Sunday Jazz

Tour De Force by Dizzy Gillespie

Thelonius Monk, piano – Dizzy Gillespie, trumpet – Kai Winding, trombone – Sonny Stitt, sax – Al McKibbon, bass – Art Blakey, drums

Enjoy, Jack


58 thoughts on “Sunday Jazz”

  1. jack, good choice. thanks.  needed something upbeat for a change after sad day of Navalny tragedy news. 

    along with your comment last thread that “white trash” only would wear the gilded grift, junkyard dogs will love the perfume and the charms will be snapped up by all those witches that have been hunted and now on trial.

    Trump Booed as He Drops $399 Official Gold Sneakers at Sneaker Con | Video – TheWrap

    New Trump fragrances are also being sold by the company, including “Victory47 Cologne” with a bottle capped with a gold version of Trump’s own head, as well as the slightly more subtle perfume that comes in a curvy white bottle. They’re also offering Trump superhero charms, featuring an image of a superhero version of Trump in a red, white, blue and gold costume.

  2. the latest shout-out to bff putie — wonder if vlad follows thru this time. hard to scrape up a half billion while at the same time waging war and rigging one’s own election.

    Attribution: Trump fraud and fines by Dave Whamond, Canada,

  3. “Victory47 Cologne” with a bottle capped with a gold version of Trump’s own head”

    should-ve used these little statues to bottle it

    Image result for nude trump bobbleheads


  4. Love Mr monk. Dizzy too.

    Local player calls himself Nekbone……name of his band is Nekbonius Funk.

  5. Today’s Jack offering brings back memories of our friend Sean AKA Lardassliberal who loved all these fellas. I am pretty sure I remember listening to this very piece in his apartment once. thanks.

  6. BiD, Reposting yours from yesterday. Nice catch! I have been so sure these Putin caucus members get money somehow from him, there must be more stories like this about others. And of course it has never been fully nailed down just how much in loans Trump got from Putin. Eric blew their cover in 2014: “Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia”

    MAGAt Mike Johnson’s campaign was funded by Russians.

    “In 2018, a group of Russians were able to donate to Johnson’s bid for the Louisiana seat he eventually won as the money was funneled through the Texas-based American Ethane company.”

    “Putin pal Konstantin Nikolaev, who handled Russian spy Maria Butina, was also the principal stockholder in American Ethane Co. when they donated over $37,000 to Mike Johnson’s election campaign. Does anyone else think that might be a problem?” posted X user @Davegreenidge57.”

    “A spokesperson for Johnson previously assured in 2018 that the campaign returned the money that was given to them by American Ethane once it was “made aware of the situation.”

    That was just campaign money. What about direct payments?

    Mike has no bank account, though. Is he getting cash or goodies some other way?


  7. why? why? why? i don’t buy the [trump’s]  “happen so much, they hardly get covered” because “political reporters have become numb to Trump’s wild gaffes and dangerous rhetoric” excuse.

    Camera shy v media hog: dilemma over Biden-Trump coverage amid brutal year for news media | US elections 2024 | The Guardian

    Biden’s allies also accused the media of a double standard, claiming that Trump’s comments at a rally in South Carolina threatening to abandon America’s Nato allies in the event of a Russian attack – and saying he would “encourage” Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” – received less coverage than the president’s age.
    Biden’s campaign team detailed in a press release that Sunday politics shows on the major TV networks devoted 5min 52sec to Trump’s Nato comments, compared with 21min 14sec on Biden’s age. Over the weekend the New York Times and Washington Post published 11 and 10 stories respectively about Trump/ Nato but wrote 30 and 33 stories about Biden’s age.
    Politico website reported the Biden campaign wrote to surrogates that Trump’s own gaffes and outrageous comments “happen so much, they hardly get covered” because “political reporters have become numb to Trump’s wild gaffes and dangerous rhetoric”.

    the answer might be hidden in the problem here the article concludes with:

