It’s About ‘Russia Republicans’. Pass It On

Call Nunes et al what they are: RUSSIA REPUBLICANS. Sad!

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-CA:
“Committee Republicans voted to declassify their spin ‘memo’ and prohibit release of the Democratic response in what they claimed was ‘the interests of full transparency.’ It was transparent alright – transparently cynical and destructive.”

“This president would be Mussolini and Putin would be Hitler.” — Rep. James Clyburn D-SC (CNN 1/29)

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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7 years ago

“just bleached all toilets and sinks per doctors instructions.”

craig, good advice to take with regard to our ears after tonight’s sotu.

btw, hope you read the link I posted re c. diff in dogs at vetinfo. might want to use some of that bleach on doggie dishes, toys etc.

glad to hear that your dad and our friend x-r have pulled thru this season’s miseries.

7 years ago

looks like they’ve already started, mike, better check out your former colleague critters campaign contributions.

the guardian:

Russia is aiming to interfere in US midterm elections, warns CIA chief


Mike Pompeo says ‘I have every expectation that they will continue to try’ to meddle in House and Senate races in November


Russia is set to continue its campaign of meddling in foreign elections by targeting the congressional midterm races in America, the head of the CIA has warned.
Mike Pompeo, the director of the agency, told the BBC he had not seen a “significant decrease” in Russian activity and his concerns extend to the House and Senate polls in November.
“I have every expectation that they will continue to try and do that but I’m confident that America will be able to have a free and fair election [and] that we will push back in a way that is sufficiently robust that the impact they have on our election won’t be great,” Pompeo said.
The CIA concluded that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election – leaking hacked Democratic communications and flooding social media with misinformation – but Donald Trump has repeatedly dismissed special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as a “hoax” and “witch hunt”. The White House has been accused of not taking the Russian threat seriously and failing to adopt counter-measures.
Yet Pompeo, who is among Trump allies interviewed by Mueller, has walked this political tightrope with some success. He is said to be one of the president’s favourite cabinet members and has helped the CIA avoid the same level of controversy as the FBI. Loyal and combative, he has been touted as a potential secretary of state should Rex Tillerson step down.
In the BBC interview at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, Pompeo said he believes that, despite cooperation in counter-terrorism, Russia is primarily an adversary and there has been no significant reduction in Russian attempts at subversion in Europe and the US.
However, Pompeo also said Chinese efforts to exert covert influence over the west were as much of a concern as Russian subversion. He told the BBC the Chinese “have a much bigger footprint” to do this.
“Think about the scale of the two economies,” he said. “The Chinese have a much bigger footprint upon which to execute that mission than the Russians do.”
The US spy chief told the BBC countries could collectively do more to combat Chinese efforts to exert power over the west.
“We can watch very focused efforts to steal American information, to infiltrate the United States with spies – with people who are going to work on behalf of the Chinese government against America,” he said.


7 years ago


I was thinking about you – missed your wisdom! I’m sorry you went through such an illness. Glad you are better.


7 years ago

Neither Mussolini or the H-guy had a happy ending.

Wannabes miss this lesson & the reasons why, which is why the rest of us must remember & pass that on.



7 years ago

Pogo – Thanks for the translation

XR – welcome back


7 years ago

It will be interesting to see who owns Devin Nunes and others when the “Putin list” is cross-referenced with company ties, etc.   There may be some unpleasant surprises if it isn’t just Repugz who get swept up in the dragnet.

7 years ago

xrep…  phew…  so glad to read you are on the mend my friend.

Craig…  LOVE that last word on your opening sentence.

7 years ago

way way off the twit subject [whether speaking about his real or artificial intelligence or alternative facts], fascinating news out of m.i.t.
Engineers design artificial synapse for “brain-on-a-chip” hardware
Design is major stepping stone toward portable artificial-intelligence devices.
engineers at MIT have designed an artificial synapse in such a way that they can precisely control the strength of an electric current flowing across it, similar to the way ions flow between neurons. The team has built a small chip with artificial synapses, made from silicon germanium. In simulations, the researchers found that the chip and its synapses could be used to recognize samples of handwriting, with 95 percent accuracy.
The design, published today in the journal Nature Materials, is a major step toward building portable, low-power neuromorphic chips for use in pattern recognition and other learning tasks.

