Employees of Disney, Universal, SeaWorld and other Central Florida theme parks took to social media with photos from various show casts, performers and characters as they formed heart signs with their hands and arms.
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Employees of Disney, Universal, SeaWorld and other Central Florida theme parks took to social media with photos from various show casts, performers and characters as they formed heart signs with their hands and arms.
Nice post.. Channel 9 WFTV had a piece on this yesterday, sweet..
Yes, spot on!
June 14, 2016 at 12:11 am
GWEN IFILL: Mark Potok, I know you keep track of hate crimes around the country, and I wonder as you — in your records, how much more does this happen — or does it happen more with LGBT people than other people? How much of a target is that community?
MARK POTOK: Very much so.
We looked actually at 14 years of FBI data, hate crime data, and made comparisons to the size of the populations of various minority groups in this country. And to make a very long story short, what we found was that, on a per capita basis, at least in recent years, LGBT people are targeted for violent hate crimes at a rate of two times that of gay — I’m sorry — of Muslims or black people, four times that of Jews, and 14 times that of Latinos.
So, the bottom line is that LGBT people really are targeted in a way that no other minority group or at a rate higher than any other minority group in this country, at least in recent times.
TV Panelist Storms Off Set During Orlando Segment: You’re ‘Deflecting’ the Homophobia!
Josh Feldman
not to take away from the horror of potential and real violence that the lgbt community face daily, those statistics also reminded me of another group subject to violent hate crime but unmentioned in above newshour segment. joe biden just last week pointedly talked about it.
newsweek: As a senator, Biden introduced VAWA to Congress in June 1990. The act became a landmark piece of legislation that changed the way the country has responded to domestic violence and sexual assault. [….]
You were failed by a culture on our college campuses where one in five women is sexually assaulted—year after year after year. A culture that promotes passivity. That encourages young men and women on campuses to simply turn a blind eye.
The statistics on college sexual assault haven’t gone down in the past two decades. It’s obscene, and it’s a failure that lies at all our feet.
and globally according to world health org:
Recent global prevalence figures indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.
Well today is Flag Day. Might have a problem waving it at the moment
US Home to 1/3 of the World’s Mass Shootings
Listening to NPR this morning & heard something very sad: a few victims were outed to their families through their deaths.
Stupid question, I know, but why can’t people just be who they are? Living in shadows, a double life, all because of fear. Like trying to grow a flower in a cave. So tired of hate & intolerance. God damn it.
Interesting take here on HRC’s response to the Orlando shootings verses that of Trump. Wonder if anyone will notice?
Wave a Rainbow Flag alongside Old Glory. We The People.
It’s Mr Trump’s 70th birthday. Any wishes as he blows out the candles? ?
Jace, the (now banned from drumpf rallies) Washington Post featured the respective responses of the candidates on a front page link yesterday. Drumpf’s supporters won’t care, Hillary’s supporters think it’s a big deal, and who knows about the undecided voters?
But weary of politics for a moment and really tired of and distressed by the coverarge of the homophobe killing in Orlando, I noticed this at WaPo:
Man finds 22-pound chunk of butter estimated to be more than 2,000 years old in Irish bog
Turns out this isn’t all that rare – and it’s not the oldest or largest find of bog butter – but still, it strikes me as pretty strange nonetheless. Anyone have a muffin?
I have muffins, but I like my butter with a freshness date.
We have protected classes of humans for a reason. A different HRC — in New Mexico. Our most vulnerable citizens need protection and sane humans rely on law to insist on the protections, not more guns.
Today the DNC bus should have a Bern on Board sign…and the DNC will be wise to continue the big stadium venues to bring their view of a representative democracy to citizens — have food and water for families. It is a great time to bring the kiddos to political events and introduce them to civics.
This a bit long for a post but I think it worth the read. It is a from a gay man who live in SFYou have to know how hard it is to grow up being gay in America. If you are not gay and didn’t grow up with a gay sibling taunted or bullied for being gay, you can’t really know. But, if you are gay, you’ve heard gay jokes and gay epithets all your life, maybe not directed toward you, but revealing the opinion of people you know and maybe even respect. You learn that you are reviled and regarded as subhuman. You cannot find solace, and like most of us coming of age in the 20th century, there is no one available to share this crisis of rejection. You try to tolerate these critics because, like you, they are born into a culture that makes being critical of people who are different acceptable. They have an additional advantage, in addition to their numbers, because using social constructs, including religious constructs, they even convinced you that it is somehow your fault that you are other and that you have a choice in the matter. You hunker down in silence because to speak up means opprobrium and bruises.
