High noon Texas style -El Paso vs Baby Trump

Supporters, protesters prepare for President Trump’s rally in El Paso

Many locals questioned why Trump said the city was once one of the nation’s most dangerous cities, prompting a written response from El Paso’s Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar.
In her penned letter to the White House, Escobar asked the president to apologize to the residents of the city for the comments.
“These distortions about our vibrant community are harmful to our reputation and degrade our spirit,” Escobar wrote. “I urge you to treat this visit as your opportunity not only to correct the record and ensure that the misinformation you stated on the national stage is retracted but also an opportunity to apologize to El Pasoans for the disparagement of our community.”
Escobar is set to join Beto O’Rourke, a former Democratic congressman from Texas, who will join a 1-mile march past the president’s rally and give a speech across the street around the same time Trump plans to take the stage.
Trump’s rally comes just four days before the possibility of another government shutdown.
Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, are also expected to attend.

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6 years ago

Looking at El Paso crime stats from 1999 until today, it doesn’t appear that a hell of a lot has changed, and any drop was in the first couple of years over that period.  There is no discernible drop following the erection of the wall/fence in that area.

El Paso Violent Crime vs. State and National Per Capita


6 years ago

The thought of watching a trump rally turns my stomach…   but I might peek in for a few minutes just to see that blimp.


and in the meantime….   Shutdown talks take a turn for the worse.

6 years ago

I don’ timagine SFB’s handlers will let teh blimp into his lie fest.  Pity.

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Pogo – You can see the cable and what I was dealing with in this video.  I decided to order a new one due to the age and probable damaged condition of the old one.  It is probably an original that came with the boat in nineteen eighty-three.  So for a half a boat buck I got a new one.  About fifteen feet of the old one had been sitting in water for several years so it is possible it has a lot of corrosion.  In the video I mention a crush area.  It is possible that internally the wires could have some shorts.  Although I show simple attempts to cut the sheath, those were to show how tough these shore power cable sets are.

6 years ago

Greg Sargent gets to the nub of the “beds” debate.

According to a House Democratic aide, Democrats on the conference committee asked ICE for a breakdown of the current 20,000 or so in custody — how many are dangerous criminals, and how many are merely longtime residents with no criminal record or who have committed minor infractions, like traffic violations?

The aide tells me that ICE is refusing to answer that question. “We have sought a breakdown of how many people in interior enforcement detention are actually dangerous, but they simply won’t engage in constructively answering,” the aide said.

Instead, the aide noted, ICE has responded by saying, in essence, that there’s no point in breaking down those detained, because “they’re all dangerous,” as the aide put it. “They want us to believe that people with minor traffic violations are dangerous criminals who should be deported,” the aide says.

Democrats are asking the administration to justify their demand for more detention beds, and say they’re getting nothing serious back. A spokesperson for DHS didn’t immediately return an email for comment.

My money says ICE doesn’t know that number, but knows that if they DID it would be much less than the 16,500 the Dems offered.  Of course SFB knows that if he can keep those numbers out of the mix and mischaracterize all of the detainees as dangerous criminals (like the women and children they have detained and either split up or kept together) his base won’t get the distinction and he will  be able to justify wit his base shutting the gov’t down.

6 years ago

That will be the best half a boat buck you spend on your boat.  I doubt the cable is bad but it’s basically covered in petrified plastic now and I wouldn’t stake my boat (or my ass) on changing out the ends.

6 years ago


Washington declares State of Emergency.  Plows unable to reach Starbucks.

6 years ago

Non Cogito ergo Dumb

6 years ago

I wonder if he washes his hands after he wipes his ass following a poop if he can’t see any shit on them?   Or is that extra aroma not a real thing?  Or whether he washes his hands after he takes a pee in a bar before returning to the nut bowl on the bar?  Antony van Leeuwenhoek – and every kid who ever looked at a drop of water through Leeuwenhoek’s invention and saw his discovery – might just disagree with him. 

