Woman Card

Woman Card

By Jamie, a Trail Mix Contributor

I get a kick out of all these pundits saying that no one is excited by Hillary. I just want to bang their know-it-all heads together. No we aren’t “excited”. We just love her.

Every woman who has ever dealt with a couple of children 20 months apart, a full time job, a house and a cheating husband who thinks it is all “woman’s work” wants to strangle them in their comfortable news chairs. Every woman who has ever lived on welfare while explaining why she didn’t use her non existent credit card to replace the dead auto part that made her late to work wants to skewer them with the nearest ice pick. It is a long, long list of “every woman” experiences and like the lyric in Les Miz “Just as well they never see the hate that’s in your head”

Hillary may have been born upper middle class, gotten a great education thanks to a brilliant mind, married well, established great connections, made a success of her life and is now reaping the rewards, but we are all looking below the surface of what it took in coins paid from her soul that it took to get there.

Yes there is a “Woman’s Card” and a whole lot of us are pulling it out of the deck in order to Trump and take the trick.

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