Magical Slippers Mystery

18:12:33: Trump: “Let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes.”

18:12:35: Male agent 2: “I got you sir, I got you sir.”

18:12:36: Trump: “Let me get my shoes on.”

18:12:37: Another male agent: “hold on, your head is bloody.”

18:12:39: Male agent 2: “Sir we’ve got to move to the car sir.”

18:12:42: Trump: “Let me get my shoes.”

18:12:43: Female agent: “OK, [inaudible].”


97 thoughts on “Magical Slippers Mystery”

  1. wicked witch and phoney wizard donald loses ruby slippers to dorothy Joe who not only has a heart but has courage and a brain too.

  2. his version according to the NYPost

    He also cleared up a mystery about his shoes. On the video of the shooting and aftermath, as the burly agents tried to rush him off the stage for safety, he can be heard saying, “Wait, I want to get my shoes.” 
    As he explained in the interview, “The agents hit me so hard that my shoes fell off, and my shoes are tight,” he said with a smile.

    yeah, sure.

  3. Biden embraces role as healer – but Trump remains king of the spectacle | Joe Biden | The Guardian

    Donald Trump has the stagecraft but Joe Biden still commands the biggest stage.
    A day after the former US president displayed his preternatural genius for spectacle – forcing the Secret Service to pause so he could show bloody defiance after a near-death experience – the spotlight turned back to his beleaguered election opponent.
    On Sunday, Biden delivered an Oval Office address for only the third time in his presidency, having previously done so when a deal was reached to avoid a breach of the debt ceiling and to comment on the wars in Gaza and Ukraine.
    The set piece allowed him to demonstrate the power of incumbency, sending a message to Democratic rebels who want the 81-year-old to step aside amid concerns he lacks the mental agility to beat Trump.
    The familiar trappings of the Resolute Desk against a backdrop of family photos, window, flags and curtains also sought to project the image of Biden as president rather than candidate, an elder statesman rising above the fray to call for national unity after a traumatic moment.
    It was a solemn duty that came with relative ease to a man who, during 36 years in the Senate, made bipartisanship a cornerstone of his political identity.
    There is a need to “lower the temperature in our politics”, said Biden, his voice more solid and less throaty than during a recent debate and press conference. “And to remember: while we may disagree, we are not enemies.”
    The president urged everyone to take a “step back” and recognise the chilling pattern of the January 6 insurrection, the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, the intimidation of election officials, the kidnapping plot against Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer, and the assassination attempt against Trump.
    “We cannot allow this violence to be normalised. The political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated. It’s time to cool it down. We all have a responsibility to do this.”
    Biden, embracing his role as repairer of the breach, made a plea: “In America, we resolve our differences at the ballot box – you know that’s how we do it, at the ballot box, not with bullets. The power to change American should should always rest in the hands of the people, not in the hands of a would-be assassin.”
    Trump could do something truly historic by echoing Biden’s address, insisting that violence has no place in politics, accepting that his own narrow escape is a cathartic moment and now America must pull back from the brink. The rest of the election campaign could be one of decency and grace.
    Commentators would gush that Trump had become “presidential” and of course it wouldn’t last. Biden might have the bully pulpit but Trump remains the bully to beat.

  4. the campaign also sent out this email message:

    Biden-Harris 2024

    I just addressed the American people about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics.

    We must remember that, while we may disagree, we are NOT enemies. We are neighbors, friends, co-workers, citizens, and, most importantly, we are fellow Americans.

    We must stand together.

    Yesterday’s shooting at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania calls on us all to take a step back, to take stock of where we are, and how we go forward.

    Thankfully, former President Trump was not seriously injured. I spoke with him last night and I’m grateful he is doing well. Jill and I keep him and his family in our prayers.

    We also extend our deepest condolences to the family of the victim who was killed. Corey was a husband, a father, a volunteer firefighter, and a hero sheltering his family from those bullets. We should all hold his family and all those injured in our prayers.

    I have said it many times that the choice we make in this election will shape the future of America and the world for decades to come.

    Yes, we have deeply felt and strong disagreements. And the stakes in this election are enormously high.

    But the path forward — through competing visions and campaigns — should always be resolved peacefully. Not through acts of violence.