    The debate is playing out against the backdrop of a brutal year for the American media. The Washington Post newspaper projected a loss of $100m. The Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and digital news site Business Insider have all made sweeping job cuts. The online news site The Messenger abruptly shut down after only eight months in operation, firing roughly 300 people without health insurance or severance.
    Many local and regional newspapers are ailing or dying. The public’s faith in the media has fallen to a historic low with a record share (39%) saying they do not trust the media at all, according to a Gallup poll last year.
    Jacobs added: “There is a series of things that make American democracy vulnerable at a precarious moment. One of the most important is that at the moment, we need the media and its scrutiny and watchdog function most, it is under threat and may not be viable based on its current structure.
    “The media we rely on most is the least economically viable and the media that is most economically profitable is the media that tends to be most inaccurate and sensational.”

  8. Orange man had boxes and boxes of state secrets which he almost certainly shared with the saudis and the Russian. How is that not Treason?

  9. This is who funneled Putin cash to Mike Johnson. Had almost forgotten about her. AP: “Maria Butina posing with firearms – FBI counter-intelligence agents arrested her on charges she acted as a Kremlin agent”

  10. Butina was returned to Russia and said she was forced to plead guilty.  Complete BS.

    Is Melania an agent?  Where is she?  Barron is probably the end game to get someone raised as an agent from day one.   There are probably lots of these kids.  Russia had a habit of sending pregnant Russians to tRUMPsky properties to hang out in until it was time to give birth.

    How many in Congress and other higher-ups in departments of the US government have been compromised?

  11. i’m lazy and apathetic in my old age but here:
    team-PoS is going to lean into the “outlaw” archetype to sell PoS to white crazies and disenfranchised black males, the latter of which are represented in popular culture by “hip-hop”
    What subculture loves sneakers?  Hip-hop.  What’s the capital of hip-hop?  Atlanta.  What state is Atlanta in?  Georgia.  In which state do we need high black turnout and every vote possible?


    “Sen. Bob Menendez exploited an ethics loophole to amass the nearly $500,000 in cash which federal agents found stuffed in jacket pockets, envelopes and a safe when they raided his home last year, The Post has learned.”

    “Disclosure rules require senators to file annual forms that list liabilities, interest-bearing assets and gifts worth more than $100. But they do not have to list cash they hold — although they could if they wanted to.”

    “That means that if Menendez — as he claims — made personal bank withdrawals and piled up the cash at home, he did not have to tell voters about it, although he could have.”

    Here’s the thing, it’s fine to keep cash and in instances like his, it’s even cultural. This leads me back to Mike Johnson who seem to have no visible means of support.

    How do you pay your bills without a bank account? Is he government check direct -deposited for his kids’ colleges and mortgage payment. He said he had a mortgage, so how did he get a loan without any money in any bank? How did he make the downpayment?

    Help me out here, MAGAt Mike. Are the rest of us doing it wrong?

  13. “Beautiful video essay on CBS Sunday Morning”

    It was indeed a beautiful tribute to the only president i’ve had the privilege to meet in person. 

    CBS Sunday is must see in our house, especially Moment of Nature. It’s a guaranteed moment of Sunday Serendipity like Jack’s music. I posted this morning’s offering – Bald Eagles for President’s Day – as a post script to last night’s thread. I couldn’t get the magic thingy to work this morning, idk.

  14. Presidential Greatness Project, a survey of historians, is out with the results of its latest ranking of the presidents. JOE BIDEN debuts at No. 14, putting him in the top third. TRUMP is dead last. (CSPAN survey of historians more generous, he’s third from the bottom above James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce)

  15. Does Biden count as a PotUS from Pennsylvania?  The old joke was the only Pennsylvanian President was the worst one (Buchanan) 

  16. The hats sell out too.  And there are plenty of billionaire dollars to be spent on buying out stuff like the  crappy books the magats write. I mean they have lots of people ready to throw money at anything which might look as if big sales translates into popularity.
    Not to poopoo the fact you mentioned, but if I were going to roll out a new product I’d lay out plenty of bread to make it look good.  I’ll look at sales in a month or so, but even then, like with the hats, it won’t mean much in real terms that a great many goobers are wearing them.  I don’t think they’ll sell many to non/maga, but I guess we’ll see.

