Transgender Day of Remembrance

Every year Transgender people around the world spend time to remember those of us who were killed for being Trans. It is something we live with, the possibility we would be killed for who we are.

We all know someone who has died for living their true life. Most people do not have that in their worlds. We do. We live knowing we could be next. It might be on the street, at work, and even in our own home.

November 20 is our Day of Remembrance. We will gather to read the names of those killed during the last year. It is never “no one”.

With the republican party, now the maga party, constantly attacking us in so many ways. Making our lives impossible by banning us to use the restroom, or receiving qualified medical care, and focusing hate at us, we suffer greater attacks.

Almost twenty years ago I was enjoying lunch with the chief of police of my city when the topic of the latest FBI report on minority statistics came out. At the time the murder rate of transgender people was about one hundred times that of white people. I asked him what he thought about my odds. He looked at me. After a decent pause he said “off the charts”. I was an “out” politician.

Here is the current list for 2023:


London Price, a Black trans woman, was killed in Miami-Dade County, Florida on October 23. She was 26 years old.

Lisa Love, a Black trans woman, was killed in Chicago, Illinois on October 17. She was 35 years old.

A’nee Johnson, a Black trans woman, was killed in Washington, DC on October 14. She was 30 years old.

Dominic Dupree (also known as Dominic Palace), a Black gender-nonconforming person, was killed in Chicago, Illinois on October 13. They were 25 years old.

Chyna Long, a Black trans woman, was killed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 8. She was 30 years old.

YOKO (YOUONLYKNOWONE), a Black nonbinary, was killed in New Orleans, Louisiana on September 19. They were 30 years old.

Sherlyn Marjorie, a Latina trans woman, was killed in Albuquerque, New Mexico on September 17. She was 35 years old.

Kylie Monali, a trans woman, was killed in Murrietta, California on September 7. She was 41 years old.

Luis Ángel Díaz Castro, a Latino transgender man, was killed in San Juan, Puerto Rico on August 12. He was 22 years old.

Thomas “Tom-Tom” Robertson, a Black gender non-conforming person, was killed in Calumet City, Illinois on August 17. They were 28 years old.

De’Vonnie J’Rae Johnson, a Black trans woman, was killed in Los Angeles, California on August 7. She was 28 years old.

Jacob Williamson, a white trans man, was killed in Monroe, North Carolina on June 30. He was 18 years old.

Chanell Perez Ortiz, a Latina trans woman, was killed in Carolina, Puerto Rico on June 25. She was 29 years old.

Ashia Davis (also known as Asia Davis), a Black trans woman, was killed in Detroit, Michigan on June 2. She was 34 years old.

Banko Brown (also known as Banko Paso), a Black trans man, was killed in San Francisco, California on April 27. He was 24 years old.

Rasheeda “Koko Da Doll” Williams, a Black trans woman, was killed in Atlanta, Georgia on April 18. She was 35 years old.

Ashley Burton, a Black trans woman, was killed in Atlanta, Georgia on April 11. She was 37 years old.

Tasiyah “Siyah” Woodland, a Black trans woman, was killed in St. Mary’s County, Maryland on March 24. She was 18 years old.

Tortuguita, a Indigenous queer and non-binary individual, was killed in Atlanta, Georgia on January 18. They were 26 years old.

Cashay B. Henderson, a Black trans woman, was killed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 26. She was 31 years old.

Imanitwitaho Zachee, a Black trans woman, was killed in Louisville, Kentucky on February 3. She was 26 years old.

Maria Fer, a Latina trans woman, was killed in Houston, Texas on January 21. She was 22 years old.

Jasmine “Star” Mack, a Black trans woman, was killed in Washington, DC on January 7. She was 36 years old.

Unique Banks, a Latina trans woman, was killed in Chicago, Illinois on January 23. She was 21 years old.


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Work pays the bills.

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1 year ago

BB, thank you for today’s thread and for reminding us to remember there are real consequences and victims of hateful biases whether silently harbored or expressed.

