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5 years ago

Great photos of the cherry ? blossoms?. 

Ms. Newbold is a brave public servant and should be supported in her battles against West Wing bullshit. 

SFB is in the middle of his “I’ve got a great health care plan – lower premiums, better care, yadda yadda – that I’m not going to tell you about until after you re-elect me” schtick. And it’s only April, 2019. Maybe it’s his April Fool joke.

And finally, Mika, you’re right, it’s ridiculous. 

5 years ago


Thank you for the song.  Heard it first many decades ago and my little Sakura (saki for short) was named for both the cherry blossoms and the drink. 

5 years ago

Off to doctor this am.  Fingers crossed.  

5 years ago

Howard Dean should have stayed in the race.
Incredible why he dropped out .

5 years ago

Break a leg, Jamie…….oh wait, that’s show biz
So, big time buenas suerte.

5 years ago

Break a leg…….haha, that line doesn’t go over well in horse race circles, either.

5 years ago

And then late yesterday this nonsensical omission occurred: “articulately make[s] sense.”
Trail Mixers here, trying to make sense of chaos, are simply over-worked.

5 years ago

” . . . looks like the twit is hellbent on destroying/obstructing gov’t work across the board.” – Ms Pat
Yup. That’s what russian saboteurs do.

5 years ago

Flatus, I tell ya, I needs me an editor.

5 years ago

Looks like the saudis hacked Bezos to feed the info to bro sanchez and pecker.
But for whom would they provide that valuable service ?  As usual, the maniac orange godfadda in the Oval Office used double cut outs to hide his tiny hand in the matter. That orange godfadda has already advised us that we could get the truth by simply water-boarding him. Maybe we should take his advice. 

5 years ago

ooooh….  went to D.C. once upon a time to see those cherry blossoms….  fantastic sight!

Joe ain’t a candidate…  and if he finally jumps into the race…  that’s when I’ll care to not care.

In the meantime…   trump is still an asshole.

5 years ago

The flowering cherry tree in our front yard is simply glorious. It is flanked by a couple of Korean red miniature  maples and a flowering dogwood.

5 years ago

We’ve got an ornamental cherry tree that’s just coming into bloom – it’s  a gorgeous tree when it’s blooming.  Aside from daffodils and the trashy shrubs that start out with yellow blooms (which is the only time they are actually pretty) nothing else here has broken free from its hibernation.

Renee, SFB will be an asshole when Biden gets in – or when he doesn’t – and all times in between.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

In charge of making the goopers the ehalth care party
Rick Scott (r-HealthCare Fraudster)
One has to ask — what is wrong with the voters of Florida

5 years ago

Pogo would you be so pro-Joe if he weren’t atop the “hypothetical match-up” polls?  Just curious.

Rewatch his speech at the 2016 DNCC if you really think he has the juice.

5 years ago

Jennifer Rubin’s take on Joe. WHAT TO MAKE OF JOE BIDEN   Let’s get back to some legal basics: Sexual harassment in the workplace is either unwelcome sexual conduct — or if from someone in a position of power, conditioning work benefits on sexual conduct. If your co-worker slugs you on the arm every day as some weird good-morning ritual, you’ve got reason for complaint but it doesn’t make it sexual conduct. What is “sexual” conduct? To paraphrase the Supreme Court on pornography (which if shown to an unwelcoming co-worker would be harassment!): We’ll know it when we see it. Better put, if reasonable people in that situation would consider the conduct to be sexual, it probably is.   And yes, this brings us to former vice president Joe Biden. Any adult who’s paid attention to politics over the last few decades knows that Biden does not honor personal space, to put it mildly. He hugs, he pats, he rubs backs. He is a nondiscriminatory toucher — men, women, blacks, whites, children, seniors. This is understandable conduct with close friends and relatives, but Biden, for better or worse, treats everyone like a member of the family.   This is not an excuse. His touching is often inappropriate and can be unnerving. He should cut it out and apologize to those who felt uncomfortable. However, this is not #MeToo sexual harassment or assault. In the crazed atmosphere of immediate takes and absolute judgments, it’s difficult for some to make distinctions, but that is what grown-ups are supposed to do. Biden’s habitual embraces can be inappropriate without being sexual harassment; his conduct can be a demerit without being disqualifying. No, you’re not a hypocrite if you think Roy Moore should have been long ago banished from public life and Biden shouldn’t; these two situations are not the same.   That still leaves Democratic primary voters with a decision, should Biden decide to run for president. Is he is the best person to lead their party, the best positioned to beat President Trump and then best equipped to govern in the post-Trump era?    [CONTINUES]   Democrats… Read more »

5 years ago

Bink, no, I probably wouldn’t be “so pro-Joe” if he didn’t look to me to be best positioned to take down trump.  If I thought Harris could win in 2020, I’d be behind her all the way (and not in some creepy sense).  Same with Amy, Cory, … It’s not that I’m so pro-Joe. I like him fine, even knowing that in the past he’s taken positions that didn’t turn out so well.  I however don’t care about the latest allegations against him other than dems are doing repugs’ dirty work with them.  Bottom line for me is that I hate seeing democrats go after democrats because they have dirt on their feet.  

5 years ago

So far yes: . Harris and Klobuchar ( or Klobuchar and Harris ) . ( They can flip a coin.)

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Politics ain’t beanbag and the fact that everyone is trying to make Mr. Handy into Mr Rodgers is craptastic
Biden cannot win and if that is why people are supporting him  you are in for a big disappointment 
When he gets in the race he will drop like a stone.