    All of us now face a time of testing as the elections approach. The Republican Convention will start tomorrow.

    I will be traveling this week making the case for our record and vision for the country. I will continue to speak out strongly for our democracy and stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law. I will continue to call for action at the ballot box, not violence in our streets.

    That’s how democracy should work. We debate and disagree. We compare and contrast the character of the candidates, the records, the issues, the agendas, and visions for America.

    We cannot lose sight of who we are.

    In America, we resolve our differences at the ballot box. NOT with bullets.

    We cannot — we must not — go down this road in America. We have traveled it before throughout our history. Violence has never been the answer.

    May God bless you all and may God protect our troops.


    Joe Biden
    President of the United State

  5. What a lame attempt at an explanation about his shoes. Tackled so hard his shoes came off … and they are tight? Bullshit I say. He’s watched too many cartoons. 
    And he’s rewriting his convention speech to express a message of unity?  Please. How could he deliver that message credibly? “Fight, fight  fight.” Idiot. 

  6. The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

    Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others. — David Frum, The Atlantic

    free link –
  7. The source of violence and fear is Trump himself

    “A climate of violence and fear has indeed been fostered in the United States over the last decade—but its primary source has been Trump himself.”

    “Almost any criticism of Trump,” writes the journalist Edward Luce, “is already being spun by MAGA as an incitement to assassinate him. This is an Orwellian attempt to silence what remains of the effort to stop him from regaining power.”
  8. Former Classmates Describe Crooks As Politically Conservative

    — Philadelphia Inquirer 8:23 p.m. ET: “Former student Max R. Smith remembered Crooks as an intelligent classmate with conservative political leanings. Smith recalled participating in a mock debate in a course they took together, where their teacher posed questions on government policy and had students stand on opposite sides of the classroom to signal their support or opposition. “The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other. … It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”


  9. BBC: Crooks had a membership at a local shooting club, the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, for at least a year. According to its website, the club is based south of Pittsburgh and is “one of the premier shooting facilities in the tri-state area” of Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. It has more than 2,000 members. It has multiple gun ranges, including a high-power rifle facility with targets up to 171 metres away.

    Crooks was wearing a T-shirt from Demolition Ranch, a YouTube channel known for its guns and demolition content. The channel has millions of subscribers featuring videos on different guns and explosive devices.

  10. GOPer convention no longer a laughing matter?  

    the hill:

    “The Daily Show” has canceled their Milwaukee tapings for the duration of the National Republican Convention this coming week, citing “logistical issues and the evolving situation in Milwaukee” in a post to the social platform X.
    The Comedy Central news-satire show was set to cover the convention as a part of their election year “Indecision 2024” coverage. The change in plans comes after the assassination attempt on former President Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday.
    “The Daily Show” had sold out multiple nights at the 1,500-capacity Marcus Performing Arts Center in Milwaukee. The center’s center’s CEO Kevin Giglinto released a statement explaining that the shows were cancelled “in light of the incredibly shocking and sad events” in Pennsylvania.
    “While we were looking forward to hosting The Daily Show, we support and stand by their decision,” Giglinto said, per the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

  11. George Conway @gtconway3d
    Despite what happened yesterday, we cannot cede the moral high ground to a criminal sociopath.
    7:08 PM · Jul 14, 2024

  12. Imagine how networks will behave if Trump gets elected and doesn’t like what their hosts say…

    ‘Morning Joe’ pulled from air Monday because of Trump shooting
    “The decision was made to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s hosts or guests might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole”

  13. Studied JFK Assassination

    Washington Post: “A quiet kid” is how Sarah D’Angelo, 20, remembered the teenager she saw before 7:30 a.m. almost every school day for years at Bethel Park High School. On Sunday, she found herself thinking about their final project in honors American history, which was about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Their teacher instructed them to determine what they thought happened — including how many gunmen there were, and where they hid to fire the fatal shots.

  14. Tristan Snell’s opinion:
    If you’re wondering why a Republican would shoot at Trump: The ultra far-right and QAnon cult does not fully trust Trump and has long speculated that his martyrdom would be a positive — especially if it would allow someone like Mike Flynn to become the GOP nominee.