7 years ago

Image result for your america is in danger from enemies within

7 years ago

above and this shades of the 50s have come back to haunt us

7 years ago

“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”  quote also attributed to
Winston S. Churchill

7 years ago

business insider: Savannah Guthrie grills Sarah Huckabee Sanders on the ‘Today’ show over Trump targeting key figures in the Russia probe

Guthrie again asserted that Trump has “gone after every single person at the top of this investigation,” then asking Sanders: “If there’s nothing to see here and he [Trump] wants to cooperate, why does he continually go after people who are connected to the investigation?”
Sanders laid the blame on the investigators themselves, suggesting some ulterior motives behind their actions.
“Frankly if some of these individuals were ‘just trying to do the investigation’, they would have done it and it would have been wrapped up,” Sanders said, repeating that the investigation had not found anything conclusive.
Sanders said Americans were “sick and tired of being inundated with Russia fever,”

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Something wicked this way comes…congrussians against the blue wave.   I sure hope our young, surfing jackass, Kennedy, calls out the trumpence junta.  Democratic institutions burned down.  Destroy the media, the fbi, the justice department and martial law is next.  Not surprising?  The mongoose sessions sure is quiet about that empty barrel nunes and his creative writing project.

7 years ago

Washington Monthly

Can Laws Fix What Trump Is Breaking


7 years ago

“Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on. He served with distinction for two decades. I wish Andy well. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI. America needs you,” Comey tweeted from his verified account on Monday night.


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

mongoose sessions in a speech on Friday.

Jeff Sessions says he wants to depoliticize the Justice Department. How nice.
In a speech he gave on Friday in Norfolk, Virginia, Sessions pledged to restore the DOJ to its erstwhile unbiased glory: “My purpose every day is to get the department back to its fundamental mission of enforcing the law and protecting the safety of Americans with integrity and fairness,” he said. What the attorney general left unsaid, however, was that congressional Republicans inspired this pronouncement of most honorable intent, with an escalating series of claims that the DOJ is a cesspool of corruption and bias. By staking out a midpoint between efforts to delegitimize the department and efforts to hold ground, Sessions moved the center to a perilous place, under cover of moderation.

7 years ago

Had a dizzy spell yesterday afternoon while I was atop the kitchen ladder reaching for the wok. Came crashing down in a heap of stuff that had been residing atop the fridge and on the counter. Sorted things out while on the floor–no 911– but a trip to urgent care to get the major lac on my  left hand Trump finger repaired. Skipped supper.

Arising this am had a repeat episode smacking my head on Kumcho’s dresser. I also did some interior damage to the rest of the same hand. Oh, well, I did take my hi-test flu shot and the super pneumonia formula, I surely won’t come down with either of those ailments.~~~

XR, glad you’re regaining sentience.

7 years ago

Churchill’s most stirring motivational can’t be repeated here.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Flatus…please take it easy.  You are still recovering from the flu you had a month ago.   Give yourself some time to get your core and muscles back to full speed.  Is anyone helping you with chores?

7 years ago

for goodness sake, flatus, tell the doc about the plural dizzy spells… one time not so odd, but twice!!! med alert.

7 years ago

All Trump needed do was leave prep of the tickets in the hand of the proper agency:


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Wow Trailmixers falling like flies….take good care everyone.

X-R  that sounds awful — isn’t time to head off to warmer climes?

And Flautus  sounds like you need a return visit to someone

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Hamilton 68

Top hashtags “Release the Memo.”   Tracking the ruskies and pompeo is now warning about the chinese hacking the 2018 midterm elections.   We need a chinese tracking site, too.

February should be an exciting month once January ends with a full, eclipsing, blue, blood moon.

7 years ago

I go over again tomorrow morning. And, I am on active referral to a competent hematoad for the dizzy stuff. Persistent low blood count, and related problems, is at the root of the problems. Of course I ‘ve skipped going for colonoscopies that I’m urged to have; have had numerous polyps removed in past. I’ve pretty well decided that I want no dramatic GI surgeries–I’ve had a worthwhile life.

7 years ago

Just in case you weren’t worried enough before, The Year of the Dog begins on February 16.  Donald Trump is a “Fire Dog” … It could get hot out there.

