Quixotic minds are asking quizzical questions 

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Latest @isikoff makes one wonder: Is Trump’s “witch hunt” crusade really about protecting Russians from his own FBI?

Wonder why @FoxNews seems so eager to protect Russians from the FBI? #FoxNews

Wonder why Rep @Jim_Jordan seems so eager to protect the Russians from the FBI?

Why wonder about the obvious?

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Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Awaiting the morning glory and the night skies are filled with asteroids, lunar phases faces and skull faces.  There are signs everywhere in the skies that we on the blue planet have a humperdoo for a US prez as he sits in his golf diapers and plays with his tweeter at his lair.

Patd, I have two words for Al Franken…marc sanford.  I think Franken can survive the ‘gillibranding.’

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

I have written to my congrussian, stevan pearce about the tax debacle and his response is always the same…the big lie.
Major changes include the doubling of the standard deduction; lower tax rates for families, small businesses, and manufactures; and overall simplification of the complex tax code.
The many families in New Mexico and across the country who have dealt with stagnant wages and a 70,000-page tax code, can now focus on saving for education and retirement.

Now that is the funniest thing this guy has said…such a comedian.   Those 70,000 pages are heavy on an old body.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Any tax cuts for the middle class or cola to the pensioners in 2018 will be wiped-out by the increase in oil and gas prices (seems more planned than a surprise).   Average citizens will pay for a cold winter and the cost of getting to work while the rest will be impacted by increases in food prices.   State coffers will fill with oil and gas revenues while drilling in Alaska starts in earnest.  The repugs and trump see this as a win instead of their pretend gifts to the average America.    We will end-up paying big time for our utilities.  People will only be able to travel on their cell phones as they replace auto ownership with cell phone ownership — hey it’s all they can afford!

Meanwhile, so many Americans homeless this winter, without electricity.  The repugs also continue to ignore the graying of America all the while the elites continue to party on wall street and the crimea.

7 years ago

“I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,” Trump tells NYT

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Craig, I am sure Mueller loves the fact the generals have left king baby untethered at MAL to be interviewed by the NYT.

Trump admin regression-du-jour?  Safety rules change today on oil drilling.

The Trump administration is overhauling how federal officials monitor safety procedures on offshore drilling operations, revising a pair of rules enacted in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill on the grounds that they are overly burdensome on industry.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

An opine about a statement trump made regarding firing Mueller in that NYT interview. The photo of trump and hand atop the NYT article says so much more than his beauty speak interviews.

President Donald Trump told The New York Times in an interview published Thursday that the investigation into potential collusion between his campaign team and Moscow had strengthened his base and prompted some “great congressmen” to begin “pointing out what a witch hunt the whole thing is.”

But while Trump said he expected Mueller would treat him “fairly,” his remark about how the investigation had galvanized his supporters is perhaps a better indicator of why Trump may have taken firing Mueller off the table, for now, as it suggests he is aware of, and confident in, his allies’ ongoing campaign to undermine and discredit the special counsel.

7 years ago

One of our best investigative reporters is really on to something here …

Michael Isikoff: “In just the last few weeks, his [Mueller’s] prosecutors have begun questioning Republican National Committee staffers about the party digital operation that worked with the Trump campaign to target voters in key swing states. They are seeking to determine if the joint effort was related to the activities of Russian trolls and bots aimed at influencing the American electorate, according to two of the sources.”

7 years ago

Sounds as if Mueller is marching ahead at a plod.

7 years ago

Yep Flatus, think the tortoise might just get his catch.

7 years ago

Biographer claims Trump’s ‘cartoonishly ridiculous’ Times interview proves he’s scared of Bob Mueller

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Patience is a virtue

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

SFB should be scared of Mueller

The goopers have a lot to answer for  Paul Ryan should retire he knows what’s coming – he is going to spend his final days ending social security and medicare.  And with great glee.  I’ll bet nothing excites him like that.  I have never seen him so animated.   Perhaps Ken Burns should do a show about what was happening to the elderly before the Hill-Burton act.  Ryan is a dumb ass twit who has no understanding of the role of government in a civil society.  He is a polite version of SFB


7 years ago

SFB better hope that if he fucks w/ the Mueller probe at all that Dems don’t flip the house in November.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

How much does SFB hate LGBTQ people?  So much that he canned the HIV/AIDS White House group.  What the moron does not apparently understand that straight people get HIV/AIDS.  Oh wait a minute, people of color are victims too.  White power to the orange idiot.

7 years ago

While perusing todays harvest of comments, it occurred to me that there is a certain whiff of anger emanating from the Trail Hands that was not present before the  Tax Deformation Act.

7 years ago

I haven’t been paying attention to politics since Xmas Eve day…   lots of family around and they aren’t leaving until tomorrow.  I’ve been reading here to get the news…  and as always…  you guys (and gals) haven’t disappointed.

I’ll get back into it after the weekend.

7 years ago

I hate to inject realism into our proceedings, but a flip of the HoRs will not be sufficient to pry the usurper from the White House. The Senate must also change, and bigly so, as two thirds of the senators present are necessary to convict on a bill of impeachment. Considering the proclivities of joe manchin, the Dems are now 20 senators short.

However, the HoRs could fail to appropriate the funds necessary to operate the White House, the electricity and water thereof, Marine 1, the limousines, and the White House guards, etc, etc, etc. That could be a nuisance to the usurper.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Another sadness as this crappy year stumbles to an end.  Sue Grafton died.  She made it to “Y”.  A shame as she was only 77.

