Madly Marching On

Attribution: Every Month Madness by Christopher Weyant,

Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,’ he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. ‘Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.

Barack Obama

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9 months ago

Charlie Sikes is characterizing Dumbass’ latest grift as Commoditizing the Bible during Christian holy week. How very trumpian. Bink’s comment from last night is particularly apt – “a grift of Biblical proportions.” How special. Brings to mind the cleansing of the Temple episode in all 4 canonical books the New Testament. Does it come with a free download of Greenwood’s song? That would be the cherry on top.

9 months ago

King Shameless Version

Blue Bronc
9 months ago

In case you had not heard yet, a large container ship hit the supports for the Francis Scott Key bridge at the entrance to the Patapasco River which is where Port Baltimore is.  The bridge collapsed into the river blocking the port. The bridge was I-695, a major interstate of the mid-Atlantic region.  The port is one of the major ports of the U.S. This disaster is massive for the region, and major for international trade to and from the U.S.  I have been reading up on what the people who analyze stuff for a living have to say.  First  it is a massive hit on the port and region, but for a limited time.  Second is the international trade will have a minor hit, with few issues in the short term.  Third is the Port of Baltimore was the major port for auto, truck, heavy equipment imports and exports.  Fourth is the port is one of only three on the east coast of the U.S. capable of handling the large freighters and container ships of the modern era; the immediate impact is a need to shift the current ships to ports which can handle them and the cargo.  And finally, the overnight thought is the port will be shut down for about three weeks, plus or minus a week or so.  Clearing the wreckage and the ship will be difficult, but not impossible.   To the interstate.  Right now there are three major routes through Baltimore of I-95. Two are tunnels which limit size and contents.  Something I did not know was propane tanks are limited to a max of ten pounds.  Normal grill uses a twenty pound tank.  So the two tunnels were at max capacity years ago and the I-695 bridge took that load off.  The third route is I-695 loop over the top of Baltimore which adds about thirty miles more to the journey.  It is often packed, similar to the Washington, D.C., Beltway.  All this means is that north south traffic along the East Coast is severely impacted getting through Baltimore.  Once the Port of… Read more »

9 months ago

I think I have to get me one these signs…

9 months ago

The “Ten Commandments” Controversy In the United States, a controversy has persisted for many years regarding the placement of the “Ten Commandments” in public schools and public buildings. But one critical question seems to have escaped most of the public dialog on the subject: Whose “Ten Commandments” should we post?  The general perception in this country is that the “Ten Commandments” are part of the common religious heritage of Judaism, Catholicism and Protestantism, part of the sacred scriptures that we all share, and should not be controversial. But most people involved in the debate seem to have missed the fact that these three religions divide up the commandments in different ways! Judaism, unlike Catholicism and Protestantism, considers “I am the L-rd, your G-d” to be the first “commandment.” Catholicism, unlike Judaism and Protestantism, considers coveting property to be separate from coveting a spouse. Protestantism, unlike Judaism and Catholicism, considers the prohibition against idolatry to be separate from the prohibition against worshipping other gods. No two religions agree on a single list. So whose list should we post?  And once we decide on a list, what translation should we post? Should Judaism’s sixth declaration be rendered as “Thou shalt not kill” as in the popular KJV translation, or as “Thou shalt not murder,” which is a bit closer to the connotations of the original Hebrew though still not entirely accurate?  These may seem like trivial differences to some, but they are serious issues to those of us who take these words seriously. When a government agency chooses one version over another, it implicitly chooses one religion over another, something that the First Amendment prohibits. This is the heart of the controversy.  But there is an additional aspect of this controversy that is of concern from a Jewish perspective. In Talmudic times, the rabbis consciously made a decision to exclude daily recitation of the Aseret ha-Dibrot from the liturgy because excessive emphasis on these statements might lead people to mistakenly believe that these were the only mitzvot or the most important mitzvot, and neglect the full 613 (Talmud Berakhot 12a). By posting these words prominently and… Read more »

9 months ago

On “The Daily Show”Monday night,Jon Stewartdidn’t quite issue an apology to his many critics. Those critics were upset at Stewart for dangerously and inappropriatelyperpetuating “both-sidesism”when it came todragging President Joe Biden and Donald Trumpin equal measure. But the absence of any gags about Biden in the most recent episode suggests that Stewart has certainly heardthe complaints. It’s never a bad thing when influential comedians acknowledge a mistake, even if they do so indirectly. 
Stewart didn’t apologize, which is fine. Comedy isn’t a church, mosque or synagogue; it abhors piety, sanctimony and ritual, as well it should. But the art form does value critical self-reflection.

9 months ago

Alito Surge Strikes Again

Thanks to the Taliban Republican assault on reproductive rights Dems are not just winning swing seats, they’re even winning GOP seats in red states!

Alabama Democrat flips GOP seat after campaigning against threats to IVF.

9 months ago

9 months ago

There’s no way around the fact that the “commandments” are antiquated like my iPhone 7. All 613 of them. Time for an upgrade. 

