AI Nails Trump

So I asked my Windows AI feature this question:

What are the reviews of Trump’s recent speeches at campaign rallies”

Got quite a hefty response:


Recent discussions, as reflected in various news analyses and expert opinions up to October 6, 2024, have increasingly focused on former President Donald Trump’s speech patterns during his public appearances and rallies. Here’s a summary based on the latest insights:

  • Nature of Speeches: Trump’s speeches have been described as longer, more rambling, angrier, and less focused compared to his earlier public addresses. Observers and analysts have noted an increase in profanity, a fixation on the past, and moments of apparent confusion or tangential thoughts, where he shifts abruptly between unrelated topics.
  • Cognitive Concerns: Several experts in psychology, neurology, and linguistics have commented on these changes. There’s a suggestion that these could be indicative of cognitive decline, with observations including increased tangentiality*, simple sentence structures, and a significant focus on past events rather than future plans. However, these are speculative and based on public behavior rather than clinical diagnosis.
  • Public and Expert Reaction: Posts on X and various articles highlight a growing concern or at least a discussion about Trump’s age and mental acuity. Some former allies and supporters have expressed worries about his coherence and mental state, comparing his current speech patterns to earlier years.
  • Political Implications: The debate over Trump’s mental fitness has political ramifications, especially as he remains a central figure in American politics. Critics argue that his speech patterns might affect voter perception regarding his capability to hold office again, while supporters often interpret his style as a sign of his unfiltered, authentic communication, dismissing claims of decline as politically motivated attacks.
  • Age and Health Perception: Polls and public sentiment, as captured in various reports, show that a significant percentage of voters consider Trump’s age to be a concern, paralleling similar worries about other aging politicians. This concern has become more pronounced as Trump has aged, with some polls indicating a shift in perception after debates or public speaking events.
  • Contextual Considerations: It’s worth mentioning that Trump’s speaking style has always been unconventional, which might complicate assessments of his cognitive state based solely on his public speeches. Additionally, while some see his behavior as evidence of decline, others view it within the spectrum of his long-standing persona as a public figure known for breaking conventional political norms.

Given these points, the discussion around Trump’s rambling speeches intertwines with broader conversations about age, mental fitness, and political viability in high office, reflecting both genuine concern and strategic political discourse. However, without a formal medical evaluation, these observations remain in the realm of public and expert speculation.

*Tangentiality: A disturbance in the thought process that causes the individual to relate excessive or irrelevant detail that never reaches the essential point of a conversation or the desired answer to a question.

For a spot-on detailing of Trump’s cognitive decline, read and share this exceptional New York Times article:
Trump’s Speeches, Increasingly Angry and Rambling, Reignite the Question of Age. With the passage of time, the 78-year-old former president’s speeches have grown darker, harsher, longer, angrier, less focused, more profane and increasingly fixated on the past, according to a review of his public appearances over the years. — FREE LINK

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

78 thoughts on “AI Nails Trump”

  1. And I thought I got up early. Here’s what Trump was doing in the middle of the night…

    Donald J. Trump
    Oct 07, 2024, 2:44 AM

    The the GREAT people of North Carolina are being stood up by Harris and Biden, who are giving almost all of the FEMA money to Illegal Migrants in what is now considered to be the WORST rescue operation in the history of the U.S. On top of that, Billions of Dollars is going to foreign countries! NORTH CAROLINA HAS BEEN VIRTUALLY ABANDONED BY KAMALA!!! DROP HER LIKE SHE DROPPED YOU – VOTE FOR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. MAGA2024!

  2. Attribution: Trump and his incoherent weaves by Dave Whamond, Canada,

  3. Lies in Trump’s rally speeches

    “Every poll had us up like 90, 92, 87. We had a, uh — we actually had one, 92 to six, which sounds about right.”
    No reputable poll has Mr. Trump leading Ms. Harris 90 percent to 10 percent. On the day he spoke, Sept. 13, Ms. Harris led by nearly three points in The New York Times’s polling average.