  15. This is the Alex Jones in re Slump piece
    5 months ago, Alex Jones and InfoWars guest Ivan Raiklin discussed how assassinating Trump would be beneficial, according to them, because it would lead to retaliatory “in kind” assassinations of a “deep state” list which includes President Joe Biden. Ivan Raiklin: “If they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.” Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, If they kill him, that’s best case scenario from a sick level. From a sick level medium, ‘Oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.” Raiklin: “Oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I access, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

  16. Yesterday Harbor Woman and I went to Emerald Downs to watch horses run around in ovals.  One whole day without politicians running around in circles.  Very nice.


  17. Borowitz 
    New study links wide availability of guns to people getting shot. 

  18. NEWS: Judge Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against Donald Trump, saying the special counsel prosecution is in violation of the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.

  19. The jury was never seated so DOJ can appeal if I understand F.R.Crim.Pro. and double jeopardy correctly.

  20. pogo,

    Trump Classified Documents Case Dismissed By Judge Cannon (

    Cannon sided with Trump’s request to dismiss the charges against him under the Constitution’s Appointment Clause, as the ex-president claimed Smith’s appointment by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland violated the law.
    Trump was indicted on 40 federal felony charges for allegedly withholding national security information by bringing White House documents—including classified materials—back to Mar-a-Lago with him, and for allegedly obstructing the government’s investigation into retrieving the documents.
    The judge—a Trump appointee—ruled someone with Smith’s level of power should only have been appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
    She also ruled Smith’s appointment violated the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause, because Congress had not appropriated funds to Smith’s investigations as required under federal law.
    Cannon ordered the case to be closed, but noted in her order that the ruling does not affect any other legal proceedings—meaning it will not end the separate federal case against Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election.
    The Justice Department has not yet responded to a request for comment.

    This story is breaking and will be updated.

    The DOJ can still appeal Cannon’s dismissal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals—and to the Supreme Court after that, if necessary. Legal experts noted Monday the ruling could present an opportunity for prosecutors to request a new judge in the case if the appeals court allows it to move forward. Critics have long protested Cannon’s handling of the case, as the judge has pushed back deadlines and issued rulings favorable to Trump. Law professor Anthony Michael Kreis also raised the possibility that the DOJ could get the U.S. Attorney in Florida to take over the case and reindict Trump—rather than Smith—which wouldn’t present the same issues about the special counsel’s appointment. The case will inevitably be significantly delayed even if it does move forward on appeal, however—which means that if Trump wins the election, he could appoint DOJ officials who will drop the charges against him, dismissing the case even if the 11th Circuit overturned Cannon’s ruling.

  21. Mark Twain
    I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.”

  22. Maybe the bullet knocked some sense into him but I doubt it. PTSD is going to hit his ass every time he tries to close his eyes, it will smack him upside his head. Sudden loud noises are going to get him too. The excitation of this week may cover the symptoms, but something’s gonna happen to him. 

    DONALD TRUMP is now the survivor of an assassination attempt. While he appears in good spirits and his team says he’s doing just fine, that type of near-death experience would rattle and forever change even the strongest among us.
    The violence of Saturday is, at the very least, changing their strategy.Trump is notorious for mercilessly skewering his adversaries, taking shots below the belt and straight-up lying about opponents. Many would expect that after Saturday, he’d turn a damning finger on Democrats, blaming their rhetoric — like much of his party — for his brush with death.
    Instead, we’re told that this week, Trumpwill adopt an unfamiliar, almost benevolent posture, and call for unity in the face of tragedy.
    Adopting the nice-guy strategy is not an easy task for about a million reasons. Trump’s instincts when attacked are to lash out. He’s spent decades of his life identifying others’ bruises and gleefully pressing on them — an approach which has endeared him to his supporters, who see in him a fighter that takes no prisoners.
    Then there is the emotional reality.From our conversations with Trump confidants in Milwaukee yesterday, we can tell you that many are shaken and angry over the fact that not only Trump, but their own colleagues had to duck for cover amid the crossfire, their lives hanging in the balance. Shelving those feelings for the time being and striking a tone of magnanimity is easier said than done.

