Total Eclipse of the Heart … and Integrity … and Decency …

By SJWNY, a Trail Mix Contributor

My apologies to everyone. I blame Jace for encouraging this 😉

The Grand Old Party of Lincoln

Works only on one thing today.

Removing all traces of the Black President

He was an aberration, in their way.

The Party that spawned Progressives

Now exemplifies saying No.

Their circle of negativity gets larger

Obstruction that ever grows.

Power is quite corrupting

To those who are so inclined.

A certain click that makes one tick

The moral dividing line.

Today’s Republicans live by the creed

That all that matters is how to succeed.

No thoughts on charity, only lowering taxes

Self enrichment, pettiness, grinding axes.

As the rich get even richer

Republicans will guarantee

A plan, of course, as usual

Benefitting only white men of property.

Think before you make that choice

Between which Candidate becomes your voice.

Vote intelligently, vote for the best

And help get America out of this mess.

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7 years ago

bravo, sjwny!!!

7 years ago

The 3 Republican Women Who Doomed a Senate Repeal of the Health Law

It was men who started it. It may be women who finished it.

The Senate effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a process that began with 13 Republican men drafting a plan behind closed doors, collapsed Tuesday, as three Republicans said they would not support an ultimately futile attempt to simply roll back the current health care law without a replacement.

Though all three are women, their objections have little to do with their sex and more to do with the legislation’s cuts to Medicaid. In a twist, that aligns them with President Trump’s campaign promise not to touch Medicaid, which helps low-income people, pregnant women and people with disabilities, among others, as well as those eligible under the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of the program in 31 states and the District of Columbia.

Who are these senators, and why did they break with their party’s leaders?

[… nyt story continues with nice blurb on each…]


really, really appreciated the sentiment “I did not come to Washington to hurt people” by ms capito.  wish more of them would adhere and act accordingly.

7 years ago


7 years ago

this line from wapo’s Trump had undisclosed hour-long meeting with Putin at G-20 summit

The dinner encounter appeared to underscore the extent to which Trump was eager throughout the summit to cultivate a friendship with Putin

made me wonder if the twit personally requested (or made sure that) vlad was seated next to first lady Melania Trump who btw is fluent in five languages making it easier to forego translator attendance.  or did vlad request it merely for the arm candy opportunity and tease to get the twit to visit awhile?

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

When will the republicans find some brass and get rid of this guy?  It is one thing to be a blowhard fool.  It is very different to be a Russian agent.  It is quite possible Putin made sure the SFB understood the movies the KGB made of him would be shown on the big screen if he did not follow his orders.  Or they could have spent an hour talking about golf scores.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Holy Iambic Pentameter…best prose yet.   I love the beat of your poetry, sj, and it is dancing in my head.

Kudos to Angela for seating putie next to mel (perhaps the Manchurian wife, gift from putie) at the formal G20 dinner.  trump’s jealousy, need to be the COA (center of attention) made him unseat himself to insert himself into the couples dinner conversation.  mel was smiling and very animated, never slapping putie’s hands away.  trump is a pushy and rude dinner guest and who cares what he says to putie?  It is more important what putie said to him — continue the ‘russia first’ policy.


7 years ago

npr: Trump Picks Jon Huntsman To Be U.S. Ambassador To Russia

7 years ago

the guardian subtlety pointing out a wee mistake by wh:

Huntsman has twice served as an ambassador. He was the nation’s top diplomat to Singapore under George HW Bush and then served in that role in China under Barack Obama before returning to the US to run for president.

Huntsman was also briefly under consideration to be Trump’s secretary of state.

Still, the White House misspelled Huntsman’s first name in its press release announcing Trump’s intention, calling him “Governor John Huntsman Jr. of Utah” instead of Jon.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Headlines on —  it is all about Hillary.

