70,000 evacuated in 10 days – phht!
50+% fully vaccinated against covid – meh
Covid relief fund dramatically reduced poverty- sooo?
Heck, you’ve been in office for 8 months. We expect more than miracles in that amount of time. Loser.
Author: patd
A Way to Make a Way
Last night our trail friend Old Man (aka CBob) posted this thread-worthy idea [IMO equivalent to his and Sturge’s effort years back for the trail to help out the earthquake victims in Haiti]. Power to you, OM.
There is a public meeting at 1 PM tomorrow where the city of Lubbock hears citizen input on how to spend $55 Million dollars in “Covid Relief Money” .
If I can fire up my engine, I plan to offer my input.
A Homeless relief. So I am going to speak to the city tomorrow, as a “Son of Lubbock” .
I am planning to wear my top hat and Lennon dark glasses .
I will not rant but I plan to get print. After my introduction, I will ask for everyone in the room who has been homeless to raise their hand. After I scan the room of no hands, I will raise mine.
At that point, I got them by the short and curlies .
Then I make my pitch about the homeless and how to help them:
First they need a hot meal , then they need a hot shower , next they need clean clothes and a safe place to sleep.
Then we can catch them and save some.
And I plug in this idea into a real wage to work via garden, a big garden, as a way to make a way.
We pay kids and bums to tend it. We create a purpose.
A way to make a way.
There is a way to make a way. Nature gave us all a thumb, and a brain .
And that is a very big deal.
A Pox on this Apocalypse

BAH to Death, War, Famine and Plague! Been there, done that. Time to move on.
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