66 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. Cool heads needed as political fringe dwellers spread disinformation after Trump shooting | Donald Trump | The Guardian


    “The fact that this is the perfect storm environment for dis-info from every single point on the political spectrum, is something that worries me immensely,” Rogers said. “Because it’s an accelerationist’s wet dream … But we need to have voices in the media that are speaking to the fact that this is a breaking situation. People need to calm down about speculation.”

    Accelerationists are those on the political fringes – right and left – who want a civil war to burn the country to ash so they can start anew from the rubble. Notably, the term “Civil War” began trending in the wake of the Trump shooting.

    Social media was instantly flooded with hyperbole, lies, conspiracy theories and uninformed nonsense about the shooting. The commentary ranged from suggestions on the right like those of Georgia Rep Michael Collins that the president, Joe Biden, solicited the violence and should be charged with a crime, to those on the left suggesting that the shooting is a hoax meant to bolster Trump’s flagging poll figures.
    Reasonable questions about whether the Secret Service missed something become conspiracies about whether Biden deliberately withheld competent protection for Trump, said Jonathan Corpus Ong, a disinformation researcher and professor of communications at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
    AI further complicates the reaction to breaking news events.
    Some images from the event are bound to become iconic, like the photograph taken by Evan Vucci of the Associated Press of Trump, fist raised and ear bloodied, an American flag waving behind him as Secret Service officers sweep him from the area.
    But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated. There’s value in comparing pictures from multiple sources at the event, or noting which agencies are distributing them, Ong said.
    “You would like to see videos and a news account and analysis, to have multiple sources and to be corroborated and verified by multiple experts, in order to make sure that it is authentic in the age of deep fakes,” he said.
    The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases, “that trigger very strong emotions of fear or anxiety,” Ong said. “I think that’s what we need to be looking at. And be wary of.”
    Before the FBI had identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks as the “subject involved” in the shooting, speculation about the gun and the identity of the alleged shooter had begun. Posts began moving through social media almost immediately, suggesting that the shooter used a BB gun, or alternatively that the weapon was a “ghost gun” built from 3D-printed parts.
    Police later said they recovered an AR-style rifle at the scene.

    Neither claim could be immediately substantiated. Each claim serves a partisan narrative, either that the shooting was a hoax or evidence of lax gun regulations.

    Similarly unsubstantiated noise emerged from rightwing spaces about the identity of the alleged shooter.

    “These are the usual responses that we get from the accelerationists in the far right channels … you’ve got people identifying the shooter as Antifa, or as a trans person, as a Jewish person,” Rogers said. “You’ve got the usual suspects being trotted out. And then on the more QAnon channels you’ve got ‘this is the left trying to bait us into a civil war’.”

    The one thing Rogers found most disturbing was a pattern of mass deletion of posts in the far-right Telegram channels she follows in the minutes after the shooting. She said they do that in case it was one of their own.
    “Telegram aficionados know that people are watching and potentially, if there was a connection, if there’s anybody on there that did actually have facts, it’s not like they’re going to let that stuff stand.”

    p.s. shooter was a registered republican

  2. refuse to accept the suggestion “the left” is responsible for the tense political climate from the right-wingers that have constantly fomented fear and aggression for the last 8 years
    and yes they laughed when a mentally-ill person tried to murder Pelosi and nearly killed her husband

  3. Newest shiny object for the media to work over until it is junked and tossed in the trash bin is an interesting one. An assassination attempt is serious work, something deserving of serious journalism.  Will we have that? Of course not. We will see every conspiracy theory sliced, diced, gnawed on and digested, the more stupid and insane the better for views and clicks. 
    There will be a few things left on the side of the buffet table. Perhaps the AR-15, weapon of choice for certain types, but not a good tool for this use. Maybe that the killer was a registered republican, and a voter too.  The shooter was twenty years old.  All of the violent language used by sfb, implicit and explicit.  And, reason.

  4. From WaPo:

    Who was Thomas Matthew Crooks?

    Crooks was 20 years old and from Bethel Park, Pa. — about 40 miles south of Butler, the location of Saturday night’s Trump rally, the FBI said.

    A Thomas Crooks is named in a local media outlet’s listof graduates of Bethel Park High School in 2022 and as one of 20 students to have received a $500 prize for math and science from the school that year.

    Crooks was registered as a Republican, according to Pennsylvania’s voter status records…

    The suspected shooter used an AR-15- style semiautomatic rifle to carry out the attack, a U.S. official and another person familiar with the investigation said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the early stages of the investigation.

    Not a Democrat.  Not a “deep stater”.  A Republican.  Now who could have predicted that?

  5. From NYT:

    The gunman did not have a criminal history reflected in Pennsylvania’s public court records, and officials said they had not identified a motive. A voter-registration recordshowed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance recordsshow he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021.

    Doing the math … he would have been a HS junior when he made the donation and registered as a Republican a year or more later. 

