By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
The weather on the ‘Trail’ of late has been partly cloudy with a chance of somber and surly. Time to glitter and be gay! Enjoy the music and enjoy your day!
More Posts by Jace
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
The weather on the ‘Trail’ of late has been partly cloudy with a chance of somber and surly. Time to glitter and be gay! Enjoy the music and enjoy your day!
More Posts by Jace
jace, shades of dick cavett! as wiki reminds us: The late-night show’s 45-minute midpoint would always be signaled by the musical piece “Glitter and Be Gay” from Leonard Bernstein‘s Candide. The Candide snippet became Cavett’s theme song, being used as the introduction to his later PBS series, and was played by the house band on his various talk show appearances over the last 30 years.
Wishing everyone a lovely day, good health & happiness. Thank You jace for your weekly contribution.
whskyjack, how are the youngsters we helped doing, in school, life? I think of them & hope they are doing well.
Might be visiting the southern tier of NY where I grew up & going to my favorite Cider Mill. A blend of local apples makes a tasty drink. What’s your favorite apple? I love Cortlands & Northern Spy.
Anyone ever had Salt Rising Bread? A gold star ? to you if you have or know what it is. This is an Allegany County, NY tradition, imported from New England settlers in the early 1800s. This stinky bread makes the best toast ever.
Dick Cavett interviewed Peter Cook years ago & the conversation turned to the subject of the nouveau riche buying art as a status symbol. Mr Cook talked about being in a house & wondering if the dish next to him was an ashtray or an “objet d’art.” Pretension vs Practicality 😉
I liked Dick Cavett. He had a different feel & style.
I ordered a yard sign from the blue deal…serendipitously arrived on Friday as our local paper announced the repugs were handing-out yard signs for free. Dems are behind on free signs and bumper stickers…it will hurt them. I opted for a sign from blue deal vs. As I have mentioned, HRC’s campaign does marketing and quality marketing. Their logo design is top notch and I have the bumper sticker (mention of OSH here and her design), but in my area? Old fashioned wins the day…President must be on the sign. BTW, the house in the photo behind me is occupied by repugs…placement of the Hillary sign was important. The blue deal sign was cheaper and is also union made. trump yard signs cost half as much as Clinton’s. rich repugs are purchasing signs for the masses throughout the country…get with it dems! GWB made a killing with his ‘Viva Bush’ bumper sticker. I was unable to find out if trumpsigns are union made.
So nice of trump to bring flowers for Clinton at the debate. It signifies he is not preparing to be sane or thoughtful. Faux news continues to complain about fact checking…no need for such silliness in the debate. I understand the Clinton campaign was trying to fill some seats with Melania’s Janez’s, but they ran into passport issues. So much sleaze, I hope the crowd can stay in their seats without sliding around. AND I really hope the debate opens with the Star Trek fight music!!
Speaking of music, thanks Jace.
sjwny, here’s cavett back in april
bw, am surprised and disappointed too that the campaign is still not offering them for free. perhaps money for such things is filtering down ballot to help out the local candidates. hurts to shell out $$ when one expects (fears) shortened shelf life due to dirty tricksters on other side.
be sure to note cavett at 54 sec. in description of the drumpf…. loved the poetry of “puffer fish faced oaf”
really glad to see this usatoday: Facebook launches first nationwide voter registration drive
On Friday, Facebook users in the U.S. who are 18 and up will receive a reminder to register to vote at the top of their News Feed.
The voter registration drive, Facebook’s first to roll out nationwide, is tapping the power of social media to influence millions of people and their friends, especially young people who are less likely to turn out. The reminder will be sent out over the next four days, Facebook said.
Clicking on the “Register Now” button sends voters to the federal government’s which guides them through the registration process in their state. After registering to vote, users can share their status, a subtle form of social pressure for friends to perform their civic duty, too.
wonder if spawn of don have finally registered. loved it that they missed voting for their own old man in the ny primary…. something subconsciously going on there.
boston globe:
Speaking with reporters, Warren also assailed US Senator Ted Cruz, who endorsed his former rival Friday despite having once called Trump a “pathological liar.”
“How many things has Ted Cruz already said about Donald Trump? And now he said, ‘Oh I take that back,’ ” Warren said. “Is that really what your word is worth, Ted Cruz?”
She urged volunteers to do everything they can to defeat Trump and US Senator Kelly Ayotte, a Republican who is running against Hassan.
Electing them and other Republicans to office, Warren said, would mean the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the end of federal support for Planned Parenthood, and the dismantling of financial reforms implemented after the recession in 2008.
“What this election is about is it’s about the health of our families, it is about the health of our economy, and it’s about the health of our democracy,” Warren said. “That’s why we’re here for Hillary, and that’s why we’re here for Maggie.”
Blonde Wino,
Love where you “placed” that sign & why you put it there. Zing!!!
Also love that you are, in fact, blonde 😉 Truth in advertising. A famous Commentator once said that everybody on social media is seven feet tall …
“Forced to bend my soul To a sordid role,” could be the motto for all the political spokesclowns.
For those who want the rest of the delightfully snarky lyrics
Thank you Jace. Your weekly additions to the Trail are very much appreciated.