  17. Those sneakers are goofy, but ‘goofy’ is a look, and it’s not about the sneakers, it’s about the black vote

    ok i will not mention said promotional campaign again! 😚

  18. No, I know it’s just a prediction on my part, but I can’t see them appealing to ANY black voters by hawking a line of crappy  gold sneakers. 
    I’ve a bit more respect for the hip-hoppers than that they’ll fall for such an obvious ploy.
    I COULD be wrong, of course.

  19. If you have a box of cookies and your friend wants all of them and will pay to get those cookies. But, you cannot get another box of cookies unless your friend unlocks the cookie vault (but no one can know your friend did that).  Do you just hand over the whole box for some nice quick money and a pat on the head?  Dribble over a few at a time to keep the money flowing? All the while hoping your friend will unlock the big door for you once again.  Oh, and your enemy of your friend told you to watch out if your friend invites you to tea or to visit a tall building with lots of windows.  What do you do?
    I think sfb knows that he handed over the box of cookies because he needs immediate praise and money, never looking to the future.  And, with his usefulness coming to an end he might be careful around windows now.  If he is jailed he is worthless.

  20. The newest MAGAt propaganda I’ve seen is white nationalists hating on FDR for Japanese internment camps.  

    Certainly, it was a terrible presidential order In unprecedented times.  But if anyone believes Orange Adolf’s band of neo-nazis actually care about what was done to anyone who wasn’t white, man, it’s all BS and everyone knows it.
    But, that’s where the rhetoric is going, and I suspect it’s to start building the Republican plan to kill Social Security and Medicare.

  21. BB – Did you notice the statement from Putin claiming he prefers Biden to tRUMPsky due to predictability?   We know he doesn’t like Biden, but to say it must’ve chapped his orange lackey’s hide. I doubt that it was a signal to start supporting Nikki, although she’s said the same thing about SFB’s instability.  But, he’s KGB, so is simple, reverse psychology enough of a reason to put that out there?   Maybe he just said it so MAGAts would start associating Russia with Biden, since they don’t actually listen to the President so much as heckle him for having a speech impediment.

  22. Bb – I was also looking at images of Vlad’s visit with W in Crawford, TX.   If that was the real one (if), maybe ear lobes, height, etc., might give clues as to who is making appearances now.  Was Comrade Carlson talking to the real one? 

  23. Nikki Haley on Trump: “Either he sides with Putin and thinks it’s cool that Putin killed one of his political opponents, or he just doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal.”

    “GOP former Rep. Liz Cheney on Sunday warned of a Republican Party “Putin-wing” after former President Donald Trump responded to the death of outspoken Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny without actually mentioning him or Russian President Vladimir Putin.”
    “We have to take seriously the extent to which you’ve now got a Putin-wing of the Republican Party. I believe the issue this election cycle is making sure that the Putin-wing of the Republican Party does not take over the West Wing of the White House,” Cheney told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”

    Orange tRUMPsky told Michigan MAGAts to go vote on “November 27th.” Please believe him and wait until then to show up at your polling place. He was slurring and trailing off.

  25. bId – I am pretty sure traitor was talking to the real puttie.  The right ear was a good match.  Deep in the left chipmunk cheek is a little thingy that he has had since his KGB days in East Germany.  Right now the real puttie has multiple cormordies, the important one is his right side with the hand tremors and a twitchy leg.  He must be on some steroids to get the puffy, chipmunk cheek, face.
    I apparently hit a nerve or something a day or so ago because the FSB/GRU/KGB attacks on my websites suddenly increased a couple days ago.  The only thing the russians can do now is harass me as they have no reason to bother me anymore.

  26. Blue Bronc, it would be shocking if Vlad the Impaler passed up a chance to scope out the premises in person. He’s a snoopy type by nature. 

