Bennu: Asset or Bad Ass-teroid

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

NASA is probing to give us a scoop on what was and what might be.

According to the BBC, “The US space agency (Nasa) has launched a mission to retrieve a rock sample from a 500m-wide asteroid called Bennu.

Scientists hope the material will reveal details about the formation of the planets, and improve our knowledge of how potentially dangerous space objects move through the Solar System.

The probe, dubbed Osiris-Rex, blasted away from Florida on an Atlas rocket at 19:05 local time (00:05 BST).

It will be seven years before it returns to Earth with its bounty.”


Osiris-Rex is not just bringing back a rock from Bennu but giving us an idea whether the threatening asteroid will be a hit or a miss for us on Earth.

Message to Congress

“You can’t go back home to your family, back home to your childhood … back home to a young man’s dreams of glory and of fame … back home to places in the country, back home to the old forms and systems of things which once seemed everlasting but which are changing all the time – back home to the escapes of Time and Memory.” [from “You Can’t Go Home Again” Thomas Wolfe]

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Also because only 18% of the people approve of how you’ve done your job
(Gallup). 78% disapprove of the way you are taking their hard-earned money for barely showing up to work and for doing so very little when you do. That leaves 4% who don’t seem to know any more than you do about your responsibilities.

A Telltale of Two Planes

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

This election is told by the plane your candidate flew in on. One is emblazoned with his name in big letters and the other with a message of unity “Stronger Together.”

Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away
If you can use some exotic shmooze
HRCplaneThere’s a gal whose a pal ready to play
Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away

Once I get you up there where the air is rarefied
We’ll just glide side by side. Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away

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