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2 years ago

Russia shutting down access to Facebook and other platforms where Russians can express anti-war views.

2 years ago

New Yorker: Putin invasion may make him a war criminal. https://t.co/E7cbGtALCD

2 years ago

Gen. Barry McCaffrey: “Putin is deranged. His next step will be the Baltic states, Romania and Poland” (MSNBC) 

2 years ago


2 years ago

So Kazakhstan tells Putie to screw off – denying Russia the same military support they requested and got from them to quell an uprising in the recent past.  Good on the Kazakhs. 

2 years ago

One who bloody thinks he’s some kind of Lucky Luciano, and another one who thinks he’s some kind of Latter Day Napoleon.

I’m sick of these people.

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

With the anti-America party supporting KGB agent Putin I will be curious as to how they will react when he is corralled and removed from power?  Okay, rhetorical question.  The issue is how much longer can they live in an alternative universe when the reality is easily observed? 
The NY Times has a article about E.F. Kennedy going nutso and being an anti-vaccination fool.  He says he changed after being educated by anti-vaccination idiots about children dying or being diagnosed with Autism.  The background for those stories was exposed as a fraud and many trials have shown no correlation.  But, he lives in his alternate universe now and is unwilling to leave it.  Perhaps he had some mental problem because earlier in his life he was doing very good things.  Now, he might as well sell foil hats.

2 years ago

And the just world watches it happening.   

I guess the Russian people won’t think anything is wrong when something has gone awry with their access to social media.

Slap a Ukrainian flag decal on a US drone and take out their effing tanks.

2 years ago

Russia is being cut off in the skies. WAPO.

Estonia, Latvia and Romania joined a growing list of countries moving to close their airspace to Russian airlines after Moscow launched its assault on Ukraine, widening the impact of the bans as Russia responded with its own closures.

“We invite all [European Union] countries to do the same,” Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said Saturday. Latvia’s national carrier airBaltic canceledall flights to and from Russia because of “increased risk and imposed restrictions,” as the country’s Transport Ministry called for barring airlines registered in Russia.

The announcement came soon after Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria made similar decisions, prompting Russia’s aviation authority on Saturday to close its skies to aircraft from the three countries. In response to the air traffic bans, S7 Airlines, Russia’s largest private carrier, said earlier it was suspending flights to Europe until March 13.

After Russian troops and tanks rolled into Ukraine, Britain barred Aeroflot, Russia’s flag carrier and largest airline, and all scheduled Russian airline flights from entering British airspace.

Air carriers have routed flights around Ukraine as the conflict erupted this week, with Germany’s Lufthansa and Ireland’s Ryanair suspending services. In Washington, the Federal Aviation Administration has prohibited U.S. airlines from operating in Ukraine and parts of Russia.

I guess spring break in Moscow is off…

2 years ago

A Lot of good writing going on out there.
From the folks at the “Bulwark” a never trump political blog

What we are witnessing is the emergence of a figure who will become a key part of Ukrainian history for the next century. There will be statues of him all over the country. Ukrainians will name their children after him. This is like watching another country’s Washington or Churchill emerge in real time.
I hope we all appreciate how special this is. And how rare. Because normally when world-historical figures emerge, it’s because they’re bad guys.
But at some point he may have to make a judgment about how his life best serves his country. Is it more important that he stay alive to lead? Even if he has to eventually leave Kyiv? Or would sacrificing himself to the Russians make the symbol even more powerful?
It is hateful to talk this way about a man because it is important to remember that Volodymyr Zelensky is not just a symbol. He’s a real person. He’s 44 years old. He’s married. He has two children, one of whom is not yet 10.
But from here on in, history has its eye on him. This is a tremendous privilege but also an unimaginable burden.
May God protect this man and the Ukrainian people.3

As I’ve pointed out before Anne Appelbaum has been on fire with her essays over at the Atlantic, her latest discusses the Ukranian national identity and it history.

Yet during those same centuries, a sense of Ukrainiannessdeveloped too, linked to the peasantry, serfs, and farmers who would not or could not assimilate. The Ukrainian language, as well as Ukrainian art and music, were all preserved in the countryside, even though the cities spoke Polish or Russian. To say “I am Ukrainian” was, once upon a time, a statement about status and social position as well as ethnicity. “I am Ukrainian” meant you were deliberately defining yourself against the nobility, against the ruling class, against the merchant class, against the urbanites.

Both are highly recommended reading


2 years ago

For the Ukrainian people this is not new.
From Ukrainian poet, 

“Dear God, calamity again!It was so peaceful, so serene;We had just begun to break the chains”
The poem is called “Calamity Again.” The original version was written in Ukrainian, in 1859, and the author, Taras Shevchenko, was not speaking metaphorically when he wrote about slavery. Shevchenko was born into a family of serfs—slaves—on an estate in what is now central Ukraine, in what was then the Russian empire.

