Picture It Thusly

This was the last fish camp. On the road to Folly…….Folly Beach.

“House bun tru till Hugo tear.”

This was painted by a couple of hippies who had found gainful employment at Cap’n Joe’s.

Hugo knocked it down.


43 thoughts on “Picture It Thusly”

  1. uh oh, methinks lizzie just poked a hornet’s nest. 

    the guardian:

    Facebook has been taking heat all week for its decision to allow politicians to make false statements in paid advertisements. Now the Democratic senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is taking the fight to the social media company’s own turf by taking out a series of Facebook ads that make false statements about Facebook and its chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg.
    “Breaking news: Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook just endorsed Donald Trump for re-election,” the ads read, above a photograph of a recent Oval Office meeting between the billionaire tech executive and the president.
    The statement isn’t true, but as the Facebook executive Nick Clegg revealed late last month, the company’s policies banning false statements from paid advertisements do not apply to politicians.
    The exemption has drawn particular attention due to Facebook’s decision to allow Trump to run an ad that was rejected by CNN for promoting a “demonstrably false” narrative about Joe Biden.
    Warren’s ad does correct the record – neither Facebook nor Zuckerberg has endorsed Trump – but goes on to argue her point: that “Facebook already helped elect Donald Trump once” and that “It’s time to hold Mark Zuckerberg accountable”.
    Warren has advocated for antitrust action against major tech companies and has called for Facebook to be broken up into multiple smaller companies.
    Last week, leaked transcripts of a July meeting at Facebook revealed that Zuckerberg had promised to “go to the mat” and “fight” if Warren was elected and pursued her plan to break the company up. He also described her antitrust proposal as an “existential” threat and said it would “suck for us”.
    Warren appears to relish the fight with Facebook. She shot back: “What would really ‘suck’ is if we don’t fix a corrupt system that lets giant companies like Facebook engage in illegal anticompetitive practices, stomp on consumer privacy rights, and repeatedly fumble their responsibility to protect our democracy.”
    A Facebook spokesperson responded to the new ads to CNN, which first reported on them, saying: “If Senator Warren wants to say things she knows to be untrue, we believe Facebook should not be in the position of censoring that speech.”

  2. Jamie, what you have been saying recently about lizzie sure sounds to me a lot like what was said about Hillary. especially the allegations that she’s a phony and a liar.   

    beware that bern bros fallback line of attack when all else failed them.


  3. Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including California power outages, Rudy Giuliani’s conspiracy quest, and Trump’s impulsive foreign policy moves.

  4. Patd

    The only criticism I’ve ever had of Warren is her age and the sense that she isn’t truly prepared on an international level and that some of her policies are rather nebulous.  I have no criticism of her as a person or of her performance as a Senator.  Given my druthers, I would love to see her as Secretary of the Treasury.


  5. Jamie, I apologize if I mischaracterized what you’ve said.  mistook as yours the reposted comments of others.  her inexperience in foreign policy is fair game; but any one, even an ostrich with head in sand, is more qualified than what’s in white house now.   like you, i’m also hoping hers will be a voluntary one term giving a younger veep the needed exposure, experience and easy step up the ladder.  

  6. another day, another cabinet official bites the dust


    President Trump said late Friday that he is replacing Kevin McAleenan, the acting homeland security secretary, after a tenure in which McAleenan reduced border crossings and shepherded major Trump administration immigration policies but clashed with other senior officials and struggled to earn the president’s trust.
    “Kevin McAleenan has done an outstanding job as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. We have worked well together with Border Crossings being way down. Kevin now, after many years in Government, wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector,” Trump said of his top immigration official in a tweet.


  7. Jamie and Pat: You two are magnificent–clearing-up a misunderstanding instantaneously then getting back to the business at hand. I’m so proud being privileged to observe such happenings in this day and age.

  8. flatus, thank you but “clearing up a misunderstanding” with Jamie is an easy task as most (99.9%) of the time I’m totally in agreement with her politically, also  her taste in music and movies.  

  9. carl Hiaasen at Miami herald:

    Remember when Obama totally lost his marbles? Oh, wait, I’m thinking of someone else . . . | Opinion

    Imagine it’s the summer of 2011, in a parallel universe.
    Barack Obama, who’s gearing up for a difficult re-election campaign, gets the dumbest idea of his presidency, possibly the dumbest idea of his life.
    He decides to call the president of Ukraine and ask him to dig up dirt on Mitt Romney, one of the favorites to become the Republican nominee who will challenge Obama the following year.


  10. Sturg, we folks down in Florida pooled our resources sending people and stuff to the Carolinas. I think our small city found enough cash to buy Charleston a new fire engine, one of many needed to replace those destroyed by that violent storm. And, here in Columbia, we may still have refugees from that terrible event in New Orleans. When Andrew hit South Florida, our Tampa Bay area fire dept sent rescue people immediately; “One for all, all for one”.

  11. I’ve waited decades for this. “Maverick” is on my television.    Just discovered the meTV channel.
    It’s still great.

  12. Xr don’t know the answer but it could just be that some of his fat has slipped into the fire.
    Flate, I had the pleasure of living in Panhandle Florida, or Baja Alabama as I call it, having made my way back east from Denver, when Hugo smote Charleston in Sept 89.  I moved back to the low country the following January, having sensed that there was a brisk market for cabinet construction.  

  13. I use the word “pleasure” advisedly as that area is a sho’ nuff hell hole with very little to be found under the category of pleasure.

