84 thoughts on “Go Right Ahead”

  1. I think someone with a loud voice should say — an illegitimate president wants to give a lifetime appointment o a man who thinks abortion should be forbidden

  2. Not ssure they haven’t effectively written suburban women off already.  I haven’t seen anything that suggests they think they need to do anything other than claim the economy is booming to try and attract them.

    Mortonie, interesting idea – about the Times editorial coming from SFB or one of his minions at his behest.  Won’t work on me – I kinda think it’s entertaining, but Kavanaugh is important.  Unfortunately, of the 4 Repug senators who I thought might vote against Kavanaugh to rub SFB’s nose in it (Flake, Corker, Collins, Murkowski), I don’t see it happening.  BTW, Kavanaugh might look like a cherub, but in reality he’s more akin to a spawn of Satan.

  3. Funniest tweet today goes something like:

    A top or senior aide to you, the president, writes an anonymous op-ed in the New York Times, calling you a brain dead asshole, and you cannot narrow it down to one hundred or so people, you do not have a lot of friends.

  4. Remember even if  Anonymous isn’t a plant – he is still trying to make us believe they can control IMPOTUS and where is the evidence that is true.   Did they leave the evidence in North Korea?

  5. Just seems like the only aim of the piece was to increase his paranoia……… who would most want to do that?

    seems to be working.

  6. Bruce Bartlet believes Mr. Anon.  isn’t a high level official but some lower level with a fancy title. One point that is a good one , why go to the time op-ed page why not leak to the times WH correspondent. much better protection.

    Personally I believe it to be a farce cribbed from Woodward’s book, ready for the joker to reveal how he punked NYT any day.


  7. Sturge is right about Marsha Blackburn.  She’s one of the worst of the republicritters – and that’s a pretty fucking high bar.

    Listening to Kavanaugh’s “answers” regarding Roe, his prior statements and opinions, etc…., I hate to say it, but he sounds like such a fricking lawyer.  When he said he doesn’t want to answer hypotheticals, I cannot fathom why one of the Dems – Kamala Harris or Blumenthal would be the naturals for this – didn’t say something to the effect that “As an appellate judge you ask lawyers to opine on hypotheticals related to the issues in their cases all the time, but when asked by us, who are judging whether you should get a lifetime job on the highest court in our land, you refuse to do what you demand of those whose cases you judge?  WTF kind of dodge is that Judge Kavanaugh?”

  8. Poobah, Black burn undoubtedly will attempt to ride Lee’s coattails and bring in SFB to bump her numbers in the end.  The intriguing polls to me are the FL Governor and Senate polls.  Who knew Florida was still purple?

  9. Kava-nope said he didn’t understand the question about any laws governing male bodies.  So, he either lied to avoid the question (and we don’t need liars on the court) or he’s too stupid to be a SC Justice.

  10. No friends

    No pets

    No playlist

    No favorite author or books or movies

    no basketball picks


  11. yeah , Sturge that’s what they say, still feels like a set up.

    Wouldn’t be the first time the NYT swallowed the bait and ya got to admit they got lots of reasons to take it. Money, clicks and being first at the top.


  12. One thing the Trumpster always has, dried out steaks and catsup. Reason enough to impeach him IMO


  13. we are watching the Eagles Falcon game    go iggles and in honor of Phila we are having roast pork sandwichs with broccoli

  14. Watching Trump Rally on Fox. I’ve never seen one of his crowds so bored, even the hand-picked people behind him look miserable. Forgetting to hold up their signs.

  15. Poobah, ain’t nuthin new for the crowd. Same tired old shit. Even paid acolytes aren’t interested anymore.

  16. Craig

    Did you notice next to the kid in the plaid shirt was another kid in an FFA jacket(used to have one of them btw) when plaid jacket left FFA kid had a “well shit wish I had the guts to do that” look on his face. A lot of youngsters behind Trump  looks to me anyway. and everybody looks like their sign and hat were handed to them as they walked in.


  17. Pogo

    No but given the occasion I could have been nerd enough to have done it.  It is a farm boy thing, be polite and respectful, but be proud you are FFA. BTW when I was that age we were so poor my FFA jacket was dressup. Bought my first suit and tie for graduation. As I remember it was $85. given that I earned the money bucking hay at $.02 a bale that was about 5 days of hard work.