Then, you become 20-something, and in a few cities you find a few bars and nightclubs that pretend to be havens of physical and cultural safety for people like you. You can’t reveal yourself in 99.99% of restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs. But in these few places, you can actually kiss the one you love. You take solace in the right to marry recently handed down by the US Supreme Court, however unpopular it might be. But, soon after, you learn that the individual states are enacting laws that prevent local protections for gays and transgenders and that legalize the refusal of public servants to provide public service to gays. Imagine. Often, this is based on a confusion between living according to one’s own religious codes and imposing those lunatic codes upon others. Really, many people seem not to know the difference and portray themselves as the victim. Not understanding who the victim is reveals the nature of this injustice in stark relief.
In the last few days, something has given me a little bit of hope. It came from a place I didn’t expect. In the aftermath of the massacre of gays in Orlando, I’ve been channel surfing. As I do sometimes, I’ve been watching conservative Fox News. Their coverage has been both sympathetic and respectful to gays. If this bastion of conservative bigotry can treat gays not as evil or subhuman, then maybe our society is actually making a little progress. Maybe we as a people are learning what is truly good versus what is truly evil.
So Rump is a boomer He has no excuse for his ignorance and backward beliefs
There are advantages at times to an 8 member court. This from WaPo.
Note that the primary architect of blocking Garland was Myrtle, supported by Shelly Moore Capito – both senators from ground zero in the “War on Coal.” This is the political equivalent of shooting one’s self in the foot.
Question for He who would be CinC: Are/did your ‘boys’ register for the Draft? Show me the proof!
Time to vote in our local Dem primary. Bet the polling place is empty. Hope I’m wrong
kgc, thanks for posting that. there was a ray of hope at the end… am reposting to help it become true:
In the last few days, something has given me a little bit of hope. It came from a place I didn’t expect. In the aftermath of the massacre of gays in Orlando, I’ve been channel surfing. As I do sometimes, I’ve been watching conservative Fox News. Their coverage has been both sympathetic and respectful to gays. If this bastion of conservative bigotry can treat gays not as evil or subhuman, then maybe our society is actually making a little progress. Maybe we as a people are learning what is truly good versus what is truly evil.
Birthday greetings to Donald Trump in hopes his obviously increasing mental disturbance will get much needed treatment.
I have wondered what happened to Richard Wolffe. Now I know. I haven’t seen him on TV recently – I guess he got the same treatment from MSNBC as did Poobah. Here’s his Guardian piece on Trump.
To quote the Cowardly Lion, “Ain’t it the truth?”
With any luck he will drop below 15% in the polls and won’t be in the debates
a debate with The Libertarians, The Green Party and the Democrats now that would be something
Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.
The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts.
The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some GOP political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.
more from above wapo link:
Some of the hackers had access to the DNC network for about a year, but all were expelled over the past weekend in a major computer cleanup campaign, the committee officials and experts said.
The DNC said that no financial, donor or personal information appears to have been accessed or taken, suggesting that the breach was traditional espionage, not the work of criminal hackers.
The intrusions are an example of Russia’s interest in the U.S. political system and its desire to understand the policies, strengths and weaknesses of a potential future president — much as American spies gather similar information on foreign candidates and leaders.
The depth of the penetration reflects the skill and determination of the United States’ top cyber adversary as Russia goes after strategic targets, from the White House and State Department to political campaign organizations.
“It’s the job of every foreign intelligence service to collect intelligence against their adversaries,” said Shawn Henry, president of CrowdStrike, the cyber firm called in to handle the DNC breach and a former head of the FBI’s cyber division. He noted that it is extremely difficult for a civilian organization to protect itself from a skilled and determined state such as Russia.
“We’re perceived as an adversary of Russia,” he said. “Their job when they wake up every day is to gather intelligence against the policies, practices and strategies of the U.S. government. There are a variety of ways. [Hacking] is one of the more valuable because it gives you a treasure trove of information.”
Hilarious part: They hacked the State Department but not Hillary’s server …
Katherine Graham Cracker,
Great Posts today & yesterday. Thank You.
“… but not Hillary’s server …” Of course not, reading her personal email would be unlawful.
One other person voting besides me. Fwiw, I was voter 192 after the polls had been open for more than four hours. Oh, well…
We are a violent people
Wounded Knee Massacre
I listened to an address Pres. O made during the noon hour today eviscerating (Andrea Mitchell’s word) Trump and his cockamamie “call it Radical Islamic terrorist” nonsense. He made trump sound like the idiot he is. They then played clips of Hillary saying virtually the same thing at a campaign event.