  23. Poobah, I think you’re right about the prospect of a new judge.  My recollection is that it was just serendipitous that Cannon’s name came up when the case was assigned randomly under the SDFL rotation assignment procedure. The only question I have about that is whether if the case was refiled by US attorney for SDFL (Markenzy Lapointe) he would have to seat another Grand Jury to return the indictment or whether he could proceed under the existing one, but I suspect that if on appeal the 11th Circuit denied a judge reassignment he would have to re-indict to get out of Cannon’s Court.

  24. Barbara McQuade
    Dismissal of Trump documents case may actually be good news for Jack Smith, who can now immediately appeal to 11th Circuit and ask for case to be reassigned to a new judge. But more delay

  25. From Obama’s chief speech writer…

    Jon Favreau @jonfavs

    I know some Dems are in knots over what to say right now, but I do think it’s pretty straightforward:

    We should oppose political violence in all its forms, whoever it comes from, whoever it targets.

    We should oppose leaders who condone political violence.

    We should oppose leaders who encourage political violence.

    We should oppose leaders who amplify their supporters’ calls for political violence.

    We should oppose leaders who say that our military and law enforcement should be able to shoot political protesters, or people who may have illegally crossed our border, or people who are merely suspected of breaking the law.

    We should oppose leaders who’ve sent their armed supporters to scare our political representatives into throwing away our votes.

    We should oppose leaders who’ve refused to stop political violence even when begged to do so by their own supporters.

    We should oppose leaders who say that their supporters who’ve been convicted of committing political violence should be pardoned.

    We should oppose these leaders because democracy can’t survive if political violence becomes acceptable, and the only acceptable way to oppose these leaders is by persuading people to vote against them.

    12:03 PM · Jul 15, 2024

  26. “Heritage Welcomes You To The RNC in MKE.” That’s what the signs show.

    Remember Project 2025!  Don’t get distracted. 

  27. Interesting NYT article about family estrangement. OT but maybe not in the schema of things given both the Trump and Biden family dynamics that seem to be the new template for everything. As happens more frequently, I find the 1265 readers posted comments more enlightening than the actual article. One example:

    Brendan : There is a profound rise of dangerous narcissism in our society, abetted by highly unethical and frankly insidious therapists. There are certainly instances of where family cut-offs are warranted, but these are relatively rare instances. Cutting off contact with your lineage, your family blood-line is a tremendously dramatic step and should be cautioned against unless warranted by truly grave circumstances. Even alcoholism, which is a medical condition, being used as an excuse to sever ties with parents, is often misguided. Young people in previous generations had to storm the beaches of Normandy, and endure terrible conditions in Korea, Vietnam and later in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them had terrible childhoods and then endured terrible things. Did they childishly blame their parents for their difficult lives? No. They set appropriate boundaries with their parents, if need-be, and forged ahead, and made something of their lives as adults. Engaging in childish, selfish, dangerous narcissism and adopting a Victim mindset and playing the Family Cut-Off card is tragic, and often utterly disgraceful. No one must like their parents, or even love them, and or even see them much. But unless the circumstances are exceptionally grave, absolutely do not cut them off.

  28. from 2019 in DC Circuit Rules Mueller Appointment Was Lawful | Courthouse News Service

    … a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday shot down the argument that Mueller wields so much power that his position requires presidential nomination and Senate confirmation.
    The panel agreed with the government that Mueller’s appointment by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein complied with the Constitution’s appointment clause, which allows a department head to appoint an inferior officer, who is then supervised and directed by a presidentially appointed and Senate-confirmed officer.

    in reference to that opinion Here’s whats next for Trump’s trials after Cannon’s special counsel ruling: ex-Mueller prosecutor (