1 year ago

John Oliver on Sunday took a deep dive into the world of dollar stores ― and in particular, the two companies that own the lion’s share of the market: Dollar Tree, which also owns Family Dollar, and Dollar General.
Oliver shared videos from social media from inside stores showing just how trashed they often are.“Those look less like functioning stores and more like ‘American Ninja Warrior: Retail Edition,’” he said. “They look like someone picked up a dollar store, shook it, and dumped it out into another dollar store.”
That “total disaster,” he said, is the result of poor corporate management and disgraceful treatment of retail employees.
In one video, a single overwhelmed woman at the cash register was the only employee working, with customers feeling so badly for her that they began helping around the store.
“Imagine how monumentally shitty a store would have to be for you ― a customer ― to walk in and say, ‘Oh fuck, they need me!’” Oliver said.
Dollar store workers, Oliver added, are often poorly paid and placed in unsafe conditions where they may encounter everything from rodents running wild to birds crapping on the merch to armed robbers.

1 year ago

Some say advance tolerance—I’d rather advance Equality.

1 year ago

Rosalynn Carter ‘inspired a nation’: Bidens | The Hill

“First Lady Rosalynn Carter walked her own path, inspiring a nation and the world along the way,” the Bidens said in a joint statement Sunday, noting the accomplishments Carter achieved through her decades of work as a humanitarian. 
“Throughout her incredible life as First Lady of Georgia and the First Lady of the United States, Rosalynn did so much to address many of society’s greatest needs,” the Bidens said. “She was a champion for equal rights and opportunities for women and girls; an advocate for mental health and wellness for every person; and a supporter of the often unseen and uncompensated caregivers of our children, aging loved ones, and people with disabilities.” 
The first couple also noted “the deep love” Carter shared with her husband, former President Carter, saying “their humble leadership is the definition of patriotism,” and they added that Carter “lived her life by her faith.” 
“Time and time again, during the more than four decades of our friendship — through rigors of campaigns, through the darkness of deep and profound loss — we always felt the hope, warmth, and optimism of Rosalynn Carter,” the Bidens added. “She will always be in our hearts.”
“On behalf of a grateful nation, we send our love to President Carter, the entire Carter family, and the countless people across our nation and the world whose lives are better, fuller, and brighter because of the life and legacy of Rosalynn Carter,” the first couple concluded in their statement. “May God bless our dear friend. May God bless a great American.” 

1 year ago

Tolerant:    You don’t belong here but I’ll allow you stay.  
Equality:   We both belong here.   

1 year ago

Attribution: Turkey pardon by Dave Whamond, Canada,

1 year ago

The Transgender hate mongering on the right is one I didn’t see coming. In their tiny brains they actually think it’s their ticket to countering their ballot box losses over abortion rights.

1 year ago


Excellent thread for today.  It makes no sense to hate anyone for the simple condition of existing.  


1 year ago

Thank you, BB, for expanding our universe. There is never an excuse for persecution. 

1 year ago

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — One year has passed since the shooting at the Club Q nightclub in Colorado Springs. Five people were killed, and 17 others were wounded. 

Here are the five people who lost their lives on that fateful night.

Daniel Aston moved to Colorado Springs from Tulsa, Oklahoma two years before the shooting and worked at Club Q as a bartender and entertainer.

Kelly Loving had just moved to Colorado a month before the shooting, according to her longtime friend Natalee Skye Bingham, who described Loving, a transgender woman, as a confident and bright spirit and credits Loving for helping her to become the woman she is today.

Ashley Paugh would do anything for the kids – traveling all over southeastern Colorado, from Pueblo and Colorado Springs to Fremont County and the Colorado border, working to raise awareness and encourage individuals and families to become foster parents to children in our community. This included working with the LGBTQ community to find welcoming foster placements for children.

Derrick Rump was a bartender at Club Q, making people feel comfortable was what Derrick Rump did best.

Raymond Green Vance went to Club Q on the night of the shooting to enjoy a show with his longtime girlfriend, her parents, and her parents’ friends for a birthday celebration. It was Vance’s first time at Club Q. His family remembers that he was supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.

1 year ago

BlueBronc…  thank you for this thread.  The thing that really struck me was how young all those murdered transgenders were.  I don’t get that kind of hate…  and I never will.

