37 thoughts on “Debt of a Salesman”

  1. Stephen Colbert Uncovers Bizarre Hidden Detail About Trump’s ‘100% Weird’ New Pitch (msn.com)

    Stephen Colbert said that MAGA fans who buy the Bible that Donald Trump is selling might find an unexpected problem with their $60 purchase.
    “If you head to the ‘God Bless The USA Bible’s’ website, you can find frequently asked questions, and in there is this 100% real, 100% weird query: ‘What if my Bible has sticky pages?’” Colbert said. 
    The question is indeed on the FAQ page.
    “This is a frequently asked question?” Colbert said. “Evidently, the workers at the Bible factory really get excited over the word ‘begat.’” 
    The Bible, which Trump is promoting with country singer Lee Greenwood, contains the lyrics to Greenwood’s hit song and Trump rally staple “God Bless The USA.” It also contains texts of the Pledge of Allegiance, the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
    “It’s just like any other good book,” Colbert cracked. “Except in the middle of this one, there’s a centerfold.” 

    The former president wants to make America pray again, NBC parted ways with Ronna McDaniel mere days after announcing her hiring, and her former employer, the Republican National Committee, will only hire people who swear the 2020 election was rigged.


  2. Trump Bible my ass … it’s a fucking licensing deal through the Dumbass licensing company CIC – I think that’s the name. All he does is hold it up, read some bullshit some marketing geek wrote and collect a check.

  3. You know how some movies used to go straight to DVD?   Those bibles are all destined to go straight to Goodwill.

  4. ‘Bigger than the Super Bowl’: Americans are spending big on eclipse tourism. A total solar eclipse — in which the moon completely covers the sun for a few minutes, creating a pitch-black “path of totality” — is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many. It’s been 99 years since New York had one, and 218 years for Ohio. This time around, the path of totality will stretch from Texas to Maine, covering parts of several states, including Missouri, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, along the way. The boost to those local economies could be significant. Texas, which is expected to get the biggest influx of visitors, could pocket $428 million in eclipse-related spending, according to Ray Perryman, an economist in Waco. Johnson County, Ind., is forecasting as much as $25 million in extra revenue, while Rochester, N.Y., expects about $10 million. Americans emerged from the pandemic ready to shell out, especially for memorable experiences. The total solar eclipse is the ultimate example, with the next one being two decades away for most of the United States. In all, as many as 3.7 million people are expected to travel to the path of totality for the eclipse, according to estimates from geographer Michael Zeiler. (Washington Post)


  5. According to O’Berman the NBC executives responsible for hiring Ronna Mc are trying to create a backlash over her firing. .


    The head of the POLITICAL unit at NBC News is now reported to have been actively working with the former Chief of Staff of the Republican National Committee to try to stir up a social media groundswell to save Ronna McDaniel’s job at NBC. And she – and perhaps the CHAIRMAN of NBC News as well – were reportedly willing to throw MSNBC under the bus – specifically, willing to throw its ex-Biden-Press-Secretary, now budding star Jen Psaki, under the bus, and throw Chuck Todd under the bus, in hopes of saving Ronna McDaniel.
    Puck News is reporting that after Ronna McDaniel debuted on “Meet The Press” on Sunday and after Kristen Welker told the audience she had no say in McDaniel’s hiring and after Chuck Todd attacked the hiring, NBC News Chairman Cesar Conde and Vice President Carrie Budoff Brown were unnerved, but both quote “seemed to anticipate the impending insurgency and frantically tried to pre-empt it. On Sunday, Budoff Brown reached out to McDaniel’s aide and former chief of staff at the RNC Richard Walters, to see if there were any friends or colleagues who could speak up on her BEHALF. The two sides also discussed having those folks call attention to what they saw as a double standard – after all this was the same network that was turning Psaki… into a Maddow-adjacent prime time star. Walters later assured Budoff Brown that they’d been able to advance conservative pushback on social media against (Chuck) Todd, specifically, and that this might give NBC News some cover, for which Budoff Brown thanked him,” unquote.
    The report – and a similar story by The Hollywood Reporter – also highlights MSNBC President Rashida Jones’s role in hiring McDaniel, and raises questions about Kristen Welker’s on-air denial that she was at all involved in the hiring (it says she was AT a meeting at which Budoff Brown continued to pitch McDaniel).
    It’s a disaster, it’s still unfolding, and there’s no telling how many different NBC News executives will follow McDaniel out the door.

  6. Norm Eisen
    The Eastman disbarment weakens Trump in the fed 1/6 & GA prosecutions The CA judge found that Eastman & Trump engaged in a conspiracy to overturn the election That likely knocks out any advice-of-counsel defense by Trump

  7. Weaning off the oxycodone, down to 10mg per day from 40. Certainly not as comfortable, sleeping a lot in my club chair, more comfortable than bed.

  8. I’m contributing to the eclipse tourism boon in a minor kinda way – driving 3 1/2 hours to see it and back the same day.  So put me down for $100 bucks for gas and another $30 or so for food.