    Weissmann explained he “actually litigated this issue when [he] was part of special counsel Mueller’s investigation.”
    “And the courts, I think quite correctly, rejected what Judge Cannon did, and said that the attorney general has ample authority to appoint a special counsel as an inferior officer,” he said. “This, though, is the kind of issue I think will go to the 11th Circuit and I think it might go to the Supreme Court.”
    “This is the kind of decision that would affect the D.C. case,” the attorney later added. Remember, D.C. is where Jack Smith has the January 6th insurrection case. The D.C. Court of Appeals has rejected Judge Cannon’s decision. They do not believe there’s a problem with the way in which the special counsel was appointed. That’s what they held in the Mueller investigation. they said there was ample authority.”
    Weismann said in that case, a Trump-appointed judge “held there was no problem at all with the attorney general appointing [special counsel Mueller].”
    “Her reasoning was that the attorney general can follow any sort of internal guidance he wants in running the Department of Justice,” Weismann said. “He can appoint all sorts of people to help him. He can hire people. He has all sorts of underlings that are at his beck and call.”
    “There’s no problem in the attorney general hiring all sorts of people beneath him to carry out the work of the Department of Justice,” the attorney explained. “She said that’s true of special counsel Mueller, it would be true of special counsel Jack Smith. That’s the reasoning in D.C. It was rejected by Judge Cannon. So there’s now conflict between the D.C. cases and Judge Cannon.”

  29. Personally, i’ve never thought Alex Jones believes anything he says, i just think he is so cynical he will say whatever he knows his lunatic audience wants to hear
    Made millions doing it 
    (that is not a defense of Jones, it is a rebuke)

  30. Won’t be Lil’ Marco, won’t be Gov. Doufus. Down to Senator Fuzzy or Nikki.
    I say Nikki. 

  31. BiD wins. nice prediction
    Vance is gross

    doesn’t have the lean and hungry look but still dangerous- just like Alex Jones he will say anything he needs to to escalate

    Literally did just that after that rally

  32. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
    Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
    Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?

  33. IMO, Vance is dangerous….   he’s well educated (Yale) and not stupid.
    I’m surprised that trump would even consider him…

  34. I figure they are so over confident about victory, picking Vance wouldn’t be a campaign choice but a governing choice. He’d be MAGA Mob Underboss in charge of implementing Project 2025 and handing Ukraine over to Putin.

  35. Taking down the temperature.

    J.D. Vance posted this on X two hours after shooting:

    “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

  36. real men don’t brandish firearms ever
    the one that do are compensating for something
    a tiny penis is the something i’m alluding to
    100% of the time

  37. I read through about half of the Cannon Order and did not find it compelling.  It is a typical order filled with scores of VERY short snippets – most that sound like dicta – from cases related tangentially at best to the appointment and funding issues before the court in the documents case.  She couldn’t find a thread through special counsel to independent counsel to special prosecutors … etc., etc.,  Somehow the fact that as Andrew points out the appointment process by the AG (or in Mueller’s case, acting assistant AG) passed muster in every case where one was appointed escaped her.

  38. The MAGAt Russo-Republican Party (brought to you by The Heritage Foundation) is doubling down on assholes to lead their party over a cliff.  

    All sane and decent humans will be voting blue up and down the ballot to keep our democracy from being dragged over the cliff after them.

  39. Ah, but Jackass-Dumbass Vance is the worse kind of stupid, Yale grad or not.   He’s cocky.  He’ll shoot his mouth off enough to turn everyone but the basest of the base against the MAGAt Party. 

    I have a MAGAt relative whose step-dad was a violent alcoholic.  I think even he might disagree with Jack-Dumb on women staying in abusive marriages.  But, that is where Heritage/Project 2025 is trying to take us.   Nope.   

    Sympathy for the man, no sympathy for the tyrant.  Any temporary goodwill was just blown by said tyrant tapping that nasty, little misogynistic frat boy as his running mate.  

    *Not sure what JD stands for, just a guess.

  40. And in the cycling world, Pogacar put an additional 1’08” on Vingegaard for an overall lead of 3’09” in the GC with Evenepoel 3rd in two consecutive days of mountain stages before today’s rest day. the trio finished 1-2-3 on both Saturday and Sunday’s stages and are ranked 1-2-3 in the overall rankings, with Pogacar having a 5’19” gap over Evenepoel.  There’s still time for Vingegaard of Evenepoel to do something – of the 6 remaining stages, one is flat, one hilly, 3 mountain stages and finish up with a 33.7 km individual time trial.  

  41. Mr. Ivy gave me the Hillbilly book for Christmas when it came out. I didn’t read it. He read it and said * it wasn’t very good, so I never bothered. It went to 2nd & Charles in B’ham before our move. Skipped the movie too. 

