Rambling Orange

Notes from last night’s Trump rally in Pennsylvania:

Trump on polling: “If it’s bad, I say it’s fake. If it’s good, I say, that’s the most accurate poll perhaps ever.”

A rare hint of introspection. Donald Trump: “I don’t like anybody that doesn’t like me. I’ll be honest…Sounds childish…When they don’t like me, I don’t like them. That’s the way it is. Call it a personality defect.”

At least he’s not a Communist. Trump on Kamala Harris: “Her father is a Fascist. He’s a Marxist.”

Trump: “Barack Hussein! A lot of people say he’s actually running the country right now.”

Trump trashes Zelenskyy as “the greatest salesman in history” and says “he wants them to win this election so badly”

Trump on his mass deportation: “We’ll take one young women with two children and they’ll put ’em in a bus to take ’em back to some country and it’ll be put in the fake news and it’ll be a terrible story, and the whole country will turn against it.”

Nothing like an ad for an Ivermectin Contagion Emergency Kit to help you answer the question, “Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?”

Earlier in the day there was this gem:
REPORTER: “I’ve spoken with some economists about your tariff proposals and they say they don’t see how it won’t make items cost more.”
TRUMP: “I don’t need Congress, but they’ll approve it. I’ll have the right to impose them myself if they don’t.”

And he just won’t let go of the fact that McDonalds has responded in writing that franchises do not keep records for part time positions held 45 years ago. Why is this such a grievance for him?

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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5 months ago


Attribution: Trump Translation by Dave Whamond, Canada, PoliticalCartoons.com

5 months ago

Great numbers of young people are registering to vote for the first time, VP Kamala Harris told Oprah why she keeps a gun in her home, and the former president told a podcaster about his diet of “proper” hamburgers.

5 months ago

a bonus Whamond cartoon today tangential to a discussion about Rump’s irrational rhetoric:


Attribution: Protected Rights by Dave Whamond, Canada, PoliticalCartoons.com

5 months ago

throwing in my 2 cents while also sitting in a mostly GOPer commonwealth about our friend Jack’s 

 I don’t know if I will bother voting, I didn’t in the primary, …. In the general election, my vote for president doesn’t count…. It is kinda strange but I’m somewhat indifferent this year. For me this year voting will be a chore, a bit like eating your spinach .”

and later added

I’m part of the 90% out there who live in a one party world. My vote doesn’t count and I’m not going to pretend it does.” 

to Jack and others in the same frame of mind and red states of despair:  please make the effort to vote for Kamala if for no other reason than to pay tribute to all those women in your life who made an effort for you. 

on a personal note: I think of my grandmothers and mother who were born in an America that didn’t allow women to vote. you better believe once the 19th amendment was in effect they never missed an opportunity to vote.  soooo, if only in remembrance and respect to them and other women who’ve gone the extra mile for me, I’ll vote for a more than qualified woman for president (BTW more than a hundred years later than when they became eligible to be or to vote for one). 

every vote for president in this election counts more than you know in many more ways.

5 months ago

It is beyond me why every voter in the nation is not horrified by Trumps:  Policeman, Judge and Jury rhetoric.  It is so much in violation of everything Constitutional. 


5 months ago

The closer this election gets, the further away it seems to be.

Blue Bronc
5 months ago

He is completely bonkers, living in his own alternate world.  Maybe his mind sees things on television, not through eyes.  What would be funny is if he is on a stage and sees a different one, so he takes a step and goes down two steps.

5 months ago

REPORTER:“I’ve spoken with some economists about your tariff proposals and they say they don’t see how it won’t make items cost more.”
TRUMP:“I don’t need Congress, but they’ll approve it. I’ll have the right to impose them myself if they don’t.”

Objection your honor, the answer is nonresponsive.  Would you direct the asshat to answer the fucking question?  Thank you.

5 months ago

REPORTER: How will you protect critical infrastructure in the US from the Chinese Communist Party? TRUMP: Well, we’re gonna protect it by saying you can’t come. You can’t do it.

Stupid asshole – they don’t “come” to screw up our infrastructure – they hack into the computer systems that control it.  I bet the dumbass still uses a pager.

5 months ago


“Under Project 2025’s proposals, Southwest Florida communities—and all American communities—would have to bear a far larger proportion of the expense of a disaster or meet deductibles, as in the private insurance market.”

