interview with Rick Reilly “America’s most recognizable — and funniest — sports columnists for decades… [about] His latest book, Commander in Cheat”:
The theme of your new book is that you tell a lot about someone’s character by the way they comport themselves on the golf course .
Arnold Palmer once told me that he never did a business deal until he played 18 holes with the guy. He said he could find out exactly who a guy is over four hours. They can’t hide it. And what you find out about Trump in golf is that he has to win. Whatever it takes. He doesn’t care about the money. He has to be the winner and you have to be the loser. And if that means kicking a ball out of the rough, having his caddie lie for him, taking all kinds of mulligans, you are going to lose. He kicks the ball out of the rough so often they call him Pele.
You seem to firmly believe that golf is a game of honor.
Yes. And Trump doesn’t offend me so much as a voter as he does as a golfer. We don’t cheat each other. The way I learned the game was to call your own penalties. If you cheat, then you despoil the game. Nobody should be able to say I shot 68 when they didn’t even break 80. I get lying about politics, but golf, you should never get to lie about golf.
What was playing with him like?
Well, he took a gimme chip-in, which I had never heard of. People say, Okay, so he cheats at golf. Well, yeah, but it goes deeper. If you’re going to cheat at golf, you’re probably going to cheat at business. And if you cheat at golf, you’re probably going to cheat on your wife. And if you cheat at golf, you’re probably going to cheat on your taxes.
Sports writer and author of ‘Commander-in-Cheat’ Rick Reilly joins Nicolle Wallace and the Deadline panel to discuss his new book that exposes Trump’s lies on and off the golf course
and in other news a sign of the times from NYTimes:
CHICAGO — Chicago became the largest American city ever to elect a black woman as its mayor as voters on Tuesday chose Lori Lightfoot, a former prosecutor, to replace Rahm Emanuel. When she takes office in May, Ms. Lightfoot also will be the city’s first openly gay mayor.
Ms. Lightfoot, who has never held elective office, easily won the race, overwhelming a better-known, longtime politician and turning her outsider status into an asset in a city with a history of corruption and insider dealings. Ms. Lightfoot, 56, beat Toni Preckwinkle, a former alderman who is president of the Cook County Board and who had for years been viewed as a highly formidable candidate for mayor.
For Chicago, Ms. Lightfoot’s win signaled a notable shift in the mood of voters and a rejection of an entrenched political culture that has more often rewarded insiders and dismissed unknowns. For many voters, the notion that someone with no political ties might become mayor of Chicago seemed an eye-opening counterpoint to a decades-old, often-repeated mantra about this city’s political order: “We don’t want nobody nobody sent.”
A bald eagle atop a mound of trash at the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill in Maple Valley, Wash. The birds feast on the garbage there, and often drop food scraps and other trash in the surrounding neighborhoods.CreditCreditKen Lambert/The Seattle Times
above also from NYTimes today, a story for our trail friend, eagle watcher and WA -tonian Jamie: “Bald Eagles, Symbol of America, Are Dumping Trash on the Seattle Suburbs”
Did someone say “Orange”….
from the hill: In a Hill-HarrisX poll released Tuesday, Obama was far and away the most popular choice of registered voters when they were asked who best represents the viewpoints of the Democratic Party among five prominent left-of-center politicians.
Trump cheats at golf. Who could have predicted that?
Pittsburgh Post Gazette reminds us that Steel ain’t back
Democrat Pam Iovino, the former Department of Veterans Affairs congressional and legislative affairs offices head and Navy veteran was elected to the Pennsylvania state Senate, beating Republican D. Raja in a special election after a bruising two-month campaign that garnered national attention along the way.
[That is a mixed around copy/paste from the Gazette article]
SFB won that district by 6 points in 2016. The prior Repug occupant won it by 16.
Fatass The mulligan president
Speaking of oranges, “I hope they now go and take a look at the oranges, the oranges of the investigation, the beginnings of that investigation [ . . .] where it started, how it started, who started it [ . . .] Where does it go, how high up in the White House did it go?” [Courtesy of Paul Waldman].
nytimes magazine: How Rupert Murdoch’s Empire of Influence Remade the World
Part 1: Imperial Reach
Part 1: Imperial Reach Murdoch and his children have toppled governments on two continents and destabilized the most important democracy on Earth. What do they want?
for a little taste of NYTimes mag article linked above, this excerpt from the section titled 5. ‘No clown could have done all this!’
Murdoch recognized Trump’s appeal as a tabloid character and ratings driver, but he did not see him as a serious person, let alone a credible candidate for president. “He’s a [expletive] idiot,” Murdoch would say when asked about Trump, three people close to him told us (Through a spokeswoman, Murdoch denied that he ever used this phrase to describe Trump.).