    * full Mr. Ivy review: “f*#%ng crybaby piece of crap-writing not worth shit.”

  42. they win with fear and anger
    we win with truth and focus
    keep your mind right ✌️ 

  43. I’m sure I’d pick this guy to be my VP after saying this shit about me:

    A “cynical asshole” or “America’s Hitler.”

    In February 2016, Vance sent a message to his former law school roommate, Josh McLaurin, that McLaurin has recounted publicly. In it, Vance said he went “back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler,” according to a screenshot McLaurin shared on social media in 2022 when Vance was running for Senate in Ohio.

    “Trump is cultural heroin.”

    In a July 2016 piece for the Atlantic magazine, Vance compared Trump to “cultural heroin,” a “new pain reliever” that promised easy solutions to the mounting social problems of suffering communities — but that ultimately “could not fix what ails them.”
    “To every complex problem, he promises a simple solution,” Vance wrote, citing Trump’s promises to bring jobs back by simply punishing offshoring companies or to cure the opioid epidemic by building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. “He never offers details for how these plans will work, because he can’t. Trump’s promises are the needle in America’s collective vein.”

    “I can’t stomach Trump.”

    In an August 2016 interview with NPR’s Terry Gross, Vance mused that he “might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton” if he thought Trump had a really good chance of winning — or, he joked, he might write in his dog on the November ballot.
    “But I think that I’m going to vote third party because I can’t stomach Trump,” Vance said. “I think that he’s noxious and is leading the White working class to a very dark place. And ultimately I just don’t share Hillary Clinton’s politics.”

    “Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man.”

    In October 2016, after a video from “Access Hollywood” emerged that showed Trump bragging about groping women — and saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it” — Vance lamented on Twitter, now X, suggesting that to justify Trump’s behavior was un-Christian.

    “I’m a ‘Never Trump’ guy. I never liked him.”

    A few weeks before Trump was elected president, Vance sat down for a lengthy interview with Charlie Rose in which he tried to explain the motivation behind White working-class voters like the ones with whom he grew up.
    Vance told Rose that voter attraction to Trump was driven not by “any special quality of Donald Trump himself, but of the fact that folks feel very resentful at the media establishment, the political establishment, the financial establishment and so forth.”

    From WaPo.

  44. observe that trump never elevates people of color ever, Black America, and then remember that in November 

  45. they win by breaking your spirit
    let your spirit soar
    it belongs to you not them

  46. KeithOlbermann
    Oh with Vance at least this time Trump didn’t leave his VP choice hanging

  47. they win with a resignation to inevitably 
    we win with the promise of unlimited possibility
    Stay positive, Vote Blue

  48. iamgabesanchez
    BREAKING: Tim Scott and his fiancée Mindy Noce have called off the wedding

    Gabe Sanchez, Greenville news person

  49. @JoshMcLaurinGA
    I’m the guy JD Vance sent the “America’s Hitler” text to in 2016. He was my roommate in law school. Obviously he’s a sellout, but the bigger deal is he’s angry and vindictive. The perfect fit for Trump’s revenge. JD’s rise is a triumph for angry jerks everywhere.

  50. Ha! Colbert might use that one tonight, Craig.  I’m not watching the convention, just Colbert’s coverage after. 

    Here’s a poser: Are they going to dump tRUMP this year (maybe after the convention) and elevate James Doofus Vance to the top?  I think we get our October surprise ahead of time.  

    Epstein. Health issues. Golf schedule not leaving time to campaign.   By the way, has Orange Adolf called on his  wounded followers or the family of one left behind?    No?  Must be saving it for prime time.  

    Biden/Harris 2024

    tRUMPsky/Redundant Asshole Never!

    *The J D stands for James Doofus. I stand corrected.

  51. Seems kind of obvious he heard what Alex Jones and Q said.

    Either that or he’s a dead patsy, wasn’t supposed to actually hit anyone.
    They ARE playing for keeps, after all, What’s a dead rally person in their game?

    All those shots fired and only hit 3 people? (On a shooting team for long distance shooting, only hits 3 people. )

  52. BID

    We are on the same wave length again.  My first thought on Vance was Trump would exit in some way and Vance would be formidable against Biden.

