Send in the Clowns

How will the late-night comedians coming off their holiday break shape or influence the political turmoil?


59 thoughts on “Send in the Clowns”

  1. stephen:

    Stephen Colbert recaps the reactions to President Biden’s disastrous debate and examines the challenges Democrats face going forward as the president refuses to step aside.

  2. seth:

    Trump Caught Lying About Project 2025, Biden Insists He’s Staying in Race: A Closer Look

    Jimmy addresses the latest news, like Biden being pressured to drop out of the 2024 election, Delta passing out moldy meals on a flight and Chipotle bringing back their gold foil burrito wrappers for the Olympics.

  3. Jon Stewart has some concerns in the aftermath of Joe Biden’s debate performance. Jon digs into the backlash to America’s bed-wetting panic over Biden’s incoherence, some of the president’s recent slip-ups, the future of the Democratic candidate, and Biden’s promise in an ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos to give “fighting fascism” his all.

  4. Today could be really good for Biden … or really bad – The Washington Post

    President Biden survived Democratic lawmakers’ return to Washington yesterday without any new calls for him to step down as his party’s presidential nominee since his fumbling debate performance last month with Donald Trump.
    Today will be another critical test.
    Front-line House Democrats who represent competitive districts will meet with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) first thing in the morning. Of all the groups, they are most worried about Biden’s electability and any potential drag on their races.
    The full House Democratic caucus is set to meet at 9 a.m. at the Democratic National Committee headquarters — without their phones, in an attempt to prevent real-time leaks — where they will discuss how they feel about Biden remaining the nominee.
    Senate Democrats are expected to discuss the matter at their regularly scheduled lunch today.
    Biden has made clear that he doesn’t plan to relinquish the nomination, and avoiding further calls from Democratic lawmakers for him to step aside could stem much of the pressure.
    Just nine House Democrats have called for him to exit the race — six of them publicly and three of them privately.
    No Senate Democrats have done so, although Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) last week tried to persuade a group of senators to call on Biden to step aside. He backtracked after the effort was reported by The Washington Post and released a statement encouraging “conversations.”
    Others have said they still support Biden, but many Democrats fall somewhere in between. These are the lawmakers Biden will need to prevent from defecting in coming days — and today’s meetings will be crucial.
    Here’s a sampling of where House and Senate Democrats currently stand. (Dozens of lawmakers have weighed in publicly; this is nowhere near a complete list.)
    Calling for Biden to drop out
    Reps. Angie Craig (D-Minn.), Lloyd Doggett (D-Tex.), Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Seth Moulton (D-Mass.), Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) have publicly called for Biden to exit the race. Reps. Joseph Morelle (D-N.Y.), Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Mark Takano (D-Calif.) have done so in private.
    “Rep. Angie Craig (D-Minn.) joined a Zoom call Sunday with more than 100 wealthy Democratic donors for a legal briefing about the process for replacing President Biden on the ballot,” multiple people who joined the call told our colleagues Michael Scherer and Tyler Pager.
    While no other Democratic lawmakers called on Biden step aside yesterday, many — particularly in the Senate — expressed concern about Democrats’ ability to win with Biden at the top of the ticket.
    Standing with Biden
    The Congressional Black Caucus is with Biden. We have more on that below.
    Many House and Senate Democrats are backing Biden, including Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Jeffries. More came out in support of him yesterday.
    Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) is all in for Biden. “Joe Biden will be reelected President of the United States,” he said. “He’s not a convicted felon. He should stay in the race.”
    “Joe Biden will be our strongest candidate,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said.
    Biden’s supporters, like his critics, come from across the ideological spectrum, although many liberals are sticking with him — including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who has harshly criticized Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza.
    “He’s been the best president of my lifetime and we have his back,” Omar told reporters.

  5. reposting craig’s 9:27 info last night:

    NY Times Editorial tonight:

    “Mr. Trump, of course, should also withdraw from this race, not least because of his own cognitive deficiencies and incessant lying. He, too, is not the man he was four years ago. He also makes fewer public appearances and refuses to answer questions about his health. His habitual mendacity now frequently wanders into nonsensical incoherence. He would be the oldest person ever to be inaugurated as president — older than Mr. Biden was in 2021. Mr. Trump is manifestly unfit to serve as president, and there is reason to believe a majority of the American people still can be rallied against his candidacy.”


    too bad they didn’t do this first before they trashed joe.  it would have helped ease the pain.

