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2 years ago

Nancy has more intellect and bigger balls than any of the men in Congress. 

2 years ago

Dateline November 8, 2022:

America is given the opportunity to keep on trying to get it right…..or America joins up with Athens and Rome, and Zelenskyy becomes like the protagonist of Hemingway’s short story “The Killers”. (Short Story of the Apocalypse).
Starring Burt Lancaster

2 years ago

in keeping with today’s theme…

2 years ago

“Good evening mr and mrs america and all the Schlitz that’s free”

2 years ago

Daryl Scott, Democrat, SC7″
Happening in South Carolina: A growing “revolt of the ‘RINOs”, especially (but not exclusively) those w/o the Y chromosome. Anecdotal on my part? Yes. But if I were a gambler I’d feel safe betting heavy on it portending a #BlueWave2022 building up. #VoteThemAllOut2022

2 years ago

I want to see a close-up of Herschel’s badge.
I’m actually dying to see a close-up of that badge.  
That aside, 

2 years ago

The meme machine has been quiet. Too quiet. I don’t like it. 

2 years ago


2 years ago

Warnock winning clip coverage, police zinger (“I never pretended to be a police officer”) and Walker’s silly display of fake badge tops the list. Plus this, one of his dumbest moments: “Mr. Walker also seemed to blame people with diabetes for their condition, saying during a discussion on insulin costs that while he believed in reducing the price of the drug, “at the same time, you got to eat right,” adding that “unless you’re eating right, insulin is doing you no good.”

2 years ago

I thought Warnock’s comment about his oppoent’s relationship to the truth was good and hit well also.   can’t remember the exact quote

2 years ago

Agree with Ron Brownstein on GA debate (CNN) : “Moderators really skated past all of the many charges Walker is facing and simply let him in an airy very non-substantive way brush off the charge that he paid for an abortion without any meaningful follow-up” 

2 years ago


“Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar on Thursday certified that 49 migrants who were flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last month were victims of a crime. The move clears a pathway for those migrants to get a special visa to stay in the country that they otherwise would not have received.”

“Based upon the claims of migrants being transported from Bexar County under false pretenses, we are investigating this case as possible Unlawful Restraint,” Salazar said in a statement.

2 years ago


“Evin is no ordinary prison. Many of Iran’s best & brightest have spent long stretches confined there, where brave women & men are denied their basic rights for speaking truth to power,” Rezaian wrote. “The regime is responsible for what happens to those inside right now.”

“An Iranian security official said “thugs” set fire to the warehouse of prison clothing, which led to a fire in the prison, Iranian state media IRNA reported. Tehran’s Evin Prison is a notoriously brutal facility where the regime incarcerates political dissidents.”

“Witnesses previously said that Iranian security forces beat, shot and detained students at Tehran’s Sharif University. Last month, nearly two dozen children were killed during the protests, according to a report by Amnesty International.”

“At least 23 children — some as young as 11 — were killed by security forces in the last 10 days of September alone, the report said.”

“Earlier this week, an Iranian official also admitted that school students participating in street protests are being detained and taken to psychiatric institutions.”

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

Sturgeone – I had the exact thought.  Way back when you could get your own official “TV cowboy/police/?” badge by mailing in trash.  I am sure some of those are now collectors things and cost real money.  Could scrambled brains (SB not SFB) have something like that?  Sure, but I sort of remember some police unit hands out special badges, like to kids visiting.  Perhaps SB has something like that?  And, in those damaged neurons, thinks it is real?
This has been brought up, mostly in sports pages, that Walker is damaged and that he has no reason to be out and alone in public, let alone running for the office of the one hundred most powerful people in Congress.  It is difficult to ridicule someone with mental damage.  He probably has someone around to help put his shoes on the correct feet. Plus, he could die any moment.  The former political party of republicans (white supremacists and fascists) have no bottom of horrible.  To further their goals of destroying these United States they are despicable.  That any person of any color, and women and any other than rich white males, supports the gqp is hard to understand.