Into The Lion’s Den of Misinformation

Kamala Harris takes no crap from FOX Host Bret Baier’s rude and deceptive interview, at one point calling him out for showing a clip that did not represent the topic at hand. “Bret, I’m sorry, and with all due respect, that clip was not what he has been saying about the ‘enemy within’ that he has repeated when he is speaking about the American people. That’s not what you just showed.”

Full interview (27 minutes):

Seems like the consensus news hook was her declaring independence from Biden, even FOX headlined it that way, a good outcome for her — and she did it without a hint of criticism for the President:

Axios: Harris: “My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s”

FOX News: Kamala Harris defiantly asserts her presidency ‘will not’ be an extension of Biden’s

AP: Kamala Harris pledges break from Biden presidency in testy Fox News interview

Washington Post: Harris clashes with host, distances Biden in contentious interview on Fox


Meanwhile Donald Trump had a rough time with skeptical Latino voters at the Univision Town Hall last night. My notes:
— Oops he got a question why he killed the border bill. He didn’t get close to answering, never mentioned the bill she asked about in a rambling answer that focused on crime in Chicago “Everything the Democrats run is bad”.
— These are all rough questions. Next, “Could you explain your pro-gun policy to the parents of children killed in schools”. Again, no answer, instead he starts reciting the same Chicago murder stats he brought up before, and again blames the Democrats.

Now a questioner says he’s a Republican unhappy with Jan 6, handling of COVID and how “so many in your administration, like your own Vice President, don’t support you”. Trump riffs about how Jan. 6 was a “day of love” and a bunch more crap. The guy obviously wasn’t convinced.

— A woman asks if he agrees with Melania’s pro-choice views on abortion. No answer, but he does plug her book: “It’s very good. I hope you all go out and buy it”.
— These people are not buying his bullshit. No nodding of heads in agreement as Kamala got last week in her Univision Town Hall.

New York Times got these headlines just right.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

52 thoughts on “Into The Lion’s Den of Misinformation”

  1. lawrence on bret and baier’s “soiled himself” performance last night

    In an interview with Vice President Harris, “Bret Baier lied deliberately and knowingly” about what Donald Trump said he wants to do to Americans he calls “the enemy from within,” MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains. Lawrence discusses why Bret Baier won’t get kicked out of “The Club” for lying or for interrupting Vice President Kamala Harris more than he has ever interrupted any presidential candidate in an interview.

  2. click here for Colbert’s

    Over 300,000 Georgians showed up for the first day of early voting, former president Trump told Bloomberg News he loves tariffs, and folksy vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz urged voters not to be seduced by Trump’s silliness.

  3. The Fox whore just couldn’t score. 
    Though he tried and he tried
    In the end his fervor died.
    He had come face to face with the boss

  4. kept hearing this old song when reading thread’s title about kamala being in the lion’s den 

    This is my rendition of an American Folk Song which was originally recorded by Arthur Francis Collins in 1905, and has been recorded in various forms since by artists such as Jerry Reed, Phil Harris, and The New Christy Minstrels. It tells the tale of a preacher who, while out on a Sunday walk, was waylaid by a grizzly bear.

    chorus: Hey Lord you delivered Daniel from the bottom of the lion’s den
    You delivered Joana from the belly of the whale and then
    The Hebrew children from the fiery furnace so the good books do declare
    Hey Lord if you can’t help me for goodness sake don’t help that [Baier].

  5. She can start saying my presidency will be my presidency. Leave Joe out of the sentence.
    With children, it’s best to say things in the affirmative, not the negative. Say, walk, not, don’t run.

  6. Weirdest voting experience ever.  Asking me to recite my address back to him and confirm my middle name.  Scrutinizing my photo.   So many uncontested races here; just Repugz and a couple of Libertarians.   Felt good to vote for Harris/Walz and the few other Dems on the ballot.  

  7. With Bret playing his surrogate this became the second debate Trump dodged, and she won. I’m guessing she gets a bump out of this one too, if just shoring up voters she already had but were saying they might switch.

  8. Blue, bet they’re calling that their due diligence. 
    In-person voting is now an example of “siege mentality.”

  9. Siege mentality in politics. Society leaders may deliberately draw on siege mentality to hold on to power. They typically present people outside of their region as those who want to harm them, and the leader becomes the only thing standing between the people and assured destruction. It’s a philosophy sometimes relied on by authoritarian leaders.

  10. AI says,
    Siege mentality is a collective state of mind where people feel like they are constantly under attack, oppressed, or isolated. It can also be described as a feeling of victimization and defensiveness. 

    People with a siege mentality may: 
    Be overly fearful of others 
    Have an intractable defensive attitude
    Believe that people with different worldviews are out to destroy their way of life 
    Bond with others who share their viewpoint 
    Create groups that center around their shared idea 
    View anyone who thinks differently as evil or acting with negative intent 

    The term comes from the experience of military defenses during sieges. It can be found in different societies around the world, and can be created by factors like living in a high-crime area or years of international isolation. 

    A related term is bunker mentality, which can be used to describe businesses facing competition or downsizing.

  11. Ivy – It’s a small town & they don’t know me even though I look just like they do. 

    New ad: Woman who voted for tRUMP, voting for Harris because Adolf only cares about tax cuts for billionaires.  That will get traction here.  Othering Adolf is key.