Predictions for the Year of the Dog


7 years ago

clapper and hayden talk about memo release an “assault on our institutions”


given their prior positions, they have more credibility in their little fingers  than the twit, nunes and all the rest of the Russian moles in critterville

7 years ago

perhaps some clever soul will contribute in Vlad’s and Adolf’s and david dukes names to see them given credit for the twit flash on

fortune:  Trump Campaign Says Donor Names Will Flash During Livestream of State of the Union Speech
The Trump campaign wants to put donor names in lights, so to speak.
In the latest reminder that it’s never too soon to start campaigning for reelection, President Donald Trump’s camp sent out a fundraising solicitation on Monday: pay at least $35 and your name will appear on the campaign’s livestream of the State of the Union address Tuesday night.
The solicitation reads: “This is a movement. It’s not about just one of us. It’s about ALL of us. Which is why your name deserves to be displayed during Tuesday night’s speech.” It invites donors to choose how much money to give—ranging from the minimum of $35, to a maximum of $2,700, which is the limit allowed per election.
The text message version of the solicitation adds another message: “Enough of the Fake News Media. It’s time for them to hear from the AMERICAN PEOPLE.”
This isn’t the first time Trump has promised to put donor names on the big screen. During the GOP convention, Trump’s campaign had a “Your Name on a Jumbotron” offer for those who donated $50 or more.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

What happened to self-funded?  Remember we are the majority – act like it.   Support people who are speaking out against this grab for power next up a military coup with the Trump generals leading the charge….

7 years ago

I apologize for presenting a shiny object and for not having an original source link, but I’m seeing a picture start to pop up this morning without links to trace it down. Has anyone else seen the pic of an alleged ticket to the SOTU that reads “State of the UnioM”? The evidence I’m seeing is from HuffPo.

Easily correctable, I suppose, as suggested in the article. But really? I get that the big stuff is chaotic, but you’d think the little stuff could be properly managed.

7 years ago

Winston Churchill wouldn’t be my hero had it not been for his American mum. From the British wiki:

“…As was the custom of the day in her social class, Lady Randolph played a limited role in her sons’ upbringing, relying largely upon nannies, especially Elizabeth Everest. Winston worshipped his mother, writing her numerous letters during his time at school and begging her to visit him, which, however, she rarely did. He wrote about her in My Early Life: ‘She shone for me like the evening star. I loved her dearly – but at a distance’.[16] After he became an adult, they became good friends and strong allies, to the point where Winston regarded her almost as a political mentor, more as a big sister than as a mother. She was well-respected and influential in the highest British social and political circles. She was said to be intelligent, witty, and quick to laughter. It was said that Queen Alexandra especially enjoyed her company, although Jennie had been involved in an affair with her husband, the king, which was well known to Alexandra.[17] Through her family contacts and her extramarital romantic relationships, Jennie greatly helped Lord Randolph’s early career, as well as that of her son Winston. In 1909 when American impresario Charles Frohman became sole manager of The Globe Theatre, the first production was His Borrowed Plumes, written by Lady Randolph Churchill. Although Mrs. Patrick Campbell produced and took the lead role in the play, it was a commercial failure. It was at this point that Mrs. Campbell began an affair with Lady Randolph’s then husband, George Cornwallis-West.[18]


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

So Pompeo says more interference coming  It looks like SFB sees a big defeat coming and is preparing to take control of the elections or suspend them

7 years ago

7 years ago


If you haven’t seen it, the 7 part mini-series “Jenny” is quite good and available on You Tube.  Lee Remick plays Jenny.

Jenny, Lady Randolph Churchill


7 years ago


Please, take care.


7 years ago


I love the theme song to Jennie – saw it when it was on Masterpiece Theatre years ago.


7 years ago

Put-ey thinks the Treasury publishing the “Putin list” is a hostile act?  Buddy, you haven’t seen hostile yet.  If there’s one thing he can’t handle, it’s the release of actual information to the masses.  Russians really don’t understand us; we shall bounce back stronger than before, so go F yourself, Put-ey.

7 years ago

Going shortly to the liquor store…  I want a good bottle of vodka for tonight’s SOTU speech.

Flatus… let me echo others here and say please take care.

7 years ago

Flatus – Please get your potassium checked & stay hydrated.  That will help with low blood volume.  If your red count is low, see if they will prescribe Pro-FE iron, which doesn’t cause any GI issues like OTC iron does.

xrep – Side effects from pneumonia shot were unnerving, but very glad I got one.

Feel better.

7 years ago

I can’t wait to see the SOTU ticker tonight.  Ha! Reduced the price to have your name displayed to a buck.

7 years ago

Thanks, Craig. My hematologist is president of a regional oncology center. Before every appointment I have a whole ‘portfolio’ of tests categorized by this and that. The results are generated within 15-minutes. Those results are, in-turn, electronically transmitted to my other docs and are available to me as well.

From observation, I’ve come to conclude that getting under the care of certified specialists, rather than hospitalists, is essential when dealing with very complex problems such as the GI issues that I’ve experienced for decades. At this point I’m on a shaky, but not scary, trend line.

