66 thoughts on “On a Fool’s Mission”

  1. In 1969, Anthony Newley hosted this show called The Hollywood Palace. It featured songs all written by him and Leslie Bricusse, all sung on the show by Newley himself, and/or by one of the guests he lined-up for the evening. All women of course… I didn’t capture EVERYTHING from it. Just most of the parts involving Tony. No requests, please. Newley performs his closing number, the ever popular, “What Kind of Fool Am I?” from Stop the World I Want to Get Off.

  2. speaking of a fool and his followers last night

    John Oliver Warns Viewers Of Donald Trump’s “Cash Grab” Schemes, ‘Call Me By Your Name’ Peach Makes Cameo & Host Dings Uber Eats For Diddy Ad (msn.com)

    “This year, more than ever, everything Trump does is going to be a cash grab,” Oliver said on the HBO late-night show. “This year has been one of the few times he’s actually been asked to pay the price for his actions but already, he’s got other people footing the bill.”
    Oliver said Trump was “monetizing his bad behavior,” which could be summed up by a t-shirt he’s selling featuring his mugshot and the caption “Not Guilty” across the front.
    The comedian went through a list of things Trump had been doing to raise money to pay for his legal troubles, using his followers to foot the bill.
    “That is a man who talks non-stop about how he’s one of the richest men on Earth, begging strangers for money in a hostage video that looks that it was filmed in a house haunted by the world’s tackiest ghosts,” Oliver said of a video Trump shared pleading his fans to donate money.

  3. beware: no fooling about this

    Major storm to sweep United States with severe weather, snow, flooding – The Washington Post

    The storm has already produced downpours, flooding and heavy snow in California

    A strong storm system is poised to roll across the United States and deliver widespread hazardous weather. It arrived Saturday in California, where it produced thunderstorms, flooding and heavy mountain snow. As it charges eastward, few areas will be spared from its effects.
    On Monday and Tuesday, it will sweep through the Central and Eastern states, bringing the threat of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. Some areas — especially from the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic — could also see flooding rain.
    The storm’s last stop will be in New England midweek, where some areas could see an usually intense late-season snowstorm.
    Spring is known as one of the most chaotic times for seriously disruptive weather in North America. Clashing air masses — stemming from crescendoing seasonal warmth and lingering winter cold — can brew powerful weather systems such as this incipient storm.

  4. Patd, your juggling jester looks like me when I pick up the 4th ball and try that myself. I’m an expert with one, pretty good with two, halfway decent with three and a physical comedian with 4. 

  5. pogo, you read my mind.

    The Fool on the Hill” is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their 1967 EP and album Magical Mystery Tour. It was written and sung by Paul McCartney and credited to the Lennon–McCartney partnership. The lyrics describe the titular “fool”, a solitary figure who is not understood by others, but is actually wise. McCartney said the idea for the song was inspired by the Dutch design collective the Fool, who derived their name from the tarot card of the same name, and possibly by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The song’s segment in the Magical Mystery Tour television film was shot separately from the rest of the film and without the other Beatles’ knowledge. Accompanied by a professional cameraman, McCartney filmed the scene near Nice in France. In 1968, Sérgio Mendes & Brasil ’66 recorded a cover version of the song that reached the top ten in the US. By the late 1970s, “The Fool on the Hill” was one of McCartney’s most widely recorded ballads. A solo demo and an outtake of the song were included on the Beatles’ 1996 compilation album Anthology 2.

  6. Enough with the foolishness – not really – but the weather forecast for the week ain’t no joke, especially in No. Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri, and the rest of the Midwest and up to NE ain’t exactly gonna have it easy.
    But onto the foolishness.  Dumbass actually believes people think he won the Club Champion and Senior Club Champion awards he received over the weekend on the golf course. Yep, sure, and pigs really do fly.
    OK, here’s a tip to the Biden campaign – take every one of those stupid digital trading card images Dumbass sold to the fools in the trailer parks and do a series of them that reflect the old, orange, grossly fat and out of shape “human being” he actually is.  Sell them as a set for $99.00.  Prolly raise several million bucks that way.

