Biden Comeback

Joe Biden’s public approval rating rose this week to its highest level since early June, following a series of legislative wins for his Democratic Party, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll completed on Tuesday.

The two-day national poll found that 41% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance. It was his first time above 40% since early June.

My take: It’s time for us to be grateful Uncle Joe saved our nation.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

36 thoughts on “Biden Comeback”

  1. wapo:

    DeSantis fighter jet ad conjures 1988 Dukakis tank debacle
    Clearly, what Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was going for was a comparison to Tom Cruise.
    Hence the “Top Gov” label at the beginning of his latest political ad, which resembles that of Cruise’s “Top Gun” movies, and the slo-mo shots of the Republican governor zipping up a flight suit over an energetic guitar music track. DeSantis “briefs” an out-of-view team — presumably Florida voters — about the “rules of engagement” for “dogfighting” with the “corporate media.” At one point, he sits in the cockpit of what appears to be a fighter jet, flight helmet on, and says, “Alright, ladies and gentlemen.”
    What are DeSantis and his team getting instead? Comparisons to Michael Dukakis, the Massachusetts governor who made one of the most-mocked campaign photo ops in modern political history while running for president in 1988.
    In DeSantis’s defense, the ad does seem to be for comedy, where Dukakis definitely was not. Plus, DeSantis served in the military and is still in the Navy Reserve, though he serves as a military lawyer, not a fighter pilot. And in small type at the end of the ad reads the notice: “The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement.”

  2. DuhSantis’ head stuffed into that helmet…he looks like a baby being born.  Maybe that as is for his anti-choice constituents. Wait, but it’s also about war, so…anti-life?
    I love POTUS Joe.   History will show him as one of the great ones.


    “The plaintiffs want a federal judge to issue an injunction barring Paxton and prosecutors from using that law and other statutes to target those reproductive rights groups for activities the groups say conservative state leaders may politically oppose but are still legal.”

    “The groups want the court to confirm that “the Trigger Ban cannot be enforced by any Defendant … in a manner that violates Plaintiffs’ rights to freely travel, freely associate, freely speak, and freely support members of their communities through financial assistance, as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and federal law,” according to the suit.”

  4. While last night’s result is encouraging for the eventual 2022 midterms, I would be happier if BEthe abortion message were toned down or modified a little.

    The most ardent pro-life voters can be swayed by a personal freedom argument.  BE FREE TO MAKE A CHOICE!.

    The way some of these state laws are being written, then threaten not just abortion, but genealogical care forto  all sorts of condition and even profamily ones such as IVF.  Even the choice for life should only be made by a woman, her family, and her doctor through the first 20 weeks and then by a medical professional for the balance.  Certainly, it isn’t the decision of an ignorant politician. 

    We can’t send women back to the days when they were lucky to survive and raise majority of their children to adulthood.



  5. His head looks like it was stuffed into a too small helmet.  Rather gross, and very stupid looking. Dukakis just did not do the helmet any good.

  6. Comparing the two is like seeing a pinhead and a fathead. If I were Tom Cruise I’d sue DeSantis for defamation of image. 

  7. Ahhh, Arte. Loved his work on Laugh In. I’d have to guess he was a huge influence on Dana Carvey and Martin Short, and maybe Rick Moranis. Love them all. 

  8. Alito Surge. Dem turnout in swing Albany suburbs CD19 up nearly 10 pts over what Biden and Obama got. Winner Ryan focused his whole campaign on abortion rights. His yard signs were “Choice Is On The Ballot”.  Dems everywhere should copy that. 

  9. BETO has had women in townhall meetings telling him what they are going through already.   One couple are now AFRAID to try to start a family in Texas because the first pregnancy didn’t take and the women was sent home to get sick so they could then legally help her expel the fetus.   There’s another story at each townhall meeting.  
    Amy Phony Barrett is the most shameful of the bunch.  

  10. oh ye who have so little faith in the fairy godfather of florida. well of course they do. he waved his magic declassification wand and sprinkled sparkly dust on them and the documents declaring “mine, all mine” to seal the deal.

    Image result for cartoon trump with magic wand

  11. Alito Surge! Cook Report’s Dave Wasserman on MSNBC: “The Supreme Court, not Biden, is really the incumbent on which this midterm is a referendum and that has helped flip the script to Democrats favor”

  12. Funny meme going around.  Picture of Columbo and the lettering of a question – “If the documents were planted by the FBI, how did you declassify them before leaving the WH?”

  13. Leave it to Arte to pick up a german helmet somewhere and start doing a nazi soldier routine.   A dollar sayus  Mel Brooks thought it was hilarious.

  14. People get ready, there’s a train a’comin’
    been waitin’ a long time on that train.  It’s been a long time coming.
    Jack, this time that old son of a bitch is comin’



    ‘Hamilton’ To Donate Financial Damages From Texas Church To LGBTQIA+ Coalition

    “…The Door Christian Fellowship McAllen Church, posted a public apology yesterday and agreed to pay damages for two unauthorized performances of Hamilton earlier this month that included altered lyrics promoting an overtly Christian message. A sermon delivered by an associate pastor following one performance likened homosexuality to drug abuse.”

  16. After listening to Jerry jeff, youtube offered a version by Guy Clark back when Guy was skinny and not a gray hair on his head, from that I watched a performance when he was at his best and then the last one was his 70th birthday concert.  An interesting trip through time.

  17. Yeah i ran around In numerous concentric circles over which version of the desperado/train song but finally lit on the JJ cause the lyrics were the first time i had heard the song and also it’s the one which actually said Jack, this this time that old son of a bitch is coming…..It’s a mighty fine song any way you slice it.  
    There was old men with beer guts and dominoes.

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