  12. Trump says Ukraine’s Zelensky should ‘never have let that war start’

    Former president Trump blamed Ukraine’s leader for allowing the the war in Ukraine to start, even though Russia was the aggressor, during an interview with a podcaster.


  13. The guy did an awesome job of holding Chump’s feet to the fire. The answers he gave dug the hole deeper. 

  14. So, yes, I fear and loathe him, but then, there are no psychopaths I don’t fear and/or loathe.

  15. I watched L.O.D. decimate Baier last night.  Trump says he will end the war in Europe in 3 days or something.  Poland’s leaders are praying that if Trump gets in and stops aid to Zelenskyy and Russia takes Ukraine up to past Kiev and to the western border, well, a crazed Putin will no doubt go after Poland again , NATO backing be damned.  This is just another reason Trump should be cuffed, shackled, and hooded and marched into the SHU of a nasty prison. Vote for Harris or lose the world as we know it.
    Yahya Sinwar is dead. Until today, I never heard his name mentioned, and I have MSNBC on my screens 16 hours a day. Israel killed him, their IDF blew his body to pieces identified by DNA + fingerprints, they say.

  16. His full question could be an ad by itself…

    “I am a Republican that’s no longer registered. Your inaction during your presidency was a little disturbing to me. What happened during January 6th and the fact that you waited so long to take action while your supporters were attacking the Capitol. Coronavirus, I thought the public was misled and many more lives could’ve been saved.. I’m curious how people close to you in your administration don’t want to support you so why would I support you? Your own VP doesn’t want to support you.”

  17. Bill Clinton: I’m too old to gild a lily. Heck, I’m only two months younger than Donald Trump. But the good news for you is I will not spend 30 minutes swaying back and forth to music.

  18. Mitch saying he hopes Donald Trump pays a price for January 6 does not redeem him from his own guilt and culpability. 

  19. Wow, a horrible miscalculation by trump’s propagandists to go the Univision town hall, the audience was not buying his bullshit, at all 👍 
    …saw a Spanish-language Harris ad on my Roku stick, was very good (seemed effective, i can decipher basic written Spanish ((you probably can, too!)) so i understood it btw)

    i think it was this one:

    (i forwarded the Mary Trump/twitter clip of the Univision questioner to “my peeps” 🇺🇸)

  20. Kamala Harris to Trump hecklers: “Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street”

    You once asked me what a “sick burn” is, Mr. C
    It’s that

  21. With the mail voting ballots dropping, and being returned, the panic and desperation of campaign volunteers is in the air.  I live in Maryland, registered Dem, consistent voter, local, state and national.  I keep getting mail lit supporting the magats/repub (Hogan) and anti-Dem.  Weird.  A solid waste of campaign money.  Of course I support the mailings.  Send me more!  At least the Dems read my notes in the Dem voter database – do not contact.  Use the campaign funds to go for others votes.


    “Last month, Donald Trump announced that he was selling limited-edition, gaudy watches ranging from $499 to the bargain price of $100,000, bragging about their Swiss-made precision.”
    “But a CNN investigation traced the watches’ origin to a shopping center in remote Sheridan, Wyoming, where TheBestWatchesOnEarth LLC, the company behind the timepieces, is based. There’s no indication that a watch company is located at the building listed at the address, only a daycare. Its neighbors include an H&R Block, a Wendy’s, and a “vape and hemp smoke shop.”  

    At my last company, we had multiple, attempted scam problems from an address in Sheridan, Wyoming.  I’m guessing it’s the same clearing house for tRUMPsky’s timepieces of sh/t.

  23. My ballot stayed in the machine today.  You could take it out to verify it, but was worried one of the workers would come over and see that I voted for Harris/Walz. 
    In Texas, the ballot came out and you put it in a second machine, but had privacy to do so.

  24. Those poll volunteers are usually rather principled, from my experience 
    You gotta let your freak flag fly to inspire others, and there are others, let’s gooo 🦅 🇺🇸 
    good job voting btw 👍 

    personally, i’m excited for my biennial tradition of giving shit to the Republican they have standing outside the polling place ⚔️

    “no, i don’t need more information, and let me tell you why…” 😊

    Ok, pardon me, i’m feeling pretty good because i don’t see how trump’s home-stretch performance wins over undecideds, especially when they’re “alone in the booth” 🤞

  25. You can tell that Baier has had ample training in the art of talking over someone, interrupting them, and generally being a rude little son of a bitch but the Vice President spoiled his little performance for him   
    He may have a nice house, but he’ll NEVER be a Newsman.   

    Egg suckin dog

  26. Craig, I have Mr. Ivy making your chili recipe this weekend. 
    Why did today feel like Friday already? 

  27. I do not believe P01135809 will end up behind bars. Magas voting to keep him out of jail could do him a bigger favor by just letting him rest in peace at Mar-lagoon. He does not really want to be back in the White House. He hates that job and he wasn’t very good at it. 

  28. When i made Mr. C’s horsey-sauce i put a few bits of the horseradish root in the ground even though they dried out a little- they are giant plants, now 🤩

  29. He does not really want to be back in the White House

    JD will take that job, gladly
    A vote for trump is a vote for JD Chameleon

    So, i can’t source this but i read it online so it can be sourced (translation: too lazy too look it up) but allegedly JD was a liberal until the Hollywood establishment rejected him when his movie was released, so now he’s out for revenge

  30. Ooh, ooh, Alex, I know the answer to that one: they don’t want their union brothers to know they’d vote for a black woman.

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