7 years ago

travis, yes it’s real and they are reissuing a corrected version.

here’s what marco Rubio tweeted about it

View image on Twitter


Marco Rubio


Looking forward to tomorrow’s State of the Uniom.

3:48 PM – Jan 29, 2018


7 years ago

travis, here’s the picture that didn’t come thru on my comment above

7 years ago

the guardian: 

Second Trump-Russia dossier being assessed by FBI


Exclusive: memo written by former journalist Cody Shearer independently sets out some of the allegations made by ex-spy Christopher Steele
The FBI inquiry into alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 US presidential election has been given a second memo that independently set out some of the same allegations made in a dossier by Christopher Steele, the British former spy.
The second memo was written by Cody Shearer, a controversial political activist and former journalist who was close to the Clinton White House in the 1990s.
Unlike Steele, Shearer does not have a background in espionage, and his memo was initially viewed with scepticism, not least because he had shared it with select media organisations before the election.
However, the Guardian has been told the FBI investigation is still assessing details in the ‘Shearer memo’ and is pursuing intriguing leads.
One source with knowledge of the inquiry said the fact the FBI was still working on it suggested investigators had taken an aspect of it seriously.
It raises the possibility that parts of the Steele dossier, which has been derided by Trump’s supporters, may have been corroborated by Shearer’s research, or could still be.
The revelation comes at a moment when Donald Trump and some Republican lawmakers have been seeking to cast doubt on the credibility of the Mueller inquiry and the motivation of the FBI in examining Russian collusion, including unproven allegations that investigators had a bias in favour of Hillary Clinton when the investigation was initially launched before November.
The Shearer memo was provided to the FBI in October 2016.
It was handed to them by Steele – who had been given it by an American contact after the FBI requested the former MI6 agent provide any documents or evidence that could be useful in its investigation, according to multiple sources.
The Guardian was told Steele warned the FBI he could not vouch for the veracity of the Shearer memo, but that he was providing a copy because it corresponded with what he had separately heard from his own independent sources.
Among other things, both documents allege Donald Trump was compromised during a 2013 trip to Moscow that involved lewd acts in a five-star hotel.

The Shearer memo cites an unnamed source within Russia’s FSB, the state security service. The Guardian cannot verify any of the claims.
Shearer is a controversial figure in Washington. Conservative outlets have accused him of being part of a “hatchet man” and member of a “secret spy ring” and within Clinton’s orbit. There is no evidence that the Clinton campaign was aware of the Shearer memo.
But other people who know Shearer say he is not just a Democratic party hack and there is no evidence that his memo was ever sought by Clinton campaign officials.
Sources say that while he lacks the precision and polish of a seasoned former spy like Steele, Shearer has also been described as having a large network of sources around the world and the independent financial means to pursue leads.


7 years ago

Thanks Patd. I have to work really hard not to be an a$$hole about spelling and grammar issues, even to myself when I inevitably make them. I write texts in full sentences with words spelled out. My niece thinks I’m silly.

(Of course, I am silly, but that’s a whole other conversation.)

But dang. I grew up with teachers who made spelling and grammar as important as math. Typos can happen, but really? On something like this?

7 years ago

Have two loaves of Cinnamon Applesauce Whole Wheat Bread (made with my trusty sourdough starter) in the oven & boy does my house smell good. If I owned a fragrance/candle company I’d market Baking Bread Scent.


7 years ago

also from today’s the guardian:

“He cheats like hell … so I don’t quite know how he is in business,” said Pettersen. “They say that if you cheat at golf, you cheat at business. I’m pretty sure he pays his caddie well, since no matter how far into the woods he hits the ball, it’s in the middle of the fairway when we get there.”
Trump is listed as having a three handicap, a phenomenal achievement for a man in his 70s who also has to find time to run a country. Pettersen is a little skeptical of that figure.
“He always says he is the world’s best putter. But in all the times I’ve played him, he’s never come close to breaking 80,” she said. “But what’s strange is that every time I talk to him he says he just golfed a 69, or that he set a new course record or won a club championship some place. I just laugh. I’m someone who likes being teased and I like teasing others, and Trump takes it well, and that must be why he likes me.”
The Norwegian, who reached No2 in the world rankings and has career earnings of $14m, said that Trump was a more complex figure than his public persona suggests and “cares” about issues important to him. She did, however, say she did not agree with his politics.
“I’m not a supporter of what he says or stands for,” Pettersen said. “I thought it was very strange during the presidential campaign that he wasn’t smarter about how he communicated. He could have won more easily, but made some blunders with his statements. That’s because he is so stubborn. He has not changed five millimetres since becoming president.”