    — “I’m angry about Venezuelan gangs taking over Aurora, Colo.”
    A number of Venezuelan migrants, including some engaged in criminal activity, have taken up residence in dilapidated apartment buildings in Aurora, but they have not “taken over” the entire city.
    — “I’m angry about illegal Haitian migrants taking over Springfield, Ohio.”
    Thousands of Haitian migrants are residing in Springfield, but most are there legally.
    — “And the Colorado governor is petrified. He’s scared. He doesn’t know what to do. ‘The Venezuelans are attacking my state,’ he said. ‘The Venezuelans have big AK-47 Supremes.’ This is Supreme. Where the hell do they get these guns? Our soldiers can’t get these guns. They’re taking over our country from within, I mean, can you believe?”
    — Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado has not said this. The Republican mayor of Aurora had said certain buildings — not the city, much less the whole state — had “fallen” to gangs, but he has since said suggestions that the city was unsafe were exaggerated.
    — “She wants open borders”
    Ms. Harris had a more lenient approach to illegal immigration in 2019, but has taken a more aggressive stance since becoming vice president and since the start of this campaign. She supports increased border security and asylum restrictions if border crossings are too numerous.
    — “But you see the arrow on the bottom, that’s when I left office. That’s the lowest point in the history of our country for illegal immigrants to come in, but also drugs and everything else that was coming in bad. That’s the lowest point in the history.”
    — The arrow on the chart was actually pointing to a dip in early 2020, not during his last week in office. That low did not last, nor was it the lowest point in history.

    Attacks on Harris
    — “She’s a Marxist, communist, fascist person, which is … She’s a fascist. Who the hell ever thought we’d be voting for a communist for president? She is. Look at her record.”–
    — “She was the first one that failed. Out of all the candidates, I think they had 22.”
    Ms. Harris’s exit from the 2020 primary race was preceded by a dozen other Democrats’.
    — “It indicates that she is a communist comrade, because she is.”
    Ms. Harris’s campaign has said she is a capitalist. She has the support of many executives, and she has not proposed to seize the means of production.
    — “Now Kamala is pushing the largest individual and small-business tax increase in American history.”
    Ms. Harris has proposed tax increases for the wealthy and large corporations, which would not amount to the “largest” ever. And she has promised to not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000.
    — “Kamala supports states being able to take minor children and perform sex-change operations on them without their parents’ consent.”
    Surgical procedures for minors receiving gender-affirming care require parental consent. Ms. Harris has not said she supports changing state laws.
    — “She’s already talking about bringing back the draft. She wants to bring back the draft and draft your child and put them in a war that should never have happened.”
    Ms. Harris has not. The Trump campaign told PolitiFact he was referring to a Democratic senator’s proposal to require women to register for the draft; it would not restore the draft.
    — “I said that crime was up massively. I didn’t want to go into the details. What’s the purpose? Crime was up massively.”
    Violent crime, after increasing during the coronavirus pandemic, has since declined and remains at a decades-low.

