“O Sole Mini”

nothing new under thee

Attribution: Solar eclipse April 8 2024 by Dave Granlund, PoliticalCartoons.com


43 thoughts on ““O Sole Mini””

  1. Solar Eclipse Weather Outlook | Weather.com

    -​ It’s far too soon to determine who will have clear skies and who will be socked in with clouds and precipitation over a week away.

    -​ Even if the pattern looks wetter, that doesn’t mean the couple of hours on April 8 won’t offer at least glimpses, if not full views, of the eclipse. So, don’t be discouraged if you see a “wetter outlook.”

    -​ It’s also possible the eclipse may be obscured by clouds even if it doesn’t rain or snow. That kind of detail can’t be pinned down this far in advance.

    [however, they did publish a hint of what might occur]

    Average April 8 cloud cover in the U.S. from 2003 through 2023.

    (NASA Earth Observatory)


  2. your chances if all is well

    The path of totality, and the percentage of the sun masked by the moon at the peak of the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse.

    (Data: NASA)

  3. Why experts say to wear red and green during the solar eclipse (accuweather.com)

    The upcoming total solar eclipse will have some unusual effects on animals and the weather, but people who are in the path of totality may experience a strange effect with their vision and not because they use the wrong eclipse glasses.
    “There’s this thing that happens in the eye as we transition from day to nighttime called dark adaptation, but it takes about 20 to 30 minutes,” Dr. Nicole Bajic, an ophthalmologist at the Cleveland Clinic, told AccuWeather’s Tony Laubach.
    The quick flip from day to night has an unusual reaction on eyesight, specifically with how we perceive colors. This is known as the Purkinje Effect.
    “Reds appear [sic] kind of dark and then the, the greens and blues will pop in contrast,” Dr. Bajic said.
    Wearing a green or red shirt on the day of the eclipse could help people take notice of the Purkinje Effect. Additionally, having red and green objects nearby while watching the eclipse can also help folks take notice of the eclipse’s side effect.
    “If you have a lot of people around you, if you’re, you’re making this a group activity, you could have some people wear red, some people wear blues and greens,” Dr. Bajic added.
    The Purkinje Effect may also explain the viral debate from 2015 about a dress that to some appeared black and blue while others saw white and gold.

  4. Joe Biden at last night’s NYC gala fundraiser: 

    “Harry Truman said if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. I got one and it bit a secret service agent.”


  5. Liz Cheney


    Trump is repeatedly and maliciously attacking a judge’s daughter on social media. He knows this will bring threats of violence against her and the judge. Trump is depraved and unstable. This unconscionable behavior shows yet again why he is unfit for any office.

    6:57 AM · Mar 29, 2024

  6. 140 police officers were injured by Trump’s mob on J6. 

    Why has Trump never praised them for their service?

    Why didn’t he call any of them or their families?

    Why didn’t he visit them in the hospital?

    Why is he promising pardons to the people who beat and injured them?

  7. MeidasTouch — Trump exploited another death yesterday for selfish political purposes. 8 other officers were shot & killed in line of duty this year before Ofc Diller. Here’s what Trump was doing on the date of their funerals:

    JUSTIN SMITH – Rally in IA

    JEREMY MALONE – Press conference

    GREG MCCOWAN – Posted on Truth about Russia attacking NATO

    NEVADA KRINKEE – Rally in NC

    MATTHEW RUGE – Spoke at CPAC


    CODY ALLEN – Met with Orban

    JUSTIN HARE – Played golf

  8. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/28/us/donald-trump-bible-christianity-cec/index.html
    “It is a bankrupt Christianity that sees a demagogue co-opting our faith and even our holy scriptures for the sake of his own pursuit of power and praise him for it rather than insist that we refuse to allow our sacred faith and scriptures to become a mouthpiece for an empire,” said Rev. Benjamin Cremer on X.
    “What has caused outrage with this Bible is that it includes the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and even the lyrics to a Lee Greenwood song. So it’s adding to the Bible, and it’s adding specific political documents to the Bible that completely erase the separation of church and state.”

    “Tisby, who holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, has written about the dangers of Christian nationalism — both for the country and the Christian faith.”