  18. yes Jack i did notice that. I almost captured it 2 pics above. Also, never a good sign when your audience gets the most excited when they know you’re almost finished.

  19. lol, like the big dawg when he rambled forever  with the speech he gave at the 88 convention. The loudest applause was when he said “in conclusion”.

    But I think you are right about Trump, you can do this shit too much and as any comedian can tell you once you do a routine on national TV ya gotta retire it and  write some new stuff. Trump has got a lot of miles out of an old bit.


  20. BTW, it was your picture I was referring to with the FFA guy. I haven’t got the stomach to listen Trump or tune in to Fox. Thankyou for your sacrifice.


  21. The NYT Op-Edder sounds like a naive person…..either a younger person trying to sound old or older person trying to sound young..

  22. Imagine sitting in congress trying to get confirmed to the Supreme Court and you have a little “heiress” asshole sitting behind you making “secret hand signs” . What a pair of Dipwads.


  23. I wanted to join FFA but there wasn’t a chapter in fifty miles of where I lived.  I did not want to join Future Scientists or Future whatevers.  Farming was more interesting.

    Looks like the Mid-Atlantic is going to get wet next week, Red Cross has started the ramp up to a disaster.  If you are on the East Coast north of Florida it might be a good time to check the hurricane supplies.

  24. “NYT Op-Edder sounds like a naive person…..either a younger person trying to sound old or older person trying to sound young..”


    wiki:  Stephen Miller (political advisor) Stephen Miller (born August 23, 1985) is U.S. President Donald Trump’s senior advisor for policy. He was previously the communications director for then-Alabama senator, Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

  25. my bet is still on jeff secessions.

    1. nytimes more likely to take the heat on an unusual anonymous publication, honoring an AG inevitably on way out,  to give the author more time to avoid being precipitously fired and immediately causing dominoes to fall on Rosenstein and mueller before investigation is completed.

    2. jeff knows he goes for sure come election time.  he has nothing more to lose, already been called coward and worse since recusal.  perhaps he and miller wrote the op ed and jeff will spare id-ing his former staffer, taking full  responsibility.

  26. Stephen Miller is a racist pig and would never cross Trump  he is the architect of all of IMPOTUS racist immigration policies   I rather doubt he is resisting anything SFB does

  27. another hint, consider this statement in the NYT op ed:
    The bigger concern is not what Mr. Trump has done to the presidency but rather what we as a nation have allowed him to do to us. We have sunk low with him and allowed our discourse to be stripped of civility.
    Senator John McCain put it best in his farewell letter. All Americans should heed his words and break free of the tribalism trap, with the high aim of uniting through our shared values and love of this great nation.
    We may no longer have Senator McCain. But we will always have his example — a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue. Mr. Trump may fear such honorable men, but we should revere them.

    with this one made last month:

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former Alabama senator: “His support for President Bush’s surge in Iraq at a time when things had been going badly and public support had eroded was one of the most dramatic, important, patriotic, and selfless actions I had the honor to witness in that body. His presidential aspirations were entirely set aside. He totally deployed his considerable strength and energy to what he believed was best for his country.”

  28. Maybe it’s like The Breakfast Club.  One person wrote it for all resistance-fighters on staff.    My guess is that Dan Coats is Anthony Michael Hall.

  29. Listening to Obama talking in Urbana Illinois, actually has me tearing up.  I so miss him.  I miss adult words and sentences. I miss logical thoughts.  Wouldn’t it be a blast to see Biden run in 2020 with Obama as his veep, then step aside to let Obama become president?

  30. BB: I’m with you on missing hearing Obama speak. Wonder what the word cloud for this speech would compare with word cloud for IMPOTUS. Visually, it would be musical notes vs. scribbles.

  31. Had to record Obama while I went to the grocery. Now watching. Having watched all of Trump last night and now this I’m remembering what a real president looks like.

  32. He was great and makes IMPOTUS look like he really is. …..the sleazy used car salesman we accidentally elected president.  I blame the goopers and they are trying to blame the Democrats for their own failing.

    SFB said if Democrats control the house they will impeach me.  Since the Democrats aren’t talking about that — and I think  it’s a good strategy–  it reminds people it can happen but they have to vote.  Now finally, the more he speaks the more he hurts himself.

