87 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. Last night’s commentary on LBJ by Jack reminded me of an old tongue twister:

    I’m not a fig plucker

    nor a fig plucker’s son

    but I can pluck figs

    ‘Til the fig pluckers com.


  2. Perky tunes for another happy poll. Even deep red Iowa is in play! Driven by women, young people and college-educated Trump’s huge lead is gone.

    Des Moines Register poll in June: Trump 50 Biden 32.

    New poll today: Trump 47 Harris 43

  3. Some twitterer


    Your pet is more likely to be shot in the face by a Republican governor than to be eaten by a Haitian immigrant

  4. DogginTrump

    MAGA REALITY: Taylor Swift is losing millions of fans after supporting VP Harris!
    ACTUAL REALITY: Taylor Swift has gained 2 million followers on Instagram since supporting VP Harris

  5. I hope the immigrants cook JD’s goose.  .  🪿 

    Vance describes plan to end Ukraine war which sounds a lot like Pootin’s.

    JD Vance just told Dana Bash if he has to create stories for the media to pay attention then he will do it. He admits he’s lying for attention. What a f*cking a-hole!

  6. Pete Buttigieg
    Remarkable confession by JD Vance this morning when he said he will “create stories” (that is, lie) to redirect the media. All this to change the subject away from abortion rights, manufacturing jobs, taxation of the rich, and the other things clearly at stake in this election

  7. Mayor Pete’s got good analysis: Trump and Vance sucking up oxygen spreading bullshit is a deliberate tactic and a strategy, not an accident.

  8. Vance is having a rough morning, all over Sunday shows pitifully defending the indefensible.  Admitted the Haitian pet-eating story was made up, but for a good cause.

  9. Vance also has to carry the ball on this: ‘I don’t like those comments’: Vance responds to Laura Loomer’s attack on Harris’ Indian heritage, NBC “Meet the Press”. Vance said, “What Laura said about Kamala Harris is not what we should be focused on.”

    By the way, Vance’s Indian wife has disappeared.

  10. I hope we soon see Kamala and Tim doing a rally alongside Haitian folks. Before or after the VP debate where it no doubt will be front-and-center is the question? I’m leaning toward before to turn up the heat on JD. Make that sucker backfire on him big time. 

  11. They had to drag Loomer out into the public because neither of the legal wives are willing or acceptable. 

  12. Yesterday Rick and I were at his family reunion.  His brother Dan’s significant other has voted for Mump twice.  As I said before… she’s what is called a low information voter.  She’s a lovely person and I don’t understand it.  Yesterday she told me that she’s been sitting on the fence all summer.  When she watched the debate… she made up her mind….    she’s voting for Kamala.  Said Mump is obviously in decline and delusional.  I gave her a big hug…

  13. Not sure I buy this but lots of people saying it… 

    Sarah Longwell: “I know it looks like Trump is self-immolating. But talking about eating pets and hating Taylor Swift are just him trying to change the subject from his catastrophic debate performance this week.” 

    The Guardians Hugo Lowell: “Several Trump aides sound privately relieved today that the attention on Laura Loomer and JD Vance doubling down on immigrants eating pets has wiped Trump’s debate disaster stories off the news coverage, which shows that they knew it was bad” 

    If a distraction theory is really what they’re up to, it’s like cutting your finger to help ignore a headache

  14. Renee, great story! I’m so hoping my family announces that change of mind and heart, or even if they do it secretly.  They have stopped speaking about politics. Certain of Plump’s threats are aimed directly at them and I pray they realize that.

  15. As long as Dems keep tying it all back to the debate and other disasters, he won’t escape the scrutiny, no matter how far-fetched his staged antics. More ads like the New Way Forward ad in the middle of football. How fast can they make new ads?

    We’ll know it’s calculated if it keeps getting worse. It’s his only method of coping with desperation.

  16. NEW — Statement from Trump communications director Steven Cheung: “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time”

  17. As he was in July. More BS. But, let’s use this ~event~ to discuss gun control.

    Chiefs play at 3:30. Hope TS gets lots of attention if she’s there, if it drives him nuttier.

  18. FrankLuntz

    “JD Vance appeared on 3 morning news shows today (NBC, CBS, and CNN).

    Kamala Harris and Tim Walz appeared on a combined 0 morning shows today”


    Old Berman replies to Frank Luntz. 

    “JD just lost his senate seat, Frank. Sit down and see if Phil Griffin has any more foregone conclusions he wants you to get for him”

    [Olbermann, with this enigmatic comment refers to the way Frank Luntz’s “focus groups” always seem to reach the conclusions which align with the way Luntz wishes them to. ie worthless]

  19. I’ll remain neutral. This doesn’t require my sympathy or thoughts. That’s for others if they wish. 

  20. Frank has always been a pasty, little toadie for the GoOPerz.

    There isn’t any “breaking news” about it.
    They are losing their ability to divert attention.

    Townhall in Springfield, OH with Harris/Walz. Get on it, folks. Dead dogs will be old news for the ~journalists~ soon enough, so give the problem (xenophobia and fear-mongering) some sunlight aka make hay while the sun shines.

    Project 2025!
    Don’t let it happen to you.
    Vote 💙

  21. FrankLuntz
    “JD Vance appeared on 3 morning news shows today (NBC, CBS, and CNN).
    Kamala Harris and Tim Walz appeared on a combined 0 morning shows today”

    JD is trying to tread water 
    Kam & Tim are either campaigning, governing, fundraising, rallying, and i would assume they have to sleep at some point
    The voters they need aren’t watching the Sunday shows, smart resource management from Team Kamala

  22. “President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are both “relieved to know” that Trump is safe and have been briefed on the security incident, according to the White House.”
    Because Dems really have Adolf by the nads now & it’s time for his uppence to come in November. 