“The changes to FEMA are contained in the section of Project 2025 that covers homeland security, since FEMA is part of the Department of Homeland Security.”
“Project 2025’s solution is to make it tougher to get federal aid.”

“FEMA should raise the threshold because the per capita indicator has not kept pace with inflation, and this over time has effectively lowered the threshold for public assistance and caused FEMA’s resources to be stretched perilously thin,” it states.”

“If the indicator can’t be raised there’s another option: “Alternatively, applying a deductible could accomplish a similar outcome while also incentivizing states to take a more proactive role in their own preparedness and response capabilities.”
Maybe this will be fresh in the minds of voters in the Southeastern US, you know, if anyone bothers to tell them.

5 months ago

“London, Paris and Minneapolis.” The first time those three cities have ever been mentioned in the same sentence.

5 months ago

“Project 2025 claims the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a main driver “of the climate change alarm industry” and should be “broken up.”
Dangerous, as anyone who has ever been in any type of storm’s path can tell you.   Project 2025’s MAGAt-Republican nutjobs must not gain a seat anywhere on any ballot.

5 months ago

Not sure what McDonald’s is still a big deal to Don-Old (or is it just a distraction from Project 2025), but Harris could probably get her W9 from the IRS/Social Security Administration (they keep track of these things for future benefits).
 She could offer to show everyone her W9, if he’ll show his tax returns. 

5 months ago


“The National Hurricane Center is showing a landfall in Florida’s Big Bend region, but anyone from Florida’s Gulf Coast to eastern Louisiana should be on alert this week.”

Possibly a category 3 storm.  Now, imagine no NOAA or FEMA, as we now know it.  
Project 2025  Fasten your chinstraps if it happens to you.

5 months ago

Craig – I don’t know who said it, but someone mentioned ending the filibuster and handling Roe.  For some reason, I think it was Nancy Pelosi on “The View,” but could t swear to it.
ps – President Biden will be on “The View” tomorrow.    I believe his UN speech is today. 

5 months ago

Voting is like making amends. You do it for yourself, no other reason. It doesn’t matter if the other person rejects your efforts, as long as your effort was honest. 

5 months ago

Well that was quite a farewell to the world speech by President Joseph Biden.  Richard Engel is not at impressed by the two calls to end two wars immediately, but I thought it was a heartfelt speech, even though world leaders are already formulating plans for January, tailoring their schemes for either party’s victory.
Craig at 8:28AM : Wow, did Mika ever tear into that Trump “I am your protector” crap. One guest (didn’t note his name) said if Trump says Lake Michigan is really just full of asparagus, his base and hangers-on will believe it 100%. And never go near Lake Asparagus.

5 months ago

“Call it a personality defect.”

The first step is awareness. 

5 months ago

Liz Cheney suggest a new political party may need to replace the Republicans

Liz Cheney suggests a new party might soon be needed to counter Trump-corrupted Republican Party (msnbc.com)

5 months ago

“Former President Donald Trump promised Californians unprecedented access to water and reduced protections for a key fish species if he is reelected.”“He blamed it on protections for the delta smelt, a small endangered fish species that lives in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, and said Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) blocked efforts during his previous time in the White House to ease the smelt’s protections.”

“Trump said all it would take would be to turn a massive “faucet,” to switch from the water going “aimlessly into the Pacific” to sending it to communities, while also stopping wildfires. And he threatened to withhold federal wildfire money from California if Newsom didn’t cooperate this time.”
There’s a “faucet”? 
“You have so much water, and all those fields that are right now barren, the farmers would have all the water they needed. And you could revert water up into the hills, where you have all the dead forests, where the forests are so brittle. … The land would be damp, and you’d stop many of these horrible fires that are costing billions and billions of dollars by the federal government,” he said.

“If Newsom doesn’t allow the changes to environmental policies Trump wants, “we won’t give him money to put out all his fires,” he said. “And if we don’t give him the money to put out his fires, he’s got problems.”

Newsom has problems?  Don-Old just promised to burn you out.   

5 months ago

Manchin is such an evil, little puke.  The filibuster is not in the US Constitution, and if he found it useful to get rid of it, he would. 