    “What’s so pernicious about this is it plays on people’s devotion to God and their love of country, either of which by themselves could be innocuous or even good,” he said.
    “But in this effort, it is blending the two. And with Trump as the spokesperson, is conveying a very clear message about what kind of Christianity and what kind of love of nation (he is) promoting.”
    “When I hear ‘Make America Pray Again,’ I hear Christian nationalist promises that we are going to somehow ‘restore’ Christianity in this country. And if authoritarianism does come to the United States, it’s all but guaranteed it will be done in the name of Christianity, which is a very scary thought.”
    “The “God Bless the USA” Bible drew controversy from community members and publishers when it was published in 2021. It was originally supposed to be published by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, but the company passed on the deal.”
    “HarperCollins said in 2021 that pushback to the concept was not a factor in their decision. (Eagle-eyed Bible buffs will note this is why the Trump-backed tome uses the King James Version of the text, which is in the public domain. (HarperCollins holds US publishing rights to the bestselling New International Version translation of the Bible.)”
    “I think the essence of liberal progressive faith is compassion, so it is mind boggling (to such people) how someone could say they were a Christian and follow a guy who is very much not compassionate.”

    “The FAQ section of the “God Bless America” Bible website clarifies that no proceeds from the sales of the Bible will go towards Trump’s presidential campaign. However, there is no mention of whether any proceeds could be put toward his personal legal troubles.”

  9. From last night…
    How about that sports fans!!?! Bama knocked off UNC to advance to the elite 8. RTR!!🎉‼️🎊
    On to the Elite 8 for a showdown with Clemson. 

  10. Rick and I are staying put for the eclipse.  Its path will take it to northern NH.  The local news has already said that hotels rooms are sold out and there will be minimal facilities in the very small towns up north.  They are expecting major traffic jams.   
    Good luck!  We’ll see enough of it to satisfy us…

  11. Ivy,

    She’d probably say it was fun while it lasted – especially the burnings at the stake.

    Thanks to your question I had to do a little (very little) research and was unaware until now that Mary’s grandparents were Ferdinand and Isabella.  Small world back then, no?

    Crap. Louis Gossett Jr., commanding actor of TV and film, dies at 87

  12. Renee, There ain’t much north of the Whites as I recall, which is where it looks like the zone of totality will be.

  13. Renee, correct me if I’m wrong, but Rts. 2 & 3 are the only roads north of Littleton that have any towns on them and they’re 2 lanes from Littleton to the Canadian border.  And little towns is an apt description of anything up there, or is my memory wrong (or has there been a population boom in the northern boonies?)

  14. NYT: Maggie Haberman — “I don’t remember ever seeing a sitting judge go on TV before, a sign of the extraordinary moment the country is in.”

    Senior Judge Reggie Walton: “We do these jobs because we’re committed to the rule of law & we believe in the rule of law & the rule of law can only function effectively when we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm.” (CNN)

    Judge Walton, who was appointed by Bush 41 and 43, says threats against him were rare for most of his time on the bench, but increased after he began hearing cases against Jan. 6 defendants. Video.. https://x.com/CarolLeonnig/status/1773730997869109440?s=20

  15. Pogo…   you got it correct.  They are talking about the small towns north of Littleton.  Some of the towns have said they are bringing in portapotties.  But they have warned everyone to expect some hardship if they travel up there.

  16. This is “old” news from USA Today yesterday re: Truth Media stock.

    Donald Trump’s namesake social media company burst out of the gate on its first day of trading Tuesday, opening at $70.90 and soaring as high as $79.38 as Trump fans and opportunistic traders bought up shares. But the price faded late in the session and has bounced along at lower levels ever since, ending Thursday down $4.26 at $61.96 on the Nasdaq. The stock exchange was closed Friday in observance of Good Friday.   

    To be clear, it opened Tuesday at just at 70, fell as low as 57.25 before closing at 61.35 in its first day of trading, clawed back 4 points Wednesday, and Thursday it opened at 69.70 and dropped 4.26 points (6.43%) to 61.96. Anyone who purchased before about 3:30 Tuesday and hasn’t sold has lost money.

    Apparently the bubble didn’t even last a week – more like six hours, with a couple of very brief spikes Wednesday that were at the opening or within a point or two. Monday should be interesting. I’ll say this, the head of the NYSE isn’t crying about losing money from TM stock being listed on the Nasdaq. Ain’t no fundamentals behind that WAG opening value.

  17. Some hospitals are holding ventilators; they don’t want to let them up.

    The master of malapropism.

