Heels, the High and the Low Kind

“After all, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.”

Ann Richards

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2 years ago

Randy R could do a song parody:   I’ve  got Sens in low places. Yeah, they talk some smack and hate chases good sense away.

Alternately: Things that make you go ew!

(That’s why Randy gets paid to do that.)

Typically, when someone puts on a show like Tedious and Joshy did, it’s because they are trying to hide their own proclivities. Lindsey just seems like he’s going completely off his nut.

2 years ago

Patd, she said that’s her plan. She is not bound to do that since her term on the board ends soon. I am pretty sure she will, but in light of Thomas’ refusal to recuse himself from election litigation based on his obvious conflict from his wife’s activities to overturn it, she could easily hold that up as a bar so high that mere past membership on the Harvard Board doesn’t rise to a level requiring her recusal. 

2 years ago

Here’s a link to the WaPo piece on Ginni Thomas’ texts with Mark Meadows. It’s too long  and too frustrating to post parts of it here to try and provide any meaningful portions. It’s a revealing read.

2 years ago

Patd, a 4-4 tie means the appeal fails. It takes a plurality for an appeal to succeed.

2 years ago

That is such a remote possibility it doesn’t bear 30 seconds of thought.  Going to Harvard and serving on the Board of Harvard are two entirely different animals when it comes to conflicts of interest.

2 years ago

So, does Jackson have the votes, or not?

2 years ago

Nice, Biden in Poland, let’s see Putin try to visit Canada!💪🇺🇸

2 years ago

Ms Brown-Jackson is a beautiful figure of elegance and grace.  I couldn’t watch the hearings…  I no longer want to throw up a little bit in my mouth voluntarily.  I only saw snippets here and there on MSNBC.  
Saw Sen. Cory Booker’s praise of her….    now THAT was worth watching!

2 years ago

Even without a Senate conviction, impeaching Thomas for failure to recuse in Trump cases would be fun.

2 years ago

Well, Manchin just said he’ll vote to confirm, this article says Sinema will, also, so there it is

2 years ago

Ha- BBC reports Russian Federation officially adjusts its goal in Ukraine to security and control of the Donbas region, despite Putin reportedly telling Macron, 3 weeks, ago, that his goal was “all of Ukraine”.  

2 years ago

Macron after that call

2 years ago

Bink, my question to your initial question was “Has anyone asked Joe?”

2 years ago
2 years ago

A month in and Russians are already fragging their officers
From BBC

 Two more senior Russian commanders have been killed – one of them apparently died after being attacked by his own men, a Western official has said.
The commanding officer of the 37th Motor Rifle Brigade, a colonel, was deliberately run over by his own troops as a result of the scale of losses taken by his brigade, the official said.
“That just gives an insight into perhaps some of the morale challenges that Russian forces are having,” they added.
However other reports suggested the colonel – named as Yuri Medvedev – had suffered leg injuries and had been evacuated to Belarus.
A seventh general (commander of the 49th Combined Arms Army) was also killed. The Kremlin has not yet responded to the claims.
The BBC has not been able to confirm this independently.

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

Jack – my first thought too.  Using a tank is obviously safer for the troops than tossing a grenade around. 
One thought about the pull back by KGB agent Putin is he may have seen the clip of a tank driver surrendering, with his tank, to collect money and safety in Ukraine, and decided to put a few clicks between Ukraine forces and his no morale troops to cut down on defections.

2 years ago

Too late, Poot…..the word is out into the streets.    Umm….Can you tap dance?

2 years ago

Morale is also going down sherply in the Truckers Cornvoy.   They done  spent all they money and now they just wanna go home. Wahhhh
Thogguts and prairies, me boyos.

2 years ago

he he he…

2 years ago

Looks like Russian troops retreating from Kyiv. And US Intel says Russia “running low” on missiles for attacking cities

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

Thinking about President Biden jetting around Poland I can guess there are more than two escort fighters with him.

2 years ago

Five updates on Ukraine by WaPo.
1. Looks like Putin may have blinked.
2. Does there come a point at which we (with or without NATO) say, ENOUGH and step in militarily?
3. Why in the name of god don’t we find a way to help Poland get the Soviet era jets to Ukraine as Putin ups the number of sorties being flown?
I’ve heard “nukes” as the reason.  Not sure I buy that as Putin’s end game if the West intervenes.

2 years ago

From my pov, Poland wanted the US to be the one to give Ukraine the jets as a test to see just how much we were willing to go to defend not just Ukraine but Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe.
They wanted us to have serious skin in the game just as they do.
It was a test that we failed

2 years ago

Th’ bitch set me up.

2 years ago

Our classiest Supreme Court spouse.

2 years ago

This is the kind of thing which slings some of our more high strung individuals into the rehab situation.

Boy, old Clarence just kind of left her out there by herself twisting slowly in the wind, didn’ he…….

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

The first way to get one’s rear end out of trouble is to declare victory and go home.  So far KGB agent Puttie has not gone home, but is real close to declaring victory.
I have had a few people ask how things are going with the Russians.  About like before the invasion.  Nothing important probably because what is going on is not in my former field.  Also, they are probably experiencing a clamp down on what they can do, much is happening to take their focus away.

2 years ago

Jack, from what I can glean US was all set to covertly send those jets but Poland went public and screwed the pooch. Nothing nefarious on Poland’s part, just amateur hour stuff

2 years ago

Jack, I view the jet situation with Poland differently.  I see it as Poland, being border buddies with Russia and Ukraine, was afraid to antagonize Putin even with the backing of NATO – and I really do understand that reluctance.  MoFo is nutz.  However, having Soviet era jets replaced with F35s or even F-18s?  Helluva better plane to have to defend one’s homeland on Russia’s western border – with a platform that’s more modern by a few decades – at least the 35 is. Trying to have us launder the MIGs for Poland through a US base and replace them with new jets as well leaves the US taking all the risk rather than spreading it in the eastern Euro theatre.  I don’t blame Biden for declining, however, just as I understand Poland’s squeamishness, I would also have supported Biden taking that deal and seeing if Putin would try to engage us in response. The way things are going in Ukraine with what is reported to be 75% of Russia’s operational ground forces exposed there I’m betting he wouldn’t have taken that risk.

2 years ago

old Clarence just kind of left her out there by herself twisting slowly in the wind, didn’ he

lol, he ain’t known for his assertiveness

2 years ago

Biden and Zelenskyy are each responsible for the security of their own states, respectively, and both get an A+ from me in those respects, i’m not trying to get nuked👍🇺🇸🇺🇦