  23. ok the “gunfire” was the apparently very proactive Secret Service
    Republicans want open carry, that means weirdos walking around with AKs 🤷‍♂️

  24. “I AM SAFE AND WELL!” Trump says in fundraising email
    From CNN’s Rashard Rose

    “Former President Donald Trump said in a fundraising email that he is “safe and well” following the security incident at his golf course in South Florida earlier Sunday.”

    “There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL!” the email said. “Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me.”

    Jamie – Always Be Grifting

  25. Less than two months and we can be done with this nonsense forever!
    Vote Blue, Being a Pal That Is Also Tired of The Nonsense 🇺🇸

  26. “The sheriff’s office has “has stopped a vehicle and taken a suspect into custody,” the post said. A section of Interstate 95 near State Route 714 in Martin County is shut down, the office said.”
    “Martin County is north of Palm Beach County, where Sunday’s incident at Trump International took place.”
    Hoe does one just mosey onto that golf course with or without a gun?  
    Project 2025!  Fascism bad.
    Harris/Walz 24! Democracy good. 

  27. …back to a beautiful Sunday, here is a nice vibe for it, little jazzy Vince Guardi (Sp?), little bit of 70s PBS spice

    hooray great song 👍

  28. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2024/09/15/taylor-swift-chiefs-bengals/75232558007/
    “Fresh off seven Video Music Award wins and a presidential endorsement, Taylor Swift strutted into Arrowhead Stadium Sunday afternoon for her second appearance of the 2024 football season.”
    Isn’t it just so interesting that last week Orange Adolf was posting a fake endorsement from Swift, and today he’s posting that he hates her.  It’s almost like he he’s a creepy, deranged narcissist or something.  

    Project 2025! Taylor Swift is not the distraction you’re looking for.

  29. Olbermann has related the  way Griffin allegedly had Frank Luntz rig one of his “focus groups” to go against Sam Donaldson in order to hire Olbermann instead to “Countdown” which was about to begin on MSNBC.  It’s a long story but the gist was Luntz’s bullshit focus groups.

  30. Hugo Lowell.
    NEW — Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw says Trump was 400 to 500 yards away from the gunman

    Secret Service agents who were ahead of Trump by one hole spotted the rifle barrel poking out of bushes. Police later recovered an AK-47 with a scope, two backpacks and a GoPro

  31. Carrie4901

    ·So he just stuck the gun out through the fence in full view. And he just happened to stumble upon Trump playing golf even though it wasn’t on his schedule. And luckily a witness was able to follow him to his car and snap a perfect photo of his license plate. Wow. Wow.

  32. Yeah, how did someone just amble onto the property?    Was he on the property? Why isn’t there a wall?   There is a wall? Why didn’t the wall work? It wasn’t on Adolf’s schedule for him to play? How did the guy know? It’s all a little too too, ya know? 

    ps – Why is there no scar, physical or mental, from the ear incident of July?

    sturg – White boots. LoL!

  33. Of course, he was golfing, it’s not like he is in the home-stretch of a high-stakes campaign for the most consequential office in the world or anything, very disciplined 😀 

  34. sure sounds like he was just exercising his second amendment right to walk around town with a gun like a lunatic to me

    Vote GOP-Easy Access To Weapons of War for Every Lunatic in Town 🇺🇸

    seriously, though if the alleged gunman didn’t pull the trigger, what’s the crime? This is the Republican hell they wanted.

  35. https://www.thedailybeast.com/who-is-alleged-trump-golf-course-gunman-ryan-wesley-routh

    “Secret Service agents confronted and shot at the would-be shooter after noticing a rifle barrel sticking out of a nearby chain link fence just one hole ahead of the former president as he played a round with real estate developer Steve Witkoff on Sunday afternoon.”
    “…investigators found the AK-47-style rifle with a scope, two backpacks filled with ceramic tile, and a GoPro camera hanging on a nearby fence.”

  36. lol they couldn’t see a guy on a tin roof but saw a barrel poking out through bushes, sure 😆 

    amateur hour in the psy-ops wing of trump camp

  37. Interesting if there’s a post where he’s saying he was pro-Ukraine.  Exactly what a Russian operative would say.   Eh, probably just another gun nut.  Maybe.

  38. But loony Loomer is on her way.  
    To any others with guns trying to ~help~DON’T!  Harris has got this handled with her sane brain and her big people words. 

  39. Maybe it was a Vivek plot to take over the nomination.

    Suspect’s X posts are all over the place. Clearly a nut. Lots of countries have lot of nuts. But ours has nuts with easy access to assault rifles.

  40. Meloomia Loomer is who I meant, sorry for that. My joke was a dud. But Poor Barron! His mommy went to college with him? Will he ever be allowed to grow up?

  41. A relative had something shipped to the family home and came to pick it up tonight.  Turns out it’s for the “Glock” they are building.  The kid is always strapped.  They want more. Handgun in sweatpants. Jeez.

  42. “Glock” they are building

    Yeah they like to act like snapping ordered parts together is a hobby, because working on cars or something like that actually requires education and talent

    gun-smithing can be a fine art, mind you, almost none of these 2nd amendment people are smithing metals

    they’re basically playing with murder Legos, is what i’m trying to say

  43. “murder Legos”  <—  Bingo! I do believe they 3D printed the thing and bought the firing mechanism.     The neighbors fire guns on Sundays, I guess for fun.  I’d be scared to mow the back acreage next to any of them.  

  44. “We lost the culture.” -JD Vance, racist and failed politician.
    Also, did he mean to say “detent” or did he mean “detente”? 

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