I have been watching Preacher on AMC…from the comic book world and hell plays a big part in the story line.  Hillary and trump are locked in hell together…inseparable foils through time.   Can’t have one without the other.  The eternal bickering…

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Huntsman…from the spawn of the ‘clam shell.’  For coming from a Styrofoam family?  Huntsman sure gets recycled by presidents of every party.  BTW, tricky dick is pictured on the huntsman website.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Styrofoam will outlast humans on the planet.  Things that cannot be recycled.


7 years ago

svengali?  bannon the bane?

vanity fair: Inside the Secret, Strange Origins of Steve Bannon’s Nationalist Fantasia

The chief strategist of Trump’s triumph reveals his strange brew of intellectual influences, including a French-Egyptian Muslim occultist guru, and his apocalyptic view of history.

Published on Jul 18, 2017

How did Donald Trump end up with a man like Steve Bannon working so closely to him in the White House? Author Joshua Green discusses his new book about Bannon, ‘Devil’s Bargain.’

7 years ago

sj….   CLAP! CLAP!

It’s so delicious watching and reading the news lately.

Jamie…  I discovered Ali Velshi on MSNBC last week.  I used to love his show over on CNN.  Great pick up by them, IMO.

7 years ago

Hillary and trump are locked in hell together…inseparable foils through time

bw, he just might have something there given the next 2 developing tropical storms… on the right in the carribean is don and on the left in the pacific is hillary.

we know which will be the bigger bag of wind, the blowhard of all times.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

RR  Ali B. has always been such an honest reporter…he is Canadian, of course!

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Joshua Green’s Devil’s Bargain.

Many reveals of the book since its release.  My fav story is the use of the ‘Wall’ to anchor trump to immigration message.  A man so flighty in thought and all ego, he is controlled by tricks, a circus prez. Everyone plays trump but his citizens.  California has a bigger economy than russia and he refers to citizens of that state as the opposition.  Expect’ russia first’ to continue.

7 years ago

The Velshi / Ruhle hour on MSNBC is one of their few shows not overloaded with polemics.  It would be nice if they actually got a real news show as well to balance out all the politics.  Even stuff that I favor at the over the top level is hard to take in large doses.  My main show for that on TV is the PBS Newshour.

7 years ago

Velshi’s Ted Talk on fake news


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Bend the Knee — political message of the ‘Dirtbag Left.’   2018 should be an interesting election year. Dems are more disorganized than ever…baby boomers are gone, Millennials out-number that generation and hip-hop has taken over rock & roll as the favorite music genre of Americans.   It is time for the new generation to take over….but where are they???

7 years ago

Pat….. What was it about the sign carrier in that Bowzer video? I couldn’t get him isolated …..

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Great effort SJ

There is no US anymore -all the cultural, religious, and sports events that once had everyone glued together are hopelessly splintered–

The only groups that seem held together are bound by hate.

7 years ago

I’m assuming this is how they do it in Russia.

7 years ago

I enjoyed Jo(h)n Kasich’s appearance at the tail-end of MJ this morning; I think he would appreciate SJ.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

John Kasich only looks good by comparison – otherwise he is just another gooper

7 years ago

sturge, the sign carrier guy shows up on the far left of the group at around 20 seconds and again around 34 secs.  his sign read “trumpDONTcare” (the derogatory name some of us on the trail have been using for goper un-health bills).  could be one of us or maybe a silent lurker or more likely a fellow traveler of like mind.

7 years ago

yes BW I’ve also got the beat. Thanks SJ. This is fun.

hmmm, interestingly evocative of Blue Broncs post yesterday:

DC races to catch driverless car

7 years ago

from raw story: Trump didn’t want to verify that his own financial disclosure was true

Wednesday marks the first day the former director of the U.S. Office of Ethics and Government is living as a non-governmental employee. Walter Schaub began the day with a CNN interview in which he disclosed the shocking ways that President Donald Trump’s administration has managed to circumvent ethics rules.


….Schaub explained that he was “horrified when Trump’s lawyer asked if Trump didn’t have to sign it to certify if it’s true” after filling out his disclosures.

“I pointed out to her that millions of financial disclosure reports have been filed in the past four decades and every one of them has been certified as true, and I think we could ask that of our president,” he said.

