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5 years ago

Hope LP goes down for the TT parade. He’s a bit of a soccer fan after all. 

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Amy McGrath takes on the more evil of evils in the senate majority leader.  The primary question is how much do the Russians want to keep him in the Senate?  Putin has a lot of money, but at some point the price of keeping the Senate and the senate majority leader, along with SFB, in office becomes steep.  Dems are learning their messages, a bit of a change for many Dems who were a bit shy of attacking hard, but now realize it is important to do so.

5 years ago

Trump and Barr Turn to One of America’s Original Tools of Political Repression: The Census

Since doing genealogy involves a great deal of poring over census records, this is a major issue for me.  ANYTHING that results in an undercount can adversely effect anyone doing family research.


5 years ago

Go Team USA!  Go Women’s sports!

Of course the far right hates those women’s guts….  which to me means they are on the correct path.

I forgot that Megan Rapinoe was appearing last night on Rachel’s show.  I’ll find the interview on MSNBC’s website later today.


5 years ago

Yes, Renee, you do want to find and watch it. It was a good interview. Although it’s faint praise Meghan is a lot more articulate than SFB could ever hope to be. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

She’s great and wants to do more!  I hope she runs for office someplace.
‘Tom Steyer  yuk