5 months ago

Manchin’s problem is that he doesn’t have shit to say about it – he’ll be out of office then.  He’s full of shit by the way.  The filibuster has been modified from time to time and now it’s become the threat of the filibuster that stops a bill.  Good Joe, don’t endorse Kamala – but you may cost her a win in WV. Bwahahahahahah.

5 months ago

BiD, right – it’s in Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the United States Senate.   So if the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy, how is the minority in a democracy able to prevent the will of the majority from being implemented through legislation? Asking for a friend.

5 months ago

A well deserved and perfectly applied Bwahaha.  

5 months ago

I doubt if Manchin ever had any intention of endorsing Kamala.  He may have been fence sitting to see if he could wrangle something from her administration in exchange for an endorsement, dangling a line but got no bite unless the bite he he did get is from the MAGA cult god promising free bedminister, mar a lago etc  lifetime memberships for trashing her.

5 months ago

Mark McKinnon last night on 11th Hour saying polls are not catching the first-time registrants, folks in their 30s-40s who are fired up for the first time in their lives by Kamala. They’re the missing link. Jives with my personal connections but I don’t have facts, just feelings. 


5 months ago

Daughter’s Mr has his new camo Harris/Walz cap, as pictured below.  

Old Berman was especially entertaining this morning as he addressed questions asked by the NY Post about he and Olivia Nuzzi having lived together a few years back.


His answer to the often asked question
“Do people like Rush limbo, Sean Hannity, and Billo Riley really believe the things they say or are they merely common whores?”
Was also interesting.

5 months ago

Anyone else catch a glimpse of Rachel Maddow’s film featuring Lev Parnas?  Why the eff hasn’t Rudy been indicted? 
Also of note: 

Rudy Giuliani owes $300,000 to firm that worked on his bankruptcy case, judge says


5 months ago

A glimmer of hopeful breaking news as the judge is allowing further action by Jack Smith in his quest to knock down total immunity.  God speed, Brother Jack Smith.  You can do it.  
I would guess we all here know that Jill Stein cost HRC the electoral college win. Yes, I echo the “not again!” concern. This election could again be turned by Jill Stein’s nasty ugly-work. Oh well…I bet the farmers who have advanced planned to buy new John Deere equipment in 2025 are elated that Trump will place 200% penalty/tariff on possible Mexican-built tractors , which we all know will bankrupt farmers .

5 months ago

lol he never heard of WWII

5 months ago

April 18, 2017, 9:39 AM EDT / Updated April 18, 2017, 9:39 AM EDT
By Robert Windrem

It was a (red) star-studded affair, the December 2015 dinner celebrating the 10th birthday of Russian TV network RT. At a luxe Moscow hotel, President Vladimir Putin and a host of Russian luminaries toasted a state-backed news channel that U.S. intelligence calls a Kremlin mouthpiece…

“Also at the head table were three western politicians. Willy Wimmer, a former member of the German Bundestag who is often critical of U.S. foreign policy; Cyril Svoboda, former deputy prime minister, minister of foreign affairs, and interior minister of the Czech Republic, and two-time U.S. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, the only American besides Flynn at the head table.”


Jill Stein and Michael Flynn at the head table of a Putin dinner, nice

what a party

don’t order the milk

5 months ago


“Haitian group files criminal charges against Trump, Vance over pet-eating claims”

“The head of Haitian Bridge Alliance brought charges on behalf of the organization Tuesday in Clark County Municipal Court under an Ohio statute that allows private citizens to file criminal charges.”

“The nonprofit is asking the court to affirm there is probable cause that Trump and Vance committed crimes and to issue arrest warrants for both men.” <——

“The charges include disrupting public service, making false alarms, committing telecommunications harassment, committing aggravated menacing and violating the prohibition against complicity.”

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do," Vance told CNN.

“A number of Republican officials have shared false claims that Haitian immigrants are killing and eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.”

5 months ago

“Farm programs, USDA would shrink under Project 2025 goals for ag”
“Nearly everything in Project 2025’s agricultural chapter runs counter to the $1.5 trillion farm bill proposal the GOP-led House Agriculture Committee passed out of committee in May.”

It’s not just tractor tariffs that are going to eat farmers for lunch.


5 months ago

If 50+ women’s interest in the topic of reproductive rights is so suspect, what does that make republican men’s ocd about it? 

5 months ago

“Senate Democrats attempted to pass a resolution Tuesday addressing abortion access in emergency medical situations, but Republicans blocked it from moving forward.”