7 years ago

“I believe the time has come to bring that investigation and the other investigations of this matter to an end. One year of Watergate is enough.”

from President Richard Nixon Jan 30 1974 SOTU

7 months and 10 days later he resigned….hopefully history will repeat itself but with more dispatch. ..the twit can cause too much damage even in a short 7 months

7 years ago

Thank you all for your kind words. The pneumonia is still with me, but we’re laying out the weed killer, and the disease is now ailing more than I am. Good deal.

Mr. Flatus, I hate to prescribe from way over here, but it is not unusual for people to get dizzy spells when they tilt their heads back too far, as you may have done when on the ladder. I hope that it is nothing more than that. Regarding the GI surgery & etc., I’ve been thinking the same thing. A guy can get to a time when he just observes that it’s been a great ride, and it may be time to park the car and relax.

7 years ago

How convenient it is for kommisar representative nunes that he is able to store his integrity in a tiny box of mints, with plenty of room for all the mints needed to sweeten the smell.

7 years ago

Flatus,  I went through a period over a few days about 3 months ago where I was experiencing vertigo – it was concerning to say the least.  Luckily it passed without medical intervention.  Good luck to ya.

7 years ago

Travis, LOL.  I’m of the full sentence, words spelled out, even in texts camp as well.  I dictate and find that I spend probably as much time editing to correct words, etc. and make whatever I’ve dictated to text look like it was drafted at a keyboard as I would have spent typing the message.  My son thinks I’m silly, but as you say, that’s a whole other conversation.

7 years ago

Our country was founded by geniuses, but it’s being run by idiots.


7 years ago

business insiderA congressman demanded Capitol Police arrest and deport the ‘Dreamers’ invited to the State of the Union
Rep. Paul Gosar, an Arizona Republican, said Tuesday he asked Capitol Police and the Attorney General to arrest and deport any unauthorized immigrants attending President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address.
A representative wrote on Gosar’s Twitter account that the congressman had asked the authorities to “consider checking identification” of all attendees and arrest anyone using fraudulent social security numbers and identification.
“Of all the places where the Rule of Law needs to be enforced, it should be in the hallowed halls of Congress,” Gosar said. “Any illegal aliens attempting to go through security, under any pretext of invitation or otherwise, should be arrested and deported.”
Dozens of Democrats and at least one Republican have invited young unauthorized immigrants, often called “Dreamers,” to the event as guests — a jab at Trump, who is terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects them from deportation.
But it’s unclear whether Gosar’s threats have any weight.
The Dreamers attending the event likely still hold valid identification, social security numbers, and DACA protections that shield them from deportation for the time being.
It is possible that some Democrats may have invited unauthorized immigrants who are not DACA recipients, aides who helped organize the event told The Washington Post.
Beyond that, the Capitol Police has no authority to enforce federal immigration law. Capitol Police did not immediately respond to Business Insider’s request for comment.
Lawmakers quickly began condemning Gosar’s tweets Tuesday afternoon.
“What’s wrong with you?” Rep. Joe Crowley, a New York Democrat, said on Twitter.
“This is why we can’t have nice things…” Sen. Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican, added.


7 years ago

sj…  I can smell that bread in my imagination….  YUM!

I bought pomegranate flavored vodka…  should be good mixed with some ginger ale.

7 years ago

the guardian:

US ‘name-and-shame’ list of Russian oligarchs binned by top Trump official – expert


List of oligarchs who had made money corruptly was withdrawn
‘At the last minute, somebody high up threw out the experts’ work’

A “name-and-shame” list of Russian oligarchs who made their money corruptly from their ties with Vladimir Putin was compiled by the US government agencies but then cancelled last week by a senior administration official, according to a Russia expert who was consulted on the list.
It was replaced by an all-inclusive list of rich Russians apparently copied straight from the Forbes magazine’s ranking of wealthy Russians, together with the names of some top Kremlin officials.
The list has been the subject of derision in Washington and Moscow, though Putin described it as a “hostile step”.
“It makes the whole thing ridiculous. There are no criteria,” said Anders Åslund, a Swedish economist, Russia expert and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, who said he had been consulted to make suggestions on how the “Kremlin list” should be compiled, to comply with congressional legislation in July mandating tougher action on Russia.
Speaking from Kiev, Åslund said that a lot of work had gone into compiling the original list, but he was told on Thursday that someone high up in the administration had ordered for it to be binned and replaced by the Forbes-based list.
That list was put out at midnight on Monday, the deadline set by Congress for the administration to take action.

