What Next?

Attribution: The optimist. by Arcadio Esquivel, Costa Rica

Old joke:

Pessimist: Oh, this can’t get any worse! 

Optimist: Yes, it can!


22 thoughts on “What Next?”

  1. runner up ‘toon from a David Horsey op ed titled 

    Free Palestine from extremists on both sides | The Seattle Times

    The UN, or anyone else, can demand a cease-fire, but it is not going to happen until an agreement can be reached between the two warring sides. And, since those two sides are dominated by the extremists in the Israeli cabinet and the extremists in Hamas, that is not a hopeful scenario.

  2. but on the sunny side (hopefully)

    Mexico elects Claudia Sheinbaum as its first female president in landslide victory | Mexico | The Guardian

    Claudia Sheinbaum has won a landslide victory to become Mexico’s first female president, inheriting the project of her mentor and outgoing leader, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whose popularity among the poor helped drive her triumph.
    Sheinbaum, a leftwing climate scientist and former mayor of Mexico City, won the presidency with between 58.3% and 60.7% of the vote, according to a rapid sample count by Mexico’s electoral authority.
    The ruling coalition led by Sheinbaum’s Morena party was also on track for a possible two-thirds super-majority in both houses of Congress, which would allow the coalition to pass constitutional reforms without opposition support. The big win for Sheinbaum was consistent with polls throughout the campaign.
    “For the first time in the 200 years of the republic I will become the first woman president of Mexico,” Sheinbaum told supporters to loud cheers of “president, president”. “We imagine a plural, diverse and democratic Mexico. Our duty is and will always be to look after each and every Mexican, without distinction.”

  3. Senate to vote on ‘right to contraception’ bill (thehill.com)

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has announced in a “Dear Colleague” letter that the Senate will vote Wednesday on the Right to Contraception Act, timing the vote shortly before the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court decision striking down the right to an abortion.
    Schumer opened his letter by noting that June 24 will mark the two-year anniversary of the court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and that at least 20 states now have near-total bans or severe restrictions on abortion.
    “There’s no question in the American people’s minds that Republicans have brought our country to this point. And as Donald Trump reminded us recently, he is ‘proudly the person responsible’ for the annihilation of Roe v. Wade and the grotesque reversal of women’s personal freedoms,” Schumer wrote, referring to the reversal of the landmark decision in 1973 that established a national right to abortion.
    “Democrats have been clear we will not stand for these attacks and we will fight to preserve reproductive freedoms. That is why as we return from the Memorial Day state work period, Senate Democrats will be putting reproductive freedoms front and center,” he wrote.
    The Democratic leader began the process for the Senate to consider the Right to Contraception Act sponsored by Sens. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) and Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.).
    The bill would guarantee the legal right for individuals to get and use contraception and for health care providers to provide contraception, information, referrals and services related to contraception.
    It would also prohibit the federal government and any state from administering or enforcing any law, rule or regulation to prohibit or restrict the sale or use of contraception.
    And it would allow the Justice Department, providers and individuals harmed by restrictions on contraception to go to court to enforce those rights.
    “Members should expect to vote on that legislation on Wednesday this week. And there will be more action to come after that,” Schumer announced in his letter.

  4. another old joke in re thread topic:

    The pessimist sees a long dark tunnel
    The optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel
    The realist sees that the light is an oncoming train
    The train conductor sees three idiots standing on the tracks.

  5. So Mexico elects its first female president, and Jewish to boot. Good on Mexico. 

    And the DC legal ethics board recommended Rudee be disbarred. Good on them.

  6. Dr. Sheinbaum has a Twitter feed in Spanish.  I’m trying to see if there is an English version as she is definitely someone to follow.  Trudeau has already congratulated her.  If we have Sheinbaum, Trudeau and Biden there might be hope for all the border problems. 