  7. Folks there is another norovirus making a sweep through the country.  It is not as bad as the version that came through last month, but it is bad.  Four days on and I am finally feeling alive, just barely. Yup, two for two.  And, many attacks since twenty-twenty.  Be forewarned that our human existence is under attack by bad things.

  8. BB, hope you feel better.  And in response to your last sentence – yes, and there are also diseases we need to be aware of. (Insert rimshot here)

  9. pogo, about the lord’s prayer vid, due to that smug look on his face seems like he first tho’t they were praying to him before it finally dawned on him he better, for appearances sake and even tho’ he forgot the words, start moving his mouth to join the crowd.

  10. Mr. Ivy fell for it at the time, he sheepishly admits. 

    Sidd Finch is a fictional baseball player, the subject of the notorious April Fools’ Day hoax article “The Curious Case of Sidd Finch” written by George Plimpton and first published in the April 1, 1985, issue of Sports Illustrated. According to Plimpton, Finch was raised in an English orphanage, learned yoga in Tibet, and could throw a fastball as fast as 168 miles per hour (270 km/h).


  11. waiting for his “april fool!” p.s. in very tiny letters

    Mike Johnson hints vote on Ukraine aid is up next despite threat to speakership | Mike Johnson | The Guardian

    The US House speaker, Mike Johnson, has raised expectations that a vote on funding for Ukraine could be imminent in the chamber, even at the risk of the Republican losing his leadership position.
    Johnson touted “important innovations” to a possible Ukraine package during an interview on Fox News’ Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy, and he suggested a vote on a standalone bill could come soon after Congress returns from Easter recess on 9 April.
    “What we have to do in an era of divided government, historically, as we are, you got to build consensus. If we want to move a partisan measure, I got to have every single member, literally. And some things need to be bipartisan,” Johnson said, acknowledging the shrinking Republican majority in the House.
    “We’ve been talking to all the members especially now over the district work period. When we return after this work period, we’ll be moving a product, but it’s going to, I think, have some important innovations.”
    Those innovations include efforts to placate Republican hardliners, who have cooled on continuing to support Ukraine financially with the war there now in its third year. They include a loan instead of a grant, or harnessing Russian assets confiscated in the US under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity (Repo) for Ukrainians Act.
    “If we can use the seized assets of Russian oligarchs to allow the Ukrainians to fight them, that’s just pure poetry,” Johnson said. “Even [former president Donald] Trump has talked about the loan concept, where we’re not just giving foreign aid, we’re setting it up in a relationship where they can provide it back to us when the time is right.”

  12. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/31/politics/navalny-russian-prisoner-database-hack/index.html

    “Within hours of opposition leader Alexey Navalny’s death in February in a Russian prison, a group of anti-Kremlin hackers went looking for revenge.”

    “Using their access to a computer network tied to Russia’s prison system, the hackers plastered a photo of Navalny on the hacked prison contractor’s website, according to interviews with the hackers, screenshots and data reviewed by CNN.”

    “Long live Alexey Navalny!” read a message on the hacked website, accompanied by a photo of Navalny and his wife Yulia at a political rally.

    “In a stunning breach of security, they also appear to have stolen a database containing information on hundreds of thousands of Russian prisoners and their relatives and contacts, including, the hackers claim, data held on prisoners in the Arctic penal colony where Navalny died on February 16.”

    “The hackers, who say they are a mix of nationalities, including Russian expatriates and Ukrainians, are sharing that data, including phone numbers and email addresses of prisoners and their relatives “in the hope that somebody can contact them and help understand what happened to Navalny,” a hacker claiming to be involved in the breach told CNN.

  13. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/middleeast/turkey-local-election-blow-erdogan-opposition-mime-intl/index.html

    “Turkey’s Erdogan dealt major election blow as opposition party wins big cities”

    “Turkey held nationwide elections on Sunday for city mayors, district mayors, and other local officials who will serve for the next five years. Erdogan’s party lost the popular vote for the first time since it started running for elections in 2002, and it lost regions that had previously been considered AK Party strongholds.”

    *That’ll teach him to have anything to do with tRUMPsky.   Everything he touches…

    “The period of one-man rule is over today,” Imamoglu, a 53-year-old businessman-turned-politician, told cheering crowds in Istanbul on Sunday night.”