You know it just might be that W Bush actually is at heart a nice little guy who wound up being the simple dupe of the superior forces which surrounded him……
GWB sure has thing for Michelle…crazy dance in Dallas and selfies at the museum opening. He was so flushed in Dallas sitting next to her. So energetic when she is around him…blushing fifty shades of red.
Just before Easter about sixty years ago, the real Gourmet magazine featured a cover photo of a beautiful loaf of Irish Soda Bread with a cross etched into its lightly flour-dusted crust. I made their recipe the next weekend and was surprised at how closely the end result matched similar loaves I made with the cake yeast that I normally used.
My reaction was that it was, in my kitchen, more of a technical curiosity than a staple like my marvelous Annadamma bread using an age-old recipe along with traditional ingredients.
As always, I must credit my Great Aunt Carrie for my baking skills and her loving mentorship.
patd…slow mo on the investigation(s) into the russian shadow of trump…the Gazprom/Page stuff has been around for some time. Same with Manafort and the pro-putie paid stance. Plus, allowing flynn into the security briefing…while flynn sat with putie at the RT conference the year before…trump not knowing about RT and Larry King? For the smartest guy in the room? Either he has a bad memory or is goofing on America. I go for the latter. Seriously, trump for prez? They never thought it would get this far…as trump says…thank goodness for the poorly educated!!!
Jace… as always, thanks for the great music!
SJ… I have had salt rising bread. It was something one of my friend’s mother used to bake when I was a kid. Never had toast with it though.
BlondeW… looking good there, girl…
no one noticed my gray panther fist salute! SJ, truth is I am also a damn good wino…sommelier level.
B-W ah the sign wars are starting. So far the only ones I have seen in any quantity are TP signs on places that fly the Gadsden flag or have bush/cheney bumper stickers on their 1990’s Toyota.
One of the ongoing bashes against the Dems is paying for signs. At quantity, union made signs with wires will cost around a dollar each, more or less depending on the region. Non-union signs, imported from China, could go for five to ten cents each with a few more cents for the wire.
Depending on your view point, from the candidates view, I want my name everywhere there are voters. From a national office view, signs do not matter, don’t waste your money on them. As a candidate I want my name everywhere there are voters, plus my volunteers love sign wars. As the campaigns progress you can tell how much the candidates feel about the national office view.
Well, summer left yesterday, winter started today. It went down to sixty-three degrees last night – brrrr.
Have a great Sunday, mixers, but before I leave, I do hope pence wears his spiked dog collar and leash to the debate and bares his chest like putie.
Enjoy the day. I suspect Corey will be listening to Vin Scully this afternoon.
Feel like boycotting tomorrow’s dog & pony show, since Stein & Johnson weren’t invited.
If Trump or Clinton had any guts, they would invite Stein & Johnson to participate instead of inviting that blowhard (who escaped the SEC a few years back) Cuban, and, Gennifer.
As for why Hillary isn’t doing better, she’s proven herself unapologetically untrustworthy. That’s her biggest problem and the thing the media has decided to call her “likeability” problem. She’s untrustworthy.
Went to the WA State fair yesterday. Caused me to remember one of my favorite fair scenes Courtesy of Disney and Paul Lynnd.
bid, maybe marla can sit with gennifer and trade notes on being the other woman. ivana showing up also would liven things up.
and, bid, of those at the debate Hillary is probably the only one there that’s kept her vows.
keeping the vows one makes is a sign of trust. and she did promise bill “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.”
given the two candidates, she’s the only one you can trust to keep this oath:
[ from US Constitution, Article II, Section I]
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
I’ve always had the greatest respect for you, but learning that you bake brings it to a new level.
Toast it! Brings out the flavor of Salt Rising Bread & highlights a unique crunchy-crusty-ness. No jam, jelly needed.
Making Salt Rising Bread is a bit tricky, but not scary. It takes 1)Time 2)Temperature control. Nowadays it’s actually easier because we have electric heating pads to help ferment the cornmeal mash starter (some recipes use potato water, but from experience I will vouch the cornmeal mash gives more flavor.) It takes two days to complete – an overnight for the mash to get “stinky” & bubble then a few hours for rising. Real old-timey stuff doesn’t use added yeast so the rising times are longer but the flavor is better developed. Plus you get the satisfaction of accomplishment & an appreciation of just what our ancestors did for their daily bread.
I’m a Luddite in that I don’t have a microwave oven, never wanted one. A very wise music teacher told me once that the most enjoyment derived from food is from the anticipation & the aromas. I’ll add it’s much healthier eating too. Tinfoil hat time here, but I credit (blame) the rise in microwave oven ownership to the rise in obesity. Also look poorly on any restaurant that has one – or at least has it on display so you know it uses one.
why one cannot trust drumpf to live up to the presidential oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution
huffpo: This Wednesday, when he proposed introducing stop and frisk procedures in African-American communities across the United States, Donald Trump reached an alarming milestone. By my count, he’s enumerated at least 10 different policies, which stand in direct contradiction to rights clearly defined in the United States Constitution.
Debate side effects when you take a drink every time Donald Trump lies.