    — “They said they had 818,000 jobs, and it was a fraud.”
    In late August, the Labor Department corrected its jobs data from the 12 months that ended in March 2024, noting that there were 818,000 fewer jobs than previously reported. This was not “fraud,” but rather a regular occurrence as statisticians reconcile different data sources.
    — Claimed that a correction to official jobs data came before the election only because of a whistle-blower, who said “it was a total fraud.”
    There is no “whistle-blower” or leaker, nor did the Labor Department try to delay its numbers update until the end of the election. The agency announced in July that it would release its preliminary 12-month revision in August — the same timeline it has followed in recent years. In August 2019, the agency’s revision reported half a million fewer jobs.
    — “Inflation makes everything bad anyway. They had the highest ever.”
    Inflation was higher in the 1970s and the 1980s.
    — “The auto industry is moving to Mexico, it’s moving to China and it’s moving to other parts of the world, but not the United States.”
    Car markers have invested tens of billions of dollars for manufacturing expansions and new factories — largely for electric vehicle and battery production — in the United States under the Biden administration, The Wall Street Journal reported.
    — “China’s building two massive auto plants in Mexico now, and they think they’re going to build cars and put them into our country. Not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. They’ve got authorization from Biden.”
    Mr. Biden has no control over China’s decision to build auto factories in Mexico. Chinese companies are, in fact, taking advantage of a trade deal negotiated by Mr. Trump.
    — “You know, the jobs, almost every single job, was taken by a migrant worker.”
    The number of native-born workers and foreign-born workers have both increased by millions under the Biden administration.
    social issues
    — “He even signed a law that allows abortion in the ninth month. He says abortion in the ninth month and babies to be executed after birth. And that’s right. And it’s happened numerous times in the states and other states, too. There are radical left states that allow that. Nobody wants to talk about it, but they allow that, execution after birth.”
    Minnesota allows abortion at any stage of pregnancy. But abortion after birth is infanticide, which is illegal in Minnesota and every other state.
    domestic policy
    — “Gov. Lombardo has sent three letters to the Biden-Harris administration, asking them to open up some of this land to help alleviate the crisis. But Kamala and Crooked Joe did not even have the decency to reply to those requests.”
    In his latest letter requesting more federal land for housing development, Joe Lombardo, Nevada’s Republican governor, acknowledged that the Bureau of Land Management responded to his letters on behalf of the Biden administration and that he has had “productive” meetings with the Interior Department. The administration also opened up public land in Nevada to build as many as 15,000 additional housing units.
    — “They said they were going to cut the school lending. When you borrow money to go to school, they were going to cut it. They were going to cut it down to nothing. Guess what? A big thud. Never happened. It never happened. You know why? Because they’re all talk and no action.”
    The Biden administration’s plans to eliminate student loan debt for millions of Americans have hit legal roadblocks, but the efforts have canceled the debt of 4.75 million people.

  4. The Media Is
    Finally Waking Up to the Story of Trump’s Mental Fitness | The New Republic

    If things go the way I hope they go in this election, it may well turn out that Sunday’s terrific New York Times piece by Peter Baker and Dylan Freedman on Donald Trump’s age and fitness for office could stand as the single most important piece of journalism in this election. If you’ve been reading me and Greg Sargent and Parker Molloy and our breaking news desk, then you know that The New Republic has been pretty obsessive about the topic of Trump’s mental fitness—and more importantly about the media’s general refusal to discuss it.
    This is what has come to be known as the “sane-washing” of Trump: the practice by media outlets of covering him like a normal candidate and not telling their audiences in detail about all the monstrous, false, disjointed, and plain old nonsensical fountains of gibberish he serially spouts at every public appearance he makes.
    A key word in the Times article was “disinhibition.” It’s just what it sounds like—the loss of inhibition for one reason or another. It means that as you age and your brain starts to go, you become more yourself.
    With most older adults, that’s harmless—they become a little more stubborn, a little more direct. But this is different. Does America need a Donald Trump in the Oval Office who is more himself? It means more people will be arrested, more laws will be broken, more constitutional guardrails smashed. The mainstream media has four weeks to lead that conversation.

  5. It’s Civil War, Stupid

    Joe Scarborough this morning:

    “This is an increasingly desperate person and increasingly desperate family preparing for civil war… Their lies get more dangerous, their tactics increasingly desperate — unbelievable and increasingly deranged talk, increasingly dangerous provocation and perhaps a provocation that is preparation for his loss at the ballot box and a call for civil war.”

    (“Morning Joe”, MSNBC 10/07)

  6. Billionaires want to buy your vote because YOUR VOTE MATTERS
    Show them the USA ain’t for sale, vote Harris/Walz 2024 🇺🇸 
    Get ‘em, Craig 💪 

    (i’ll bet this is all about wanting access to Putin-controlled lithium ((among other things)), we know Musk is in contact with him

    “Elon Musk spoke with Vladimir Putin directly, Pentagon official says

    ‘Oh, dear, this is not good’

    Maroosha Muzaffar
    Tuesday 22 August 2023”

  7. by the way, I made a small adjustment in my Electoral Map prediction. I had not allocated Maine’s votes properly. My new map gives 319 to Harris for the win.

  8. that would give her a 24 EV buffer (319-270=49/2), but no two swing states add up to that, meaning she can afford to fall short in ONE swing state but not two


  9. Right Bink. I’m not set on the idea that Pennsylvania is as must-win as advertised. But historically most of the battlegrounds move together in the end, one way or the other, and it’s gonna be her way. Least likely outcome is a 4-3 split.

