Will Power

In Statuary Hall of the Capitol, they rub his shoes for luck.  And boy do we need it and more of him now.


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5 years ago

I’m not sure how I ever came to know about Will Rogers. He died in 16 years before I was born, and I don’t remember there being a lot of video about him that I ever saw. The first thing I recall having heard attributed to him was that last line in his epitaph, which I found an interesting idea.

I liked this one “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.”

But this is my favorite. “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.”

5 years ago

Watching local coverage of rally goers yesterday really reinforced the Twain quote on our thread: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”

5 years ago

He has my vote.

5 years ago

patd…  thanks for that cartoon.  It really is great to clear one’s head every once in a while.

I am anxiously awaiting next week’s Dem debate.  Even though it’s summer, it will finally feel like real campaigning.  Hoping that some candidates drop out shortly thereafter.  I’m not sure what to think…   on one hand it would be nice to see them not beating each other up.  OTOH…  they will need to be razor sharp with taking and throwing punches at trump…  may as well practice.

5 years ago

He’s not getting a lot of press

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

patd – great cartoon.  What is funny is how many visitors to marinas get frustrated when they find out the cell phone coverage is iffy at high tide and non-existent at low tide.  eh, enjoy life.
My big question regarding the white nationalist clan meeting last night was how many bothered to show up with a corollary question of did the right wing amgen arena fill up?

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Trump alleges they raised 24 million last night after the rally –wonder how much came from Pam Bondi and the Trump foundation

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

There were empty seats – but they allege that’s because of the rain.  BUT
Earlierthe extremely gullible media was reporting thousands were flocking there BUT  one reporter (the only actual reporter) pointed out that only 60 people were in line    not thousands.
The media took information from the SFB campaign — and they are all proven liars.  The media is stupid, gullible and secretly wish they were Trump

5 years ago

Was trump’s 2d Best Campaign Against Hillary on tv last night ?

5 years ago

So Pres. SFB on the Iran issue has his greater devil Tom Cotton on his left shoulder urging attacks against Iran and his lesser “Angel?”, gasp! Tfucker Carlson on his right shoulder urging restraint. We are tfucked.

5 years ago

 The position calls for someone with integrity. cucker carlson hasn’t the qualification to become our SoD.

5 years ago

tom cotton has neither the integrity nor the brains to be our SoD. In Jan, 2001, expel the turd.

5 years ago

Someone shoulda asked hicks about her affair with trump.
There’s no expectation of exec privilege for that topic.

5 years ago

XR, expectation of exec privilege? Bwahahahahahaha. “We” don’t need no stinkin’ expectations. We got our assertions.