That’s why I think I’ll stick with debate beer. Hard liquor could be dangerous. Beside that, I’m not going to waste fine sippin’ liquor on an asshole like Trump.
Yup, Old Trump is a real promise keeper. He promises not to screw anybody unless it benefits him. To date he has kept that promise. Repeatedly.
Things that make you want to scream. I know I have a huge supply of trivial sludge lurking in the brain cells. No claim to fame just 40 years of being a researcher. Still you can’t expect voters to not be low info when the supposedly well educated constantly repeat untrue things. This morning a Congress critter supporting his Trumpiness stated categorically that Hillary was crooked because at least five people testifying about Hillary emails were law breakers who were given immunity. Immunity DOES NOT admit guilt. Don’t these people even watch crime shows on TV? Not taking a bow, I did have to look up the different types. 🙂
Transactional immunity is the broadest type of immunity; it offers complete protection from future prosecution for any matter mentioned in the immunized testimony. Because it’s so broad, transactional immunity is also commonly referred to as “total” or “blanket” immunity.
Use and derivative use immunity is more common (used by both state and federal prosecutors) and narrower than transactional immunity. It prevents the prosecution from using the witness’s statements (“use”) or any evidence derived from those statements (“derivative use”) against the witness in a criminal prosecution. In theory, use and derivative use immunity provides as much protection as the witness not testifying.
Jamie, did said congress critter when accusing immunity-ees of being criminals happen to mention ollie north by any chance or Ollie’s leader Ronnie with regard to the crookedness issue?
the great white hope-less
Alexandra petri: Ted Cruz and his conscience amicably part ways
“Ted,” his conscience pleaded, “look what happened to Marco. Look what happened to Chris. Do you want to end up like them, braying on that island forever?”
“Well what am I supposed to do? Just stick to my principles? Until 2020? I can’t. Don’t you see, I can’t! This isn’t me! This isn’t who I am.” There was a long pause. “I can’t go on like this.”
la times:
Hillary Clinton would make a
sober, smart and pragmatic president. Donald Trump would be a catastrophe.
American voters have a clear choice on Nov. 8. We can elect an experienced, thoughtful and deeply knowledgeable public servant or a thin-skinned demagogue who is unqualified and unsuited to be president
well, the threat of marla and ivana showing up must have changed his mind (using the term loosely)about gennifer. at least hhs drumpf cruise entertainment directoress told geo steph they didn’t invite her but she was welcome to come if she gets a ticket.
beware of vulgarities galore in the following:
you don’t bring me flowers anymore
BREAKING! Bill Clinton’s Old F*ckpal Will NOT Be Donald Trump’s Debate Guest!
abc transcript of this morning’s to do with George, Kelly, Robby and gary
A tiny touch of one of the masters
Might as well let another master sing the song:
Craig, David, Tony et al can jump on me if I’m out of line, but every time I watch Trump speaking, he always looks to me like a drunk, ill behaved straight guy trying to do a caricature of a drag queen. That whole waving finger to thumb gesture with the Mussolini pursed face just creeps me out. I’m always surprised the incredibly talented RuPaul hasn’t decked him being a jerk.
I live in Park Ridge where Hillary grew up, mostly Republican when I moved her 45 years ago, still Republican, but some Democrats and Independents. We have a guy who is running for State Senate, very much a Republican, and who has been on the Park Ridge Park District board as a commissioner. His signs are all over the country club area with some Trump signs.
Two years ago when they were setting up a new park across from the country club, it had been a couple of acres that had several large buildings on it for troubled youth that lived there. Somehow, they got it closed and torn down. Being on the Park Ridge Park District board, and designing the new park, he announced that he wanted to name a toilet stall after Hillary Clinton, that is the kind of guy he is. There are no signs for Hillary anywhere, but I finally got one and so did the guy across the street from me. Had it up 2 days and someone stole mine and my neighbors. There are a couple of Trump signs in my neighborhood, I don’t live in the country club area, they have been there for a couple of weeks, and no one stole them. This is typical of how the Trump campaign is being run. I know Hillary is one tough lady, and I hope she wipes the floor with him in tomorrow’s debate, and I don’t mean with nasty stuff. But she has got to call him on his lies and show everyone how small his brain is, you know matching his hands and whatever else. But, we all know the media will find fault with her.
One more thing, that has made such an impression on me for over 10 years ago. When Bush was in office, something I thought would never happen, I had gone to Home Depot and still had my bumper sticker on my car for Kerry/Edwards. One worker there, who was challenged, help me to my car with my mulch. He noticed my bumper sticker and said “this country is in a lot of trouble”, I said something like yes Bush is ruining this county. He said to me, “its not his fault, its the fault of the people who voted for him.” I was just in awe of this kid who was smarter and wiser than I will ever be.
This post is therapy for me as I am so pissed someone stole my sign. I will get another and put it in my front window inside my house.
Arnold Palmer has passed away at 87
RIP Arnie, one of the class acts in all of sports!
There is going to be a Trump flash mob on Tuesday from 4:00 to 6:30 here in Holland. I’m usually home at that time, but the intersection they will be at is very busy at that time of day. I hope it rains.