Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

Marcus Annaeus Seneca (54 BC – 39 AD), aka Seneca the Elder

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

One of the current hot topics of the talking heads is the speed at which advertisers are leaving the Laura, the lip, Ingraham show on Fox.  They talk about all sorts of reasons, afraid of being seen as supporting hate.  Add in they are concerned about losing the generation of Millennials.

Looking at the cable channels viewership you see a lot of people watching Fox, MSNBC and CNN.  Lots of people in the older age brackets.  The Baby Boomers and on the edge of the Boomers, who are retiring or ending their working careers and looking forward to time in the garden.  Unless there are special circumstances they are not buying new homes or furnishing new apartments or condos.  They are not buying a lot of new cars and trucks.

The advertisers know where their ads are showing.  They buy the data from the online companies and from the cable providers.  They know when and who is watching the programs.  Although a lot of ads are sold in bundles and the advertisers do not know exactly when an ad is run, they can find out and when they receive a tweet or an email, they know when someone does not like it.

The generation who is in the sights of the advertisers are not on cable television.  They are on phones and tablets.  They are using streaming tools.  They are using social media.  That is why the advertisers pull the ads back from showing.  The loss of advertisers for O’Reilly and now Ingraham should not be seen as odd. These should be seen as the new normal for shows.

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A court filing says Mueller’s team has connected former Trump deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates to a person with ties to a Russian intelligence service while Gates worked on the campaign.

Obstruction of Justice
NEW from NYT: Trump’s former lawyer John Dowd suggested to Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort’s lawyers that Trump would pardon them if they didn’t work with Mueller.

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Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has called on supporters of tighter gun-control legislation to fight for more permanent reform: repeal of the Second Amendment. “That simple but dramatic action would move Saturday’s marchers closer to their objective than any other possible reform,” Stevens wrote in a New York Times op-ed column.

The Cake Stinks

This argument that Trump’s adultery is “Baked in the Cake” with voters is ridiculous. Before the 2016 election voters did not know he used thugs to silence and threaten women, or violate campaign finance laws to pay off frightened accusers. Spare us the specious claim voters knew this.

Hello Midterms! The voters are coming.