46 thoughts on “Rolled”

  1. david horsey’s op ed, speaking of being rolled in another sense, 

    Trump sells Bibles; evangelicals sell their souls | The Seattle Times

    P.T. Barnum, the great 19th century showman, circus owner and hoax promoter, is quoted as saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
    Donald J. Trump, the great 21st century con man, political phenomenon and hoax promoter, would heartily agree. Trump has built a weirdly successful career in business, entertainment and politics based on his uncanny ability to convince legions of suckers to buy into his self-aggrandizing schemes, from Trump University, the Trump charity and the Big Lie, to his latest scam tricking thousands of poor chumps into chipping  in to pay his millions of dollars in legal bills.
    And, now, Trump is selling Bibles. These aren’t just any Bibles, these are “God Bless the USA” Bibles featuring some of the lyrics from country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic song of that name — a textual addition that King James might find curious were he still around to promote his own translation of the holy book. Of course, the king is long dead, which made it easy for Trump to expropriate the old monarch’s version of the scriptures for his own money-making scheme.
    Trump solemnly stipulates that money raised from Bible sales will not be used for his presidential campaign. What he makes less clear is the fact that he is getting paid for every book sold by the publisher — a publishing operation that he happens to own.
    But dare we doubt that Trump is sincere in his mission to spread the gospel?
    “All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favorite book,” Trump assured his potential customers in the video promoting Bible sales on Truth Social. “I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible. We must make America pray again.”
    Pray — and pay again, that is.
    Forgive me for being a skeptic, but I would bet $59.99 (the price of Trump’s Bibles) that he does not have “many” Bibles in his home and I am pretty darn sure it is not his favorite book. That would have to be his own ghost-written book, “The Art of the Deal.”
    Trump is clearly not a religious man. He has spent his life enthusiastically engaging in each of the Seven Deadly Sins. Nevertheless, evangelical Christians are his most ardent supporters and are likely to be his best customers for the new Bible. Trump exploiting the Word of God for his own financial gain may be a form of desecration, if not blasphemy, but, sadly, some conservative Christians will not be bothered. They have already sold their political souls to the huckster from Mar-a-Lago.

  2. BTW, on this day according to britannica:

    Treaty of Paris, (1856), treaty signed on March 30, 1856, in Paris that ended the Crimean War. The treaty was signed between Russia on one side and France, Great Britain, Sardinia-Piedmont, and Turkey on the other. Because the western European powers had fought the war to protect Ottoman Turkey from Russia, the treaty gave special attention to this problem. The signatories guaranteed the independence and territorial integrity of Turkey. Russia was obliged to surrender Bessarabia (situated at the mouth of the Danube River) to Moldavia, which along with Walachia were reorganized as autonomous states under Ottoman suzerainty. (These two principalities later joined to form Romania.) The Black Sea was neutralized (i.e., its waters were closed to all warships), and the Danube was opened to the shipping of all nations. In 1870 Russia repudiated the demilitarization of the Black Sea and began to rebuild its naval fleet there.

  3. Peter Max did an early album cover of Hank Williams songs. 

    I got this album very early when I was a kid; it’s signed P. Max, and I’ve wondered all thru the 60’s and ever since if it was really him who drew it and finally looked it up on the inner tubes and there it was. Nice piece of triviana.

    I was going to find him and ax him, but he’s got the Alzheimer’s and the kids are fighting over control.


  4. To take Maureen’s Lucifer-metaphor to its logical next step…

    …Satan, as a member of the spiritual realm, is not a recipient of God’s gift of redemption and forgiveness. He is not like us, he is not human so we are not meant to treat him like a human being. We are not meant to forgive him and God has forgiven us…. Jesus’ attitude to Satan is unforgiving and therefore so should ours. Satan is utterly opposed to everything of God.


  5. Scump put up a picture of Pres Biden tied up in the back of a truck.

    As far as Plumpty’s mental health is concerned, his cheering squad for actions like this are his worst enemies. 

  6. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/29/politics/trump-fundraising-ultra-maga/index.html

    Grift o’ the week:

    “Donors to new Trump fundraising outfit can obtain ‘Ultra MAGA’ status with maximum contribution” 

    “The highest level of contributions to the Trump 47 Committee – as the joint fundraising committee is known – is called “Ultra MAGA” and is designated for individuals who donate $814,600, the current limit that one person can currently donate to Trump 47.  
    The other levels include:
    “Team Trump 2024” for those who donate $250,000.
    “Team America First” for $100,000 contributions.
    “Club 47” at $50,000.“MAGA 24” at the $24,000 level. 
    “Perks for those contributing at the top level include seating at Trump’s table at dinner, along with a photo opportunity and a personalized copy of Trump’s “Our Journey Together” coffee table book.”  