Roger Ailes, the longtime head of Fox News, was no more generous, at least when Trump was out of earshot. Ailes was close to Trump, too: Their alliance dated back to Rudolph Giuliani’s 1989 New York mayoral campaign, for which Ailes worked as a media adviser and Trump as a fund-raising figurehead. It was Ailes who, in 2011, gave Trump his regular Monday-morning slot on “Fox & Friends,” which Trump used to advance his “birther” campaign. Still, Ailes ranted indignantly about the notion of a Trump presidency, saying that he wasn’t remotely worthy of the Oval Office, a person close to him at the time told us.
Fox News’s initial resistance to promoting his candidacy came as an unpleasant surprise to Trump, who had assumed that his relationships with Murdoch and Ailes would ensure positive coverage. Ailes had even written Trump an email asking what he could do to help him. (After scrawling an enthusiastic note on top, Trump sent a printout of that email to his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.)
During the campaign’s early months, it fell mostly to Ailes to manage the network’s tumultuous relationship with Trump, who complained constantly that Fox favored Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Trump was driven into a near-weekly rage by the Fox News host Bret Baier’s Friday-night segment, “Candidate Casino.” Opening with a graphic of a spinning roulette wheel and Vegas-style lights, Baier and his round table of political analysts would place bets on the probable party nominees. Even though Trump was winning in most of the polls, Baier’s parlor of experts regularly placed him toward the bottom of the pack.
It was especially galling to Trump because he and Baier had golfed together, and Baier had briefly been a member at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. (Baier dropped his membership when it became clear that Trump was likely to run for the presidency.) After the Fox contributor and Weekly Standard editor Stephen F. Hayes called Trump “a clown,” Trump faxed Baier a copy of his résumé, with a note scrawled across it in black marker: “Tell Hayes no clown could have done all this!” Trump even complained about Fox while appearing on Fox, ticking off, during a live interview with Sean Hannity, the contributors who should be fired because they were “biased” against him.
Trump wasn’t without leverage in his relationship with Fox. The Murdoch formula was to deliver the enthusiasm of reactionary readers and viewers to chosen candidates, but Trump was already generating plenty of enthusiasm on his own. His hard-core supporters made up Fox’s core audience, and his social media accounts gave him a direct connection to them. If these supporters had to choose between Trump and Fox, Ailes might not like the results. At the same time, a new crop of right-wing outlets — Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, One America News, Sinclair — were embracing his candidacy, and mainstream broadcasters were no less aware of what he could do for their ratings. “I can go on the ‘Today’ show in my pajamas, and five million people will watch,” he warned Ailes, a former Trump campaign official recalled.
Well, it takes a little reading between the lines, but I think this signals pretty strongly that Biden is going to announce:
Biden did a video saying he gets it and will change his behavior.
[That’s it – article does not continue].
If he ain’t announcing there would be no reason for him to make that video.
For posterior’s sake.
A Bugger’s Dozen
Your orangeyoutan cheats 1 the draft, 2 his employees, 3 on infrastructure, 4 his wives, 5 on steel, 6 charity, 7 on taxes, 8 on coal, 9 during elections, 10 on the wall, 11 his creditors, 12 his supporters and 13 at golf.
But, he won’t cheat putin
Credit where due: that’s what Joe needed to say.
Thanks for the Murdoch article, patd.
forbes v BIG PHARMA
First ball off the 9th tee – I do not care that Biden is touchy feely. He is too old. The same with the weird white hair Communist. And, the same for SFB. And, the same for any presidental candidate over the age of fifty-nine.
First ball off the 18th tee – SFB had a stroke recently. It would be a shame if he had another. Think of the days he did not tweet recently. He may have been saved with a blast of IV rtPA. Clot buster.
Meanwhile, a rough beast slouches towards drooling Marius.
the new mayor of Chicago is a Stark County Ohio person — she went to Massillon ugh but still from Ohio
No wonder the orangeyewtan looks nothing like fred trump. I wonder if fred knew the old lady was cheating with the kraut. And, who was that kraut, anyway ? goering ?
And, now we know that a.g. barr is a whore for trump. More of a liar than a lawyer, y’might say.
After Jan 3d, 2021, they can all be impeached and removed in 2 weeks, w/pensions cancelled, and Sec Serv security withdrawn.
Bink, I agree. While he’s catching shit from the folks on the left who deny that Joes was a proper apology (and of course from the RW), I agree with you.
BB, I hear you, but that would knock out the top 2 candidates, declared or not, on both sides. If SFB is running I don’t advocate excluding the best chance to defeat him because that candidate is too old.
I’m seeing ads about the socialist threat.
Apparently the russian corruptionist threat is over. Like the threat of noKorean nukes.
All gone.
We’re safe except for the socialists under our beds.