pogo… the cartoon character… who says.. “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Not only do many of us not listen to the other side… the bickering between those on the same side because of a difference in a chosen candidate to be the nominee of the party is sad to see. The right is hyperbolic… and the left isn’t much better in some instances. But then again that politics. It’s gonna be a rough ride… so as CBob would say… buckle your chin… Read more »
Poll: South Carolina still solidly for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
I gave a semi-listen to the Bonnie’s on msnbc for a bit and it was mostly just sad.
link for poll above
Buckle yer chin straps, indeed……
if the weather don’t get us, then the goobers will…….
The goobers and their goober leaders have totally taken leave of their senses. Perhaps, irreversibly.
renee and sturge, we’ll need more than cbob’s chin straps
just wait ’til the real fighting begins. I still get nightmares of puma trolls lurking on the trail.
BTW… I reject the meme that those who choose for Sanders and not for Clinton are sexists. Yes some sexism (both conscious and unconscious) is obviously being hurled around. But one can be for any candidate for a number of valid reasons. That meme was thrown around here in 08. It was ugly then and it’s still ugly now, IMO.
I can handle remarks from the Bernie supporters by simply assuming the ones commenting on the state and uses for my anatomy are actually GOP trolls trying to pick a fight. What bothers me are when actual supporters link to articles from Breitbart or directly quote Faux Spews memes complete with “some people say” hints to nefarious actions.
Many thoughts about so much and no primary vote until April; a state total vote, calculated by those who calculate such things, as to make something like a 0.41 difference in the Sanders-Clinton nomination or delegates necessary for nomination. That is something exciting right there. Twenty some years ago the crazy leader of the PTL 700 Club would actually pray for the Supremes to be killed and die in office. He did this every week for several months. He was even praying for the right wing Supremes to die along with their left wing compatriots. It often sounded like he… Read more »
Obama needs to nominate a liberal to the vacant seat.
Tampa Bay Times Editorial: Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination “Sanders, the U.S. senator from Vermont and self-described socialist, virtually tied Clinton in Iowa and easily won in New Hampshire by exploiting voter frustration with income inequality and stalemate in Washington. His calls for revolutionary change are as tantalizing to liberal voters as they are unrealistic, particularly in today’s polarized politics. His proposals for a single-payer health care system and free college tuition are expensive fantasies. His lack of a coherent foreign policy and tendency toward isolationist positions are particularly concerning. There is no indication Sanders is prepared… Read more »
Appropriate sentence making the rounds:
“Apparently, the GOP thinks that Black Presidents only get 3/5ths of a term.”
cnn: big brother to the rescue George W. Bush will stump for his younger brother for the first time Monday night, attending a rally in North Charleston along with his wife, former first lady Laura Bush.
jeb won’t do as well as expected: south carolinians too bushed to vote for him
daily beast’s John Oliver Slams Republicans for Attempting to Block Obama’s SCOTUS Choice
Please, oh please go read Alexandra Petri’s debate summary. OMG, it’s her best of the debate season.
Meme this: Obama needs to nominate a liberal to the vacant seat.
pogo, truly a satirical masterpiece.
just goes to show (to quote candidate carson) I, like you, am a member of we, the people, and we know that our country is heading off the cliff.
flatus, a liberal hispanic black woman
and it wouldn’t hurt to throw in a few dna strands of asian and native american
wall street journal Mitch McConnell’s Constitutional Contortion on a Successor for Antonin Scalia
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell‘s announcement that the Supreme Court vacancy created by Justice Antonin Scalia‘s death should be filled by the next president–effectively, that he intends to impede President Barack Obama from carrying out his constitutional duty to nominate a successor–is in conflict with the Senate’s own constitutional role to advise and consent.
Excellent quote; appropriated and distributed.
Pogo… I’d never heard of Ms. Petri until reading that piece… OMG… ROTFLMAO!! I would like to be associated with the first comment after the article… Ms. Petri. I like your version better. It seems more realistic than the actual debate which took place in the flower garden of Through the Looking Glass. We had the white knight, the caterpillar, the white rabbit, the mad hatter and the nine of hearts all chattering at the same time. Missing were the red queen and tweedledum though. I’m going to put Petri’s blog on my favorites list right now. BTW… I love… Read more »
Renee, if you liked that you should go to her archives and read her take on both parties’ debates – might take 20 minutes to read all of them. She is a master.
BB & Sturg, yes, he should nominate a lib.
Re. your 9:17 AM. LMAO, Too funny!
Glad you enjoyed yesterday’s selection. I started out just looking for the music, but when I saw that clip I just had to use it.
Jace, at the time, the ‘world’ was thrilled that these two magnificent artists were able to perform together; the good olde days!
I heard someone mention Kamela Harris (Cal’s attoney general and a candidate for the senate) If that happens I hope Boxer doesn’t take it as a sign she should stay
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Happy Presidents Day! Get those cheap mattresses.
The sudden death of Justice Scalia creates an immediate vacancy on the most important court in the United States. Senator McConnell is right that the American people should have a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court justice. In fact, they did — when President Obama won the 2012 election by five million votes. Article II Section 2 of the Constitution says the President of the United States nominates justices to the Supreme Court, with the advice and consent of the Senate. I can’t find a clause that says “…except when there’s a year left in the term… Read more »
Renee, if you liked the picture, you’ll love Ann Tenaes’ sketches I bet.
Scalia the Catholic justice and over populator — how was he such a great legal thinker that he could not separate church and state
And the media is giving Obama advice — go for a young moderate man …minority if you can find one. Apparently there is an Indian-American fellow people seem to like.. I think he should appoint a transgender person with bad fashion sense
Can Obama appoint himself?
Pogo… ok… you convinced me… I just subscribed to the Washington Post for a year. ;0
I know of no reason he could not appoint himself. A shrewd move would be to give himself an interim SCOTUS appointment while the Senate is in recess and sit on the Court until the end of the next term, have Biden take office and nominate the transgender person with bad fashion sense and force the Senate to choose.
re ms. marzian the lady legislator who wants to protect men from the dangers of viagra/Cialis:
The lawmaker told the paper that she intends to introduce a bill that would require gun buyers to get counseling from victims of gun violence 24 hours ahead of a firearms purchase.
“I’m just making sure the government is taking care of your safety,” she said.
Renee, did you get the $9.99 deal?
Pogo… almost… it cost me only $89.01 more… 🙂
Renee, HMMM, maybe I’m misremembering….I think I got a $9.99 for a year introductory deal. But I could be wrong.
Scalia a legal scholar (sic) who believed that corporations have more rights then women.
Of course I feel sympathy for his wife and his NINE children but I see nothing beyond ordinary humanity to remember in his death. Legal scholarship ..makes me laugh…conservative legal dismembering is not legal scholarship.
He was a big old limelight hog in his life , let’s not make more of him in death.
It’s not nice, but it is funny
Jamie – it is very funny.
“Renee, HMMM, maybe I’m misremembering….I think I got a $9.99 for a year introductory deal. But I could be wrong.” Pogo
They bounce around in their pricing. After going through my next to nothing rate They ran a tie-in with Amazon Prime. Free. That’s what I’m on now. It may still be in effect.
They cringe at the thought of losing circulation to the Times or Journal.