    “As we celebrate our victory, we send a resounding message to the world: the decline of democracy ends now,” the Istanbul mayor wrote Monday on X. “Istanbul stands as a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of democratic values in the face of rising authoritarianism.”

  14. it’s-a-wonderful-life inspiration for a meme:


    “every time a truther tweets a democrat gets elected”

  15. I may be schizophrenic but at least I’ve got each other.  

    What’s the difference between life and an SNL sketch?
    Life doesn’t go on forever.
    —Eric Idle

  16. BlueBronc… hope you feel better very soon.
    Yeah… they are still predicting a foot and half of snow here by Thursday.
    Well….  we all know that saying….   a fool and his money are soon to be parted…

  17. The beginning of the week’s storm activity just arrived with a boom – several of them in fact.

  18. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/28/middleeast/saudi-arabia-chair-un-gender-equality-forum-intl/index.html

    “Saudi Arabia to chair UN forum on women’s rights and gender equality”

    Uh, April Fool?

    “Saudi Arabia cannot prove its commitment to women’s rights merely by securing a leadership role in the commission. It must demonstrate its commitment through concrete actions domestically,” Tadros added.

    “Human Rights Watch also warned about the UN decision, saying last week that “Saudi Arabia systematically discriminates against women and persecutes women’s rights activists.”


  19. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/media/truth-social-trump-media-stock-losses/index.html

    “Truth Social owner Trump Media & Technology Group disclosed Monday that it lost more than $58 million and generated very little revenue in 2023.”
    “The losses are so severe that Trump Media’s accountants warn they “raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern,” which is Wall Street for: We may not be able to stay in business. That warning echoes one made in November when accountants said Trump Media might not survive unless it soon completes its merger to go public.”

    “That long-delayed deal was completed last week, paving the way for Trump Media to receive an influx of approximately $300 million in cash.”
    “The problem for Trump Media is its main product — Truth Social — is shrinking.”
    “Monthly active US users on iOS and Android plunged in February to 494,000, down 51% year-over-year, according to Similarweb.”
    “Shares of Trump Media tumbled more than 15% Monday morning following the new filings.”
    A MAGAt and his money are eventually parted. They are so blinded by hate, they will never learn.

  20. BiD, Trump Media stock is on a meteoric trip – falling to earth – It’s dropped 15 points since today’s open – which is 1/4 of its $60 opening value.  Since its offering last Tuesday, it’s dropped 25 points, or 35% of its opening “value”. If you’re invested I’d be dumping that shit and grabbing a parachute.

  21. Here’s WaPo’s take – 

    Former president Donald Trump’s social media company said Monday it lost more than $58 million last year, sending its stock plunging more than 25 percent only days after a highflying public debut valued it at more than $8 billion.

    Trump Media & Technology Group, which owns Truth Social, said in a new Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday that the company generated just over $4 million in revenue last year, including less than $1 million in the last quarter of 2023.

    The nosediving share price of the company — which uses the stock ticker DJT, for Trump’s initials — shaved hundreds of millions of dollars off both the company’s market value and Trump’s wealth, given that he owns about 57 percent of the firm.

    The new financial figures throw into stark relief the gap between Trump Media’s highly hyped investor-driven valuation on the public stock market and the reality of its business performance.
    The company said in a  filing that its management had “substantial doubt” it would have enough money to pay its debts as they come due, including those from promissory notes the company had previously issued.
    Trump Media said it paid nearly $40 million in interest expenses last year and racked up about $16 million in operating losses.
    Trump Media, which makes money exclusively through advertising on Truth Social, has struggled to gain a broad audience after two years of operation. Truth Social’s website peaked last month at 277,000 U.S. visitors Tuesday, the first day of its public trading, according to estimates from the online analytics firm SimilarWeb. On the same day, Reddit saw more than 32 million U.S. visitors.
    Reddit, the discussion-board service that recently went public and whose shares are trading at lower prices than Trump Media, made more than $800 million in revenue last year, or more than 200 times Trump Media’s 2023 revenue.


    This was to be the salvation for Dumbass’ money woes? Hah!! Now THERE’S you an April Fool’s joke.