“It is a serious attempt by someone high up in government to make the US government and Congress look ridiculous,” he said.
Åslund added that he did not know which senior official ordered the change, but argued that by endorsing the list, the treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, “took responsibility for it’.
In a commentary on the Atlantic Council website, Åslund wrote that the original aim of the Kremlin list was to identify those who had made their fortune on illicit contacts with the Kremlin.”
“The various US government bodies involved clearly carried out conscientious work along these lines,” he said. “At the last minute, however, somebody high up – no one knows who at this point – threw out the experts’ work and instead wrote down the names of the top officials in the Russian presidential administration and government plus the 96 Russian billionaires on the Forbes list.”
“In doing so, this senior official ridiculed the government experts who had prepared another report, rendering [the July congressional legislation] ineffective and mocking US sanctions on Russia overall. By signing this list, the secretary of the treasury took responsibility for it.”

7 years ago

wapo: The Trump administration’s weird explanation for withholding Russia sanctions
After plenty of chatter, we may be wading into the first real constitutional dispute of the Trump administration: On Monday night, the State Department announced it would not impose Russia sanctions that Congress overwhelmingly passed in mid-2017.
But its justification for doing so has some gaping logical holes.
Here’s what the State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said:

“Today, we have informed Congress that this legislation and its implementation are deterring Russian defense sales. Since the enactment of the . . . legislation, we estimate that foreign governments have abandoned planned or announced purchases of several billion dollars in Russian defense acquisitions.”

A State Department official added that there was, in fact, no need for new sanctions “because the legislation is, in fact, serving as a deterrent.”
There are a few problems with this.
The first is that the legislation was meant as a punishment, not a deterrent. The Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act explicitly says at the top that it is “to provide congressional review and to counter aggression by the Governments of Iran, the Russian Federation, and North Korea, and for other purposes.” The law says it’s about “countering” something, rather than preventing something. And while it lists Iran and North Korea, it was widely billed as a response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

7 years ago

kgc’s cherry juice and champagne sounds good too, but in keeping with the Russia repubs maybe we should be tossing back beet juice and vodka frozen daiquiris

7 years ago

A Moscow Mule, also known as a Vodka buck, is a cocktail made with a high-quality vodka, a spicy ginger beer, and lime juice, garnished with a slice or wedge of lime. It is usually served in a copper mug.

7 years ago

If you want to stay sober, only take a shot if Donny says something that is truthful & makes sense.


Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Patd – one of the goals is to use brain cells in processor chips.  This particular technique is different from the 1’s and 0’s of current processors.  But, multi-level processing in this experiment has been tried about every ten years with “hey, it works” followed by “hhmm, wonder what it is doing and how come we arn’t getting our results anymore?”.   At some point the bioprocessors will function.  The question is whether it works for actual results. I am an optimist and think someday, next year, next decade, next century the things function and can help humans.

BID – I think one of the score cards to be used are indictments.  It is possible that Mueller and others might play a few of those if it looks like SFB and his cult are going to get away.  I also have faith in the intelligence community, US and others, to note when it is time for them to protect their flanks and the U.S.

Renee – I am a fan of good gin with a splash of dry French vermouth and flavored with one olive on a toothpick.


7 years ago

The store I work at bought cases of Trump Vodka years ago at a reduced price (any wonders why? 😉 ) The bottle was distinctive, will give it that, but it just sat on the shelf. Then a funny thing starts to happen …. Russians from Canada are buying it. Cases. Paying cash. Swear to God this is the truth. We were thankful because it was moving. They even got a discounted deal from us in gratitude.

I’ve thought about this frequently. Things that make you go hmmmmmm …..



Blue Bronc
7 years ago

arrrgggg – dropped mouse, it closed Trail Mix and lost response of the century.

One of the stock market issues that irritates me to no end is the media spewing about the Dow average going up and down so many points.  Yes, today sure sounds like a major shift, 362 points. WOW.  Or if you look at percentage it is 1.37 or literally nothing.  Let me know when it drops ten or more points.

sjwny – I doubt the Russians drink the stuff, maybe they rebottle it or use it to clean the bathroom?

7 years ago

I hope that Melancholia yells, “LIAR !” tonight.

It would be great if she wears a black dress and hangs a ME TOO banner from the hand rail.