It’s That Special Time of the Year Again

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

If it’s December 23rd you better watch out you’d better not cry, it’s Festivus!

The slogan of Festivus is “A Festivus for the rest of us!” The usual holiday tradition of a tree is manifested in an unadorned aluminum pole, which is in direct contrast to normal holiday materialism. Those attending Festivus may also participate in the “Airing of Grievances” which is an opportunity to tell others how they have disappointed you in the past year, followed by a Festivus dinner, and then completed by the “Feats of Strength” where the head of the household must be pinned.

All of these traditions are based upon the events in a Seinfeld episode. Strangely enough, our Festivus traditions also have roots that pre-date Seinfeld, as it began in the household of Dan O’Keefe, a television writer who is credited for writing the Seinfeld episode.

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Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Happy Festivus to all.  Maybe not to all, just good people.

7 years ago

here’s my grievance…


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

A beautiful morning glory here and I saw a falling star…a fitting start to Festivus!  Thank-you, patd and you, too, RR for tickling my funny bone (in a platonic way, too).

We are all made of stars.  Clinging to science and humor, I found this gift satisfying on both sides of the equation.  And not for the faint of heart?  The gift of war.   2018…the year of our constitutional crisis and war with the ruskies.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Low-key trump heads to M-A-L lair for a Merry Christmas.   Spotted in the news this week, a dust-up with AFP at the WH.  Meanwhile, the fbi interviews continue with many members of the AFP and both manafort and gates are still under house arrest.  AFP and gates.   The RNC is clearly involved with the AFP and that may be the real push back by repugs and congrussians to stop Moscow Mueller.

from the article —

Mr. Lewandowski aggressively criticized the Republican National Committee, as well as several White House departments, five people briefed on the discussion said. He told the president that his government staff and political advisers at the party committee were doing little to help him, three of the people briefed on the meeting said. He pointed to, among other thinned-out departments, the Office of Public Liaison.

From memory, John DeStefano was moved to the the Office of Public Liaison…former data guy spawned from boehner…I wonder if he has been interviewed by the fbi.   trump’s close assistant was recently interviewed.  The repugs were behind the eight ball on the fbi agents removed in Mueller’s probe.  Those moves happened last summer and I linked a few liberal blogs wetting the bed over Strzok and Page and Boente.   Then it was forgotten.   Now the repugs are clinging to any story to bring down the house of Mueller.   Is trump on a short leash?


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

For the lovers of the ruskie intrigue, I did link this site.  It is a treasure trove trolling of trump.

The Committee to Investigate Russia is a nonprofit, non-partisan resource provided to help Americans recognize and understand the gravity of Russia’s continuing attacks on our democracy. All relevant information is aggregated in one place to provide context and allow users to see the full picture of what Russia has done and will continue to do unless we start paying closer attention.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

comey comments on James Baker reassignment at the fbi.

— according to the New York Times, Wray is also under pressure from President Trump to reassign Comey loyalists within the agency.

If comey isn’t wildly nauseous for allowing the ruskies and the rogue fbi office to play him?   The man shouldn’t be so sanctimonious.

7 years ago

Well, well, well……..Joan Walsh out at msnbc…….at midnight, no less….

7 years ago

The second they move on Mueller, the indictments will be as snow flurries.

yes, little man, go ahead and fire me……..

7 years ago

So many fox people moving to lame stream media…….odd, that…..

7 years ago

7 years ago

Very seldom anyone gets un-fired, though……

7 years ago

To each and every one of you for whom my stridency and insensitivity and closed ears have caused anger and disappointment and frustration, I beg your forgiveness; I will try to do better.
Flatus Ohlfahrt

7 years ago

But- but-but……that’s what makes you fun……….

7 years ago

STFU Coastie, I weren’t speaking at youse!

7 years ago

Sturg, I’m going to Kroger, you need anything?

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

We have two dogs that cannot be left alone so when we go out we either take Lloyd the Border Collie with us or leave him at a neighbor’s.  Sunday night we went to pick him up and it turned out Lloyd had left the neighbors and gone home where he let out our 15 yo welsh terrier who is a bit hard of seeing and hearing.  I slept with the door open (in other words didn’t sleep hoping to hear him)  As soon as it was light he turned up wet and muddy but seemed ok with his adventure.   There are coyotes and mountain lions in our neighborhood.  I still have not recovered —  I thought I was hallucinating when I saw him coming up the hill.
Lloyd is the Eddie Haskell of dogs

7 years ago

Ummm………maybe some Claxton Fruitcake?

7 years ago

Ahhh, Coastie……..that brings some back…….at one time that was my actual name as I was the only Coastie in my Aviation Electronics class at a Naval training facility in Memphis……still in touch with a couple of the guys from back there who hardly know my real name……

7 years ago

First critter sighting at Animal Kingdom today. Perhaps too precious for Dem mascot.

7 years ago

Komodo Dragon

7 years ago

My front runner so far.

7 years ago

Sturg, I like Claxton, too. Let me wait a month or so when it’s 75% off and I’ll get a years worth for both of us, ok?

7 years ago

Flic the Ant

7 years ago

Roger dat……Let the Claxtons Roll…..

7 years ago

And the good news is if one of em should fall down behind something and you find it in 6 or 7 years…..It’ll still be just as good……

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Ahh fruitcake.  Homemade fruitcake, rum soaked fruit, lots of nuts and it is fermented for a couple of months.

7 years ago

This song was posted on a local social network with a holiday greeting attached.

As the individual doesn’t get irony I’m assuming he didn’t know the song,

So is the proper greeting for the day, Happy Festivus  or  “FU, I don’t want to hear it.””


7 years ago

Pick Flic

Who is Joan Walsh? (Maybe that’s the problem?)

Nothin’ better than a good fruitcake, but nothin’ worse than a bad one.

Cranky Festivus to all

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

7 years ago

Down to the last four minutes of my USF Bulls v Texas Tech in the Birmingham Bowl on ESPN. USF leads by 4 in a real Donnybrook.

7 years ago

7 years ago

Joan Walsh hired by CNN