    I hope we are done once and for all with that craptastic notion that his supporters are anything but assholes–each and everyone of them.  I am not interested in anyone who would support him at all.  There is no reason for him to be president except for the stupidity and greed of a certain portion of the electorate and political players.

  33. And this is not Obama’s first foray in politics since leaving office.  He and his buddy Eric Holder have been suing states over re-districting and you can see that impact in Pennsylvania.

    The Republicans know the more people who vote the worse they do that’s why they do what they do to keep people from voting.   They are anti-Democracy.   No wonder they feels so comfortable with Vlad

  34. Betsy DeVos is a joke – she has a private school education and she is a low information cabinet member.   It’s hard to say which cabinet secretary is the worst.  As a group there is no comparison, by far the worst least qualified most corrupt cabinet ever.

    I’m afraid to look at what Ben Carson is doing.

  35. after all the vitriol, hate, bullying, lying and chaotic nonsense for almost 2 years it was great to hear hope and high mindedness.   after listening to Obama’s speech, like taking a refreshing shower that leaves one feeling clean and energized and ready to face the day to do good works.

  36. KGC…  our oldest niece is married to an art teacher, Damon.  His father is a staunch Republican and a big trump supporter and so was Damon.  He’s a really nice guy and we figured the only thing he knew about politics was what he grew up hearing.  Our niece grew up in Vermont and loves you know who…  so she always tried to set Damon straight.  But once trump named DeVos to be his education secretary it opened his eyes.  Now Damon hates trump and the GOP.  He has become a staunch Democrat much to the chagrin of his father.

  37. good to hear Obama give a shout out to the parkland kids’ efforts.  here’s their latest according to Orlando

    sun sentinel:  
    HeadCount.org has released a new video with Parkland students and graduates to inspire young people to vote in the upcoming Nov. 6 elections.
    The video opens with a brief narration by Parkland school shooting survivor Cameron Kasky who is heard declaring “Today is the beginning of a bright new future for this country’’ and “the voters are coming.”
    The video then unfolds in a series of montages of young people including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School classmates and grads David Hogg, his sister Lauren and Emma Gonzalez.
    Actor Amandla Stenberg, who played Rue in “The Hunger Games’’ and starred in another movie “Everything Everything,” is also featured in the video along with rapper Kevin Abstract of the hip-hop group Brockhampton.

    HeadCount.org is a New York-based nonprofit group that uses music to get people to vote online or in person through voter registration drives at concerts.
    Gonzalez, Hogg and other Parkland students and graduates spent the summer traveling the country for the “Road To Change’’ tour urging people to register to vote.

  38. Ah…..senior official…..but writing “in persona”, not as himself but in the voices of all the carpers, gripers, back stabbers, rats, and malcontents in the administration.

    thatd mean he’s known to the boss

    jack may be right

  39. She undoubtedly fell on her eye. Shoes and floors/carpets and the courts have improved since then.

  40. Finally watching the last episode of Ken Burns Vietnam. Our abandonment of those people is utterly disgraceful. A fucking tree was more important to our idiot ambassador than the Vietnamese people who worked in our embassy. Refusing to cut it down prevented helicopters from saving lives.

  41. They can all deny writing it as “I” because it was a joint effort?

    Rand Paul is a despicable, little Nazi, suck-up.   Lie-detector tests.  Pffft!

  42. Craig – SFB is also sending Vietnamese back to Vietnam.  Many of the Vietnamese people I know in the States have a price on their heads by the Viet Cong who took over the South.  If they are sent back it is certain they will be killed.  But, that does not matter to a slime.  They are not rich white males.

  43. The helicopters were there to evacuate embassy personnel and their dependents. They came from off-shore. The last thing they wanted was for a deluge of people to swamp them causing everybody, American and Vietnamese, along with the choppers to be lost. As space allowed as the primary evacuees were taken out, Viets were also taken out.

    Why were 60,000 US troops killed? Because, despite appallingly bad leadership and lack of popular support, we followed orders.

  44. jack, thanks for that link about the ky 6th race.  sure hope amy wins in nov.

    BTW, chris hayes filled us in tonight on the plaid shirt guy you noticed leaving the twit rally last night.  seems he got the hook.    guess his facial expressions questioning the ubermeister  didn’t set well with the playbook handlers.