The lawyer then asked if Trump could file it without signing to certify that it was true. Schaub said that the lawyer claimed that filing was “voluntary” and Trump wasn’t obligated to file if he didn’t want to.

“I said, ‘that’s fine, file it and release it unsigned, but if you want to certify it,’ which they wanted done, ‘it’s going to have to follow the normal rules,’” he recounted the conversation.

7 years ago

an atta boy for flake’s civility toward his opponent receiving threats

raw story:  We hate your filthy death cult’: Arizona voters ambush Muslim woman running for Senate with vile messages

“Hang in there @deedra2018,” Flake tweeted. “Sorry you have to put up with this. Lots of wonderful people across AZ. You’ll find them.”

7 years ago

I also do poetry. My specialty is:




Blank Verse.

7 years ago

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the transgender ‘bathroom buddy’

cute story in wapo.


but a much bigger story on that and the other travails in the texas legislature in the new Yorker
America’s Future Is Texas
With right-wing zealots taking over the legislature even as the state’s demographics shift leftward, Texas has become the nation’s bellwether.

By Lawrence Wright

7 years ago

flatus, such clarity, so crystal clear and the silent meter deafingly symphonic

7 years ago

KGC, My roots are in Ohio and I have had ties with that State since my departure for school in 1956. Since the death of my parents decades ago followed by the sale of the family farm, an event that broke my heart as it should properly have been returned to nature rather sold into the hands of developers, my visits have been related to major life events. Last year’s was a joyful celebration of my Uncle Bill’s 100th birthday. He has marked the event with a new Mercedes. I’ve been keeping an eye on the State.

Ohio has had its ups and downs. Racial tensions, educational inequalities, death of heavy manufacturing, urban decay, etc.. But, Cleveland is showing its mettle as are the other large cities. Youngstown and Warren are finding new ways of employing their skilled workers. I sensed a positive outlook among the people I met. And, I sensed the folks that I spoke with thought Kasich was doing a good job as governor. Not once do I recall his political affiliation being brought into the conversations unless it was in the context of his run for the nomination. The people I talked with didn’t want to lose him as governor.

7 years ago

Well, it’s 89-deg with a heat index of 103 and I must cut the grass. Aren’t I lucky?

7 years ago

Hmm, I tried linking KGC’s comment way up above to my comment about Ohio; it doesn’t link properly. Here is what she said, “John Kasich only looks good by comparison – otherwise he is just another gooper”

7 years ago

I noticed that Flatus but I do not see anything wrong with how you pasted the link, should not look like that. Investigating.

7 years ago

Just finished the lawn; temp is 98, heat index 118–becoming overcast. More thunderstorms?

7 years ago

Craig, I know exactly what was wrong. Dumb me hadn’t made my mid-year contribution to Trail Mix. That has just been corrected and the pot should now be right. Thanks for putting up with us and working so hard in doing it.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I grew up in Ohio and until a few years ago spent a lot of time there

worked on some campaigns and whatnot and Kasich spent his off years on Fox

Ohio has bright spots but most of it is still pretty desparate

Cincinnati would rather be part of the Confederacy

7 years ago

for flatus and kgc,

why o why o

why did I ever I leave ohio

7 years ago

Toby getting her annual shots. Birthday fun tomorrow

7 years ago

That brain cancer thing….when you say hello to that.? It’s time to say goodnight.

7 years ago

I think that’s a Shakespeare thing …….I ain’t sure

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Ohio is positively stultifying

7 years ago

Very sad news about McCain. That guy has been through enough to have this happen.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Oh my John McCain I hope he is lifted up by the many good thought going his way

7 years ago

Golly, that sent me straight to Melville

“…We resumed business; and while plying our spoons in the bowl, thinks I to myself, I wonder now if this here has any effect on the head? What’s that stultifying saying about chowder-headed people? “But look, Queequeg, ain’t that a live eel in your bowl? Where’s your harpoon?”

Moby Dick, Chapter 15