    What, they don’t get a brown shirt?

  7. Pat
    That cartoon is a bit to Bothsiderism for me. Both sides are not equal in the disorder that is the current Congress, imo.
    A better cartoon would be having the Democrats and  Republicans doing  a traditional egg roll while the Maga folks go around stomping on everybody’s eggs.
    If I had even a bit of artistic talent I would draw it for you. I can see it in my mind but could never get it down on paper. 

  8. jack, 

    Happy Easter - Imgflip


    not only did they go on another vacation, house republicans let loose donnie their pet snake in the grass  

  9. Yes Jack, it’s high time anyone stops blaming “Congress” and starts blaming Republicans.  Pure and simple, the maggots are driving the car into the ditch but EVERY republican is equally to blame for refusing to take the wheel from them. The republicans in Congress are ALL responsibl, every damned last one of them. Especially those who would rather QUIT than do a right thing.
    Scurrilous reprehensibles.

  10. $200 worth of burgers is only about 20 to 30 burgers…..unless his cheap ass got the One-Dollar special.

    And what……no fries?

  11. Sometimes I get the fleeting impression that Garland is playing his cards very close to the vest and absolutely knows what he’s doing.

  12. A double cheeseburger at All American Hamburger Drive-In of Massapequa, Long Island is $4.15.  
    A regular (small) hamburger is $2.00.
    A double hamburger is $3.70, and a plain quarter-pounder is $4.15.
    A quarter-pounder with cheese is $4.60.
    There website says “business since 1963.”
    Yep, before LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. 
    I’d wager they chose the place because it’s a small business and it’s called “All American,” because Adolf seems to be an aficionado of McD’s.

  13. They chose that place cause that’s damned cheap……they must make those burgers out of horse droppings.  

  14. i’ll say it again, only extremists vote in the primaries, so only extremists (or those who pander to them) get sent to the general, so only extremists get elected
    good metaphor, Mr. J 👍 

  15. https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2024/03/08/arizona-gop-senator-aspirin-birth-control-ban/72896881007/

    “Leave it to [AZ] Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli to mansplain our options.”

    “Like I said, Bayer Company invented aspirin,” he told Arizona Mirror’s Gloria Rebecca Gomez. “Put it between your knees.”

    “They’re creating a controversy that doesn’t exist because nobody’s opposing — nobody has any kind of plan to ban any contraceptives,” he said.

    “On the day after the Republican Party had a woman deliver its response to the State of Union speech from her kitchen …”

    “Borrelli didn’t indicate how that aspirin between the knees would help women with polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, premenstrual issues or even pregnancy.”

    They ARE coming after all forms of birth control next, even pills which address other medical issues. Adolf endorses Sonny. Hope it sinks him.

  16. DNC WarRoom having fun nowadays

    NEW SINGLE: DNC Releases “Party’s Fallin’ Down” About Lara Trump’s Disastrous Start at the RNC – Democrats

     As RNC Co-chair Lara Trump releases a new song today in an effort to reboot her singing career amidst the RNC’s disastrous fundraising numbers, bad headlines, and crushing losses, the DNC is releasing a new AI-generated song about Lara Trump’s rocky start as RNC co-chair.

    LISTEN TO “Party’s Fallin’ Down” HERE

    DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement: 

    “Lara Trump’s ‘music career’ is just like her time at the RNC so far: embarrassing, unserious, and a waste of money. But we can appreciate the effort – and wanted to help Lara tell her own story about how she and her fellow MAGA extremists at the RNC are broke and losing election after election. That’s why we’re excited to release our very first single, ‘Party’s Fallin’ Down,’ a summer party anthem about how the RNC is falling apart under Lara Trump and the rest of the new ultra-MAGA team. We didn’t put as much time and money into making our song since we’re busy with our record-breaking fundraising and supporting Democrats up and down the ballot, but Lara is by all means welcome to keep making music instead of trying to win elections.”

    If you want to sing along:

    [Verse 1]

    Lara Trump, what’s going on?

    You’re running the RNC, but it’s a sad song (sad song)

    Fundraising’s low, can’t meet the mark

    Republicans losing, it’s getting dark (oh-oh-oh)


    Oh Lara, Lara, what have you done? (what have you done?)

    The party’s fallin’ down, it’s no longer fun

    Oh Lara, Lara, can’t you see? (can’t you see?)

    Your leadership’s sinking Trump’s GOP

    [Verse 2]

    Empty pockets, no money in sight

    Candidates struggling, it’s a losing fight (losing fight)

    Lara Trump, you doing okay?

