28 thoughts on “Red State Crime Wave”

  1. jack & craig, sorry about being late with retrieving the Sunday Serendipity that was in the post pending file.  here it is in all it’s glory:


    Sunday Serendipity

    Piano Concerto No. 1 by Frédéric Chopin

    Performed by the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, in Warsaw Poland

    Martha Argerich on piano. This performance was recorded in 2010. Ms Argerich was 69 at the time. A remarkable performance.

    Enjoy, Jack

  2. click here for SNL cold open

    but first, weekend update

    Weekend Update anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che tackle the week’s biggest news, like President Biden pardoning thousands with marijuana convictions.

  3. looks like “red” state well describes the current GOPers illustrated by a range from liz’ “putin wing” reference to rant’s latest ads denouncing u.s. support to ukraine and seeming to back putie plus this

    ‘I love Putin’: First woman in line at Trump rally backs Russia’s war in Ukraine – Raw Story

    One of the first two women in line for Donald Trump’s rally in Minden, Nevada voiced her support for both Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán during an interview ahead of the former president’s speech.
    The woman is one of the “Front Row Joes” that travel from rally to rally, much like deadheads used to “tour” with the Grateful Dead.
    Three “Front Row Joes” were interviewed by Right Side Broadcasting Network. One of the women wore a “MAGA King” hat. One of the first two women in line, from Michigan, said she had been to 71 rallies.
    The other, from Arkansas, said she had been to 25 rallies.
    She said Orbán is “very good” and was asked about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
    “I love Putin,” she said.
    “He’s a good, good president,” she said. “Number two after president one, number two. I love him.”

  4. back to craig’s thread topic on red state crime, last month cartoonist david horsey had this op ed in Seattle times

    Way off the mark on the meaning of law and order

    Chatter: President Joe Biden is calling out law-and-order Republicans for condoning lawlessness and disorder. In particular, he is chastising them for their failure to condemn the violent mob attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, or to disavow the current right-wing threats aimed at the FBI following the search for pilfered top-secret documents at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion.
    “It’s sickening to see the new attacks on the FBI, threatening the life of law enforcement and their families, for simply carrying out the law and doing their job,” Biden said during a rally at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania on Tuesday.
    Without naming him, Biden also chastised South Carolina’ GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham for saying there will be riots in the streets if Trump is indicted on a charge of his alleged crimes.
    “The idea you turn on a television and see senior senators and congressmen saying, ‘If such and such happens there’ll be blood on the street’?” Biden said. “Where the hell are we?”
    Where we are is America in 2022, a country where right-wing militants show up carrying guns at school board meetings, legislative sessions and libraries; where death threats are made against everyone from health care workers giving COVID-19 shots to local election officials counting votes to employees at the National Archives trying to retrieve government property. Where we are is a place where threats are far more than just big talk

  5. Just heard a disgusting, disturbing and absolutely nutty description – vintage is from twenty to one hundred years old, antique is over one hundred years old.

  6. Yeah, permitless carry is not popular with law enforcement in Texas.  
    Greg refuses to do anything about red flag laws or raising the age to buy assault rifles.

    However, Greg is really trying to crack down on all of those women trying to leave the state to get healthcare. He’s even deputized civilians to rat them out and make a little bounty money. 


    “A man wearing a red MAGA hat, a right-wing activist wearing a t-shirt featuring a swastika, and members of the youth anti-abortion group “Students for Life” all at some point infuriated many of the thousands of pro-abortion rights activists that had gathered. Abortion-rights advocates quickly tried to drown out hecklers with whistles and bullhorns.”

    The MSM gave these (almost 500) marches happening all over the country very little coverage. That’s OK. You can cover the impact of women on Election Day. ROE-vember is coming.

  7. Mrs DeSantis says, “Government is not here to solve problems.”

    Also Mrs D:  in charge of the Florida hurricane relief fund. 

    Mr and Mrs Creep.  What a pair of jerkoffs.

    There is only one shot at sending these worms back to their under-rock burrows.    Mid-Term elections.    It’s all or nothing on Nov 7.

  8. Haha Pat and Jack…..one of me old mudda’s favorite little jokes…..Pat and Jack were her feet.  So like if someone asked her “How are you getting to the dance?” She’d say “I’m going with Pat and Jack”, meaning she was walking. Mucho funny.