  7. Joe Scarborough and Ed Luce“Edward Geoffrey Luce (born 1 June 1968) is an English journalist and the Financial Times chief US commentator and columnist based in Washington, D.C.”—(Wiki)both said they avoid Trump’s live speeches (billed as pressers) because they can’t stand it. I think that is ostrich head-sticking…we must know our enemy. Trump’s Friday monologue was totally bizarre and really insanity proven. I wondered how anybody watching such twaddle could accept this clown as a Presidential candidate. Then I realized why…they don’t watch him, they just hear echoes, distorted echoes, framed in lies of how great everything was in Trump-land years ago. Here’s a fact: today’s USA economy is off the goddam charts. Joe Biden’s domestic policies are up there with FDR and LBJ.Let’s remember that Trump advocated throwing HRC into prison just because he called her “crooked Hilary”, and that late in 2020 he ORDERED Barr to arrest Joe Biden.Mass deportation, concentration camps…”retribution against (fill in the blanks)”All three branches will be shaken up. Obviously, the executive will then become a king-based joke. The legislative totally revamped regarding abortion, gun laws (Trump promised gun laws will all but be thrown out), and the judicial? Ha! totally restructured according to Trump’s whims.

  8. How a sane person reacts to a trial.

    How a healthy-minded parent supports their son or daughter in recovery without interfering with the consequences of their child’s disease.

  9. Along with supporting Hunter, Joe and Jill are showing strong Pride support for the LGBTQQIP2SA communities. 
    The Biden Presidency makes the USA better, period, no debate.  

  10. Joe’s statement rings sincere and true to those of us in families affected by addiction, and who embrace the Steps ourselves within the wider community of recovery. 

    The Trump family should take note. Their dynamic family history as reported by clinical psychologist and family whistleblower, Mary L. Trump, Ph.D., plus patterns we see in them ourselves, reveal an ongoing active multi-generational dysfunctional family system. The family’s coddling – and now the maga-nation’s enabling  – of the patriarch’s increasingly erratic behaviors is the reason an intervention will ultimately be needed for our entire country. They are affecting us all and making us divided and sick as a nation. 

  11. Had a nice day in Salem MA. Visited the Peabody-Essex Museum where they have an interesting transplanted Chinese merchant-class home, and a fine meal at Turner’s Seafood where all their crab meals discounted all month.

  12. https://upriseri.com/fbi-raids-corporate-landlord-in-major-rent-price-fixing-probe-what-it-means-for-you/
    “The FBI’s recent raid on Cortland Management reveals a nationwide conspiracy to inflate rents, potentially impacting millions of renters…”
    “At the heart of this investigation is RealPage, a software and consulting firm that allegedly orchestrates price-fixing among large corporate landlords. RealPage’s system, which is owned by Thoma Bravo, one of the largest private equity firms in the U.S., provides rental price recommendations to landlords. These recommendations are based on detailed real-time data shared by landlords, including pricing, inventory, and occupancy rates. RealPage’s influence is extensive, affecting rents for 70% of multi-family apartment buildings and 16 million units across the country.”
    “The scheme allegedly works by encouraging landlords to adopt RealPage’s pricing recommendations, which they do 80-90% of the time. This coordinated effort among landlords to follow the software’s suggestions drives up rental prices by reducing the availability of units.”
    “The DOJ’s investigation isn’t limited to Cortland and RealPage. It has expanded to include dozens of property owners and managers across the country. The investigation has escalated from a civil matter to a criminal probe, reflecting the seriousness of the allegations. The DOJ and Federal Trade Commission are key players in this crackdown on anti-competitive behavior.”

  13. Marvin. Magic. Great pick, Bink.

    I wasn’t a Motown aficionado in real time, but Marvin…

    … and Smokey.

  14. i listen mostly to ambient/instrumental stuff like this btw:

    i mention it cuz it can help with the blood pressure if ya dig

    you can put words like “ambient, spa, meditative, celtic”, etc. into pandora or youtube to find it

    smart tvs and streaming sticks have all these services, too. The future is now, you made it 🫡 ✌️🚀

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