I heard on MoJo this morning that the latest Hillary – Trump poll has Hillary up by 7 over the yam. I haven’t seen that poll surface – anyone have any idea what poll it was?
Latest NBC Polling
Speaker Ryan is catching several kinds of hell late.y
a baptist minister guest columnist in today’s courier journal:
As I reckon with my anger and the placement of it, I must also be honest with myself that homophobic Christian extremism has played a considerable part in creating the homophobia our world struggles with today. As a Baptist minister, I am keenly aware of how deeply the Christian church has wounded LGBT men and women throughout the centuries. The church has fanned the flames of bigotry through harmful teachings that demonize homosexuality and have, in turn, created societies where LGBT children are kicked out of their homes by their own parents who are told they’re being faithful to God by doing so.
Distorted Christian teachings have helped justify oppressive legislation that denies LGBT people equality and have nurtured a sickening indifference to the lives of transgender individuals who are murdered at alarming rates. The bottom line is that all of the Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – are culpable for the homophobia that exists today.
Our faiths can no longer silently tolerate extremist homophobic views; they must proactively deconstruct the ideologies that lead to them. Christians, Jews and Muslims must unite with others to eradicate homophobia from our societies and replace extremism with compassion and love. It will only happen if we work together.
This is how we as humanity overcome the evil that so often seems invincible. We replace it one heart at a time by creating relationships of love and compassion with one another.
pogo, the prez did a pretty good job… kinda brought his law prof persona along.
can’t wait for an enterprising reporter to ask drumpf about radical hinduism, radical judaism and radical so-called christians about their various acts of violence in the name of their religions. he should be just as outraged at all the other religious extremists and call for them to also be banned.
Jamie, Thanks. That one hasn’t made the RCP list yet.
While I agreed with everything Obama said I wonder if it’s wise for him to cash in presidential chips to play politics. That’s Hillary’s job, and think she did it marvelously today, didn’t really need his help.
It was important for President Obama to strongly stand up to anyone who questions his loyalty to the country!
looks like Craig had a point last night.
then add the killer’s profile from Wapo and he looks like every other mass shooter from dylan Klebold to the present. A socially maladjusted loner, a loser in life.
His pretending to be Isis was a way to give him the relevance in death that he never had in life.
Congrats to Donald Trump for making him successful and encouraging more copy cats like him.
I don’t think he was playing his chips on politics. I think he was playing them on “One President At a Time you Ass”. This previously sacrosanct status has been violated several times by the GOP in general during his presidency, and I think the Trump speech became the straw on the camel that was stepping on his last nerve, so he sent a message to the world: I am the President and I am speaking for the US to the World. DO NOT pay any attention to the clown behind the curtain.
what I like about it is that everybody is on message, rather unusual for Democrats
Killer’s latest wife looking suspicious
Jamie,, Obama letting Trump get under his skin risks empowering him. Leave it to Hillary. She’s proving she can handle it.
I think because Obama was addressing Trump’s religious bigotry – it is less personal than if he was defending against a more personal attack
like the birther baloney and this is a time for everyone to speak out and make sure the result of American religious leaders saying it is ok to kill gay people results in gay people being killed.
It’s 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep
But there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing
Something’s happening in the world
Your vote will decide who answers that call …
… Who do you want answering the phone?
Too bad this can’t be recycled for 2016 because Nostradamus himself couldn’t have written anything more relevant.
True enough as long as she can use tact on Bernie Sanders.
Definition of tact: Telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they think they will enjoy the trip.
I know my upbringing was weird and occurred in one of the more open areas of the world, but I still remember being in the 9th grade in 1959. The teens (straight & gay) would hit a place in Hollywood called “The House of Ivy”. During the day: Non alcoholic teen hang out. At night: Well known gay club. No one I knew thought this was in the least bit unusual even to the point of the girls all teasing “Donna”, the good looking guy serving cokes not to hit on their boyfriends. Not quite “politically correct” these days, but said with genuine affection.
To this day more than a half century later, I still find it completely unbelievable that anyone would hate another person for loving the human being of their choice.