  45. buzzfeed story on plaid shirt guy… click to see a lot of close up pics

    His name is Tyler Linfesty, 17, and he’s a senior at Billings West High School. He found out Thursday morning that he won VIP seating at the rally through a raffle and the chance to take a picture with the president before the rally.
    But we’re just going to call him Plaid Shirt Guy for now.
    Linfesty told BuzzFeed News that he reacted how he would have if anyone said what Trump said.
    “I tried to take each issue individually. Every time he said something I disagreed with, I apparently very visibly disagreed,” Linfesty said. “I was the only person behind him who wasn’t cheering and clapping at everything he said. I wanted to be true to myself.”
    He remembers responding strongly to Trump’s remarks about his tax plan.
    “He said it’s making America do better and helping people in the middle class,” Linfesty said. “That’s false. The benefits only go to the 1%.”
    But he agreed when Trump said that the Democratic presidential primary had been “stolen” from Bernie Sanders.
    “You can see me clapping and visibly agreeing with what he said,” Linfesty pointed out.
    Linfesty said that he and his friends were asked to leave by people they believe were Trump staffers.
    “I saw this woman from the campaign walking towards me who said, ‘I’m going to replace you.’ I knew they were kicking me out because I wasn’t clapping or cheering enough.”
    He had no idea he was going viral at that point, though he did know his friends were watching.
    He was taken to a room with Secret Service and police before being asked to leave.
    Still, the trolling isn’t over yet.
    As part of the prize, Linfesty was able to have his picture taken with the president before the rally, which he took as another opportunity to troll the campaign.
    He was wearing a pin with a rose on it, the logo of the Democratic Socialists Of America (DSA), while taking the picture, though he hasn’t seen the resulting photo. He doesn’t think he ever will. He made the pin, he said, by taping a DSA rose he printed himself over a University Of Pennsylvania pin. He also put it on during Trump’s speech.
    Linfesty said he largely agrees with the politics of the DSA, though he is not an official member. He said he’ll be 18 by the midterms but declined to say who he’ll vote for, although “it won’t be Rosendale or Gianforte.”
    During the photo op, Linfesty also tried to trick Trump into signing a copy of The Communist Manifesto by wrapping it in a cover from Trump’s own book The Art Of The Deal as a joke. He said he also asked Trump to sign a MAGA hat, but the president didn’t sign either.

  46. Trumpco was opposed to Plaid Shirt Guy’s freedom of (facial) expression.    They are a sad, disgusting lot, propping up a mentally deficient megalomaniac.  Suckabee is the worst of the lot.  How does she sleep at night?  Prolly upside down in a cave.

  47. Flatus, it is just so upsetting to me to re-learn once again how so many were so misled. That’s it for me. I don’t want to read or hear or think about this war ever again.

    I see them at the VA with my Dad. Broken, ruined by their country, doing their best, lost in faraway thoughts, mixed up syntax, bizarre metaphors, it’s sickening.