9 months ago

The official book of my people lists them as The Ten Suggestions.

9 months ago

Jesus, Nietzsche, or Spock—I just can’t make up my mind.  

9 months ago

Sturge, your people’s book appears to have the correct translation.

But what about the so-called “Ten Commandments,” the words recorded in Exodus 20, the words that the Creator personally wrote on the two stone tablets that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai (Ex. 31:18), which Moses smashed upon seeing the idolatry of the golden calf (Ex. 32:19)? In the Torah, these words are never referred to as the Ten Commandments. In the Torah, they are called Aseret ha-D’varim (Ex. 34:28Deut. 4:13 and Deut. 10:4). In rabbinical texts, they are referred to as Aseret ha-Dibrot. The words d’varim and dibrot come from the Hebrew root Dalet-Beit-Reish, meaning word, speak or thing; thus, the phrase is accurately translated as the Ten Sayings, the Ten Statements, the Ten Declarations, the Ten Words or even the Ten Things, but not as the Ten Commandments, which would be Aseret ha-Mitzvot.

9 months ago

They’re more like guidelines.

9 months ago

The Ten Things.  That sounds right.  I see them as 10 things that sound like good ideas for the most part and that we might consider before doing something different.  The 3 (take the lord’s name in vain), 4 ( keep the Sabbath holy) & 10 “(not covet thy neighbor’s [this and that] …” – hard to live up to, (and 31 years ago if I’d gone with 7 (adultery) I wouldn’t be with the love of my life today).   BTW, I’d think that if god thought homosexuality and abortion were all that important they would have been Nos. 11 and 12.

9 months ago

Trump’s Leading AG Pick: “I don’t like Democracy”

Introduced just now by Steve Bannon on his show as “Trump’s potential attorney general”,former Grassley chief counsel Mike Davis says “I’m going to be Trump’s viceroy of D.C. because I don’t like democracy. I want more authoritory powers”

I guess when you have “authoritory” power you don’t have to know how to spell it.

9 months ago


9 months ago

What is with MAGAs (starting at the top) and their inability to spell in the age of spell check and auto correct? Or is authoritory some sort of stern musical work? (misspelling the second root?)

9 months ago

BTW, Poobah, how’s the hip coming along?

9 months ago

Today’s “Four Years Ago Today” video from Biden camaign:. This is when he was doing his disastrous daily press briefings denying and lying. (The chaotic sessions stopped once his numbers persuaded him they were unpopular). Now, Biden camp is routinely distributing short clips like this, the day he claimed they’d have “100,000 ventilators in 100 days”. (It turned out they had not even been ordered, staff didn’t know he was going to say that —  he just made it up — and the supply chain wasn’t fixed for months, thousands died).

Four years ago today 

Q: Will everybody who needs a ventilator be able to get a ventilator? 

Trump: Don’t be a cutie pie

Video —

9 months ago

Hip feeling fine, Pogo, but tomorrow I take the last of the Oxycodone, so that’ll be the test

Blue Bronc
9 months ago

Every now and then a trolling question makes its way through social media.  One that keeps coming back is something about the first important world happening you remember.  Lately I have become an old lump of lard and so I thought about it.  It was the Korean war, not much at first, but more as the world changed. Our neighbor was WWII vet, but recalled and sent over. I do not remember my father being concerned.

9 months ago

Glad it’s coming along – by 3-4 days out I didn’t need anything, and only took the Oxy at night to help me sleep more comfortably during that phase.  Ibuprofen worked fine for me during the day and during the night after that first few days – plus it didn’t screw with my ability to give take a shit.  

9 months ago

Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut’s four-term United States senator and Vice President Al Gore’s Democratic running mate in the 2000 presidential election, which was won by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when the Supreme Court halted a Florida ballot recount, died on Wednesday in Manhattan. He was 82.
His family said in a statement that the cause was complications of a fall. His brother-in-law Ary Freilich said that Mr. Lieberman’s fall occurred at his home in the Riverdale section of the Bronx and that he died at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in Upper Manhattan.


9 months ago

To the interstate.  Right now there are three major routes through Baltimore of I-95. Two are tunnels which limit size and contents.  

Blue Bronc: thank you for your recap. I figure I’ve made at least 5,000 trips over these bridges and through those tunnels, plus the Conowingo Dam.

9 months ago

I can go with this.

Joe Lieberman and I didn’t always see eye-to-eye, but he had an extraordinary career in public service, including four decades spent fighting for the people of Connecticut. He also worked hard to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” and helped us pass the Affordable Care Act. In both cases the politics were difficult, but he stuck to his principles because he knew it was the right thing to do. Michelle and I extend our deepest condolences to Hadassah and the Lieberman family.


9 months ago

I don’t wish ill on him but I can’t lionize Lieberman. He was a Dem who became an Indie who John McCain reportedly wanted to have as his VP. Sorry, but while Johnny Mc deserves a touch of credit for his FU votes as a Senator; a Dem who moved far enough right to be considered for a Repub VP needs to look right for his accolades.