  53. about that book…

    People tell boring lies about politics, God, and love. You know everything you need to know about a person from the answer to the question, What is your favorite book? 
    Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry

  54. Jamie – How about this scenario if Donald’s name is already on the ballots/in the system, because Jr. picked James Doofus, personally…JR/JD?  

    What would happen if Miss ‘Merica couldn’t fulfill her duties, could they still be used for Jr.? 

    Can you imagine a more fRAT boy pairing?
    I smell a rat, maybe two.

  55. Expect an announcement about President Biden (or his physical health) around the 21st.  

  56. Ugh. More slippage in battlegrounds (day before shooting):

    General Election
    Arizona – 🔴 Trump +7
    Georgia – 🔴 Trump +4
    Michigan – 🔴 Trump +2
    North Carolina – 🔴 Trump +4
    Nevada – 🔴 Trump +4
    Pennsylvania – 🔴 Trump +3
    Wisconsin – 🔴 Trump +5
    YouGov A+
    900 RV  7/12

  57. blue: Can you imagine a more fRAT boy pairing? I smell a rat, maybe two.

    Not a surprise, really, upon reflection. No way Donald/Felon would pick anyone other than a person-of-no-color. Hillbilly magas would not tolerate the risk of another black president. That’s what set this powder keg off in the first place. 

  58. Interesting that Cokey Sniffs-A lot-Junior would push his father to pick the author of Hillbilly Elegy for veep.   I still think those two d-bags will be the final team. 

    Vote blue no matter who

  59. Democrat rhetoric is so damn strong it convinced a REPUBLICAN to want to shoot the REPUBLICAN candidate……well that’s some damn strong rhetoric, eh?

    Need to bottle that shit.

    “The widow of Corey Comperatore, the heroic volunteer firefighter killed while shielding his family during the shooting at a Donald Trumpcampaign rally, said that the former president has not reached out to the grieving family.”
    “The silence from Trump contrasts with an attempted call from President Joe Biden, which the Comperatore family declined. Helen Comperatore, speaking from her home in Sarver, Pennsylvania, told the New York Post in an exclusive interview, “I didn’t talk to Biden. I didn’t want to talk to him,” adding, “My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”
    “Devout”?  More like rabid. 
    Of course he didn’t call.  Orange Adolf doesn’t like “losers” and “suckers” who die…but he’ll probably give him a shout out on prime time.   

  61. Colbert was a real jerk interviewing Barney Frank.  Maybe someday I’ll forget about that.

  62. Orange Lurch actually told the rally goers that he didn’t give a damn about them so it really should come as no surprise when he shows that he doesn’t give a damn about them.  

  63. Sturg – Colbert is talking to Adam Kinzinger. It’s a good interview.   Take away so far: J Doofus Vance has parroted Russian talking points.  Not surprised. 

    “Yesterday, J.D. Vance claimed that Trump could defy rulings of the Supreme Court as President,” Cheney wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Vance also admitted he would have done what VP Pence refused to do on January 6th — help Trump illegally seize power.” 
    “That’s tyranny,” she continued. “Neither Trump nor Vance is fit to serve.”
    And that’s how J Doofus aced the job interview. 

  65. Trump and Mini Me Trump, all-MAGA, as 39 year old Vance is projected to advance MAGA in the manner of Noah Cross, the evil father in the film, “Chinatown”, who wanted to control the future . I am not saying Trump wants to physically sire a descendant with Vance like Noah Cross did with Mrs. Mulwray, just metaphorically sire future MAGA elitists like Hawley and “them”.
    I knew it was going to be Vance because Little Marco doesn’t have the panache and Vance is the one Silicon Valley product of greed that simply fits the bill.  Yeah, hillbilly start, but look how he ended up. Old Doug was an outlier at best, now shipped back to North Dakota forever. 
    Andrea Mitchell was apoplectic Sunday talking about Trump’s fat head making a perfect target for a second, third shooter. The SS should have had three bodies atop Trump until the shooter was neutralized.  I am terrified at a Trump-Vance presidency.  I may have to join a fellow blogger in Grosse Pointe who is going to swim to Canada if Trump wins. She’s already shopping for a wet suit and big flippers.

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