  14. NYTimes:


    Mr. McAleenan’s departure from the White House came after he tried to embrace the president’s increasingly aggressive assault on legal and illegal immigration publicly even as he privately resisted some of Mr. Trump’s most extreme ideas.
    A former deputy commissioner for the nation’s border security agency under President Barack Obama, Mr. McAleenan watched in recent months as the White House surrounded him with Fox News contributors to key positions in the agency.
    In an interview last week with The Washington Post, Mr. McAleenan complained about what he called the “tone, the message, the public face and approach” of immigration policy — a not-so-subtle reproach of the president’s own language.
    The comments enraged some of the president’s staunchest allies, who had already targeted Mr. McAleenan for resisting nationwide deportation raids this year against migrant families.
    Mr. McAleenan went to the White House on Friday to offer his resignation and volunteered to stay on the job until the end of the month, a move made in part to avoid having the president assert that he had forced him out, according to administration officials. In his resignation letter, Mr. McAleenan attributed his exit to “personal and family reasons” and described his tenure as “galvanizing and enervating.”


    The president never nominated Mr. McAleenan to permanently assume the position and sometimes offered weak praise for the job he was doing. While Mr. McAleenan believed in restoring state department aid for Central American countries, Mr. Trump often assailed the nations and the migrants crossing at the border.
    “I also believe strongly in investing in the growing collaboration with the governments of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, and see real opportunity to change the dynamic in the region through these partnerships,” Mr. McAleenan said in his resignation letter.


    Mr. McAleenan, a former lawyer who attended Amherst College, had pushed back on some of the White House’s initiatives. When Mr. Morgan advocated widespread deportations to round up families that recently crossed the border, Mr. McAleenan delayed the operation for fear that families would be separated in the interior of the country and agents’ safety would be at risk.


  15. If there enough “fans” to fill a football, baseball, or NASCAR arena…..then sure enough it is that they can fill up a political rally arena 

  16. It’s obvious that we need a complete redefinition of the office of the Presidency, but this generation of politicians could never achieve something so ambitious, so we will continue to remain vulnerable to malicious potential leaders, even in the best-case scenario of our blatantly-criminal President being removed from office, and i ain’t holding my breath for that, either.

  17. No it’s not mitigating….
    ”Do not mitigate!”
    —-Rumpole of the Bailey 
    To me it’s kind of underscoring the feebleness of their estimation of the relevance of what his crowd size might or might not be.

  18. You know as well as any that it doesn’t require that many armed wahoos to take control of a state. 

    Most of my local municipalities would fall overnight- most of the politicians are white-supremacists and Nazi-sympathizers, anyway, which means most of the people are, too.

  19. Military leader of Syrian Kurds tells US ‘you are leaving us to be slaughtered’

    “You are not willing to protect the people, but you do not want another force to come and protect us. You have sold us. This is immoral,” Mazloum added.
    He insisted the US either help stop the Turkish attack or allow the Syrian Democratic Forces to strike a deal with the Assad regime in Damascus and their Russian backers, allowing Russian warplanes to enforce a no-fly zone over northeast Syria, thereby denying Turkey the ability to carry out airstrikes. The US does not want the Kurds turning to the Russians, administration officials say.
  20. KGC

    Facebook is the easiest way for me to connect with family.  Give me an alternative and I’m gone.  As it is, Zuckerberg is a truly irritating asshole.  

  21. still casting about the movie, sturge is right about Robert duvall playing rudy. 

    x-r, jack nickelson could do one of Rudy’s indicted clients – put on a little weight and he sorta favors him.  someone menacing like the corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor might be a good one for christopher walken. 

    am still hoping the coens can write, produce and direct.  enlist George Clooney, steve buscemi & brad pitt as bumbling but well meaning CIA /FBI/ doj career guys trying to figure out john goodman’s Pompeo & Duvall’s guiliani relationship.

  22. …living through this administration is horrifying enough, we don’t need a cinematic dramatization of it.   
    Let’s just knock the noses off the Trump statues and venture forward, if we get lucky enough to have such an opportunity.

  23. sturge, bink’s got a point.  if “him” has to be in the picture, just let it be a big foreboding shadow seen from afar.  I foresee this epic mostly in Ukraine embassy & environs. a few scenes at trump hotel or fancy DC  foggy bottom bistros and perhaps  ending as streep the ambassador marie walks bravely into capitol to testify.

    but again it needs to be a dark comedy.

  24. Mattis speaks according to the  hill:

    Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a new interview that ISIS will become stronger in northern Syria and Iraq if U.S.-aligned forces do not maintain pressure in the region.
    In an interview airing Sunday on “Meet the Press,” Mattis warned that the region was in “disarray” due to the invasion of Turkish forces and withdrawal of U.S. troops, which he warned would benefit ISIS forces thought to be hiding in the region as well as those already detained in prison camps.
    “It’s in a situation of disarray right now,” Mattis said of the northern Syria region currently besieged by Turkish forces. “Obviously, the Kurds are adapting to the Turkish attacks. And we’ll have to see if they’re able to maintain the fight against ISIS. It’s going to have an impact. The question is, how much?”
    “I think Secretary of State [Mike] Pompeo, the intelligence services, the foreign countries that are working with us have it about right that ISIS is not defeated,” Mattis continued. “We have got to keep the pressure on ISIS so they don’t recover. We may want a war over. We may even declare it over.”
    Mattis also likened President Trump‘s announcement early this week that the U.S. would allow Turkish military action in the region to former President Obama’s drawdown of troops in Iraq.
    “You can pull your troops out, as President Obama learned the hard way, out of Iraq, but the ‘enemy gets the vote,’ we say in the military,” Mattis said. “And in this case, if we don’t keep the pressure on, then ISIS will resurge. It’s absolutely a given that they will come back.”


  25. Sturgeon, meTV is a good one. Maverick is new to the line up. Andy Griffith and Hogan’s Heroes are at the top of my list of faves. 

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