That bind our folk in slaveryWhen halt! Once again the people’s bloodIs streaming …

From the applebaum article linked above.

2 years ago

Like most everyday armchair optimists I’m always eager to pounce on any tiny scrap of good news and wave it about as if it were somehow the first robin of a fantastic new spring only just beginning to unfold. To wit:

Jay Arnold
Reports that Russian tanks have run out of fuel and Russian soldiers have been walking around ASKING FOR FOOD.

2 years ago

“Excuse me Mr comrade Russian, could I interest you in one of our fine Ukrainian wooden pitchforks?”

2 years ago

One takeaway for me.
Russia can’t take on our army. Nor can it expand beyond Ukraine. Their Army doesn’t have the ability. So McCafferty’s dusting off and polishing the “Domino theory” is just so much misguided punditry.
Ukraine is a tougher nut than the Russians realized. They may win but they can’t hold.
For Russia Holding is the most important and they are surrounded with ethnic territories they have to hold not just the Ukraine. 
As I’ve said before we can make central Asia a nightmare not just for Russia but China too.

2 years ago

interesting if true a sign of Russian incompetence.
But I would remain doubtful, it is too early in the campaign.

2 years ago

Sitting back and watching while the world does nothing, and taking notes:Xi

2 years ago

Rick and I were discussing over breakfast whether it would be better for Zelensky to stay or live and be a symbol of the true Ukrainian government and to keep broadcasting from another country.  We both think the latter would be better.  But… it is not our decision…  it is Zelensky’s. 

2 years ago

And on another note…  we booked this week to go to our wild wooly northern part of NH for Rick to ski Loon Mt. about 6 months ago.  We’ve decided there’s no reason for us not to go and are leaving in a couple of hours.  Although…  in the face of what’s happening… I doubt I’ll be talking about hot tubbing up there.
I will be bringing my iPad.  So if you live blog The State of the Union on Tuesday… I might join you.

2 years ago

For anyone who has a kindle or ebook they no longer use, this is a way to do a good thing:

Kindle Classroom Project


old man
2 years ago

So we rolled into Baghdad , and pulled down that statue pretty fast,  all well and good . Then that fellow drove that cement truck filled with fertilizer and diesel oil right into our well laid plans.
Putin thought he’d ring that Ukrainian chicken’s neck right quick. 
Some chicken, some neck.
Channeling Winston.
As for his nuke threats , someone needs to e-mail him his targeting location. 

2 years ago


“President Joe Biden is seriously weighing whether to support expelling Russia from SWIFT…”

“The move would be considered the nuclear option when it comes to responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Biden and his aides have highlighted how complicated blocking Russia from SWIFT would be, noting the US cannot move unilaterally. ”

Kick Russia off of the UN Security Council while you’re at it. Make Vlad a pariah in his own country. He should go to his bunker and pull an Adolf. Good riddance.

2 years ago

I wouldn’t trust those out of fuel tanks and friendly troops, either. 
It could be the old fumblerusky.

2 years ago

So suppose those tanks to ran out of diesil. Anybody knows that tanks have very low milage. They need to be refilled frequently and everybody know just about where they will need to be refilled. So you don’t send tanks and other armored vehicles without lots of tanker trucks coming along behind them. So there are possibilities, the Russians are idiots and can’t count higher than the tn fingers on their hands and it is possible. But if I was a group of Ukrainian soldiers armed with rifles and a few RPGs I might let the tanks go on by and take out some softer targets those tanker trucks would make a nice fun target.

2 years ago

Germany finally kicks in, to send thousands of weapons to Ukraine in major reversal https://t.co/PK2N7pp1U5

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

I keep seeing little things which individually mean little.  Taken together they still do not do much other than show a bit of Ukrainian fight.  One tidbit I think is solid and important is that Kyiv is still Ukrainian.  Russian military did not get it when they first attacked.  The other little pieces such as Russian convoys destroyed, including many dead, reports of soldiers looking for food, some swapping for civilian clothes, many surrendering, and the best, Anonymous is attacking Russia.  One report says Russian radio stations are playing the Ukrainian anthem.  We need intelligence confirmation to feel like KGB agent Putin screwed himself.

2 years ago

how will the additional weapons and ammo promised today get to ukraine?
will there be alliance fighter jets escorting the necessary cargo planes?
what happens if said escorts fire on russians trying to intercept/destroy cargo plane?  WWWIII?

…flown into germany, trucked over western Ukrainian border, there are reports that Biden is setting up backchannels to Russia to avoid engagement between us and them

2 years ago

above my paygrade, patd
it’s only cheating if you get caught

2 years ago

my interpretation of the US offer to evacuate Zelenskyy is that we might “have some guys” 🤫

2 years ago

I read yesterday they were trucking in through Poland. How they get it to where it is needed is anybody’s guess. I suspect it is a problem for (whatever Black water is called) to deal with if I were them I would bring some quality portable anti-aircraft weapons.
But then I wouldn’t be there either.