  9. Beautiful piece Jack.  It is hard to believe that Chopin was only 20 when he wrote it.

    Chopin is so melodic, that his themes frequently become popular songs or parts of movie soundtracks.  This one was in The Truman Show among many others.


  10. Butterflies everywhere this week.  Not Monarchs, but some variety of smaller, flying worms with orange and brown markings.  I’ve been giving them water. 

  11. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/05/business/rei-black-friday/index.html

    “REI has quit Black Friday, forever.
    The company said it would instead pay its 16,000 employees to spend time outside doing absolutely anything besides shopping that day.”

    Could this type of thinking solve the inflation/recession issue? Boycott Black Friday.

    The prices (despite the “deals”) are still going to be high, most of us don’t need more stuff, and money would be better spent toward mortgage/rent and food.

  12. Blue, 

    Pacific Grove is getting ready for the annual Monarch count.  It was up to 100,000 in 2021 compared to only 2000 in 2020 which terrified everyone.  This is nowhere near the million a year that filled the air, but a dramatic improvement if it continues to rise.

    If anyone does happen to be in the area, make it a point to visit the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary.

  13. BB, you referring to this ugly american story? odds are he’s a magaT

    American tourist smashes two sculptures in Vatican Museums | CNN Travel

    CNN) — Just when you thought the summer of tourists behaving badly was over, another person on vacation wrecks another priceless artifact.
    This time it’s the turn of an American tourist who smashed no fewer than two ancient Roman sculptures into pieces at the Vatican on Wednesday.
    The episode took place in the Museo Chiaramonti, part of the Vatican Museums, around lunchtime. The space holds around 1,000 works of ancient statuary, and describes itself as “one of the finest collections of Roman portraits” in the world.
    Two of those portraits are now facing an uncertain future after the tourist knocked over one in anger, then toppled another as he fled the scene.
    The man had demanded to see the pope, according to newspaper Il Messaggero. When he was told he couldn’t, he allegedly hurled one Roman bust to the floor.
    As he ran off, with staff in pursuit, he knocked down another.
    “The busts were affixed to shelves with a nail but if you pull them down with force they will come off,” he said. “He pulled down one and then the other and the guards came immediately and stopped him and consigned him to the Vatican police who brought him in for questioning. Around 5:30 p.m. he was handed over to the Italian authorities.
    “The 2 busts have been damaged but not particularly badly. One lost part of a nose and an ear, the head of the other came off the pedestal.”
    He said that restoration work had already begun, and that “they will soon be restored and back at the Museum.”

  14. i have my own little butterfly sanctuary, haven’t seen Monarchs all summer until the last couple of weeks- a few have visited, not as many as in recent years past, however 

  15. Yes, last year there were a lot of Monarchs.  There is a huge, nature trail close to here, so I’m sure there’s milkweed for them there…plus, there are bobcats, raccoons, etc. 

  16. Developers can’t destroy the environment fast enough, around my parts.  Middle of a recession and they bulldoze entire forests in a week, the dust-blown earth laying bare until they decide what shitty building they can put on it to sell, and of course the accompanying parking lot 
    “Come celebrate our Grand Opening” 😭

    Ok, pardon me, go a hug a tree before they’re all gone ✌️

  17. Bink

    Two cures in one.  Build a Monarch waystation and plant a Rowan (Mountain Ash) Tree.  Rowans are a sort of universal birds, bees, and butterflies first aid station.

    Bees love the pollen

    Birds love the berries

    Butterflies think they are perfect for pupae.

    See the source image


  18. Hey, Jamie- found a new blog for your collection:
    You know it has to be good when their heading is “‘he had discovered that paradise of exhaustion where reality ends and where one may dwell among its ruins.’—Thomas Ligotti”


    This entry is regarding the concept of “hyperstition”, a neologism that describes a sort of technological self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon

    ok, pardon me twice, i did want to share that with you, though✌️✌️

  19. Chopin’s just about the best piano-monger there ever was, and there’s a lot of ’em there in the Piano-Monger Hall of Fame but none of ’em got chops like “The Chop”.

  20. Well, I reckon ’bout the smartest thing old bush 2 ever did, lord knows where he learned it, was learn how to keep his trap shut.

    But he oughta be about opening it right about now.

  21. Third booster this morning; it’s already starting to kick in.  I hope it’s over before morning. 

  22. lovely selection today Jack Always a great way to start the  day and today I had bagel and lox and a bloody mary too

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