    And you read further into the article it becomes more and more obvious what a sham it is. For example…

    Trump Media’s chief executive, the former Republican congressman Devin Nunes, was given 115,000 shares, a stake worth about $6.9 million today. He and other board members are bound by the same lockup agreement.

    Nunes is paid a $750,000 salary that is subject to increase to $1 million within two years. The company’s two chief financial officers, Phillip Juhan and Andrew Northwall, are each paid about $350,000. Nunes, Juhan and Northwall will also each receive $600,000 “retention bonuses” this month.

    Patel was paid $130,000 last year through a consulting agreement. Dan Scavino Jr., Trump’s White House social media director, was also paid $240,000 last year through a consulting agreement that listed him as an independent contractor, the filing shows. He, too, will be given a $600,000 retention bonus.

    OK, that filing saying there is doubt they can meet their bills as they come due is known as a “going concern” letter.  Since it’s based on LAST YEAR’S performance, expect a shareholders’ lawsuit over the failure of the Dumbass company to disclose that before the IPO.  There’s some deep water that Dumbass could find himself and his company in, and those brown floaters ain’t bass.

  22. Ivy…   
    I think the saying is….  fool me once, shame on you….  fool me twice, shame on me.

  23. White House statement: “We’re grateful that Fox agrees with President Biden on recognizing Trans Day of Visibility. Back in 2021, they tweeted ‘Trans Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating transgender people. To all the transgender men, women and non-binary folks, we see you”

  24. Like son, like father…

    Poor George. He can’t help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.


  25. the maggots are tapped out

    Praise the Lord, maybe they’ll stop funding Beelzablob.

  26. i don’t know all the rules concerning financial disclosures required before a public offering, but Alina Habba better start hitting the books
    Lord of the Racists can’t go a day without breaking some sort of law 😆 

  27. Habba.    I’m looking forward to seeing her when she starts resembling Rudi Giuliani.  
    I can almost see her ……right now she’s only resembling Nancy Mace.  

    Rudi…..right now he’s busy telling a judge please don’t make him sell his Florida Condo cause if he has to sell it, he’ll be HOMELESS. I hate to revel in his misery so I guess I’ll go easy on that front. (Hahahaha)
    But it’s the people who can’t handle having to go back to living in a trailer after they’ve had a taste of high life who wind up kissing the train.
    [Kissing the train. cf Movie of the 3rd Week of Next Month: “Distant Thunder” great photography in the mountains somewhere in northwest Washington state.]

  28. The film tells the story of a troubled ex-Navy SEAL and Vietnam War veteran Mark Lambert (John Lithgow), who, upon returning home from the war, alienates his wife and child by deserting them and moving away into the remote wilderness of Washington state.
    After 10 years of living off the land and suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder, Mark decides to rejoin civilized society and finds his now teenage son Jack (Ralph Macchio), who is living in Illinois. As an estranged father and recluse, Mark quickly finds himself unprepared for the changes that he must face.
    Things lead to things.

  29. Tinker to Evers to Chance.  

    “Baseball’s Sad Lexicon,” also known as “Tinker to Evers to Chance” after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The eight-line poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan watching the Chicago Cubs infield of shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance complete a double play. These three players helped the Cubs win four National League championships and two World Series from 1906 to 1910.

  30. So, my over-priced and increasingly worthless ACA plan just got worse.  The doctor that does the labs for my PCP is no longer in network.  I’m guess my PCP isn’t far behind.  The plan didn’t even cover a yearly physical last year, because they want to call everything is diagnostic.  No, it’s not coding; it’s even outlined in the policy.

    Why are tax dollars being funneled into insurers who refuse to cover things and who have a dwindling supply of providers?

    Where is the oversight?

  31. Thank you all.
    bId – one of the things NAFO (North Atlantic Fella Organization) does, besides help with supplies such as vehicles, aircraft, bandages, tourniquets and uniforms, is go after ruzzia misinformation and disinformation.  Some of the fellas have some knowledge of how to hack into things and do stuff.  Some might be or might not be fellas.  The more damage done to destroy ruzzia the better.  Last week I sent a lot of money for pet food to feed the little ones who become homeless.  Another week I sent to build drones.  I have even “bought” an artillery shell to add a little saying on it, the ruzzians killed my great-grandmother, I do hope that my saying was the last thing a few of them saw.