    “The intended effect of the death claim would be the same — doubt, confusion and delegitimation — but the fact that the instigators could be establishment elites has more worrisome implications for Putin and the political system.”
    “Two democrats in cahoots with a handful of others in Russia can effectively spread rumors, but cannot upend the existing system. In contrast, elite efforts to delegitimize the current regime bespeak a significant crack within what appears to outside observers as a monolithic regime.”
    “And that, in turn, means that the post-Putin power struggle has already broken out, even if the real Putin is still alive. It’s broken out because the elites, both those supporting Putin and those opposing him, believe that Putin is too enervated, too weak or too politically moribund to make a difference.”
    “Regardless of whether Putin is physically dead or alive, the brouhaha over his rumored death clearly shows that he’s in serious trouble. Hundreds of thousands of Russians have read General SVR’s and Solovey’s claims. Many more are discussing them. Seeds of doubt about the “grandpa in the bunker,” as Putin’s critics call him, have been planted.”

  28. BB – Google has a pic of Vlad arriving with his wife in Waco, TX.  He looks completely different, and he has no earlobe. It attaches to the side of his face completely.  Was W entertaining someone else at the ranch? Tucker’s guy had an earlobe. 

  29. So according to Axios the initial offering of the Dumbass gold lamé sneakers was a total of 1000 pair. $4M gross. I don’t know a lot about selling sneakers, but  here’s a bit of perspective according to

    While Nike earns $3 million every 5 hours from MJ sales, they only earn about $347,222 every 5 hours from LeBron James Shoes. In comparison between total sales, Nike earns over $600 million every year in sales of the brand.

    The article notes that LeBron sales are 11% the sales of MJs. I hardly think Dumbass can compete with the NBA GOATs when it comes to shoes among the Dumbass target demo. But I could be very wrong. That demo isn’t a thing in East Bumfuck and I don’t pretend to know bupkis about the mentality of that demographic.

  30. One time in 1970 we opened for the First Edition up in Myrtle Beach. This was when Kenny Rogers was still just a nameless part of the group.   So anyway any time they weren’t on stage we’d see the bassman (Kenny Rogers) out in the lobby hawking the merchandise, T-shirts, etc.  but his biggest seller was this new thing,…converse-like Stars and Stripes high top sneakers.

  31. “Vlad” has either had a lot of work done or isn’t really him. That smooth-cheeked person on Tucker TV is not 71 years of age. 

  32. I don’t think so. My tv has only the air antenna.  There’s some kind of service on the main room but I don’t know what it is except it has Matlock, Columbo, and Rockford on it. It only shows Morning Joe a day late and only one hour of it.  She is dealing with it trying to get what she wants to see as cheaply ad can be etc I dont  know what it is but it’s not Amazon, Apple, YouTube, Roku, Hulu, sling, or peacock 

    Except for no MSNBC I’m happy with the free tv

  33. The free tv has all kinds of stuff I like….twilight Zone, Perry Mason, Hitchcock, NCIS, Maverick, the murder channel ( all murders—all the time) Jack Benny, George Burns, Peter Gunn, Ed Sullivan, /—-all those shows,  it’s weird,…,me and television (and rock and roll) are basically  the same age and when I was a kid there was ONE channel which shut down  at midnight or so. You either watched what they had on  or shut it off.

  34. We got our first tv in 1952. I was 4 and tv was magic.  Me and the old man would watch this while mum was down at the eastern star.

  35. …ain’t youtube grand?
    (the ads are getting pretty annoying, youtube overlords!  *shakes fist at youtube overlords*)

  36. I do love my free, antenna channels & have saved so much over the last 11 years of no cable.  I have kept Apple a couple of months beyond the free trial (I love Ted Lasso), but will probably cut it next month.  I don’t like much on it, and even though you pay a monthly  fee, the majority of stuff I might enjoy is behind another paywall.  I have books and music and antenna TV, so I’m good. 

    I haven’t noticed the “pillow guy” selling slippers or sheets or anything else on antenna TV, lately. I still see Huckabee selling overpriced magnesium or fish oil.

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