1 year ago

I’ve never understood the threat people who “don’t get it” perceive from trans individuals or hate for them sufficient to move them to attack and even kill trans folks.  Participation in sports aside – that that is so minor I can’t even begin to understand the outcry – what the fuck difference does it make to them how someone identifies themselves from a gender perspective?

1 year ago

Thanks to MSNBC airing live audio of this morning’s Trump gag order appeal hearing I had such a good time listening to super intelligent judges blast massive holes in the Trump lawyers ridiculous arguments. They rendered him into a blithering mess of word salads.

1 year ago

the guardian

Judges appear skeptical of Trump team complaints against gag order in election case
Judges at the hearing on Trump’s gag order appeared skeptical about complaints regarding the gag order’s prophylactic nature, the Guardian’s Hugo Lowell reports.
The hearing on the scope of Trump’s gag order in the election interference case is now over.
After over two hours of arguments, judges are not expected to make a decision on the order today.
The three-judge panel seemed unconvinced about legal complaints coming from Trump’s defense team, but also believed that the original gag order was “insufficiently narrow”.

1 year ago

Biden quips about his age while pardoning Thanksgiving turkeys on his birthday | The Hill

President Biden made a few jokes about his age while pardoning Thanksgiving turkeys at the White House, an annual tradition that fell on his 81st birthday.
He thanked the chair of the National Turkey Federation and said when he met him and his family earlier, they sang “Happy Birthday” to the president. Then, he joked he was only turning 60 years old.
“I just want you to know it’s difficult turning 60. Difficult,” he said.
The president also noted it’s the 76th anniversary of this decades-long tradition at the White House.
“I want you to know I wasn’t there the first one; I was too young to make it up,” he said.
The turkeys, Liberty and Bell, appeared on stage with the president. Biden said the two birds, who are from Minnesota, love Honeycrisp apples, ice hockey, the state’s thousand lakes and the Mall of America.
Biden has increasingly made quips about his age during speeches. The president is running for reelection next year and if he wins, he would be 86 at the end of a second term.
He has faced criticism and growing concern over his age since his 2020 campaign, and this criticism has continued throughout his time in the White House.
Some Democrats have suggestedBiden’s age makes him “too old” to run for reelection next year. The president and the White House have argued it is fair for voters to discuss his age, but he has said they should judge him on his ability to perform the job.


and duh santis played the old age card against loser guy according to msn report on cnn interview yesterday:

The Florida governor argued that he is in the “prime of my life” while noting that Trump would be older than Biden was at the start of his term if he were to take office in 2025.

1 year ago

Thank you, Craig, for your commentary on what was being aired on MSNBC. I wasn’t able to give it my full attention, trying to get out the door and stuff, but I was hoping to hear a knowledgeable assessment of the proceedings. 

1 year ago

1 year ago

Typo on that transcription. 🦃

1 year ago

“A new study by professors at the University of Birmingham has revealed for the first time how our bodies go into stress-mode when hearing misused grammar.”,linguistic%20environment%20and%20physiological%20reactions.

1 year ago

Biggest mistake Trump’s lawyer made was not contesting conditions of release that prevent communication with witnesses, followed by conceding that the restricted communication could include speeches or online posts addressing the witnesses directly or indirectly, which he has done. Pretty much blew his own case out of the water right there.

1 year ago

Ivy – anything about incorrectly used Oxford comma or an incorrectly used semi-colon?

BB, yes, I break out in a rash. 
(especially if I’m the one that did it.)

1 year ago

Poobah, I read the WaPo account of the hearing and if I had to say which way the judges are leaning I’d be hard pressed to do so.  Even if I thought I knew which way the wind was blowing in that court room today I’d probably be wrong.  I see the question as framed as “How much restriction against commenting on the case, the prosecutors and the Court  constitutes an impermissible infringement on the First Amendment rights of free speech of a candidate for President?”   From the Post’s account it sounds like VanDevender had more well-reasoned responses to the Justices than did Sauer, so if I had to guess I’d guess they will leave Judge Chutkan’s order in place. However, see the first sentence, above.

1 year ago

It’s not just evangelicals; even Methodists are embracing the hate.  Not very Christian of them, to be sure. 