    Trump has a ceiling at 46-48%. He never goes above it and never will. Only reason he won once was the third-party vote was higher in 2016 than four years later and now.

  10. Kamala’s long form interview with Alex Cooper.
    harris_winsBREAKING: The media is losing their mind because of Kamala Harris’ innovative campaign strategy to meet with new audiences like Alex Cooper’s Call Her Daddy. Kamala Harris’ innovative approach may upset the media, but it’s going to win her the election.

    Victor Shi
    I really need everyone to understand how big Call Her Daddy/Alex Cooper is: —Second-most popular podcast in the world; 5+ million downloads a week —Most-listened to podcast among women ages 18-24 —Reaches a lot of people who are NOT political So, yes, this matters & is huge.

  11. If any other states have ballots like Maryland the third parties did not do much this year.  Instead of ten or twenty , there were only three.

  12. Jon Meacham is always referring to This Great American Democracy Experiment.  Lara Trump said this election is Good v. Evil, but as Donny Deutsch said just moments ago, she flipped the script.  Richard Milhous Nixon was evil, Ronald Reagan was evil, and certainly Bush43 was evil,  but Trump is challenging Reagan for worst, most evil President and presidential candidate in our short history. Trump said people might hurt any Harris supporters in his crowd yesterday.,  Actually, he was hinting laughingly he would expect his minions to physically thump Harris people.
    October 7.  I am continually grateful Joe Scarborough points out how it’s not believable that the IDF and Mossad could not respond quicker than 14 hours to the kibbutz areas .  Netanyahu still was telling Qatar to fund Hamas, even up to October 7, 2023. 
    I also did not like when Harris was asked by Bill Plante about criticizing Netanyahu, she  simply said America is a staunch ally of Israel.  She should have said regime change is the best option there…but I am dreaming. Netanyahu is a loose cannon just trying to hang on to stay out of prison.

  13. I would hope thousands saw that Newsweek editor explaining how the ignorant Jill Stein (she said there were “600-some” U.S. Representatives) caused HRC to lose in 2016, and how very possibly, she could deliver us a Trump 2nd presidency.  
    If you know anybody who is thinking of voting for Jill Stein, get on their butt and explain this truth. A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. It’s as plain as an azure sky in June.  
    I have a friend who hates both parties, and I have failed to sway him to not vote for Stein. Don’t fail as I did, keep trying to explain this to Stein backers.  This could be the monkey wrench in the big gears.

  14. “drop to your knees and beg”

    again, the loser predictably projects.  am sure it was he, not elon, who crawled in on all fours groveling for another bowl of gruel.  would be interesting to find out just how much musk money/credit/arm twisting has already come his way.   IMHO elon is on a planned projectory to absolute power. putin’s next to succumb to him. Xi is another story though. 

  15. Craig

    As a personal opinion, Elon is okay on a free speech level, but he owns the platform, and everyone gets inundated with these daily.  I wonder if it couldn’t be considered an in-kind contribution based on the ad rate to advertise on Twitter.  

  16. If we can’t figure it out, neither can his 4th-grade-reading-level followers. He’s just white noise in the background. 

  17. elon is on a planned projectory to absolute power.

    Pat, when elon becomes president, we’ll know America is once and for all over.

  18. In your bowels you know he’s foul.  

    In your intestine you know he’s not the best’n.

  19. Pat
    Thanks for covering for me.
    Interesting wedding,  my niece and her friends do role playing games. So we had a bunch of elves, men at arms, serving wenches and so on.  What my niece discovered as she planned her wedding is that a beautiful elaborate wedding dress cost a few thousand dollars but an equally beautiful and elaborate quinceañera dress costs a few hundred dollars and make you look like a princess. She was a Princess, with her ladies in waiting, Her prince and his armed grooms men and all their Elvin friends. 
    A good time was had by all. 

  20. The Man Lies
    He’s not a skilled liar 
    but a practiced one, 
    they roll off him
    the next one, 
    then the next one;
    they don’t need to make sense.
    When you worship him, 
    like you do,
    or vote for him
    as you will,
    it’s not his lies 
    you need to think about, 
    but your own. 