  6. patriottakes


    5 months ago, Alex Jones and InfoWars guest Ivan Raiklin discussed how assassinating Trump would be beneficial, according to them, because it would lead to retaliatory “in kind” assassinations of a “deep state” list which includes President Joe Biden. Ivan Raiklin: “If they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.” Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, If they kill him, that’s best case scenario from a sick level. From a sick level medium, ‘Oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.” Raiklin: “Oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I access, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

  7. Hey…  anything happen recently that I should be aware of…   🙂
    just before the republican convention….   all the talk was about Biden….  what a coinky dinky…
    Jack….  lovely selection!

  8. Ivy – my suspicion is he lacks the mental parts for him to experience PTSD, in other words he is too stupid.  He does not experience empathy.  We do not know if he feels pain, physical or emotional.  This event happened while his mouth was open, so he might not have noticed anything until the Secret Service tackled his bulk. No adrenaline rush you get under the circumstances of having little metal things zipping about.  My guess is he thought the SS was attacking himself, and then later learned he was a target.

  9. ABC NEWS: The firearm recovered at the scene of the Trump assassination attempt was legally purchased by the suspect’s father, an urgent trace conducted by ATF found, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

  10. sturge, chilling how those quotes

    Ivan Raiklin: “If they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.” Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, If they kill him, that’s best case scenario from a sick level. From a sick level medium, ‘Oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.” Raiklin: “Oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I access, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

    are so indicative the plan for civil unrest growing into civil war is still alive out there.  remember that was the plan proposed in The Turner Diaries back in the ’70s via a race war. 

  11. Pogo: Not a Democrat.  Not a “deep stater”.  A Republican.

    Won’t stop them from lying about it. 

  12. Jewish jazz…Moron music, becomes our national music.
    —Henry Ford
    Turns out he bought a crumby little newspaper in Dearborn and for 92 weeks once a week ran anti-Jewish editorials, like The International Jew and such. Hitler seems to have gotten ideas from Ford’s newspaper articles from 1920-1921 for his 1925 mein kampf.

    Wow, ford was a real turd.

  13. I had a terrible time  around the Trump shooting.  I was wishing he was dead and berating the would be assassin for missing and finally hoping a better shot would try.
    I’m sorry that he is such a disgusting person that he makes me wish him dead.

  14. When the news said he was a registered Republican, the response where I live was that he made campaign contributions to Dems and we were not off the hook. 
    No idea if that’s true; yesterday the same person told me the shooter was a Chinese national.  

    Then the news folks read JD Vance’s nasty and threatening response.  Ummm, Pelosi, gallows, hang Pence, enemies list, military tribunals.   It’s the MAGAts who are constantly whipping things up.
    Here’s hoping the media doesn’t completely ignore Project 2025 this week and beyond.
    Gunsmoke and mirrors.  Do.Not.Take.Your.Eyes.Off.Of.The.Prize.
    Could this have worked out any better for them, or been timed more perfectly?   Dumbass luck.

  15. ridiculous that anyone is trying to ascribe some cogent political philosophy to a mentally-ill, bullied, 20 year-old kid that had no business near a gun
    15$ to a voter outreach group when he was 16 years old does not a “Dem donor” make, especially when all that these organizations do, right or left, is beg for money

  16. Crackers – I’m hoping he goes golfing and lightning gets him, just like wants.  No sharks, electrocution.  That’s what he said he’d prefer. 

    Yeah, I too am sorry that he’s such a miserable, lying, grifting, POS that I find it difficult to feel any sympathy for him.    Hey! This is how he feels about everyone.  He doesn’t!

  17. …getting real tired of Bill Maher unproductively stating the obvious as if he is some sort of truth-teller.  
    Words matter and you ain’t helping, Bill.  Smoke up and STFU

    Oh and i saw in a clip someone posted here he had a lying provocateur on his show’s panel, because, you know, that’s the “other side”. So balanced! 🖕

  18. Yep, that $15 to an organization focused on getting folks registered & Dems to vote regularly when he was 17 is what they are smoking.  
    The cult is beyond saving. Vote blue.
    Biden/Harris 2024
    tRUMPsky van No/Project 2025 Never!
    Not how I had planned to spend my day, hiding from MAGAt-itis. 

  19. ABC NEWS: Suspected Trump shooter was once rejected from high school rifle club, 2 former team members tell @ABC 

    “…he was asked not to come back because how bad of a shot he was, it was considered like, dangerous,” said one of team members.

    Just Askin: Are High School rifle clubs a good idea?

  20. Not how I had planned to spend my day, hiding from MAGAt[s]

    i’m out in the streets, spreading positive vibes.  We need ‘em, and i gotta life to live

  21. Speaker Mike Johnson called on politicians to “turn the rhetoric down” — “We’re all Americans, and we have to treat one another with dignity and respect.”