5 years ago

 “thank you, purists, for helping to elect trump.“ -patd

Who are “the purists [that helped elect Trump]”?

I was fine with blaming the racists, the crooks, the Russians, the disinformation artists, and the vote-suppressors.

5 years ago

I want tough.  And both those ladies got tough baked into them…….I’ve seen them in committee stuff and so far they’ve got the goods.  They got moxie…..I know Lou Grant hates moxie, but I don’t.  Not to leave Sen Warren out of the mix. She’s good too.
May the best anti-Bernie win the primaries.

5 years ago

Beanbag?  Dangerous sport.   I saw the championships in Paris, many people were killed .

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Fortunately for me that will not be the choice –although that’s what it looks like now.
Bernie and Biden come with built-in bases  and the others are still trying to cobble together their own.
I think Iowa and maybe a little before will winnow the field a lot.   I don’t think Biden will get into the race he will blame his family for this final decision.    Iowa is a caucus state so I hope they renting buses and talking to community organizations that can deliver numbers.   And a year out is not too soon. 
My knees are shot and I don’t think I could make it   But this would be a great year to enter the Ragbrai

5 years ago

Ah-Ha… “racial purists”!
Ok, makes sense, now.

5 years ago

Bink – you were fine blaming those who voted for SFB – well, from an EC total, they delivered – of course there were 3M less of them, but that’s our flawed system.  The purists I suspect patd was referring to were the folks in 2016 who defined Bernie as a pure dem and anyone else as something less.  Today I’d guess it’s the idol worshipers who malign mainstream dems as not sufficiently adhering to the ideals they think define democrats.  But patd can explain what patd meant better than I.  What I can say is that purists most assuredly did not mean racial purists – that’s really mostly on the repug side of the aisle. 

5 years ago

The Dept of weird and mo weird 
Mussolini’s granddaughter is defending Trump against Jim Carrey on Tweeter. Threatens to sue for defamation of character.  
(But oh, that accent, eh?)

5 years ago

She’s catching bloody ‘ell. 

5 years ago

It may behoove one not to over-analyze my musings, pogo.  I’m not sure patd knew what patd meant- i’m just having fun.

5 years ago

There have been many factors that contributed to HRC’s 2016 electoral defeat, both legitimate and not-so-much, but i’ll assert that her lazy campaign with no defined platform or agenda didn’t win swing-votes, especially in the Rust Belt.
Trump had a platform- sure it was vicious, divisive, and destructive, but it was well-defined.
Point being- maybe support a candidate with a defined platform that has the motivation and energy to do the necessary campaigning to win hearts and minds?  Is a late-septuagenarian with questionable Liberal bona-fides the best person to do that?  Meh.

The only platform i’ve heard Biden articulate is “give me one-term to fix this mess”. How, exactly, considering almost the entire legacy of the administration in which you served for two terms was erased in less than two years?

5 years ago

Yeah, benito was a peachy guy. Just ask the Ethiopians, French, Albanians, Greeks and Jews, in the order of his peachiest deeds. Fortunately for our team, he was on the other team.

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Looking at this picture, I have a bit of concern of posting this on any Caturday.  I do think Chunky is smiling though.

5 years ago

I’ll gladly vote for Biden if he can win the nomination. In the meantime, I’ll support Klobuchar and Booker as long as they are in the running. 
I’m also thinking of reverting to being a ripper, and getting my pals to become rippers, to support William Weld or any other ‘never trump’ old white protestant ivy league guy. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

If Joe Biden is the nominee I’ll vote for him but he’s not even a candidate

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I think the candidate should be someone who Trumpettes won’t turn out to vote against

5 years ago

KC, that’s a quantum leap for you. FWIW I’ll vote for anyone, even Bernie!, who’s the Dem nominee. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I’m still with Amy 

5 years ago

the orange said today that his father was born in Germany. Naturally, his mother’s husband was born in NYC.
Quite naturally.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

The oranges of the Mueller Report

5 years ago

Btw, Madge L. mcconnell insinuated today that the orange orange is crazy.

And, we all knew that w/o the voice of the turtle.

5 years ago

KC, have at. I’d love to see her (1) poll ahead of SFB and (2) win the nomination. I like her BTW. Harris is another favorite of mine. She beats SFB by 1 point more than Joe and I’m all in for her. 

I, too, hope they consider the oranges of the Mueller investigation. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! (Stoopid shit).

5 years ago

a person posing for the camera© HO / AFP/Getty Images
“MAGA bomber” Cesar Sayoc has penned a hand-written letter to a judge insisting that he never intended for the letter bombs he mailed to President Trump’s enemies to actually blow up.

“The intention was only to intimidate and scare,” Sayoc, 57, wrote in the letter filed in Manhattan Federal Court Tuesday.
“What started out as hoax, decoys, devices were not ever meant to work or could have worked, hurt or harm anyone.”
The unstable Florida man’s teary guilty plea last month featured legal arguments about whether his 16 improvised explosive devices could have actually detonated. Sayoc confirmed during the hearing that he knew the bombs sent to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CNN and others could inflict harm.
In his new letter he said he made that statement under “extreme emotional circumstances.”
The right-wing fanatic faces up to life in prison for the letter bombs that sparked a national manhunt in October. When Sayoc was arrested he was living in a van covered in stickers of Trump’s enemies — many of them prominent Democrats — with crosshairs over their faces.

5 years ago

Oh god.   If ifs and buts were a punch in the nuts it would be better than his (SFB’s) health care plan. Colbert is the fucking best. 

5 years ago

I’ll take any Democrat except Bernie (who isn’t one and is a total fraud), but Amy is my favorite of the pack so far.