Although many a true believer on the left and on the right equate another word which starts with “c” (a real 4 letter word) with those who practice it. Compromise is the lubricant that keeps democracy functioning as a democracy.
The derivation tells the story for a well-oiled society:
[from Etymonline] Late Latin compromissus, past participle of compromittere “to make a mutual promise” (to abide by the arbiter’s decision), from com “with, together” (see com-) + promittere “to send forth; let go; foretell; assure beforehand, promise,” from pro “before” (from PIE root *per- (1) “forward,” hence “in front of, before”) + mittere “to release, let go; send, throw” (see mission).
joe and the GOPers and the Dems
Well, the Publix vaccine program is a bust! Another DeSantis mess. I’ve tried now about 5 times to get Rose 88 a shot appointment. You must start at 6 am and stay on-page. It says if an appointment becomes available your screen will change. Refreshes but nothing. Poor Rose, just wants to play Poker and get her hair done weekly :0)
Imagine what could happen if these clowns actually started working together
My apologies for the headline on the above caption. Apparently whoever posted the song thought a touch of racism was humorous.
wonder about purple and the young person Me-something
A covid test nurse asked Ruth Buzzi if she’d had a sudden lack of taste. Ruth says, why no, I’ve dressed like this for quite a while…….
When one side is always expected to compromise, that’s just bullying.
Sometimes, it’s time to walk away from the table and do what you have the power to do NOW. This will also act as a lesson to the other side in future negotiations.
Can’t believe the GOP idiots might throw Liz Cheney out of her leadership role, but won’t say a peep to wacko MTG
BiD, compromise takes two (or more) to promise together. misuse of the word “compromise” if only one side puts something in the pot.
but i see your point in the case of “here, I promise you can have my candy if you promise not to hit me” arguments.
more than 370 staffers implore in An Open Letter to Members of the U.S. Senate to convict you-know-who of inciting a violent “attack on our workplace.”
from NYTimes via msn:
I’m ’noculated, I’m ‘noculated. Got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Great little vaccine site they have here. Took me less than 7 minutes from walking in the door to sitting for my 15 minute side effect check. (I’ve got none). I’m estimating they are rolling 35-40 people through in each 15 minute period. All I can say is they’re more efficient than the average drive thru.
Such great news!
late night on the GOPer dilemma from the week:
The Daily Show checked in on other conservatives complaining — on national TV — that they’re being silenced.
Greene is “a public backer of QAnon, she’s claimed that mass shootings — including school shootings — were staged, and she has supported the execution of Democratic leaders — so, a moderate Republican,” Stephen Colbert quipped on The Late Show. McConnell may have slammed Greene’s “loony lies” and said “the baseless conspiracy theories Greene supports ‘are cancer for the Republican Party and our country,'” he added, “but I will point out that five years ago the GOP found a suspicious lump and then nominated the tumor for president.”
“McConnell’s not the only one upset with the conspiracy wing of the GOP,” though, Colbert said, noting the recent exodus of Bush Republicans, but “if crazy conspiracy theories are in fact a ‘cancer’ on the Republican Party, people like Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove have spent the last 20 years selling cigarettes to their base.”
The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah ran through Greene’s wilder and more violent conspiracy theories, then ended with one of his own, that “Marjorie Taylor Greene is secretly a Democrat” — which, he said, would be “great news for everyone, because that would be the only way that Republicans would actually want to hold her accountable for anything she’s done.” Peter Weber
Compromise is a good word as long as both sides respect one another. IMO, the republicans haven’t exhibited self respect… let alone respect for those across the aisle.
Barack Obama tried mightily to compromise with republicans… look at what it got him.
IMO, what the republicans need right now is a good dose of their own medicine. When (and IF) they feel contrite… then maybe we can see compromise in D.C. once again.
Funniest dodge ever…
GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville says he doesn’t know anything about Marjorie Taylor Greene because the bad weather has prevented him from reading the news
Speaking of not compromising, I don’t think House Dems should let GOP off the hook for voting on expelling Greene.