6 years ago

That snow looks like something shy of a foot, Jamie – which tells me there ain’t enough plows up there to deal with a foot of snow, or even half f that.  But if the caffeine addicted population can’t access Starbucks we are definitely talking about an emergency declaration issuing from Olympia.  My BIL and his wife would have to break out the emergency coffee press.

6 years ago


Son just sent a movie of the hugh fluffy flakes now falling right after he shoveled his drive way this morning.  The pile up on the pile up could get interesting for those who dared to commute.


6 years ago

In anticipation of the dueling rallies tonight, a little wall history, courtesy of Politifact.

In his speech in El Paso on immigration reform on May 10, 2011, President Obama declared that the fence along the border with Mexico is “now basically complete.”

Still, he predicted that many Republican opponents won’t be satisfied.

“We have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement,” Obama said. “All the stuff they asked for, we’ve done. But even though we’ve answered these concerns, I’ve got to say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time.” 

“They’ll want want a higher fence,” Obama said. “Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied. And I understand that. That’s politics.”

But the same day as Obama’s speech, Sen. Jim DeMint penned an op-ed forNational Reviewin which he countered that the Obama administration has “not done its job to finish the border fence that is a critical part of keeping Americans safe and stopping illegal immigration.”

“Five years ago, legislation was passed to build a 700-mile double-layer border fence along the southwest border,” DeMint wrote. “This is a promise that has not been kept. Today, according to staff at the Department of Homeland Security, just 5 percent of the double-layer fencing is complete, only 36.3 miles.”

You need to go back to the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President George W. Bush. It authorized the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along the border with Mexico. The act specified “at least two layers of reinforced fencing.”

But the law was quietly altered in a significant way the following year.

Responding to urging from the Department of Homeland Security — which argued that different border terrains required different types of fencing, that a one-size-fits-all approach across the entire border didn’t make sense — Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas,  proposed an amendment to give DHS the discretion to decide what type of fence was appropriate in different areas. The law was amended to read,  “nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location.”

In other words, Border Patrol would have the leeway to decide which type of fencing was appropriate in various regions.

Note to all – this was all done by Republicans, and the squabbles were between Republicans over the amendment of the Act – until Obama implemented building fence, etc. pursuant to the language in the Act, although the 2007 amedment came out of a Dem controlled congress, but was proposed by Repug Hutchison and signed into law by Shrub.  But it was all Obama’s fault according to the nationalists – DeMint, Hunter and King.  Of course still it was repugs who passed it and repugs who proposed amending it.  So STFU about Obama.

(Full disclosure – the article is much more lengthy than what I cited from it and I was too lazy to put triple asterisks to indicate where I jumped forward – IOW, read the article i fyou want toknow what I skipped and you are missing.)

6 years ago

Okay, boys and girls, in 15-minutes the Gamecock women from South Carolina will be tipping-off against the UConn Ladies from the Univ of Connecticut up north at Storrs. It’ll probably be a pretty good game. ESPN2

6 years ago

…only other guy i’ve known to watch women’s b-ball, in earnest, was a really good dude, also.

6 years ago

…really wish Democrats would stop negotiating with Our Criminal President as if he was a legitimate leader.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago


Never eat nuts, chips etc from a bowl on a bar.  The non-handwasher  is the rule

6 years ago

Well, The numbers.

Trump: 6500 inside some where between 4000 to 6000 outside.

El Paso March for Truth with Beto et al: 10,000 to 15,000

They say  the  March for truth crowd would have been larger except it was  so cold in El Paso,

Yeah tell that to Amy,  Hey Texas, what a bunch of wusses.


6 years ago

Glad to see Beto out where he really belongs in front of a crowd. He is terrible as a navel gazer.

My faves so far for president and in no particular order Kamala, Amy and Beto. It is all we need the rest need to go home.


6 years ago

One last thought before bed

I know there has been some championing for Joe Biden but if that old man doesn’t get out of his rocker and do a little work……  Hey   the bus is leaving everyone else is on board.
