“Live your life in a manner so that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.” – Native American Proverb
During our lifetimes we say goodbye to many people, family, friends and those we only know by name and fame. This is natural and normal. Death takes all of us at some time in our lives.

Those of us who have seen a lot of loops around the Sun start noticing the increase of “names” as we keep living our lives. The slope of life makes sure of this. The longer the slope the more names we recognize with the R.I.P. after them. Of course, this does have some limits, if you have completed almost one hundred loops, there are very few close friends left around to celebrate another year of breathing.
Now is the time for Baby Boomers to start popping up daisies in the fields. We were a large bulge in the expansion of population following WWII. We also had a great number of names who had fame. Some, like Soupy Sales, were of a previous generation. Some, such as John Belushi, are of the Baby Boomer generation. We mourned their passing a while ago.
Now we are starting to see the end of the last generation leaving us and an increasing number of our own generation too. Just by having a large number of Boomers means we are going to see a lot of names in the obituaries and even the front page, and it will increase for years after us early ones have left the playing field.
I salute the very last of the Greatest Generation, my mother, the Silent Generation, and the first wave of the Baby Boomer Generation. Long may you live.