  21. Jack… good for your niece.  Too many spend BIG bucks on a wedding thinking it’s the most important day of their lives.  Being good with handling money throughout a marriage is so much more important, IMO.

  22. On Hurricane Milton, it currently setting off the Yucatan peninsula, it  has sustained winds of 125mph, well into a cat3 hurricane but still has to cross the gulf over warm water where it could pick up strength and become a cat4 when it hits central Florida. 

  23. Weather wise it has been a crazy year around here. We had a dry spring followed by a cool wet summer and for the last month it has been hot and dry, we are in an August drouth conditions and it is October. It should have been either cool and rainy or dry cool indian summer weather. Saturday I was going to dress up and put a jacket on over my black tee but it was just too damn hot.
    We should be expecting a killing frost not 90 degrees, hot and dry weather.

  24. I have run into a group here and there along the way who csll themmselves



    The Society for Creative Anachronism(SCA) is an international living history group with the aim of studying and recreating mainly Medieval European cultures and their histories before the 17th century. A quip often used within the SCA describes it as a group devoted to the Middle Ages “as they ought to have been”,[2] choosing to “selectively recreate the culture, choosing elements of the culture that interest and attract us”.[2] Founded in 1966, the non-profit educational corporation has over 20,000 paid members as of 2020[3] with about 60,000 total participants in the society, including members and non-member participants

  25. The last I ran into them was in panhandle Florida, around 88, .a fellow employee at the cabinet shop there was into it large sizes. He would build midieval furniture and weapons and such and would go to these huge gatherings and have things like “melees”. 
    First time I saw them it seemed to be a new thing, early seventies.

  26. I follow a guy on FB called “The New England Weather Guy”.  He mostly tells his follower about NE weather, but will occasionally post about other places.  I just saw his latest post….    he now says that NOAA says Milton has become a category 5.  This is going to be very bad…  I don’t usually pray… but I will make an exception for Florida and any other state in Milton’s way.

  27. Trump to Hugh Hewitt on Kamala Harris: “She doesn’t lie in a complicated way because her mind doesn’t work that way. She’s not a smart person. She’s a low IQ individual … She’s a stupid person. We can’t have a stupid person as our president.”

  28. They call themselves LARPers, live action role playing. Think dungeons and dragons played out in the woods. Middle earth type stuff rather than Ren Faire.
    They have a good time and are mostly harmless. 
    One other thing the amount of diversity of even backwater places like this. Coming from solid redneck/hillbilly stock I’m amused that my niece, whose grandfather was Jewish married a Gypsy in a pagan wedding ceremony.  I don’t think Grandma would understand. 

  29. I’m glad his ugly mug won’t be soiling 60 Minutes. He can go wallow with Hugh or slobber all over Laura. They deserve him. 

  30. Renee
    Yep it is changing rapidly, and still has a lot of hot water to cross, 
    Here is the current storm surge predictions that give you an idea of where it will hit. It looks like Tampa is in the bullseye and it will cross Florida like the proverbial Bat out of Hell.
    [Image of cumulative wind history]

  31. Finally, a recent A-rated poll. It’s been several days. 


    Harris 49% (+3)

    Trump 46%


    Harris 48% (+3)

    Trump 45%

    Kennedy 2%

    West 0%

    Stein 0%

    TIPP Insights/I&I, Likely voters, 10/2-4

  32. I’ve watched hurricanes for 70 years and I think Milton is going to be a stone killer.  

  33. I fearfully agree Sturg. I don’t remember one coming almost directly from the West towards Central Florida like this. Tampa could be in the bullseye and less overland travel than usual to Orlando to slow it down. Experts say crosswinds over the Gulf will slow it down but that sounds a bit counterintuitive to me, especially with warmer Waters in this age of climate change. 

  34. Craig
    What are they talking about with speed. It is not traveling very fast right now as a system. If it slows down do we get an event like was on one of the islands (Jamaica?) a couple of years ago where they had a Cat 4 set on them for a couple of days. 
    I’m always reluctant to yell “global warming” with Hurricanes or any normal weather event, but this one looks to me like what we can expect in the future. It didn’t come out of the Atlantic where it had time to build. This started as a popup tropical depression off the coast of Vera Cruz and quickly built into a cat5 while basically setting  in that area just northwest of the Yucatan.  I suspect this maybe what the future of global warming is going to look like.  At least if you live in the gulf. The rest of us get different weather.  And this year we have.