  6. They not be having the same growing old affects.  One has a family history of Alzheimer’s Disease, the other rides bicycles and talks in complete, comprehensible, sentences.  One is living in an alternate universe, the other is facing world problems with aplomb.
    As for much of the entertainment world I stopped watching and listening decades ago.  They stopped being funny to me, their views of the world became strained, joke writers were running out of jokes.  The need for a poignant view of the world was not satisfied. Burned out? Saw too much of the real world? Just jaded? Perhaps.

  7. This is over, time to unite and focus on Trump. Biden is clearly not giving in and holds the high legal ground to keep the nomination.

  8. Of course Hannity didn’t push back last night — he tells the same lies. This isn’t true. Trump campaign still has not produced proof of this claim, but he keeps on saying it and millions believe him.

    Trump: “Illegal Migrants are getting the right to vote. being pushed by crooked Democrat Politicians who are not being stopped by an equally dishonest Justice Department. Our whole voting system is under siege.”

  9. Hmmm, MAGAts know they are losing and are already trying to push the ~stolen election~ narrative.   Time to feed the xenophobic base.

    Hmmm, Dems have votes from most women because Orange Adolf and his illegitimate SCOTUS (lied under oath to Congress) overturned Roe, people of color who have seen civil rights start to erode, LGBQ+ people who are increasingly at risk, union members, teachers, those in the medical profession, younger people and seniors who don’t want retirement age raised and benefits cut, and anyone who values democracy.

    If it’s not close, they can’t cheat. 

    Biden/Harris 2024
    Hoping Taylor Swift will do another message reminding folks to register to vote, and a second one reminding them to vote.  She doesn’t even have to endorse, because everyone knows a truly independent woman would not vote to have a fascist state…and as rich as she is, she lost her right to bodily autonomy, too.  Yeah, she’s rich enough to bypass any regulation, but the fact is that she would have to bypass it.  It’s there because of tRUMPsky. 

    Biden/Harris 2024
    tRUMP/Project 2025 Never!

  10. The debate was awful and the White House’s response was awful. But I still would rather endure Joe as our candidate than to have to endure the agony of replacing him, unless somehow someone could prove that it would not be an agony. The number of elections I’ve seen democrats lose due to internal strife is the sole basis of my support for Joe.

    So that’s my vote.

  11. “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye.”

  12. Jen Psaki in defense of hard questions.  




    on President Biden: “I worked for him. I respect him. I care about him deeply. But if I sat here every night and told you that every question being asked out there is unfair, I wouldn’t be respecting you. So I’m not going to do that.”

  13. Thanks, Jamie. You might get me onto podcasts yet. 

    I’m continually astonished by how many people I talk with learned absolutely nothing about history because “it was so boring in school.”

  14. New AARP poll of Wisconsin, taken after debate.

    Trump: 44

    Biden: 38


    Sen. Tammy Baldwin: 50 (+5)

    Republican Hovde: 45

  15. The Ultra  podcasts are superb.  They need to be listened to and widely disseminated  for others.

  16. It’s a little long for a bumper sticker, but maybe a billboard?
    (Stolen from Quora Digest)

  17. From Morning Consult 2 days ago.

    Biden Has Lost Little Swing-State Support Following First Debate
    Biden holds an advantage over Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin

    The article goes on to say that it appears the numbers in those states are solid, and that voters might be amenable to someone else at the top of the Dem ticket. In my world that would draw “Objection – speculation.”  Funny, I was under the impression that polls are a snapshot, not a predictor.

  18. Honest Clinical analysis of Trump/Biden debate and post debate.

    Hosts Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segal are joined by geriatrician and dementia expert Dr. Elizabeth Landsverk to analyze Biden’s debate performance and determine what signs of dementia, if any, he actually displayed. Dr. Vince Greenwood is also back on the show to help us evaluate the signs of aging and cognitive decline shown from both candidates.