“We want to make it clear that Congress’s intent is that women can get life-saving care when they go to an emergency room anywhere in this country,” Murray said.
“The resolution also expressed that “State laws that purport to ban and restrict abortion in emergency circumstances force medical providers to decide between withholding necessary, stabilizing medical care from a patient experiencing a medical emergency or facing criminal prosecution, and put the lives, health, and futures of patients at risk.”
“Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford blocked Murray’s unanimous consent request to approve the resolution, saying that doctors in emergency departments are able to act in cases of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and life-threatening situations.”

ps – BS. Old, white man, Lankford knows doctors are afraid, and that women are suffering and dying. He. Doesn’t. Care.

Harris/Walz 2024

5 months ago

Why we still fly POW-MIA flags at courthouses and post offices.

Terror in the skies over Germany, and a lost father now found

Remains of Maryland aviator whose bomber was shot down in World War II have just been identified. Tarbert hailed from Port Deposit, a small town on the Susquehanna River about 45 miles northeast of Baltimore, according to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), which identified his remains.


Blue Bronc
5 months ago

Ivy – My great-uncle, WWI, is MIA after a German sub torpedoed his ship. He was most likely where the torpedo hit.
My cousin, WWII, is missing South Pacific.

5 months ago

Blue Bronc, not knowing is the hardest thing. We can always still hope for hope. 

5 months ago

It just so happened that the crypto launch coincided with the publication of a new book about Trump’s business career: “Lucky Loser: How Donald Trump Squandered His Father’s Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success,” by Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig, two investigative reporters at the Times. During Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign, and when he was in the White House, Buettner and Craig wrote a number of blockbuster stories revealing how, for decades, his businesses had recorded huge losses, and how he engaged in dubious schemes to reduce his taxes. In “Lucky Loser,” the authors trace Trump’s dealings all the way back to the 1973 Times story, which they describe as largely fictitious. Trump “had graduated without honors,” they write. “His brother Freddy had displayed an interest in the business and been pushed aside by their father. . . . The Trumps had not bought land on the East Side of Manhattan for an apartment building and would not do so that decade.”
It’s not news that Trump is an inveterate teller of tall tales. The more penetrating argument that Buettner and Craig make is that he’s a lousy businessman who only got as far as he did because of a series of lucky breaks that “could paper over a litany of failure and still fund a lavish life.” “There is no evidence that in fifty years of labor Donald Trump added to his lucky fortunes,” the authors conclude. “He would have been better off betting on the stock market than on himself.”


5 months ago

I read Mary Trump’s book straight through. Put me in a sad state for two days. She is the proverbial lost child. 
As an untreated ACoA, besides being a narcissist, Plumpty has plunged the country into the abyss of the multigenerational alcoholic family system. Yes, Donald, it’s a personality defect. But there’s treatment. 

5 months ago

Moron-o, We can care about someone besides ourselves.  We don’t want someone to have fewer rights than we had.

Nikki can go pound sand. She’s a sell out.

5 months ago


“Williams, who always maintained his innocence − a claim backed by not only his defense team but later prosecutors − is now the third inmate executed in Missouri this year and the 15th in the nation.”

“No DNA ever connected Williams to the crime scene. In recent months, a prosecutor in the case said the execution should have been called off, and in a clemency petition, Gayle’s family said that they “define closure as Marcellus being allowed to live.”
“And on Tuesday with less than an hour before the execution, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stop it, though the court’s three liberal justices said they would have granted Williams a stay: Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson. The high court offered no explanation for the decision.”
“Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush, a Democrat, said Parson didn’t just ignore the pleas and end Williams’ life, he “demonstrated how the death penalty is wielded without regard for innocence, compassion, equity, or humanity.”

“Tonight, Missouri lynched another innocent Black man,” NAACP President Derrick Johnson told USA TODAY. “Governor Parson had the responsibility to save this innocent life, and he didn’t. The NAACP was founded in 1909 in response to the barbaric lynching of Black people in America − we were founded exactly because of people like Governor Parson who perpetuate violence against innocent Black people. We will hold Governor Parson accountable. When DNA evidence proves innocence, capital punishment is not justice − it is murder.”

5 months ago

DURING CAMPAIGN SPEECH, Trump starts drooling, then says he just learned Russia beat Napoleon AND Hitler

5 months ago