  35. hurricanes bring in a lot more than just floods, wind and devastation.  how ’bout gators, pythons and even sharks displaced to neighborhoods and main streets.

    Video shows a stray alligator swimming near Florida’s flooded streets after Hurricane Helene displaced it (

    Florida’s alligators, turtles, and even sharks are finding themselves in new territory in the wake of Hurricane Helene.
    On September 27, a Collier County Sheriff’s Office drone captured footage of an alligator floating near San Marco Road in Southwest Florida, according to ABC-affiliate WZVN.
    Large storms have been known to move wildlife away from their typical habitats, especially when there’s flooding.
    “Alligators may be observed more frequently in flooded areas near marshes, swamps, rivers, and lakes after a hurricane or tropical storm,” Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Lauren Claerbout told Business Insider via email.
    Displaced alligators are more common than another animal a Florida resident spotted in a pond in Lakes Park over the weekend: a young bull shark. Bull sharks are unusual in that they can survive in both freshwater and saltwater.
    While it’s not certain the storm was responsible, Lakes Park did flood when Helene passed by. If the shark was swimming in a nearby creek, it could have accidentally found itself in the lake during the flood, Susannah Cogburn a graduate student studying sharks at the Water School at Florida Gulf Coast University, told NBC2.
    The shark should be safe as long as it gets enough to eat, “which, as the only shark in the lake, it seems like they should have an ample amount of food to feed on,” Cogburn said.
    FWC also rescued a manatee that was stranded near the runway at Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base on September 28.

  36. I’m seeing more Teslas in my neighborhood, and in some hideously garish colors I can’t describe except supposed to be some variation on green. Not to mention the horrible cyber-machines that somebody said looks like a sideways refrigerator on wheels. Might as well be buying Volkswagens directly from Hitler.  

  37. I’m not as pessimistic as I was about Hilary but I’m getting there. I know something about living with the crazy and sometimes it’s so bad you think the only way out is to give up and let them have their way. 

    I’m hoping the ad-blitzes and interviews will perk me up for the home stretch.

  38. Middle earth type stuff rather than Ren Faire.

    i have so much Gandalf swag i could have loaned you, next time 🧙‍♂️ 

  39. One of the little things we (Red Cross volunteers) going into a disaster zone, like Florida after a hurricane, is all the critters who had been displaced from their usual water hole up near where we lived and worked.  We had one where the only way to get to the staff shelter was to cross a swamp hole.  I had a couple volunteers decide they would rather go somewhere else.  As far as we know there were no gators in it, but the funny was I knew that a pond on the other side of the big parking lot had a gator floated into it.  Talk to the locals folks. Which is what we are supposed to do anyhoo.

  40. Wow, the piece about the election deniers & yt nationalists who try to hide behind a Christian (or Judeo-Christian, as Shelby Bush corrected herself) label is horrifying.  Too bad this is on against the Chiefs/Saints game. 

  41. Looks like CBS went on to get revenge. Brian Stelter is gushing: “BREAKING: 60 Minutes just provided a devastating report on the shifting narratives and lies the Trump campaign has put out over the last year. Nobody has taken the Trump campaign to task like this before.”

  42. Sturg, Mrs. P loved your melted sugar daddy comment. 
    btw, almost every prosecutor I know carries a pistol.
    Now irony has a face – Anthony Fauci. Maybe I missed it but Fauci got West Nile when he got bit by a mosquito in his back yard. Glad he’s recovered. 

  43. …watched the 60 mins interview, that enterprise seems more interested in featuring a presenter asking tough questions than actually letting the subject answer them
    king idiot didn’t do himself any favors by backing out

    Take nothing for granted, GotV, keep lovingly needling your receptive pals 🫡 🇺🇸

    (Harris really making an effort to not alienate congressional republicans and give them an exit-ramp from trump- TAKE THE EXIT-RAMP)

  44. The melting Sugar Daddy wasn’t me.   I, too, was delighted by the photo of one of my childhood’s best friend 

    Reminded me of Sugar Babies.

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