  19. This was always true but more so now: For Biden to have any chance at winning this campaign it has to be almost exclusively about Trump.  When 60% think you’re candidate isn’t up to the job and and he can’t seem to do anything to change that the only path is to scare them away from the other guy.

  20. Well, it’s NATO week, so it’s not gonna happen right now.  If anything were to be announced, all of the hand-wringers and Dems with ambitions will have to wait for the week of July 15th. 

    Biden/Harris 2024
    tRUMP/Project 2025 Never!

  21. Question is how does a Biden loss affect House and Senate? Tammy polling 12 pts better than Joe in Wisconsin today for a 5 pt lead offers some encouragement he’s not a drag down ballot even with Ttump ahead 6 pts there.

  22. sturge, sure hope the

    geriatrician and dementia expert [docs] to analyze Biden’s debate performance and determine what signs of dementia, if any, he actually displayed

    will have the ability to see/hear the whole event including what it was like for Biden that night? their review should include what he was hearing, seeing and physically enduring standing there. what was it like to be in the room and what was going on had to affect him.  we, the audience only saw and heard what the camera and the individual microphones picked up.   joe has said drumpf was talking/shouting even though his mic was muted.  was drumpf also moving around (remember the menacing moves during the hillary debate) and causing distractions?   what else may have been going on in the room?  

    also will they be given his itinerary before and leading seconds up to the debate to get a picture of what stresses he may have encountered?

  23. If I were Joe, would not debate Trump again unless he’s in a straitjacket. 

  24. Nazis are marching in Nashville. 

    Wonder what the Nashville Country Music guys think about that, huh…..


  25. Tammy polling 12 pts better than Joe in Wisconsin today for a 5 pt lead offers some encouragement he’s not a drag down ballot even with Ttump ahead 6 pts there.

    i can’t imagine voters will split their ballots between trump and Dem congressional candidates 

  26. You loyalists can disbelieve data all you want, them’s is some terrible poll numbers, you got work to do

    Team Biden has work to do
    Team Biden needs to fire some people also


    “During a demonstration in downtown Nashville by a group called Patriot Front, some of the marchers were seen using U-Haul vehicles for transportation.”
    “When asked about Saturday’s incident, Jeff Lockridge, a spokesperson for U-Haul International, told News 2 the company is inclusive company that serves customers from all walks of life across the U.S. and Canada.”

    “We don’t ask customers about their personal views, political affiliations, religious beliefs, voting history, income level, educational background, race, gender, sexual preferences, or any other private information that is none of our business,” Lockridge said. “Our business is meeting the basic need of helping people achieve affordable, accessible residential mobility.”

    * Somehow, I think this would’ve been a bigger deal to U-Haul and the police had this been Muslims protesting Israel, or anyone more heavily melanated. Heck, the police may be among them. 
    “In a photo captured by user “headspacehouse” on X, several ‘Patriot Front’ members are shown packed inside a U-Haul trailer.”

    “According to the ‘Terms and Conditions for Equipment Rental’ section of the U-Haul rental contract, a “customer shall require passengers to ride only in the cab of the truck, pickup truck, and van or vehicle towing any trailer.”

    The MAGAts are ready to attack, ready to instigate another civil war.

  28. Country Music went from supporting W Bush’s wars to having Nazis marching in the streets.  

    How you like that, Grand Ole Opry?
    What, the Klan was busy?


    “More than 100 people, believed to be part of Patriot Front, marched through the streets of downtown Nashville on Saturday, July 6, covering their faces with masks while holding shields and Confederate flags.”

    *Now, they have no problem wearing masks.  Probably police, firefighters, and other ~upstanding~ members of the community. Heck, maybe even an evangelical preacher or two. 

    “Just before 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 6, State Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville) took to social media to share a photo of the group making their way up to the Tennessee Capitol.”

    “White supremacists marching outside the Tennessee Capitol today. This comes after a march of neo-Nazis in the Spring and Proud Boys rallying there a year ago,” Jones wrote. “Shame on my Republican colleagues who continue to welcome these hate groups to our state with racist laws and rhetoric.”

