Sunday Serendipity

From Wikipedia

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart‘s Clarinet Quintet, K. 581, was written in 1789 for the clarinetist, Anton Stadler. A clarinet quintet is a work for one clarinet and a string quartet. It was Mozart’s only completed clarinet quintet and is one of the earliest and best-known works written especially for the instrument. It remains to this day one of the most admired of the composer’s works.

Performed by Sharon Kam, Clarinet and the Schumann String Quartet

Enjoy, Jack

Sunday Serendipity

Saturday was a beautiful day for a walk in the country, Beethoven captured it so well in his 6th symphony called Pastoral.

From wiki:

Beethoven was a lover of nature who spent a great deal of his time on walks in the country. He frequently left Vienna to work in rural locations. The composer said that the Sixth Symphony is “more the expression of feeling than painting”

Enjoy, Jack