“261 Georgia congregations leave the United Methodist Church over a divide on LGBTQ issues”

“After the church strengthened its bans on partnered LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage in 2019, many Methodists argued a split was likely inevitable in the second-largest Protestant denomination in the US.”

“The church disaffiliations in north Georgia come after 193 congregations once belonging to the UMC South Georgia Conference left the denomination in May, also over the ongoing debate over LGBTQ issues.”

“The exits of the 261 other churches will go into effect at the end of November.”

“In December, approximately 440 North Georgia Conference churches will continue the work of fulfilling the mission of the United Methodist church in our communities and beyond,” the conference said.

1 year ago

“Texas State University will hold first 2024 presidential debate”

“The debate, scheduled for Sept. 16, 2024, will be the first of four for the general election.”

Mark your calendars. It’s happening in Texas for a reason, folks, This is the first impression debate (even though we’ve seen the candidates before).

In addition to “it’s the economy, stupid” I would add, it’s the border, y’all. I don’t know if abortion is enough to stop another assault on democracy by Orange Adolf and the Christo-fascists who absolutely do not welcome strangers or show an inkling of brotherly love.

1 year ago

“Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday endorsed Donald Trump’s comeback campaign for the White House, while hosting the former president at the Texas-Mexico border.”

“Trump is looking to speed deportations through a massive expansion of a form of removal that does not require due process hearings, the newspaper said.”

“To aid U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in sweeping roundups of undocumented people, Trump would reassign federal agents and deputize local police and National Guard troops volunteered by Republican-run states, the report said.”

“He would ease the strain on ICE detention facilities by building huge camps to hold detainees while their cases are processed as they await deportation.”

“…aimed to deport millions of people every year, including those who have been settled in the United States for decades.”

“To underwrite the massive operation if Congress refused, Trump would redirect Pentagon funds as he did with his border wall in his first term, the Times said.”

“We’ll stop the invasion on our southern border and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” Trump said on Saturday.

1 year ago

I do not understand why Texans voted for Greg Abbott. 

1 year ago

Uh oh. Dueling Dementia. 

He suggested their feat probably was harder than getting a ticket to Beyonce’s Renaissance Tour or “Britney’s tour, she’s down in, it’s kind of warm in Brazil right now.” He apparently mixed up his female pop stars; Taylor Swift was in Brazil over the weekend for her Eras Tour; Britney Spears currently is not on tour.

1 year ago

“The letter is written by Dr. Bruce Aronwald, who describes himself as ‘Trump’s personal physician since 2021,’ and comes after Trump, 77, has made verbal slips that brought his age to the forefront.”

1 year ago

Religion is the methamphetamine of the Republicans

1 year ago

Wow….I almost missed the annual Medicare enrollment period. 

1 year ago

“This season’s socially-conscious pop anthem comes from a very different trio than you’re probably imagining: an Indigenous trans musician, an environmentalist drag queen, and cello legend Yo-Yo Ma.”

“Won’t Give Up,” streaming now on major platforms, is a collaboration between Ma, climate-conscious drag performer Pattie Gonia, and Quinn Christopherson, a transgender singer-songwriter of Ahtna Athabascan and Iñupiaq descent.”

“The result: a tune combining each performer’s talents that passionately exhorts the listener not to give up on saving the environment and solving the climate crisis.”

1 year ago
“Joe Biden’s birthday gift to himself is a Threads account”
“The President, Vice President, and the White House all signed up for Threads today…”

1 year ago

Ivy – It’s time to bring back the classics.

“Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV: The Movie”

1 year ago

“A federal appeals court on Monday ruled against a key tool used to enforce the Voting Rights Act – likely setting up another Supreme Court showdown over one of the nation’s landmark civil rights laws.”

“In a ruling that springs from an Arkansas redistricting case, the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that private entities cannot bring lawsuits under a provision of the law, known as Section 2. If it stands, the decision would dramatically weaken what remains of the Voting Rights Act, passed in 1965 to counter racial discrimination in elections.”

“The appellate panel affirmed a 2022 ruling by a Trump-appointed federal judge in Arkansas that held only the US Justice Department can bring Section 2 lawsuits.”