  18. Biden campaign woos Haley voters in new ad: ‘Join us’ | The Hill

    President Biden’s reelection campaign released an ad Friday that focuses on courting supporters of Republican Nikki Haley while also bashing former President Trump for pushing away her backers.
    The ad, first reported by The Washington Post, is a 30-second spot that includes the various times Trump has criticized Haley, including calling her “birdbrain” and “not presidential material.”
    The campaign is spending more than $1 million on the ad, which will run for three weeks in battleground states, according to the Post. It’s part of the $30 million ad buy that the campaign announced after the president’s State of the Union address to target the seven battleground states that are critical to Biden’s reelection bid.
    The campaign also released a statement earlier this week claiming Trump doesn’t want Haley voters, adding that Trump has been clear that voters who aren’t part of the “MAGA disciple” aren’t welcome in his camp.
    “Trump Outreach to Haley Voters: Nonexistent,” the campaign argued in an email. “Donald Trump doesn’t want moderate, independent, or Haley voters.”
    The campaign also noted that Trump hasn’t called Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, since she dropped out. Haley did not endorse the former president when she left the race the day after Super Tuesday.

  19. I never understood why we were short on POE and medical staff were improvising to keep themselves well so they could care for the sick, why we sent stuff to other countries.  

    I know it was humanitarian aid, not US aid, but why didn’t we first put on our own oxygen mask when the plane was going down?  
    ps – I kind of hope Gonzaga beats Perdue (not that I care about basketball), just so more folks will know how far  Republican fear-mongering has gone.

  20. Thanks to your question I had to do a little (very little) research and was unaware until now that Mary’s grandparents were Ferdinand and Isabella.  Small world back then, no?

    Pogo, you obviously didn’t watch the Starz drama The Spanish Princess. 

  21. Bloody Mary tried to make England pray again. In Latin. How’d that work out? 

    Her son became king 😬 

  22. I will start with there is no indication at all that the Dali was used as a terrorist weapon and the crew were terrorists. ZERO. No matter what the conspiracy idiots have been trying to spread, none.
    The U.S. has had terrorist attacks, 9/11.  Terrible.  Now, with the water still rippling from the bridge falling in the idiots were active and coming up with some of the weirdest conspiracy rumours of terrorism.  None are true.
    What we are seeing is the American response to a major disaster.  A crash that is resulting in international trade issues.  We have massive local issues, in particular vehicle movement from one side of the river to the other.  This was a primary path for movement along the Mid-Atlantic region and for moving goods to and from the Port of Baltimore.  We see an immediate jump to action.  Although honed by years of learning from previous problems, it is also one that was looked at in disaster tabletop exercises. As the major pointed out, much of the team worked most recently on freeing another massive container ship, Ever Forward, in 2022. They have do not need weeks to learn about each other.
    I was surprised that the U.S. Navy has a rear admiral running the show.  That shows the level of importance this takes.  A major U.S. port is critical and needs to be working.  It also means that if an admiral makes a phone call to someone they might not tell him to ef off.  This is a multi-prong effort.  There is money in the vault set aside for major disasters, so that is why checks are already being deposited for getting things done.

  23. Her son became king

    Bloody Mary’s marriage with “Jack Spain” was childless. Her half-sister Elizabeth followed her on the throne; Liz bashed Spain in the Armada, and was followed on her throne by the son of her other nemesis, Mary Queen of Scots; and then we got the King James Bible.

  24. This was the world that created the King James Bible. It is the greatest work of English prose ever written, and it is no coincidence that the translation was made at the moment “Englishness,” specifically the English language itself, had come into its first passionate maturity. The English of Jacobean England has a more encompassing idea of its own scope than any form of the language before or since. It drips with potency and sensitivity. The age, with all its conflicts, explains the book.


  25. What we are seeing is the American response to a major disaster… I was surprised that the U.S. Navy has a rear admiral running the show.  That shows the level of importance this takes.

    Blue Bronc, the empty rhetoric of Death Knell Donald will not stop progress.

  26. Bloody Mary’s marriage with “Jack Spain” was childless

    So, that makes Jimmy her half-nephew??  
    …so confused 😵‍💫

  27. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/29/politics/trump-fundraising-ultra-maga/index.html

    Grift o’ the week:

    “Donors to new Trump fundraising outfit can obtain ‘Ultra MAGA’ status with maximum contribution”
    “The highest level of contributions to the Trump 47 Committee – as the joint fundraising committee is known – is called “Ultra MAGA” and is designated for individuals who donate $814,600, the current limit that one person can currently donate to Trump 47.  The other levels include:
    “Team Trump 2024” for those who donate $250,000.
    “Team America First” for $100,000 contributions.
    “Club 47” at $50,000.
    “MAGA 24” at the $24,000 level.
    “Perks for those contributing at the top level include seating at Trump’s table at dinner, along with a photo opportunity and a personalized copy of Trump’s “Our Journey Together” coffee table book.”
     What, they don’t get a brown shirt?

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