    The Republican Party’s seen better days (oh-oh-oh)


    Oh Lara, Lara, what have you done? (what have you done?)

    The party’s fallin’ down, it’s no longer fun

    Oh Lara, Lara, can’t you see? (can’t you see?)

    Your leadership’s sinking Trump’s GOP

    [Verse 2 and chorus repeat with dance remix]

  17. This lady writes some mighty fine books about English History.  Mighty fine.  Sharon Kay Penman. 
    Delightful historical fiction. 

    The Book of Next Monh:
    The Sunne in Splendour is a historical novel about life of Richard III written by Sharon Kay Penman. The story begins in 1459 with Richard as a young boy, and ends in 1485 with his defeat at the Battle of Bosworth Field.

    When it comes to bringing English history to life Ms Penman ran the gamut and covered the waterfront and was right up there with the way Colleen McCulloch breathed life into Rome.

    She passed in 2021, I’m so glad I read her books while my eyes still worked well enough read books.

  18. it’s true what they say: “strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government”

    vote blue

    yo, you “should” (1000x pardons) make a reading list, i know march of folly by tuchman is on there

    i know “Anabasis” by Xenophon is on there

    i know “the sunne in splendor” by sk penman is on there

    ok spring sprang sprung 🫡

  19. Herr Drumpf. That name fits him.
    There’d be a lot of great books on that list.  A lot of it would be in the “Everything by” category.  

  20. If you are subject to the magat party hate about President Biden issuing a proclomation for Transgender Day of Visibilty on March 31 – oh hold me up if I faint – tomorrow is Easter and it is March 31.  Easter is always changing due to some mysterious religious calculations, tomorrow happens.  Transgender Day of Visibility is always March 31, regardless of the year.
    Once again the magat party finds anything they can, even if it is a flat out lie, to attack President Biden and Democrats.  That they can rile the scum into a froth by including Transgender people is a bonus to them.

  21. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/30/1241863710/att-data-breach-dark-web
    “AT&T announced on Saturday it is investigating a data breach involving the personal information of more than 70 million current and former customers leaked on the dark web.”
    “AT&T said the information included in the compromised data set varies from person to person. It could include social security numbers, full names, email and mailing addresses, phone numbers, and dates of birth, as well as AT&T account numbers and passcodes.”
    As much as I enjoy trail time and YouTube videos and music streaming, I wouldn’t mind going back to snail mail and vinyl.  The world is a dumpster fire and humans are a failed experiment.  

    BB – Spamalot was a great musical, and Tim Curry was a fab King Arthur. I wonder how many times the audience had cumulatively seen MP & the HG?

  22. Just had what I’d call a super cell blow past here. Closest strike was virtually simultaneous. Couldn’t have been more that 1/4 mile away, and DRAMATIC. 

  23. Beyoncé covered “Blackbird” on her new album, and it’s good, but I heard Kenny Rankin’s version first; even The Beatles come in second because I didn’t hear their original until probably a dozen years after Kenny’s cover.

  24. There was only one theater in the United States showing movies at one point during Covid.  It was a drive-in in Ocala, Florida.  

  25. https://www.newsweek.com/texas-gop-meeting-death-penalty-women-abortions-1884950

    “Texas Democrats have released a leaked video, saying it shows Texas Republicanssupporting the death penalty for women who seek abortions at a meeting held by an anti-abortion group.”

    “The video shows Hood County Constable Scott London, Hood County GOP Chair Steve Biggers and Hood County GOP Chair candidate Greg Harrell attending a meeting held by Abolish Abortion Texas (AATX) in Granbury in January, according to a news release from the Texas Democratic Party.”

    Because it Jesus who said “an eye for an eye.” No, wait… umm. (And, yeah, those are the words they used in the clip.)

    “If you want to know where the ‘pro-life’ movement is headed, watch this,” Martin wrote on X, formerly Twitter, alongside a seven-minute video consisting of clips from the meeting.”

  26. Fake Christians want to follow Hamurrabi’s code of retribution (that sounds like a very orange sort of thing to do), and kill a woman who’s had an abortion.  

    Based on the explanation by Biblical scholar, Dan McClellan, a fetus was seen as property of the husband.  A woman’s life, if taken, was subject to the death penalty. But that’s Old Testament thinking.

    Christians are supposed to believe in Jesus and follow his teachings of compassion.  Republicans who are trying to hide behind the Bible, or sell them, are not Christians.  They are not pro-life. Red states have even cut off food aid to children.

    Republicans are soulless monsters.

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