    NBC screwed the pooch on McDaniel and they can’t unscrew it.

    I went downtown with a bunch of other hippingtons to see the eclipse in 1970. It was supposed to be a happening down on the battery (famous for where those wacky Citadel cadets fired on the SS Star of the West while it was trying to re-provision Ft Sumter and thus kicking off the great unpleasantness) but nothing much happened. It got dark for a bit, we smoked some rope, and then came on back to the island none the worse for wear.  It was great rope which had arrived straight from Vietnam, a great example of international cooperation.

  10. Yeah, Dr. Eastman could be an NBC exec. the the standard to be one is the ability to screw the pooch.  He’s certainly done that. WaPo

    A California judge recommended that conservative attorney John Eastman be disbarred in the state over his role in developing a legal strategy to help President Donald Trump stay in power after his 2020 election loss.

    State Bar Court of California Judge Yvette Roland issued the recommendation in a 128-page ruling on Wednesday, ordering that Eastman’s law license be put on “involuntary inactive” status effective three days after her ruling. The California Supreme Court will issue a final ruling on the matter, which Eastman can appeal. Along with the recommendation for disbarment, Roland recommended that Eastman be ordered to pay $10,000 in monetary sanctions to the State Bar of California Client Security Fund.
    “The court rejects Eastman’s contention that this disciplinary proceeding and Eastman’s resultant discipline is motivated by his political views or his representation of President Trump or President Trump’s Campaign,” Roland’s ruling said. “Rather, Eastman’s wrongdoing constitutes exceptionally serious ethical violations warranting severe professional discipline.”

    Eastman’s attorney, Randy Miller, said in a statement that his client “maintains that his handling of the legal issues he was asked to assess after the November 2020 election was based on reliable legal precedent, prior presidential elections, research of constitutional text, and extensive scholarly material.”

    “The process undertaken by Dr. Eastman in 2020 is the same process taken by lawyers every day and everywhere — indeed, that is the essence of what lawyers do. They are ethically bound to be zealous advocates for their clients — a duty Dr. Eastman holds inviolate. To the extent today’s decision curtails that principle, we are confident the Review Court will swiftly provide a remedy,” Miller added.

    Just checked and I didn’t do any of that shit today (or any other day).

  11. By the way, if you Google “free Bible,” there are many organizations if you do that.

    As for Orange Adolf, he’s doing the lowereds’ work. 

  12. Once men are made to think about the potential child support they would owe, they’ll get on board, too.  

    The gQp purity committee is filled with hypocrites.  This is a power/cash grab at the expense of democracy and our liberty. Who does Mrs. Josh Hawley think she’s fooling?

     It’s  time the MSM starts reporting on Comstock, Program 2025, and all of the ties that bind between PACs, business deals, and foreign states.  

    If there was a TV show about it with the names changed, even the MAGAts  might watch and be outraged.

  13. in 2020 Pew found:

    Trump won a slightly larger share of women’s votes in 2020 than in 2016 (44% vs. 39%), while Biden’s share among women was nearly identical to Clinton’s (55% vs. 54%).

    So, Poobah, if that poll you posted is right and representative of where women are today the Alito surge is 6% for Biden, -9% for Dumbass.

  14. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4552950-carville-too-many-preachy-females-are-dominating-the-culture-of-the-democratic-party/

    “Democratic strategist James Carville argued “too many preachy females” in the Democratic Party could be to blame for President Biden’s bleeding support from key voters.”
    “A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females … ‘Don’t drink beer, don’t watch football, don’t eat hamburgers, this is not good for you,’” he said. “The message is too feminine: ‘Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.’”
    ”Preachy” is misogynist for “uppity.”

    “Key voters” means men.

    James, If women pulled the plug, the ship would go down. We are also key voters.

    It’s voter equality, stupid.

  15. craig, take care not to sit for prolonged periods in that club chair.  might compound your pains and you’ll end up like a walter brennan character limping around complaining about sciatica.

  16. “Travel warnings around the April 8 total solar eclipse have beenissued by the Federal Aviation Administration, cautioning people to expect delays and massive crowds. Now, another travel concern has been raised – the possibility of an uptick in fatal traffic accidents in the time around the eclipse.”
    “A new research letter published this week in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine showed there was a 31% rise in fatal traffic accidents during the 2017 total eclipse and in the days before and after it, Newsweek reported.”

    In the U.S., the path of totality will start in Texas at 1:27 p.m. CT and will end in Maine at 3:35 p.m. ET (2:25 CT.) While all states in the contiguous U.S. will experience some level of the eclipse, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, as well as small parts of Kentucky, Michigan and Tennessee are along the path of totality.


  17. You really can’t make this stuff up.  WaPo.


    A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week.
    Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded.

    Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.
    Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.