Pogo, here’s the Bloomberg poll
National poll: Clinton up 12 percentage points on Trump
By Nolan D. McCaskill
Gee Mr. Trump doesn’t seem to be talking about the polls much
Now if we can just get a few gooper senators to start tanking -we could have a full out internecine war
Rob Portman is starting to trail Strictland ..I would think Portman might be ready to leave the goops
So far 59% reporting in DC Primary
Hillary 79% – Bernie 21%
IMHO Bernie made a strategic mistake by staying in. His leverage to demand changes to the party, that he joined for the express purpose of using the party’s infrastructure to run against a long term democrat for the party’s nomination, has eroded significantly over the past two months. His demands will likely be politely considered then rejected. Hillary’s position versus trump is improving without Bernies blessing. Nice try, Bern, but you’ve overplayed your hand.
The other noticeable thing about the Sanders campaign is how the chatter has disappeared now that the paid for GOP trolls have taken a powder.
I don’t have any more faith in polls now than I did prior to the CA. primary. Clinton will never lead by 12 for long. That said the GOP would do well to consider what a 12 point defeat in a general election would mean. Senate gone, house gone, governorships and state houses gone. All on account of Trump. They may have passed the point where disavowing Trump will save them. One can only hope.
I don’t want to jinx it but I don’t think Rump is coming back. Now the goops have to decide which thing is least damaging
letting Rump go ahead and minimize the down ticket damage or get rid of him – still lose but be somewhat competitive
However if the primaries are any example – it looks like the Dems might get the senate back
That 12 point poll is soooo contrary to the lies of trump – “polls show me winning against Clinton, many many polls” or something like that. Right. The 7% CBS poll was a large sample – almost 10,000 – it got my attention. The Bloomberg poll, have to look at it.
Trump will get most of Romney’s 47 percent. He will turn out a few new racist voters. Aside from that he will lose most demographics.
I think that 12 is unrealistic given the number of folks who are bound and determined to ‘take their country back’.(from the black president) Undecideds will vote with a pencil in one hand and a cloths pin in the other. I’m betting HRC by 7 or 8. Given the nature of recent elections that would constitute a blow out.
Although there are troubling things for Clinton in the poll much worse news for Trump — he isnt’ holding Romney’s white guys
I agree about the polls.. I find them fun in some respects. The Bloomberg 12% lead for HRC seems kinda high.. I think it’s HRC by 5%.. I think most of the Republican’s will vote Trump in the end.. The wild card is how much will Trump drive up turn out on the Dem side?
Yep, stick a fork in him! I think your right, Bernie’s bargaining power hit bottom after his huge loses in Cali and NJ.. The bigger man would have done as Hillary did in 2008.. Now he’s going on about changing the Democratic Party like he won??? Calling for DWS head?? They have given him 5 seats on the Platform committee, enough already..
Trump will get some of the ‘white guys’ back after the convention and the debates. He will bully HRC, and his core constituency will applaud and vote accordingly. Regardless of Hillary’s performance in these debates, the outlandishness of Trump will be the media tag line. He will win in the eyes of many simply by being a stupid bastard. We’ve seen this before, just never at this level.
I just lost the DC primary by 55 points. Please help me implement the will of the voters. I know I can beat Trump.
I’m going with yes but. I think he has lost college educated whites and will never get them back
oh yeah and all the Mormons
@NateSilver538 2h2 hours ago
Sanders probably lost leverage by holding on too long. In past few weeks, both primary & general election voters have moved toward Clinton.
Bernie had his ass handed to him in NJ and CA. That was the time to pull the plug.
Nothing becomes a man so much as the manner of his leaving. Bernie missed the boat.
June 14, 2016 at 10:02 am
I say :
Pro-Abortion Republican Governors
The Supreme Court on Monday left intact a key Obama administration environmental regulation, refusing to take up an appeal from 22 Republican governors to block rules that limit the emissions of mercury and other abortion and birth defect-causing pollutants that are byproducts of burning coal. The Republican governors of the following states hoped to force more mercury, carcinogens, and abortifacients into babys’ and pregnant mothers’ bodies : West Virginia, Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Arizona, and North Carolina.
For christ christie’s sake, can’t we stop obsessing about Sanders ? He was toast ages ago.
Clinton will win YUUUUUUUJ ! I mean, reeeeaaaallly YUUUUUUUUJ ! !
Here’s how I see November, unless the rippers declare a new party and leave trump with the bills. HRC will win the votes of
68% of women
90% of Blacks
85% of Hispanics
85% of Jews
95% of Moslems
45% of white males.
60% – 30% – 8% – 2%
The Libertarian is biting deeply into the Yam’s (thanks, Pogo) white male support.
beware those rosy polls. complacency lurks behind them.