2 years ago

i don’t know what Amazon prime’s specific routes in Eastern Europe are😜

2 years ago

geography version of wordle, got my first one right today in 3 tries!

2 years ago

At the rate Russia is reported to be losing tanks, my proposal for the US to buy the entire fleet in exchange for lifting sanctions before the invasion would have been a great deal for Putin.  Now, they’re scrap-metal, Slava Ukraine

2 years ago


“At least six lobbying firms that previously represented now-sanctioned Russian banks and companies tied to a Russian natural gas pipeline terminated their contracts or representation this week…”

“The exodus marks the rupture of a Moscow-to-K-Street conduit that has long employed former federal officials and members of Congress of both parties, experts said.”

“Dropping contracts with fully blocked banks “is not a gesture in solidarity with Ukraine, this is a requirement under US law…”

“Lobbying firms Roberti Global and BGR Government Affairs both said this week that they would stop representing Nord Stream 2 AG, the pipeline’s Swiss parent company, which is owned by Russian gas giant Gazprom and was sanctioned by Biden on Wednesday. The lobbying firms’ exit was first reported by Politico. Nord Stream 2 AG has paid Roberti Global more than $9 million for lobbying since 2017…”

old man
2 years ago

Remember that not all armies from Russia have been all that good .
“I need ammunition , not a ride”
President “Z”.

old man
2 years ago

Notice that “Z” is painted on the Russian equipment  ?
Invasion stripes . Pretty simple to fake. 
What the Krane’s need are “Stinger” missiles, to  cut down on all those helo assaults.  And to see how good they are against those pesky jets. 

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

“Z” = Target.

old man
2 years ago

Ukrainian Forces Repel Russian Attack on Kyiv, Prepare for Next Assault
Thousands of civilians take up arms to help defend the capital, while Russian forces face fierce resistance throughout Ukraine


old man
2 years ago

Webb Telescope reaches major milestone: All its light is in one place
A single dot means we’re nearly halfway through focusing the telescope.


2 years ago

Ukrainians crushing Putin’s war-machine, holy shit

the first vid is apparently Ukraine losses, but there are white ‘Z’s all over the second video

2 years ago

‘z’ markings thought to denote deployment-regions, other Russian equipment has different markings

2 years ago

Someone needs to take out Vlad. 

2 years ago

Zelinsky will give you a gun, BiD

You raise a good point, though: who’s the successor? Megalomaniacs tend not to leave one. Lavrov? Medvedev?

2 years ago

ok slava Ukraine

2 years ago

BiD, the way things are going right now somebody in Russia will be glad to take him out. He is starting to embarrass people. 
From CNN US military sources

(Russia) encountering “stiffer than expected” resistance from the Ukrainian military as well as unexpected difficulties supplying its forces, two senior US officials with direct knowledge tell CNN.

Remember my comment earlier today, I did run across a picture, BBC I think where somebody had blown a supply convoy all to hell including a tanker truck that looked like it was still functional as soon as somebody decided to drive it. So maybe Ukraine got a little extra diesel.
From what I googled as the crow flys it is only 60 miles from Kyiv and the nearest border. about a 50 min drive a bit longer cause they probably have to take backroads. But even so it has been 3 days. You could have supplied them with pack mules by this time. 
One other thing in the article, Russia still doesn’t control the airspace above Ukraine. Ukraine still has functional aircraft flying. The sad thing about it is they only had about 50 planes. It has been 3 days. We had control of the skys over Iraq in about 15 min.
Jeez, Putin should be bright red with blush.

2 years ago

The thing that probably hurt/embarrassed Vlad the most is when Tucker finally turned on him. 

2 years ago

I keep thinking about the Russian tank that swerved and crushed a citizen’s car, just rolled over it.  Horrified, I was very happy to watch the driver climb out of the car unhurt.  I want a car like that.  Safety first.  But really, why would that Russian do that to a citizen?  Horrible.   I’m watching, but the coverage makes me sick. So many innocents being blown up.  Children marching endlessly towards the border.  Even George W. Bush weighed in and condemned the invasion.  No  more seeing a kind soul beyond those soulful eyes.  I considered Bush and Cheney war criminals 18 years ago but nothing came of that.  Trump and Tucker Carlson running their mouths for Putin is just sickening.  And then Pompeo appeared to say he hates communism, always has.  But they all love Putin.  
I joke a lot about hitting the lottery, which is truly just joking, but if I ever did hit the big one, I’d certainly contribute any way I could to the Ukraine peoples’ relief funds.  
The Nightwatchman reports 4 bells and all is well. 🙂