    “Do you think the first time I voted, I said, ‘Oh, I got away with it. Let’s do it eight more times?’ ” Pritchard said, as reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
    Representatives for the Georgia GOP and for Pritchard’s attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    In a 2022 story for his website, Pritchard railed against those who had alleged he had voted illegally, accusing them in turn of trying to “manipulate an election.” He also maintained he had done nothing wrong.

    Well, yeah.  And no, I bet they didn’t. Irony … it’s apparently too subtle a concept for the Republican mind to grasp.

  18. https://kqvt.com/texas-solar-eclipse/
    “Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) issued some stark warnings regarding the upcoming, historic cosmic event.”

    “Anticipate heavy traffic.
    Anticipate sudden stops by drivers.
    Stay vigilant for distracted pedestrians gazing at the sky.
    Keep your headlights on while driving, even in daylight.
    Refrain from wearing eclipse glasses while driving.
    Always focus on the road. 
    Only view the eclipse once safely parked away from the traffic flow.”

    Read More: Texas DOT Issues 7 Warnings About Rare Historic Solar Eclipse | https://klaw.com/ixp/178/p/texas-solar-eclipse/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
    The forecast for Dallas still shows clouds and rain, but it will still be noticeably darker even if the timing isn’t perfect.
    “A North Texas county issued a disaster declaration ahead of the April 8 solar eclipse, warning of traffic and potential gridlock as the celestial event ends.”
    “County officials are expecting 200,000 people in attendance — nearly double its population — to view the total eclipse as Kaufman and Terrell are in the path of totality.”

    “The dramatic increase in population, even for a short time, will greatly impact our public safety agencies, taxing their ability to respond to calls,” officials wrote in a release announcing the declaration.

    We developed prefrontal lobes and have thumbs, but we are a giant, dysfunctional ant colony. Like it or not, there will be a solar eclipse. Like it or not, it may be cloudy in the path of totality. Either way, our individual worlds will stop for a brief time.

  19. I hear ya PatD, on the dangers of the club chair, but I have developed my own regimen of low impact stretching exercises without having to leave the chair.

  20. I was happy to see that the forecast for the 2 cities in the path that I am likely to go to have an improving forecast over what was being put out by TWC a few days ago.  Now for Erie  and Cleveland it’s calling for partly cloudy to cloudy rather than showers.  Could be sunny by then if this keeps up, or it could go to hell again.

  21. So Poobah, when do you get the staples/stitches or however they zipped you back up out?  And when does PT start?  That’s when the fun begins.  I never could use the damn walker – worthless shoulders and sore wrists – so I used crutches the 1st week, 1 crutch the second and nothing after that.  And I considered the restriction against driving a suggestion. I did get a lot of sleep in my recliner.  Gotta say though, the decision to go ahead and do the replacement (mine was a resurface) was the best medical decision I ever made. The first week after was no picnic, but it got better pretty quickly after that.  If you’ve got an exercycle it really helps the rehab process.

  22. I think this is Craig’s second rodeo, hip-wise, isn’t it?  
    As Letterman said, pain is weakness leaving the body.  Hope your recovery is smooth. 

  23. i noticed the eclipse goes right through the heart of Trumpistan, maybe their God is angry about that Lee Greenwood Bible 🤔 

    That joke is less blasphemous than that Bible, just sayin’ *dodges stones*

    …and lemme get some of that iheart $ if you gonna use that, i’ll stop giving away the milk and you can buy the cow

  24. “An eclipse in 480 B.C. caused the Spartans to retreat (during that Greco-Persian war immortalized in the movie “300”). Another, in 585 B.C., is said to have ended the war between the Lydians and the Medes. “Day was suddenly turned into night,” Herodotus tells us.”

  25. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/26/bird-flu-milk-texas-kansas-new-mexico
    “Bird flu found in US milk for first time in Texas, Kansas and New Mexico”
    “It marks the first known time avian influenza, otherwise known as bird flu, has been found in livestock.”
    “Officials with the Texas animal health commission confirmed the flu virus is the type A H5N1 strain, known for decades to cause outbreaks in birds and to occasionally infect people.”
    “It comes a week after officials in Minnesota announced that goats on a farm where there had been an outbreak of bird flu among poultry were diagnosed with the virus.”
    “Dairy farmers in Texas – a state that ranks fourth in milk production nationwide – initially became concerned three weeks ago when cattle started falling ill with what officials called “mystery dairy cow disease”, the Texas department of agriculture commissioner, Sid Miller, said. Milk production fell sharply and the cows were lethargic and were not eating much.”

    “Based on findings from Texas, USDA officials think the cows got the virus from infected wild birds.”

    “Experts say livestock appear to recover on their own within seven to 10 days. That’s different than bird flu outbreaks in poultry, which necessitate killing flocks to get rid of the virus. Since 2022, outbreaks have led to the loss of about 80 million birds in US commercial flocks.”

    “We hadn’t seen anything like it before,” he said. “It was kind of like they had a cold.”

  26. How about that sports fans!!?! Bama knocked off UNC to advance to the elite 8. RTR!!🎉‼️🎊

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