  32. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gaza-attack-strike-world-central-kitchen-b2521784.html

    “We are aware of reports that members of the World Central Kitchen team have been killed in an IDF attack while working to support our humanitarian food delivery efforts in Gaza,” the group said in a statement.
    “This is a tragedy. Humanitarian aid workers and civilians should NEVER be a target. EVER. We will share more information when we have gathered all the facts.”
    “An apparent Israeli airstrike killed four foreign aid workers, including a British citizen, and their Palestinian driver, while the group coordinated humanitarian aid in central Gaza, according to health officials and aid workers in the besieged strip.”

  33. Jamie – I’m still years away from Medicare, unfortunately.   There are much worse things in this world.  The company I have left California because it wasn’t profitable enough.  My self-employed cousins there had it and they liked it. I was shocked at what a POS policy it is in TX. 

    Really, since tax dollars are involved in addition to premiums, there should be more government oversight.   If Elizabeth Warren would like an earful, I’d be happy to speak with her. 

    I’ve paid $99 – $130/mo in premiums for the three plans I’ve had in the last year and a half. One left TX, one my provider dropped in January after I had enrolled so I was allowed to switch, and now I’m with a third company. 

    Today, I just want to move to Denmark.  Healthcare would be handled (not insurance, care) oh, and the government calculates income tax for them.  They don’t have to collect W2s and various other forms and figure out what goes in which schedule, or pay someone to do it.

    The US is way behind on a lot of things.

    Oooh, I hear the buzz of the weather alert system.

  34. Texas authorized all those junk plans to try to destroy the ACA.  

    Worse than Alabama. Sorry, blue, no excuse for them to pull that shite. Texas, it ain’t like it was under Ann Richards. 

  35. Do you ever see dessert on a Chinese menu? Like they cared about Mara-Large -O’s “beautiful” chocolate cake. What a fool. 

  36. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/politics/manhattan-district-attorney-trump-judge-gag-order/index.html

    “Judge expands gag order in Trump hush money case to include family members of court”

    “The average observer, must now, after hearing defendant’s recent attacks, draw the conclusion that if they become involved in these proceedings, even tangentially, they should worry not only for themselves, but for their loved ones as well,” Merchan wrote. “Such concerns will undoubtedly interfere with the fair administration of justice and constitutes a direct attack on the Rule of Law itself.”

    “It is no longer just a mere possibility or a reasonable likelihood that there exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. The threat is very real. Admonitions are not enough, nor is reliance on self-restraint,” he said.

    An expanded gag order and stock devalued by $1 billion dollars in a single day. Happy April, you orange fool.

  37. Author of the Day:
    George Macdonald Fraser.  
    THE FLASHMAKN PAPERS,  and a series of other books where he details a weird career of one Harry Flashman, the bully expelled from school in the book TOM BROWN’S SCHOOL DAYS who, except for Mr Fraser, would have disappeared from history.
    After his being knighted for his efforts during The Charge of the Light Brigade, Sir Harry, still a cowardly bully,  goes on to even greater historical exploits.

  38. https://www.thedailybeast.com/rfk-jr-lays-out-argument-that-bidens-a-bigger-threat-to-democracy-than-trump

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wanted the public to know Monday that there’s an argument to be made for President Joe Biden being a larger threat to democracy than Donald Trump, and despite giving an impassioned answer about how Biden’s administration has supposedly wronged him greatly, Kennedy still insisted that he himself would never make that argument.”

    ”Listen, I can make the argument that President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy and the reason for that is President Biden is…the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech so it censors his opponent,” Kennedy claimed.

    “I can say that because I just won a case in the federal court of appeals—now before the Supreme Court—that shows he started censoring not just me, but 37 hours after he took office he was censoring me,” he went on.

    ”Kennedy was apparently referring to a preliminary injunction he won in February in his lawsuit claiming the government improperly leaned on social media platforms to censor his statements about vaccines.”
    Spreading false information about a public health crisis is not political speech. 

    RFKJ is more of a dangerous loon than imagined.  He’s helping Orange Adolf.  Well, his grandpa Joe was a Nazi sympathizer, so…

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