Yesterday I learned that one of the Denver reporters I spent a bit of time with died a couple days ago.  He was only 54.


7 years ago


A long as the economy is strong (& this was a boffo holiday season in my area; customers spending money big time) won’t that be a public shield for the President? This is a man elected after Access Hollywood; after the insults to war hero/veteran John McCain; after insulting Carly Fiorino’s (& by default a large segment of women) physical attractiveness. If you have a job, a paycheck, can sleep tonight knowing that you’ll still have your house & car tomorrow you’re probably not looking to rock that boat. Politicians are politicians, nudge nudge, wink wink. What matters ….. how am I doing.

7 years ago

Retired Justice Dept and FBI associations such as @NAFUSAorg should step up against bogus Trump/GOP assaults aimed at protecting Russia.

7 years ago

Blue Bronc,

Presidents routinely get rid of others’ appointees. President Obama did it with President W’s HIV/AIDS group. Is #45 doing this in hate? Who knows, but he has the right, however we feel about it. Pretty darn sure if the next President is a Democrat she/he will be sweeping out #45’s appointees with a black-hole powered vacuum.



7 years ago

Enough with Twitter.  Back to when the nation had brains.  I’m watching the CSpan show on Emerson and then came across the Hamilton quote.

Leave it to others to discuss how far the Republic has been degraded by the lust for money and power.


7 years ago


One of the favorite people in my life always commented on the song  “The Impossible Dream” as

“When you face the unbeatable foe, you get creamed.”

7 years ago


Just got the notice on my Social Security.  The COLA raise would have given me $30 more a month but the raise in insurance costs means I get a $6.00 cut.



7 years ago


Let us hope that L’etat Moi doesn’t give way to Apre Moi Le deluge

How much actual damage can Trump and cabinet not to mention possible replacements and cabinets do to the whole fabric of the United States?


7 years ago

XR, don’t think for a moment that I believe flipping the House will get SFB impeached and convicted. Absent him shooting Mueller on Fifth Avenue I don’t believe that SFB would ever be convicted in the Senate. It would be a Clinton redux, but I doubt it would boost SFB’s popularity like it ultimately did for Bill.

7 years ago

I’m sorry to hear of the passing of Ms Grafton.

Some of the authors I follow have written series that have become formulaic over the years. That doesn’t necessarily make them bad or boring, and I’ll still read each new offering. But I found that Ms Grafton’s stories and writing never reached that stale stage that seemed like the ideas had run short and the book was written simply because another one was due. Ms Grafton didn’t rush her books, despite clamoring fans wanting the next as soon as they finished the last. She was varsity.

It’s a shame there won’t be a Z, but Y is for Yesterday stands as a worthy end to Kinsey Milhone’s story.


7 years ago

patd, I see that as SFB doing his usual talking out of his ass.  Stupid bastard.

7 years ago

Can’t stop this this sick feeling that Hillary-hating, Mueller-bashing, Trump-glorifying members of Congress are on Putin’s payroll.

7 years ago

Rose Marie also died

7 years ago

It is a fair question to ask any member of Congress attacking the Mueller investigation if they have taken any money from Russian sources.

7 years ago

Rose Marie elsewhere than Dick Van Dyke where she was wonderful

7 years ago

We are getting to the end of the year.  What movies have you actually gone to a theater or on line to see?  So far because we are a movie family, this is the list



The greatest Showman

Darkest Hour


Florida Project

Of those likely to get Academy nominations I still haven’t seen

Three Billboards

The Florida Project

Call Me By Your Name

Shape of Water

Get Out

Lady Bird

Anybody care to put in their two cents worth (DAVID) on what they have seen and loved or not?



7 years ago

looks like a good post for tomorrow Jamie

7 years ago

Oh, Rose Marie too? Dang. The name recognition and overall popularity may not be the same as the end of last year, but seems like the cosmos is still throwing gut punches. Although at 94, I suppose we can safely say that Rose Marie had a full life and career.

On a related note, AMC is doing a movie tribute to actors who died in 2017. We’re just sitting down to enjoy Apollo 13, starring Bill Paxton (among a stellar cast). Next up is Thoroughly Modern Millie, a delightful film but a curious choice as tribute to Mary Tyler Moore.

Jamie – We saw Murder on the Orient Express last month, and of course The Last Jedi this week. I can’t remember anything else this year. I’m sure we went to other shows, but clearly nothing that stuck with us. I would like to check out Darkest Hour, and also The Post.

7 years ago

Jamie, I set up your movie query for tomorrow’s post.

7 years ago


sounds good.  I would have done it if I didn’t read that remark at 7:00 this evening but will definitely comment.  There is all sorts of good You Tube stuff out there


7 years ago

Rose Marie, 9 decades in show business, thanks for the fun.


7 years ago

Setting it up for tomorrow. What I love about this place is that it is human.  Sure there are political groups.  There are film places.  There music venues.   Some people wander off into Broadway.

On Trailmix, you find them all in one place.  Of course this may be the definition of the liberal elite or just that we think about a whole lot of things.

7 years ago

Mr Pogo,

I meant no reflection on you or your legal expertise, sir. I only wrote the facts to inject some sobriety into the irrationally exuberant hopes that a few of us cherish with religious fervor. In other words, I was being a downer.