Will Dick Cheney allow Liz to be reprimanded? Does he still have enough of a machine around him to shut down the Cruz contingent?
Republicans like MTG for the same reason Poo-tin liked tRUMPsky. She’s a useful idiot.
Good for you! I had heard WV had its stuff together. Hope I can post the same before June.
Randy strikes again with and Evergreen comment on MTG
Anyone got a post for tomorrow? If you need instructions or just want to email your text write to help@craig_crawford
Yes, force every House Republican on the record. Voting for her writes the Dem 2022 ads against them… Hoyer just announced: The House will vote tomorrow on whether to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments.
Tony, BiD, WV does sort of have it’s act together in distributing vaccine – but it’s a weird patchwork of methods – in more “urban” areas, the hospitals run the clinics. In less urban areas hospitals help if they have the resources but pharmacies are utilized otherwise. WVU Hospitals run the one where I got mine – in a vacated Sears store at the (dying) Mall. It was very well organized and ran lock clockwork to get patients (buncha old farts) through like shit through a goose (pardon the mixed metaphors). In an odd shout out from me, Gov. Jim Justice did a good job and pushed very hard very early to get the WV systems in place, utilizing hospitals, partnering with pharmacies, and getting support from the WV National Guard. BTW another shout out to him – he supports going big on Covid relief, praised the Biden admin’s efforts re: the vaccine distribution to the states and doesn’t care if we waste some money in the covid relief package so long as the vaccine side of it gets the vaccine out so it can be shots in arms rather than (20 million doses) vaccines in storage. Joe Manchin needs to quit farting around and listen to Justice and vote for the fucking package.
LOL at the Randy MTG song – Barbra would definitely sing that and love it.
joe’s latest use of that 10 letter c-word
guess this is one of the folks joe was talking to/about in above story from politico:
Joe Manchin needs to listen to his governor.
Charlotte Alter. The Marjorie Taylor Green of reporters.
The new Randy Rainbow about mtg is too pretty a song for that traitorous moron.
Joe Manchin seems confused as to the method of administering the vaccine. It’s to be injected into our arms, not shoved down our throats. I wonder if his BigPharma daughter is missing out on the COVID payout or what F his problem is in acting like a Dem, this time?
Something new.
Why is everybody giving that loon so much oxygen? Feed the beast more, whydoncha?
The more Qanon lady the better for Dems.
Go Nancy! Pelosi issues statement blasting “cowardly” GOP leader “McCarthy (Q-CA)”
“The more… the better”
Yeah, i said similar about trump in early 2016. Wasn’t laughing after he won a primary.
Bravo, Corey! Ha!
Good for Dems? No. She’s not good for America. Riding the q-dragon is dangerous. She’s a nut and nutty sells these days. Get her off of all committees.
Marginalize Marjorie!
My suspicions about MTG are correct. Her balls are bigger than McCarthy‘s, and so are Nancy’s for that matter.
BiD, Heather Bresch retired from Mylan in 2020 when UpJohn purchased her former company.
The cliff has been left behind, the greedy old perverts (gop) are now the greedy q perverts (gqp).
Marg may have big balls but her brain is tiny
Gym Jordan says the GQP is no longer the “wine and cheese” party, that it’s now the “beer and blue jeans” party. That dumb sob wrestling coach actually wrote that.
Yep, their death knell is knelling its ass off.
Kevin McCarthy refused to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committees, so the House will now pass a Bill to do it. Greene will be removed.
Pelosi should scrap the vote on stripping Greene of her committee assignments and make her the face of the GOP. Simply say if GOP wants to be the QAnon party it’s not our job to change that.
I do believe that Rep. Cheney (R-Wy) stomped on the idiot manchild from Florida today. I believe he’s now about 4 inches shorter, and is feeling about 3 times stupider. Little bastard had it coming. It came. lol
Now, to de-program the millions of other q-razies. This woman kicked the plug out herself.