  48. All Quiet on the Western Front was another book that did. All Quiet on the Western Front is a horror story. This is a book where you lose your childhood, your faith in a meaningful world, and your concern for individuals. You’re stuck in a nightmare. Sucked up into a mysterious whirlpool of death and pain. You’re defending yourself from elimination. You’re being wiped off the face of the map. Once upon a time you were an innocent youth with big dreams about being a concert pianist. Once you loved life and the world, and now you’re shooting it to pieces.
    Day after day, the hornets bite you and worms lap your blood. You’re a cornered animal. You don’t fit anywhere. The falling rain is monotonous. There’s endless assaults, poison gas, nerve gas, morphine, burning streams of gasoline, scavenging and scabbing for food, influenza, typhus, dysentery. Life is breaking down all around you, and the shells are whistling. This is the lower region of hell. Mud, barbed wire, rat-filled trenches, rats eating the intestines of dead men, trenches filled with filth and excrement. Someone shouts, “Hey, you there. Stand and fight.”
    Who knows how long this mess will go on? Warfare has no limits. You’re being annihilated, and that leg of yours is bleeding too much. You killed a man yesterday, and you spoke to his corpse. You told him after this is over, you’ll spend the rest of your life looking after his family. Who’s profiting here? The leaders and the generals gain fame, and many others profit financially. But you’re doing the dirty work. One of your comrades says, “Wait a minute, where are you going?” And you say, “Leave me alone, I’ll be back in a minute.” Then you walk out into the woods of death hunting for a piece of sausage. You can’t see how anybody in civilian life has any kind of purpose at all. All their worries, all their desires – you can’t comprehend it.
    More machine guns rattle, more parts of bodies hanging from wires, more pieces of arms and legs and skulls where butterflies perch on teeth, more hideous wounds, pus coming out of every pore, lung wounds, wounds too big for the body, gas-blowing cadavers, and dead bodies making retching noises. Death is everywhere. Nothing else is possible. Someone will kill you and use your dead body for target practice. Boots, too. They’re your prized possession. But soon they’ll be on somebody else’s feet.
    There’s Froggies coming through the trees. Merciless bastards. Your shells are running out. “It’s not fair to come at us again so soon,” you say. One of your companions is laying in the dirt, and you want to take him to the field hospital. Someone else says, “You might save yourself a trip.” “What do you mean?” “Turn him over, you’ll see what I mean.”
    You wait to hear the news. You don’t understand why the war isn’t over. The army is so strapped for replacement troops that they’re drafting young boys who are of little military use, but they’re draftin’ ‘em anyway because they’re running out of men. Sickness and humiliation have broken your heart. You were betrayed by your parents, your schoolmasters, your ministers, and even your own government.
    The general with the slowly smoked cigar betrayed you too – turned you into a thug and a murderer. If you could, you’d put a bullet in his face. The commander as well. You fantasize that if you had the money, you’d put up a reward for any man who would take his life by any means necessary. And if he should lose his life by doing that, then let the money go to his heirs. The colonel, too, with his caviar and his coffee – he’s another one. Spends all his time in the officers’ brothel. You’d like to see him stoned dead too. More Tommies and Johnnies with their whack fo’ me daddy-o and their whiskey in the jars. You kill twenty of ‘em and twenty more will spring up in their place. It just stinks in your nostrils.
    You’ve come to despise that older generation that sent you out into this madness, into this torture chamber. All around you, your comrades are dying. Dying from abdominal wounds, double amputations, shattered hipbones, and you think, “I’m only twenty years old, but I’m capable of killing anybody. Even my father if he came at me.”
    Yesterday, you tried to save a wounded messenger dog, and somebody shouted, “Don’t be a fool.” One Froggy is laying gurgling at your feet. You stuck him with a dagger in his stomach, but the man still lives. You know you should finish the job, but you can’t. You’re on the real iron cross, and a Roman soldier’s putting a sponge of vinegar to your lips.
    Months pass by. You go home on leave. You can’t communicate with your father. He said, “You’d be a coward if you don’t enlist.” Your mother, too, on your way back out the door, she says, “You be careful of those French girls now.” More madness. You fight for a week or a month, and you gain ten yards. And then the next month it gets taken back.
    All that culture from a thousand years ago, that philosophy, that wisdom – Plato, Aristotle, Socrates – what happened to it?  It should have prevented this. Your thoughts turn homeward. And once again you’re a schoolboy walking through the tall poplar trees. It’s a pleasant memory. More bombs dropping on you from blimps. You got to get it together now. You can’t even look at anybody for fear of some miscalculable thing that might happen. The common grave. There are no other possibilities.
    Then you notice the cherry blossoms, and you see that nature is unaffected by all this. Poplar trees, the red butterflies, the fragile beauty of flowers, the sun – you see how nature is indifferent to it all. All the violence and suffering of all mankind. Nature doesn’t even notice it.
    You’re so alone. Then a piece of shrapnel hits the side of your head and you’re dead.
    You’ve been ruled out, crossed out. You’ve been exterminated. I put this book down and closed it up. I never wanted to read another war novel again, and I never did.
    Charlie Poole from North Carolina had a song that connected to all this. It’s called “You Ain’t Talkin’ to Me,” and the lyrics go like this:
    I saw a sign in a window walking up town one day. 
    Join the army, see the world is what it had to say. 
    You’ll see exciting places with a jolly crew, 
    You’ll meet interesting people, and learn to kill them too.
    Oh you ain’t talkin’ to me, you ain’t talking to me.
    I may be crazy and all that, but I got good sense you see.
    You ain’t talkin’ to me, you ain’t talkin’ to me.
    Killin’ with a gun don’t sound like fun. 
    You ain’t talkin’ to me.
    —-From Nobel acceptance Speech, Bob Dylan


  49. Flatus, I’m trying to figure out what you think was Burns’ intellectual dishonesty if the impression Craig got from Burns’ Vietnam was the message Burns intended.