1 year ago

Let’s see. Failed plug-in be damned. 
If you’re into NFL, tonight’s a good one. Philly at KC. Slow start for two of the top QBs in the league. 

1 year ago

It’s time to bring back the classics.

BID, I’m thinking it’s time to rewatch The Man in the High Castle.

In a parallel universe, Germany and Japan have divided the United States into the Greater Nazi Reich in the east, with New York Cityas its regional capital, and the Japanese Pacific States to the west, withSan Franciscoas the capital. These territories are separated by a neutral zone that encompasses theRocky Mountains. The series starts in 1962 and follows characters whose destinies intertwine when they come into contact with newsreels and home movies that show Germany and Japan losing the war. The series title refers to the mysterious figure believed to have created the footage.

1 year ago

i don’t have the streaming service that has Ridley Scott’s new Napoleon movie, so i watched this instead, and the reviews were accurate!  Rod Steiger is amazing as Napoleon but the movie isn’t very good (1st half-hour is good, falls apart after that).  i’m old enough, now, that i fast-forward through battle scenes 🫤 

that’s the whole movie, right there. Not available streaming anywhere else, either.

1970s “Cromwell” much better

Oh, a still-young Christopher Plummer as Wellington

1 year ago

Well, the update is, and i won’t mention it again, is that i have dutifully completed my 5-day quarantine, counting the day i tested positive as day 0, and i’m not sure which is worse, the cabin fever or covid, itself, but they’re both pretty shitty.  Do what you feel you must to avoid.
it’s the weirdest illness i’ve ever had.  RSV was actually worse, but that only attacked my lungs, not every organ in my body, especially my brain and nervous-system, like covid 👎

i will wear my mask for another 4 days, for as per CDC guidance, as a fully-vaccinated individual, it is “very unlikely” that i am contagious beyond 7-9 days after first symptoms. The next mutation ain’t coming from me

1 year ago

Bink: good to hear your progress. 

1 year ago

thanks 🤝 🇺🇸 

1 year ago

the premise of the “Affordable Care Act” is “funnel money to the insurance companies to support predatory healthcare pricing to avoid being bankrupted by the corrupt medical-industrial complex should you ever genuinely need their services”.  Disgusting

shit legislation crafted by scum lawyers who get the best healthcare that keeps them alive into their 90s that you also have to pay for. Pay for yours and theirs, suckers 😒

Ooh, three 5-minute PCP visits to a nurse-practitioner that doesn’t give a shit about me, only $5k, what a deal!

1 year ago

When i got what i thought was RSV, last year, on xmas eve, i went to urgent care, waited literally 5 hours in the parking lot to see a nurse-practitioner, only for him to literally say “yeah, it’s xmas eve, we’re all going home, there’s nothing i can do for you, go to the emergency room”.

So, against my better judgment, because i couldn’t breathe, i went to the emergency room for more compassionless conveyor-belt “care”, only to get an inhaler that, with zero potential for abuse , should be OTC.  But this is America, and everybody has to get their slice.
tldr (too long didn’t read): i paid $1000 for an inhaler

ok, pardon me 👋

1 year ago

Glad you’re doing better and yeah, health insurance (not care) is ridiculous.   ACA plans don’t even cover some labs that have always been covered at 100% for a yearly physical.  

However, my former employer’s insurance had stopped covering some stuff, too, like a yearly A1C to check blood sugar.    So, last year my “free” physical cost $40 for the A1C and a $40 copay even though there’s no copay for a physical because an A1C can’t be done at a physical.  

Now, they’re trying to say everything is diagnostic and nothing is preventative, so didn’t have a bunch of stuff checked. The insurance industry is creating worse health outcomes down the road. They will kill folks, and they will help themselves to our tax dollars to do it.

I have written to Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Marc Vessey, etc.  No idea if their staff even looks at the messages they get on their “contact us” page.  The insurance companies are making out like bandits. 

Movie recommendation: Michael Moore’s “Sicko.”

Ivy – For a second, I thought that movie sounded familiar. Nope. I was thinking of an episode of Star Trek.

Back to watching “Ted Lasso” for the forth time.

1 year ago