    “In a statement, Tennessee Democratic Party Chair Hendrell Remus said, “This is what we’re fighting against in Tennessee. This is what we’re fighting against in America. While our Republican State leaders sit quietly by, we refuse to let hate-filled racists terrorize our community.”

  30. Nashville is trending liberal with the infusion of money and female-led country culture, which is probably why the nazis decided to make a display there

    i wanna see them try in Memphis 😆

    Yo, swing TN for the good guys, Tay-Kelce or whatever you two are called

    i’m sorry but there’s something comical about the mental image of 30 overdressed racist idiots packed into a hot uhaul hitting their heads on every bump, Darwin might end up taking care of a few of them, eventually 👍

    ok pardon me, Preserve America, Vote Biden

  31. BREAKING: Nikki Haley is not invited to the 2024 RNC Convention

    “She was not invited, and she’s fine with that,” Haley spokeswoman Chaney Denton told CNN. “Trump deserves the convention he wants.  She’s made it clear she’s voting for him and wishes him the best.”

    ‘Stealing with both hands’: veteran reporter Joe Conason details the right wing’s graft
    “Take the grifting around ‘stop the steal’, post-election, 2020-21. Led by Trump’s son in law [Jared Kushner], they knew they were going to do it before the election was even over. ‘We’re going to keep our fundraising operation intact.’ And they booked a quarter of a billion dollars in a couple of months. It was amazing. One of the biggest rip-offsever.”
    ”On the page, Conason charts 75 years of rightwing rip-off merchants attacking liberals and making money. Beginning with the supposedly anti-communist crusade of the lawyer Roy Cohn in the mid-1950s, proceeding through the rise of the Moral Majority, the attempt to bring down Bill Clinton and the brief age of the Tea Party, he ends with Cohn’s protege, Trump, poised to retake power.”
    They were groomed by TV preachers.

  33. Nikki is voting for the orange monster whom she said was “not fit to serve.”   K

  34. …predictable spinelessness from Nikki Haley, and a direct insult to those who supported her candidacy precisely to prevent what she now encourages them to do 🤦‍♂️ 

    maybe she’s justifiably afraid of the right-wing zealots in her party. Blink twice, Nikki

  35. She’s learned from the master – he was described this morning as being able to say two contradictory things in the same sentence and the press never calls him on it. 

  36. Dana Bash
    I am told that Senators Michael Bennett, Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester told colleagues in today’s Democratic caucus lunch that they do not believe that President Biden can win the election.
    5:33 PM · Jul 9, 2024

  37. Cook Political Report
    Today, we’re making six changes to our Electoral College Ratings.
    AZ: Toss Up to Lean R
    GA: Toss Up to Lean R
    MN: Likely D to Lean D
    #NE02: Likely D to Lean D
    NH: Likely D to Lean D
    NV: Toss Up to Lean R

  38. “Government works for or against you at all levels, Vote Blue Down Ballot 🫡 “

  39. “President Biden isn’t the only thing up for a vote this Nov. , so is your BODILY AUTONOMY.  Keep it, Vote Blue” 

  40. NOVember/ROEvember/JOEvember

    Biden/Harris 2024  (Yes, let’s remember that Kamala Harris is on the ticket, too…and yet some Dems who are ready to oust Joe don’t think a ticket with Harris can win…so there would be convention chaos.)

    tRUMP/Project 2025 aka Agenda 47 NEVER!

  41. Biden courted Nikki’s voters, while tRUMPsky shunned them.  

    She may have released her delegates for the MAGAt convention, but her supporters may move to Biden in November, (or stay home and not help the fat fascist).

  42. Let’s see how much attention it gets this week.  Sadly, there weren’t millions of viewers like there were for the debate.   Biden’s Dem naysayers/stealth rivals sure heard it, though. 


  43. sounds as if the Repug/MAGAt convention isn’t going to bring prosperity to the host city.  

    cuz they’re staying someplace else they think is “nicer”.
    trickle-fuck-you economics

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