  50. BiD, more on adventures of avenatti in the latest about the other NDA kerfuffle

    from news4jax:

    LOS ANGELES (CNN) – The onetime mistress of former deputy Republican National Committee Finance Chairman Elliott Broidy alleged in newly revealed court documents that she was physically abused by Broidy, and she charges that he was emboldened by President Donald Trump’s alleged mistreatment of women and belief that he could get away with it.
    The disturbing new allegations about the relationship between Broidy, a Republican fundraiser and Trump supporter, and former Playboy model Shera Bechard were unsealed Friday by Judge Elizabeth Allen White in Los Angeles Superior Court. Broidy and Bechard had signed a $1.6 million agreement that was to be paid to Bechard for an undisclosed “personal injury.” The deal required the parties to keep the details of the relationship confidential, but the agreement was breached and it spilled into public view.
    “Although Mr. Broidy said that Mr. Trump was ‘an idiot,’ who ‘could not even pronounce the names of countries correctly,’ ” the newly unsealed court documents filed by Bechard say, “Mr. Broidy admired Mr. Trump’s uncanny ability to sexually abuse woman and get away with it. Mr. Broidy began to hurt Ms. Bechard physically during their sexual activities — touching her in ways to which she did not consent.”
    Bechard alleges that Broidy, a Republican mega donor, impregnated her and then pressured her to have an abortion. “Initially, he supported her keeping the baby,” she says in the court documents. “But he quickly changed his tune and began demanding that she gets an abortion, insisting that ‘Nobody can know.’ ”
    When the allegations became public last spring, Bechard sued Broidy after learning in a newspaper article that she may not receive the rest of the payment. The two parties ended up in court fighting over how the confidentiality breach occurred, as well as over Bechard’s allegation that she has not received a portion of the money owed.
    Broidy’s attorneys have fought to keep the court documents sealed. The complaint says Bechard wanted to have the baby but “was scared of Mr. Broidy.” She also accused Broidy of refusing to wear condoms while failing to inform her that he had herpes, according to her complaint.
    In the newly unsealed court documents, Bechard claimed she knew Broidy carried a gun in his car, and she alleges that he told her he had “connections who could make people disappear.” Bechard’s attorney said in the complaint that they had recovered some of the details about the affair in text messages, photos and notes taken by Bechard’s then-attorney Keith Davidson.
    The complex legal case involves some familiar names. Bechard sued Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who represents the adult film star known as Stormy Daniels, for allegedly leaking information about her relationship with Broidy. He is representing himself.
    On Friday, the spokesperson for Stris & Maher, the firm representing Bechard, also said: “Judge White found Shera Bechard has persuasive evidence that Michael Avenatti illegally pressured Ms. Bechard’s former lawyer to hand over her confidential information. We think that ruling speaks for itself, and we will vigorously oppose all of Mr. Avenatti’s attempts to avoid answering to a jury for his misconduct.”
    Avenatti says he plans to appeal the judge’s ruling.
    Davidson, who is also the former attorney of Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal in different cases, is also a defendant in the case. He is accused of breaching the agreement by telling Avenatti about it, while also poorly representing his client and pressuring her to get an abortion.
    Avenatti told CNN he was “pleased that the judge sided with him and the media to unseal the documents.” The judge also threw out two of the accusations against him.
    The person who represented Broidy in crafting the confidentiality agreement with Bechard is also a well-known name: Michael Cohen, who was then Trump’s personal attorney. Cohen is not being sued in this case.

  51. Pogo, Craig is an expert observer. He was left with the impression through his visualization of Burn’s work that the simple act of the ambassador directing the tree in the compound to be cut would have allow indigenous workers to be saved in greater numbers. Would it be so.

    In fact there was chaos in the compound. The gates were on their way down. It was every person for him or her self. The addition of helicopters to the mix would risk even greater losses than what occurred.

    Visualize the sight of what actually did transpire–the sea-borne choppers arriving and plucking the queued people from the the perch that they had accessed by ladder aided by Marine embassy guards. A close friend of mine along with his wife made it out this way ending up on Guam.

    As space was available, at risk Vietnamese employees were evacuated as well. These were generally people who worked in sensitive positions within the attache offices. They were not groundskeepers and other employees in non-sensitive positions.

    The kids just arrived and I must leave–


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