  22. OH
    and btw 
    this is the guy who said on national broadcast media, 8 years ago, that he hoped his “2nd Amendment people” would “do something” about HRC
    So let’s not pretend to be confused about who and how this political climate developed

  23. “He would sit alone at lunch. He was just the outcast,” 21-year-old Jason Kohler, who said he attended high school with Crooks, told NBC News (https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/former-classmate-of-trump-rally-gunman-says-he-was-bullied-almost-every-day-214828614001).

    “It’s honestly kind of sad.  want to say he was a loner more because he was quiet, but he was just bullied. He was bullied so much. So much,” Kohler added. “He was just made fun of, I guess, for the way he dressed or his appearance.”

    Crooks worked as a dietary aid at Bethel Park Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation, the Associated Press reported. (https://www.yahoo.com/news/know-20-old-suspect-apparent-130944765.html).

    The nursing home’s administrator, Marcie Grimm, said that Crooks had a clean background when she hired him, adding that she was “shocked and saddened to learn of his involvement.”

    Michael Dudjak, 20, who said he attended school with Crooks most of his life, described the suspected shooter as being reserved and “on his own a lot.”

  24. mTg is a loon.  It’s Orange Adolf who has explicated for military tribunals for Liz Cheney and anyone else who’s come against him.  

    Remember to vote blue! 
    Remember it’s a vote against Project 2025!
    Remember the important part, journalists!

  25. I haven’t come up with anything good to say

    yeah you did
    ”Thoughts are enough” -you

  26. what’s up with the shoes?  why were they off?

    What was said on stage in the seconds after Trump was shot | CNN Politics


    18:12:23: Agents: “We’re clear, we’re clear, we’re clear.”

    18:12:23: Male agent: “Let’s move, let’s move.”

    Agents start to stand up, lifting Trump.

    18:12:33: Trump: “Let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes.”

    18:12:35: Male agent 2: “I got you sir, I got you sir.”

    18:12:36: Trump: “Let me get my shoes on.”

    18:12:37: Another male agent: “hold on, your head is bloody.”

    18:12:39: Male agent 2: “Sir we’ve got to move to the car sir.”

    18:12:42: Trump: “Let me get my shoes.”

    18:12:43: Female agent: “OK, [inaudible].”

    18:12:47: Trump: “Wait, wait, wait” then fist pumps to crowd. He mouths “fight” three times – a move met with cheers by the crowd.

    18:12:54: Agent: “We got to move, we got to move.”

  27. Nice catch. He must wear lifts and is either embarrassed to be seen without them or doesn’t want to be caught with them. even in such circumstances
    He is so mentally ill 

  28. Former Classmates Describe Crooks As Politically Conservative

    — Philadelphia Inquirer 8:23 p.m. ET: “Former student Max R. Smith remembered Crooks as an intelligent classmate with conservative political leanings. Smith recalled participating in a mock debate in a course they took together, where their teacher posed questions on government policy and had students stand on opposite sides of the classroom to signal their support or opposition. “The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other. … It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”


  29. Is there a video of him walking onto the stage?  I can’t find it, but saw it yesterday at some point…and the shoes were in full view if there’s anything to be gleaned from watching it. 

  30. he probably slides them off and stands on a box

    if you see him “step up”
    to the podium at these things, that’s what he’s doing

  31. Let me get my shoes on. Really?  Why would he take his shoes off to step onto a box? Not saying he doesn’t do that – he is, after all, crazy as hell – but this absolutely makes no sense to me.

  32. …because the lifts are uncomfortable?  pure speculation on my part but i know some men are weird about height

    trump’s somewhat tall, but there are plenty taller, like his son, and i promise he’s insecure when taller people are around him, most men are, tell me i’m wrong

    his suit is cut the way it is to hide his body, his hair is styled a certain way to hide his age (he thinks), and lifts are the only explanation to the relevant puzzlement, guy is beholden to his smoke and mirrors

  33. this whole story seems rather cut-and-dried, i’m bored of the same coverage from every outlet, i wonder how long corporate media will try to milk it 🙄

    shooter was obviously not left, i personally think it’s silly to ascribe a 20 year old outcast to some coherent conservatism, but this radicalized environment is a direct consequence of right-wing rabble rousing

    Maher looking dumber by the minute, new rule: fuck off bill

  34. just sayin if you watch him in an environment not controlled by him, like a debate, he’s always making faces that could be grimaces of pain from pinched toes
    ^(more responsible speculation than shooter motive or affiliation)

  35. You could be right Bink. In the context of Trump behavior this wouldn’t be the craziest thing he’s ever done. Might not even make the top 10 for that week…or day even.

  36. And I certainly agree with you about trying to attribute the shooter’s motive to his political leanings. I’m happy to see that’s exactly what the RWNJs did before knowing anything about him. If anything his politics explain more about them than him. 
    BTW if you could distill and package stupidity it would come in a MTG-shaped container.

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